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Showing words for WIZARDLY using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Wizardly
6 Letter Words for Wizardly
5 Letter Words for Wizardly
4 Letter Words for Wizardly
3 Letter Words for Wizardly
Definitions for Wizardly
[1] of, like, or befitting a wizard.
Words related to Wizardly
enchanted, unusual, magic, mythical, fascinating, eerie, spooky, marvelous, extraordinary, otherworldly, wonderful, miraculous, uncanny, mysterious, weird, enchanting, spellbinding, mystical, supernatural, occult
Words nearby Wizardly
wivern, wives, wiz, wizard, wizard of oz, the wonderful, wizardly, wizardry, wizen, wizened, wk, wk.
Origin of Wizardly
First recorded in 1580–90; wizard + -ly
Synonyms for Wizardly
bewitched, charismatic, clairvoyant, conjuring, demoniac, diabolic, eerie, enchanted, enchanting, ensorcelled, entranced, entrancing, extraordinary, fascinating, fiendish, ghostly, haunted, imaginary, magnetic, marvelous, miraculous, mysterious, mystic, mythical, necromantic, occult, otherworldly, parapsychological, runic, sorcerous, spectral, spellbinding, spellbound, spiritualistic, spooky, telekinetic, thaumaturgic, tranced, uncanny, unusual, weird, witching, witchlike, wonderful