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Showing words for WHODUNIT using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Whodunit


7 Letter Words for Whodunit


6 Letter Words for Whodunit

iwound, nowhit, outwin

5 Letter Words for Whodunit

dhoni, dhoti, dhuti, hindu, hound, hundi, indow, thund, tondi, unhid, unhit, unhot, unwit, width, wound

4 Letter Words for Whodunit

dhow, dino, dint, doit, doni, dont, doth, dout, down, dowt, duit, dunt, hind, hint, hoin, hoit, hond, hont, hoti, hout, hund, hunt, idun, into, iowt, nito, nodi, nout, nowt, odin, oint, thin, thio, thon, thou, thow, thud, tind, toun, towd, town, tund, tuno, tuwi, twin, udon, undo, unio, unit, unto, whid, whin, whit, whod, whot, whud, whun, widu, wind, wino, wint, with, wont

3 Letter Words for Whodunit

dhu, din, dit, don, dot, dow, duh, dui, dun, duo, dwt, hid, hin, hit, hod, hoi, hon, hot, how, hud, hui, hun, hut, hwt, ido, ind, int, ion, iou, itd, iud, iwo, nid, nit, nod, noh, not, now, nth, nut, oni, ont, oud, oui, out, owd, own, owt, thd, tho, tid, tin, tiu, tod, toi, ton, tou, tow, tui, tun, twi, two, udo, uit, unh, uni, uti, who, wid, win, wit, wod, won, wot, wud, wun, wut

Definitions for Whodunit

[1] a narrative dealing with a murder or a series of murders and the detection of the criminal; detective story.

Words related to Whodunit

riddle, conundrum, subtlety, question, enigma, secrecy, problem, thriller, puzzlement, mystification, perplexity, stickler, cliffhanger, twister, occult, cryptogram, crux, difficulty, poser, why

Words nearby Whodunit

who's, who's afraid of virginia woolf?, who's who, who-does-what, whoa, whodunit, whodunnit, whoe'er, whoever, whole, whole ball of wax, the

Origin of Whodunit

1925–30; jocular formation from question Who done it?, for standard English Who did it?

Synonyms for Whodunit

conundrum, enigma, problem, question, riddle, secrecy, subtlety, thriller, abstruseness, charade, chiller, cliffhanger, crux, cryptogram, difficulty, grabber, inscrutability, mystification, occult, oracle, perplexity, poser, puzzlement, rebus, rune, sphinx, stickler, stumper, teaser, twister, why, brainteaser, braintwister, closed book, inscrutableness, mindboggler, sixty-four-thousand-dollar question, tough nut to crack