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Showing words for WHITEWASHING using the English dictionary

12 Letter Words for Whitewashing


10 Letter Words for Whitewashing


9 Letter Words for Whitewashing

sheathing, whishting, whitewash, whitewing

8 Letter Words for Whitewashing

gahnites, giantish, heatings, heisting, insheath, inswathe, inweight, ithagine, nighties, nightish, swathing, sweating, thawings, thiasine, thingies, thingish, waisting, waitings, weatings, whiniest, whishing, whisting, whitings, wingiest

7 Letter Words for Whitewashing

aheight, anights, antwise, aswithe, awniest, easting, eatings, eighths, ethnish, gahnite, gainest, gainset, genista, hashing, hasting, hawsing, heating, heights, hething, hewings, highest, hishing, histing, ignites, ingates, ingesta, inhiate, insight, isatine, nighest, nighish, nightie, seating, shantih, shawing, shehita, sheitan, shewing, shintai, shiting, sighten, signate, sinaite, sithing, stawing, stengah, stewing, sthenia, swithen, tahinis, tangies, tashing, tawings, tawnies, tawsing, teasing, thawing, tsigane, twinges, wahines, waiting, waniest, wansith, wanties, washing, wastine, wasting, weighin, weights, westing, whewing, whinges, whitens, whities, whiting, whitish, wingate, winiest, wishing, wisting, withhie, withies, withing, withins, withsaw

6 Letter Words for Whitewashing

ageist, agents, ahhing, anight, ashine, ashing, aswing, athens, athing, aweigh, aweing, easing, eating, eighth, eights, estang, gainst, ganesh, gawish, gawsie, geisha, gesith, ghaist, giants, gisant, haeing, hagein, haints, haiths, hangie, hasten, hating, hawing, heaths, heighs, height, heishi, hestia, heting, hewing, hieing, hights, hinges, histie, hithes, ignite, ingate, ingest, insite, inwith, inwits, isatin, naigie, nawies, neighs, newish, nights, sainte, saithe, sangei, santii, satine, sating, sawine, sawing, sawnie, seitan, seniti, sewing, shahin, shanti, sheath, shiite, sigint, signet, sithen, siting, snaith, snathe, sneath, snight, snithe, stagne, steigh, stenia, stinge, swathe, sweath, swinge, swithe, swiwet, taeing, tahini, tangie, tangis, tashie, tawing, tawnie, teaing, teaish, tenias, tensaw, tewing, thagis, thanes, thegns, theins, thiasi, thighs, things, tiewig, tinage, tineas, tinges, tinies, tisane, tiswin, twains, twangs, twines, twinge, wagwit, wahine, waites, wanwit, washen, washin, weighs, weight, whangs, whaten, wheats, whenas, whines, whinge, whisht, whiten, whites, whitin, wigans, wights, winish, wisent, wising, witans, withen, withes, within, witing

5 Letter Words for Whitewashing

aegis, agent, agist, ahent, ahigh, ahing, ahint, aitis, angst, anigh, anise, antes, antis, ashen, ashet, ating, atwin, awest, awhet, awing, awiwi, ehing, eight, enhat, entia, entsi, eshin, etang, etnas, etwas, ewing, gaine, gains, gaist, gaits, gants, gates, gaths, geans, geast, geats, geisa, geist, geits, genas, genii, genit, gents, getah, getas, ghain, ghast, ghats, ghest, giant, gites, gnash, gnast, gnats, gnaws, gwine, haine, hains, haint, haith, haiti, hange, hangs, hanse, hants, hasht, hasnt, haste, hates, hathi, hawse, heast, heath, heats, heigh, heist, hents, heths, hewgh, hiant, hiate, highs, hight, hinge, hings, hints, hithe, hsian, hsien, ignaw, ignis, insea, inset, intis, inwit, naght, naish, nates, nathe, neath, neats, neigh, neist, newts, niais, nighs, night, nisei, saine, saint, saith, sangh, sanit, satin, segni, sengi, senit, senti, sewan, sewin, shahi, shant, shawn, sheat, sheng, shent, sheth, shewa, shewn, shiah, shiai, shina, shine, shita, siena, sient, sieth, sight, signa, sinai, sinew, singe, singh, sithe, siwan, snath, snite, stage, staig, stain, stane, stang, stawn, stean, stegh, stein, steng, stine, sting, swage, swain, swang, swath, sweat, swine, swing, swith, tahin, taigs, tains, taise, taish, tangi, tangs, tanhs, tawie, tawse, tenai, tenga, tenia, thagi, thane, thans, thawn, thaws, theah, thegn, theia, thein, thens, thews, thigh, thigs, thine, thing, thins, thisn, tiang, tiens, tiges, tinea, tines, tinge, tingi, tings, tsine, twaes, twain, twang, tweag, twigs, twine, twins, wages, waget, wains, waise, waist, waite, waits, wanes, wangs, wants, wasnt, waste, wawes, weans, weigh, wents, wetas, whang, whase, whats, wheat, whein, whens, whets, whews, whewt, whigs, whine, whing, whins, whish, whist, white, whits, wigan, wight, wines, wings, wisha, wisht, wiste, witan, witen, wites, withe, withs

4 Letter Words for Whitewashing

agen, ages, aget, agin, agit, agni, agst, ahhs, aine, ains, aint, aith, aits, anes, anet, anew, anis, ansi, ante, anti, ants, asin, ates, atis, awes, awin, awns, eans, east, eath, eats, eigh, engs, etas, eths, etna, ewts, gaen, gaes, gaet, gain, gait, gane, gant, gash, gast, gate, gath, gats, gawn, gean, geat, gein, geit, gena, gens, gent, gest, geta, gets, ghat, gien, gies, gins, gise, gish, gist, gite, gith, gits, gnat, gnaw, haen, haes, hagi, hags, hain, hait, hang, hani, hans, hant, hash, hasn, hast, hate, hath, hats, haws, heat, hehs, heii, heng, hens, hent, hest, heth, hets, hews, hewt, hies, high, higi, hine, hing, hins, hint, hish, hisn, hist, hits, hwan, inga, inia, init, inst, inta, inti, isnt, isth, itai, itas, iwis, nagi, nags, naig, nais, nash, nasi, nast, nats, nawt, neat, negs, nesh, nest, neth, neti, nets, news, newt, ngai, nies, nigh, nisi, nist, nits, sage, sahh, sain, sane, sang, sant, sate, sati, sawt, seah, sean, seat, seit, sena, sent, seta, seth, sewn, shag, shah, shan, shaw, shea, shet, shew, shia, shih, shin, shit, shtg, sian, sien, sigh, sign, sina, sine, sing, sinh, sita, site, sith, siti, snag, snaw, snew, snig, snit, stag, staw, steg, sten, stew, stge, stie, swag, swan, swat, swig, taen, tags, taig, tain, tais, tane, tang, tanh, tans, tash, tawn, taws, tean, teas, tega, tegs, teng, tens, tews, thae, thai, than, thaw, thea, then, thew, thig, thin, this, tien, ties, tige, tigs, tine, ting, tins, tshi, tsia, twae, twas, twie, twig, twin, waeg, waes, wage, wagh, wags, wain, wait, wane, wang, wans, want, wase, wash, wasn, wast, wate, wath, wats, wawe, waws, wean, wens, went, west, weta, wets, whan, what, when, whet, whew, whig, whin, whit, whse, wigs, wine, wing, wins, wint, wise, wish, wist, wite, with, wits, wiwi

3 Letter Words for Whitewashing

aes, age, ags, agt, ahh, ahi, ahs, ain, ais, ait, ane, ans, ant, ase, asg, ash, ast, ate, awe, awn, aws, ean, eas, eat, ehs, eng, ens, est, eta, eth, ewt, gan, gas, gat, gaw, gen, get, gie, gin, gis, git, gns, gte, hae, hag, han, has, hat, haw, heh, hei, hen, hes, het, hew, hgt, hia, hie, hin, his, hit, hts, hwt, ign, ihi, ihs, ing, ins, int, ise, ish, isn, ist, ita, its, iwa, nae, nag, nah, nas, nat, naw, nea, neg, nei, net, new, nie, nig, nis, nit, nth, sag, sah, sai, san, sat, saw, sea, seg, sei, sen, set, sew, sha, she, shh, shi, sht, sie, sig, sin, sit, sta, stg, swa, tag, tai, tan, tas, taw, tea, teg, ten, tes, tew, tgn, tha, the, tie, tig, tin, tis, tng, tsh, tsi, twa, twi, wae, wag, wah, wan, was, wat, waw, wen, wet, wha, whs, wig, win, wis, wit, wnw, wsw

Definitions for Whitewashing

[1] a composition, as of lime and water or of whiting, size, and water, used for whitening walls, woodwork, etc.
[2] anything, as deceptive words or actions, used to cover up or gloss over faults, errors, or wrongdoings, or absolve a wrongdoer from blame.
[3] Sports Informal . a defeat in which the loser fails to score.
[4] to whiten with whitewash.
[5] to cover up or gloss over the faults or errors of; absolve from blame.
[6] Sports Informal . to defeat by keeping the opponent from scoring: The home team whitewashed the visitors eight to nothing.
[7] a substance used for whitening walls and other surfaces, consisting of a suspension of lime or whiting in water, often with other substances, such as size, added
[8] informal deceptive or specious words or actions intended to conceal defects, gloss over failings, etc
[9] informal a defeat in a sporting contest in which the loser is beaten in every match, game, etc in a series they face the prospect of a whitewash in the five-test series
[10] to cover or whiten with whitewash
[11] informal to conceal, gloss over, or suppress
[12] informal to defeat (an opponent or opposing team) by winning every match in a series

Words related to Whitewashing

whitewashblanch, varnish, palliate, vindicate, conceal, suppress, extenuate, sugarcoat, camouflage, paint, whiten, launder, white, liberate, exonerate, veneer

Words nearby Whitewashing

whitewashwhitesmith, whitethorn, whitethroat, whitetip shark, whitewall, whitewash, whitewater, whitewater rafting, whitewing, whitewood, whitey

Origin of Whitewashing

First recorded in 1585–95; white + wash

Other words from Whitewashing

white·wash·er , noun
un·white·washed , adjective

Synonyms for Whitewashing

gloss over, blanch, camouflage, conceal, exonerate, extenuate, launder, liberate, paint, palliate, sugarcoat, suppress, varnish, veneer, vindicate, white, whiten, make light of