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Showing words for WITHERING using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Withering

withering, wrightine

8 Letter Words for Withering

inweight, thingier, wrething, writhing

7 Letter Words for Withering

enright, heiring, igniter, inherit, nighter, nightie, righten, ringite, tiering, tigrine, twinier, twiring, weighin, weiring, whinger, whinier, whitier, whiting, wingier, withier, withing, writhen, writing

6 Letter Words for Withering

engirt, girnie, greith, heting, hewing, hieing, hinger, hinter, hiring, ignite, ingirt, intire, inwith, inwrit, nigher, nither, rewing, tewing, theirn, thring, tiewig, tinger, tinier, tiring, twiner, twinge, weight, wering, whiner, whinge, whiten, whiter, whitin, wigher, winger, winier, winter, wiring, withen, wither, within, witing, wright, wrihte, writhe

5 Letter Words for Withering

ehing, eight, ering, ewing, genii, genit, giher, girth, grein, greit, grewt, grint, grith, gwine, hinge, hiren, inert, inger, inter, inwit, iring, ither, neigh, niger, night, niter, regin, reign, renig, retin, rewin, rewth, rhein, rhine, right, ringe, rithe, thegn, thein, their, thine, thing, threw, tiger, tinge, tingi, trine, twier, twine, weigh, whein, whine, whing, white, wight, winer, witen, withe, wring, write, writh

4 Letter Words for Withering

eigh, engr, entr, erin, erth, gein, geir, geit, gent, gien, gire, giri, girn, girt, gite, gith, gren, gret, grew, grin, grit, heii, heir, heng, hent, hern, hert, hewt, higi, hine, hing, hint, hire, init, inti, intr, iter, neth, neti, newt, nigh, regt, rein, reit, rent, rgen, rhet, rine, ring, rite, tehr, teng, tern, then, thew, thig, thin, thir, tien, tier, tige, tine, ting, tire, trew, trie, trig, trin, twie, twig, twin, weir, went, weri, wert, when, whet, whig, whin, whir, whit, wine, wing, wint, wire, wite, with, wren, wrig, writ, wrnt

3 Letter Words for Withering

eir, eng, erg, ern, ert, eth, ewt, gen, ger, get, gie, gin, git, gte, hei, hen, her, het, hew, hgt, hie, hin, hir, hit, hwt, ign, ihi, ing, int, ire, neg, nei, net, new, nie, nig, nit, nth, reg, reh, rei, rew, rhe, rie, rig, rin, rit, rte, rti, rtw, teg, ten, ter, tew, tgn, the, tie, tig, tin, tng, tri, twi, wen, wer, wet, whr, wig, win, wir, wit

Definitions for Withering

[1] to shrivel; fade; decay: The grapes had withered on the vine.
[2] to lose the freshness of youth, as from age (often followed by away ).
[3] to make flaccid, shrunken, or dry, as from loss of moisture; cause to lose freshness, bloom, vigor, etc.: The drought withered the buds.
[4] to affect harmfully: Reputations were withered by the scandal.
[5] to abash, as by a scathing glance: a look that withered him.
[6] (intr) (esp of a plant) to droop, wilt, or shrivel up
[7] (intr often foll by away ) to fade or waste all hope withered away
[8] (intr) to decay, decline, or disintegrate
[9] (tr) to cause to wilt, fade, or lose vitality
[10] (tr) to abash, esp with a scornful look
[11] (tr) to harm or damage

Words related to Withering

witherdrooping, shrinking, fading, decaying, wilting, destructive

Words nearby Withering

witherwithdrawing room, withdrawn, withdrew, withe, withe rod, wither, wither on the vine, witherite, withers, withershins, witherspoon

Origin of Withering

1250–1300; Middle English, perhaps variant of weather (v.)

Words that may be confused with Withering

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, witherweather, whether, whither, wither, (see, synonym, study, at, the, current, entry), whither, wither

Other words from Withering

with·ered·ness , noun
with·er·er , noun
with·er·ing·ly , adverb
non·with·er·ing , adjective
o·ver·with·ered , adjective
un·with·ered , adjective
un·with·er·ing , adjective

Word origin for Withering

C14: perhaps variant of weather (vb); related to German verwittern to decay

Synonyms for Withering

decaying, drooping, fading, shrinking, wilting