12 Letter Words for Withstanding
10 Letter Words for Withstanding
inswathing, nightstand
9 Letter Words for Withstanding
gaintwist, gnathitis, hindwings, indistant, instating, instigant, tightwads, twisthand, windtight, withstand
8 Letter Words for Withstanding
daintith, dawnings, dignitas, giantish, gwiniads, hainings, hattings, hindwing, nidating, nithings, sainting, satining, sdaining, shitting, staining, standing, stinting, swaining, swathing, swatting, tainting, tanghins, thawings, tightwad, tintings, tithings, twinings, twisting, waisting, waitings, wantings, whinings, whisting, whitings, windings, wittings
7 Letter Words for Withstanding
anights, antings, antiwit, awnings, daining, daising, danting, dashing, datings, dawning, dawting, dinting, dishing, distain, distant, ditting, dwining, gwiniad, haining, handing, hanting, hasting, hatting, hawsing, hidings, hinting, histing, hitting, indians, insight, instant, inswing, intwist, inwinds, nidings, nithing, nitwits, saining, sanding, shading, shawing, shindig, shining, shintai, shiting, siganid, sinding, sithing, sitting, snawing, staning, stannid, stating, stawing, tahinis, tanghin, tannish, tashing, tasting, tathing, tawings, tawsing, tawting, thawing, tidings, tinding, tinting, titanis, tithing, titians, twights, twining, wadings, waining, waiting, wanings, wannish, wansith, wanting, washing, wasting, whatsit, whining, whiting, winding, wishing, wisting, witgats, withing, withins, witting
6 Letter Words for Withstanding
adight, aiding, anding, anight, annist, anting, ashing, astint, aswing, athing, atwind, atwist, awning, danish, dating, datisi, dawing, dawish, dawtit, dights, digits, dining, diswit, diting, diwani, diwans, dwangs, dwight, gainst, gaitts, gandhi, gawish, ghaist, ghatti, giants, gisant, gittin, hading, hagdin, haints, hating, hawing, hiding, idants, indian, indign, indish, ingans, inwind, inwith, inwits, isatid, isatin, ithand, niding, nights, ninths, nitwit, sandhi, saning, santii, sating, sawing, shanti, siding, sigint, sindhi, singan, sining, siting, snaith, snight, staith, standi, statin, tahini, tahiti, taints, tangis, tanist, tannid, tawhid, tawing, thagis, thiasi, things, thitsi, thsant, thwait, tiding, tights, tingid, tining, tiswin, titans, titian, twains, twangs, twight, wading, waning, washin, wattis, whangs, whitin, widish, widths, wigans, wights, windas, wining, winish, wising, wistit, witans, witgat, within, witing
5 Letter Words for Withstanding
aditi, adits, agist, ahind, ahing, ahint, aitis, angst, anigh, antis, ating, attid, atwin, awing, daint, dangs, dants, dashi, dasht, dasnt, datsw, dawns, dawts, dight, digit, dings, dints, disna, distn, ditas, ditts, diwan, dwang, gadis, gaids, gains, gaist, gaits, gaitt, gants, gaths, gawds, ghain, ghast, ghats, giant, gnash, gnast, gnats, gnaws, hadit, hadnt, hadst, hains, haint, haiti, hands, hangs, hants, hasid, hasnt, hatti, hiant, hindi, hinds, hings, hints, hsian, idant, idgah, igads, ignaw, ignis, indan, india, indin, ingan, innit, intis, inwit, isnad, naght, naish, nandi, nants, niais, nighs, night, ninth, nisan, nitid, nitta, nsaid, saint, saith, sangh, sanit, satin, shand, shant, shawn, shiai, shina, shita, sidha, sidia, sidth, sight, signa, sinai, singh, sitta, siwan, snath, staid, staig, stain, stand, stang, stawn, sting, stint, stith, swain, swang, swath, swing, swith, tahin, taigs, tains, taint, taish, taits, tangi, tangs, tanhs, tanti, taths, tatin, tawts, thagi, thans, thatd, thatn, thats, thawn, thaws, thigs, thing, thins, thisn, tiang, tight, tinds, tingi, tings, tinta, tints, titan, titis, tsadi, twain, twait, twang, twant, twats, twigs, twins, twint, twist, twits, wadis, wadts, wains, waist, waits, wands, wangs, wants, wasnt, watts, whand, whang, whatd, whats, whids, whigs, whing, whins, whist, whits, width, wigan, wight, winds, wings, winna, winns, wisha, wisht, witan, withs
4 Letter Words for Withstanding
adit, agin, agit, agni, agst, aids, ains, aint, aith, aits, ands, anis, anni, anns, ansi, anti, ants, asgd, asin, atis, attn, awin, awns, dags, dahs, dain, dais, dang, dans, dant, dash, dasi, dast, dawn, daws, dawt, dhai, dhan, dhaw, diag, dian, dias, digs, ding, dins, dint, disa, dish, dist, dita, dits, ditt, gadi, gads, gaid, gain, gait, gant, gash, gast, gath, gats, gatt, gawd, gawn, ghat, gids, ginn, gins, gish, gist, gith, gits, gnat, gnaw, hads, hagi, hags, hain, hait, hand, hang, hani, hans, hant, hasn, hast, hats, hatt, haws, higi, hind, hing, hins, hint, hisn, hist, hits, hwan, igad, indn, inga, inia, init, inns, inst, inta, inti, isdn, isnt, isth, itai, itas, iwis, nagi, nags, naid, naig, nain, nais, nant, nash, nasi, nast, nats, nawt, ngai, nidi, nids, nigh, nina, nisi, nist, nits, sadh, sadi, said, sain, sand, sang, sant, satd, sati, sawt, shad, shag, shan, shaw, shia, shin, shit, shtg, sian, sida, sidh, sidi, sigh, sign, sina, sind, sing, sinh, sita, sith, siti, snag, snaw, snig, snit, stad, stag, stat, staw, stid, swad, swag, swan, swat, swig, tads, tags, taig, tain, tais, tait, tang, tanh, tans, tash, tath, tats, tawn, taws, tawt, thai, than, that, thaw, thig, thin, this, tidi, tids, tigs, tind, ting, tins, tint, titi, tits, tshi, tsia, twas, twat, twig, twin, twit, wadi, wads, wadt, wagh, wags, waid, wain, wait, wand, wang, wans, want, wash, wasn, wast, wath, wats, watt, whan, what, whid, whig, whin, whit, wigs, wind, wing, winn, wins, wint, wish, wist, with, wits
3 Letter Words for Withstanding
adh, ads, ags, agt, ahi, ahs, aid, ain, ais, ait, and, ann, ans, ant, asg, ash, ast, att, awd, awn, aws, dag, dah, dan, das, dat, daw, dha, dia, dig, din, dis, dit, dna, dwt, gad, gan, gas, gat, gaw, gds, gid, gin, gis, git, gns, gtd, gtt, had, hag, han, has, hat, haw, hgt, hia, hid, hin, his, hit, hts, hwt, ida, ids, ign, ihi, ihs, ind, ing, inn, ins, int, ish, isn, ist, ita, itd, its, iwa, nad, nag, nah, nas, nat, naw, nid, nig, nis, nit, nnw, nth, sad, sag, sah, sai, san, sat, saw, sgd, sha, shi, sht, sig, sin, sit, sta, std, stg, swa, tad, tag, tai, tan, tas, tat, taw, tdt, tgn, tgt, tha, thd, tid, tig, tin, tis, tit, tng, tnt, tsh, tsi, tst, twa, twi, wad, wag, wah, wan, was, wat, wha, whs, wid, wig, win, wis, wit
Definitions for Withstanding
[1] to stand or hold out against; resist or oppose, especially successfully: to withstand rust; to withstand the invaders; to withstand temptation.
[2] to stand in opposition; resist.
[3] (tr) to stand up to forcefully; resist
[4] (intr) to remain firm in endurance or opposition
Words related to Withstanding
withstandcombat, repel, defy, cope, tolerate, resist, weather, thwart, suffer, buck, duel, brave, violate, stick, contest, confront, traverse, fight, dispute, oppose
Words nearby Withstanding
withstandwithout fail, without further ado, without question, without so much as, withoutdoors, withstand, withy, withywind, witigo, witless, witling
Origin of Withstanding
before 900; Middle English withstanden, Old English withstandan (see with-, stand); cognate with Old Norse vithstanda; akin to German widerstehen
Other words from Withstanding
with·stand·er , noun
with·stand·ing·ness , noun
un·with·stand·ing , adjective
un·with·stood , adjective
Synonyms for Withstanding
combat, cope, defy, hold off, repel, resist, ride out, suffer, thwart, tolerate, weather, brace, brave, buck, confront, contest, cross, dispute, duel, face, fight, oppose, stand, stick, take, traverse, violate, fly in the face of, grapple with, hang on, hang tough, hold one's ground, hold out, prevail against, put up struggle, put up with, remain firm, sit and take it, stand fast, stand firm, stand one's ground, stand up against, stand up to, stick fast, take it, take on, win out