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Showing words for WILD using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Wild
3 Letter Words for Wild
Definitions for Wild
[1] living in a state of nature; not tamed or domesticated: a wild animal; wild geese.
[2] growing or produced without cultivation or the care of humans, as plants, flowers, fruit, or honey: wild cherries.
[3] uncultivated, uninhabited, or waste: wild country.
[4] uncivilized or barbarous: wild tribes.
[5] of unrestrained violence, fury, intensity, etc.; violent; furious: wild strife; wild storms.
[6] characterized by or indicating violent feelings or excitement, as actions or a person's appearance: wild cries; a wild look.
[7] frantic or distracted; crazy: to drive someone wild.
[8] violently or uncontrollably affected: wild with rage; wild with pain.
[9] undisciplined, unruly, or lawless: a gang of wild boys.
[10] unrestrained, untrammeled, or unbridled: wild enthusiasm.
[11] disregardful of moral restraints as to pleasurable indulgence: He repented his wild youth.
[12] unrestrained by reason or prudence: wild schemes.
[13] amazing or incredible: Isn't that wild about Bill getting booted out of the club?
[14] disorderly or disheveled: wild hair.
[15] wide of the mark: He scored on a wild throw.
[16] Informal . intensely eager or enthusiastic: wild to get started; wild about the new styles.
[17] Cards . (of a card) having its value decided by the wishes of the players.
[18] Metallurgy . (of molten metal) generating large amounts of gas during cooling, so as to cause violent bubbling.
[19] in a wild manner; wildly.
[20] Often wilds . an uncultivated, uninhabited, or desolate region or tract; waste; wilderness; desert: a cabin in the wild; a safari to the wilds of Africa.
[21] to travel around as a group, attacking or assaulting (people) in a random and violent way: The man was wilded and left for dead.
[22] blow wild , (of an oil or gas well) to spout in an uncontrolled way, as in a blowout. Compare blowout(def 4) .
[23] in the wild , in a natural state or in the wilderness. in the real world; in real life:language learning in the classroom and in the wild.
[24] run wild , to grow unchecked: The rambler roses are running wild. to show lack of restraint or control: Those children are allowed to run wild.
[25] (of animals) living independently of man; not domesticated or tame
[26] (of plants) growing in a natural state; not cultivated
[27] uninhabited or uncultivated; desolate a wild stretch of land
[28] living in a savage or uncivilized way wild tribes
[29] lacking restraint wild merriment
[30] of great violence or intensity a wild storm
[31] disorderly or chaotic wild thoughts ; wild talk
[32] dishevelled; untidy wild hair
[33] in a state of extreme emotional intensity wild with anger
[34] reckless wild speculations
[35] not calculated; random a wild guess
[36] unconventional; fantastic; crazy wild friends
[37] (postpositive foll by about ) informal intensely enthusiastic or excited
[38] (of a card, such as a joker or deuce in some games) able to be given any value the holder pleases jacks are wild
[39] wild and woolly rough; untamed; barbarous (of theories, plans, etc) not fully thought out
[40] in a wild manner
[41] run wild to grow without cultivation or care to behave without restraint
[42] (often plural) a desolate, uncultivated, or uninhabited region
[43] the wild a free natural state of living the wilderness
[44] Jonathan. ?1682–1725, British criminal, who organized a network of thieves, highwaymen, etc, while also working as an informer: said to have sent over a hundred men to the gallows before being hanged himself
Words related to Wild
savage, primitive, natural, lush, free, barbarian, waste, desert, overrun, native, crazy, irrational, nuts, rash, madcap, eager, rough, raving, berserk, profligate
Words nearby Wild
wilbur, wilburite, wilco, wilcox, wilcoxon test, wild, wild about, be, wild apricot, wild bean, wild bergamot, wild bleeding-heart
Origin of Wild
before 900; Middle English, Old English wilde; cognate with Dutch, German wild, Old Norse villr, Swedish vild, Gothic wiltheis
Other words from Wild
wild·ly , adverb
wild·ness , noun
half-wild , adjective
half-wild·ly , adverb
half-wild·ness , noun
o·ver·wild , adjective
o·ver·wild·ly , adverb
o·ver·wild·ness , noun
sem·i·wild , adjective
sem·i·wild·ly , adverb
sem·i·wild·ness , noun
un·wild , adjective
un·wild·ly , adverb
un·wild·ness , noun
Word origin for Wild
Old English wilde; related to Old Saxon, Old High German wildi, Old Norse villr, Gothic wiltheis
Synonyms for Wild
barbarian, desert, free, lush, native, natural, overrun, primitive, savage, waste, agrarian, barbaric, barbarous, dense, deserted, desolate, escaped, feral, ferocious, fierce, indigenous, luxuriant, neglected, overgrown, rampant, rude, unbroken, uncivilized, uncultivated, undomesticated, uninhabited, untouched, vicious