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Showing words for WINDING using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Winding
[1] the act of a person or thing that winds.
[2] a bend, turn, or flexure.
[3] a coiling, folding, or wrapping, as of one thing about another.
[4] something that is wound or coiled, or a single round of it.
[5] Electricity . a symmetrically laid, electrically conducting current path in any device. the manner of such coiling: a series winding.
[6] bending or turning; sinuous.
[7] spiral, as stairs.
[8] air in natural motion, as that moving horizontally at any velocity along the earth's surface: A gentle wind blew through the valley. High winds were forecast.
[9] a gale; storm; hurricane.
[10] any stream of air, as that produced by a bellows or fan.
[11] air that is blown or forced to produce a musical sound in singing or playing an instrument.
[12] wind instrument.
[13] wind instruments collectively.
[14] the winds, the members of an orchestra or band who play the wind instruments.
[15] breath or breathing: to catch one's wind.
[16] the power of breathing freely, as during continued exertion.
[17] any influential force or trend: strong winds of public opinion.
[18] a hint or intimation: to catch wind of a stock split.
[19] air carrying an animal's odor or scent.
[20] solar wind.
[21] empty talk; mere words.
[22] vanity; conceitedness.
[23] gas generated in the stomach and intestines.
[24] Boxing Slang . the pit of the stomach where a blow may cause a temporary shortness of breath; solar plexus.
[25] any direction of the compass.
[26] a state of unconcern, recklessness, or abandon: to throw all caution to the winds.
[27] to expose to wind or air.
[28] to follow by the scent.
[29] to make short of wind or breath, as by vigorous exercise.
[30] to let recover breath, as by resting after exertion.
[31] to catch the scent or odor of game.
[32] to change direction; bend; turn; take a frequently bending course; meander: The river winds through the forest.
[33] to have a circular or spiral course or direction.
[34] to coil or twine about something: The ivy winds around the house.
[35] to proceed circuitously or indirectly.
[36] to undergo winding or winding up.
[37] to be twisted or warped, as a board.
[38] to encircle or wreathe, as with something twined, wrapped, or placed about.
[39] to roll or coil (thread, string, etc.) into a ball, on a spool, or the like (often followed by up ).
[40] to remove or take off by unwinding (usually followed by off or from ): She wound the thread off the bobbin.
[41] to twine, fold, wrap, or place about something.
[42] to make (a mechanism) operational by tightening the mainspring with a key (often followed by up ): to wind a clock; to wind up a toy.
[43] to haul or hoist by means of a winch, windlass, or the like (often followed by up ).
[44] to make (one's or its way) in a bending or curving course: The stream winds its way through the woods.
[45] to make (one's or its way) by indirect, stealthy, or devious procedure: to wind one's way into another's confidence.
[46] the act of winding.
[47] a single turn, twist, or bend of something wound: If you give it another wind, you'll break the mainspring.
[48] a twist producing an uneven surface.
[49] wind down , to lessen in intensity so as to bring or come to a gradual end: The war is winding down. to calm down; relax: He's too excited tonight to wind down and sleep.
[50] wind up , to bring to a state of great tension; excite (usually used in the past participle): He was all wound up before the game. to bring or come to an end; conclude: to wind up a sales campaign. to settle or arrange in order to conclude: to wind up one's affairs. to become ultimately: to wind up as a country schoolteacher. Baseball . (of a pitcher) to execute a windup.
[51] to blow (a horn, a blast, etc.).
[52] to sound by blowing.
[53] to signal or direct by blasts of the horn or the like.
[54] a curving or sinuous course or movement
[55] anything that has been wound or wrapped around something
[56] a particular manner or style in which something has been wound
[57] a curve, bend, or complete turn in wound material, a road, etc
[58] (often plural) devious thoughts or behaviour the tortuous windings of political argumentation
[59] one or more turns of wire forming a continuous coil through which an electric current can pass, as used in transformers, generators, etc
[60] another name for wind 2 (def. 14)
[61] a coil of tubing in certain brass instruments, esp the French horn
[62] curving; sinuous a winding road
[63] a current of air, sometimes of considerable force, moving generally horizontally from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure See also Beaufort scale Related adjective: aeolian
[64] mainly poetic the direction from which a wind blows, usually a cardinal point of the compass
[65] air artificially moved, as by a fan, pump, etc
[66] any sweeping and destructive force
[67] a trend, tendency, or force the winds of revolution
[68] informal a hint; suggestion we got wind that you were coming
[69] something deemed insubstantial his talk was all wind
[70] breath, as used in respiration or talk you're just wasting wind
[71] (often used in sports) the power to breathe normally his wind is weak See also second wind
[72] music a wind instrument or wind instruments considered collectively (often plural) the musicians who play wind instruments in an orchestra (modifier) of, relating to, or composed of wind instruments a wind ensemble
[73] an informal name for flatus
[74] the air on which the scent of an animal is carried to hounds or on which the scent of a hunter is carried to his quarry
[75] between wind and water the part of a vessel's hull below the water line that is exposed by rolling or by wave action any point particularly susceptible to attack or injury
[76] break wind to release intestinal gas through the anus
[77] get the wind up or have the wind up informal to become frightened
[78] have in the wind to be in the act of following (quarry) by scent
[79] how the wind blows , how the wind lies , which way the wind blows or which way the wind lies what appears probable
[80] in the wind about to happen
[81] three sheets in the wind informal intoxicated; drunk
[82] in the teeth of the wind or in the eye of the wind directly into the wind
[83] into the wind against the wind or upwind
[84] off the wind nautical away from the direction from which the wind is blowing
[85] on the wind nautical as near as possible to the direction from which the wind is blowing
[86] put the wind up informal to frighten or alarm
[87] raise the wind British informal to obtain the necessary funds
[88] sail close to the wind or sail near to the wind to come near the limits of danger or indecency to live frugally or manage one's affairs economically
[89] take the wind out of someone's sails to destroy someone's advantage; disconcert or deflate
[90] to cause (someone) to be short of breath the blow winded him
[91] to detect the scent of to pursue (quarry) by following its scent
[92] to cause (a baby) to bring up wind after feeding by patting or rubbing on the back
[93] to expose to air, as in drying, ventilating, etc
[94] (often foll by around, about, or upon ) to turn or coil (string, cotton, etc) around some object or point or (of string, etc) to be turned etc, around some object or point he wound a scarf around his head
[95] (tr) to twine, cover, or wreathe by or as if by coiling, wrapping, etc; encircle we wound the body in a shroud
[96] (tr often foll by up ) to tighten the spring of (a clockwork mechanism)
[97] (tr foll by off ) to remove by uncoiling or unwinding
[98] (usually intr) to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course the river winds through the hills
[99] (tr) to introduce indirectly or deviously he is winding his own opinions into the report
[100] (tr) to cause to twist or revolve he wound the handle
[101] (tr; usually foll by up or down) to move by cranking please wind up the window
[102] (tr) to haul, lift, or hoist (a weight, etc) by means of a wind or windlass
[103] (intr) (of a board, etc) to be warped or twisted
[104] (intr) archaic to proceed deviously or indirectly
[105] the act of winding or state of being wound
[106] a single turn, bend, etc a wind in the river
[107] Also called: winding a twist in a board or plank
[108] (tr) poetic to blow (a note or signal) on (a horn, bugle, etc)
Words related to Winding
curving, meandering, crooked, tortuous, sinuous, convoluted, labyrinthine, circuitous, serpentine, twisting, spiraling, involved, roundabout, zigzag, ambiguous, devious, indirect, intricate, snaky, anfractuous
Words nearby Winding
windham, windhoek, windhover, windies, windigo, winding, winding drum, winding frame, winding number, winding sheet, winding staircase
Origin of Winding
31375–1425; late Middle English; special use of wind1
Other words from Winding
wind·ing·ly , adverb
wind·ing·ness , noun
Word origin for Winding
C16: special use of wind 1
Synonyms for Winding
circuitous, convoluted, crooked, curving, labyrinthine, meandering, serpentine, sinuous, spiraling, tortuous, twisting, gyrating, involved, roundabout, zigzag, ambiguous, anfractuous, devious, flexuous, indirect, intricate, mazy, snaky, wriggly