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Showing words for WOCAS using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Wocas


4 Letter Words for Wocas

caws, cows, ocas, saco, scaw, scow, soca, wacs

3 Letter Words for Wocas

aws, caw, cos, cow, csw, cwo, oas, oca, ows, sac, sao, saw, soc, sow, swa, wac, was, wcs, woa, wos

Definitions for Wocas

[1] a yellow pond lily, Nuphar polysepalum, of northwestern North America, having heart-shaped leaves and cup-shaped flowers.

Words nearby Wocas

wobbling, wobbly, wobegone, woburn, woburn abbey, wocas, wodehouse, woden, wodge, wodzislaw slaski, woe

Origin of Wocas

1875–80, Americanism ; earlier, its seeds < Klamath wokas; compare woksʔam the name of the plant