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Showing words for WHISKER using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Whisker
6 Letter Words for Whisker
5 Letter Words for Whisker
4 Letter Words for Whisker
3 Letter Words for Whisker
Definitions for Whisker
[1] whiskers, a beard.
[2] Usually whiskers. side whiskers.
[3] a single hair of the beard.
[4] Archaic . a mustache.
[5] one of the long, stiff, bristly hairs growing about the mouth of certain animals, as the cat or rat; vibrissa.
[6] Also called whisker boom, whisker pole . Nautical . any spar for extending the clew or clews of a sail so that it can catch more wind.
[7] Radio , Electronics . cat whisker.
[8] Crystallography . a thin filament of a crystal, usually several millimeters long and one to two microns in diameter, having unusually great strength.
[9] by a whisker , by the narrowest margin: She won the race by a whisker.
[10] any of the stiff sensory hairs growing on the face of a cat, rat, or other mammal Technical name: vibrissa
[11] any of the hairs growing on a person's face, esp on the cheeks or chin
[12] (plural) a beard or that part of it growing on the sides of the face
[13] (plural) informal a moustache
[14] Also called: whisker boom , whisker pole any light spar used for extending the clews of a sail, esp in light airs
[15] chem a very fine filamentary crystal having greater strength than the bulk material since it is a single crystal. Such crystals often show unusual electrical properties
[16] a person or thing that whisks
[17] a narrow margin; a small distance he escaped death by a whisker
Words related to Whisker
hair, filament, bristle, breadth, trace, whiff, whisper, fraction, touch, tinge, hairsbreadth, hairbreadth
Words nearby Whisker
whirry, whish, whisht, whisk, whisk broom, whisker, whiskered, whiskery, whiskey, whiskey jack, whiskey rebellion
Origin of Whisker
late Middle English word dating back to 1375–1425; see origin at whisk, -er1
Other words from Whisker
whisk·er·y , adjective