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Showing words for WHOPPING using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Whopping
7 Letter Words for Whopping
6 Letter Words for Whopping
5 Letter Words for Whopping
4 Letter Words for Whopping
3 Letter Words for Whopping
Definitions for Whopping
[1] very large of its kind; thumping: We caught four whopping trout.
[2] extremely; exceedingly: a whopping big lie.
[3] to strike forcibly.
[4] to defeat soundly, as in a contest.
[5] to put or pull violently; whip: to whop out a book.
[6] to plump suddenly down; flop.
[7] a forcible blow.
[8] the sound made by it.
[9] a bump; heavy fall.
[10] informal uncommonly large
[11] (tr) to strike, beat, or thrash
[12] (tr) to defeat utterly
[13] (intr) to drop or fall
[14] a heavy blow or the sound made by such a blow
Words related to Whopping
colossal, massive, big, extraordinary, gargantuan, giant, gigantic, great, huge, immense, large, mammoth, mighty, monstrous, mountainous, prodigious, tremendous
Words nearby Whopping
whoosh, whoosis, whoosy, whop, whopper, whopping, whore, whoredom, whorehouse, whorehouse cut, whoremaster
Origin of Whopping
1350–1400; Middle English, variant of wap
Word origin for Whopping
C14: variant of wap, perhaps of imitative origin
Synonyms for Whopping
colossal, massive, big, extraordinary, gargantuan, giant, gigantic, great, huge, immense, large, mammoth, mighty, monstrous, mountainous, prodigious, tremendous