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Showing words for WIZARD using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Wizard
5 Letter Words for Wizard
4 Letter Words for Wizard
3 Letter Words for Wizard
Definitions for Wizard
[1] a person who practices magic; magician or sorcerer.
[2] a conjurer or juggler.
[3] Also whiz, wiz [wiz] /wɪz/ . a person of amazing skill or accomplishment: a wizard at chemistry.
[4] Computers . a software feature that guides users through complex procedures with step-by-step instructions, often presented in dialog boxes.
[5] of or relating to a wizard.
[6] magic.
[7] British Slang . superb; excellent; wonderful: That's wizard!
[8] a male witch or a man who practises or professes to practise magic or sorcery
[9] a person who is outstandingly clever in some specified field; expert
[10] obsolete a wise man
[11] computing a computer program that guides a user through a complex task
[12] informal , mainly British superb; outstanding
[13] of or relating to a wizard or wizardry
Words related to Wizard
genius, whiz, shark, warlock, diviner, seer, astrologer, enchanter, magus, conjurer, medium, witch, fortuneteller, soothsayer, shaman, clairvoyant, magician, sorcerer, occultist, hypnotist
Words nearby Wizard
witwatersrand, wive, wivern, wives, wiz, wizard, wizard of oz, the wonderful, wizardly, wizardry, wizen, wizened
Origin of Wizard
First recorded in 1400–50, wizard is from the late Middle English word wisard. See wise1, -ard
Other words from Wizard
wiz·ard·like , adjective
Word origin for Wizard
C15: variant of wissard, from wise 1 + -ard
Synonyms for Wizard
astrologer, clairvoyant, conjurer, diviner, enchanter, fortuneteller, hypnotist, magician, magus, medium, necromancer, occultist, palmist, seer, shaman, soothsayer, sorcerer, thaumaturge, warlock, witch, augurer