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Showing words for WORN using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Worn
3 Letter Words for Worn
Definitions for Worn
[1] past participle of wear.
[2] diminished in value or usefulness through wear, use, handling, etc.: worn clothing; worn tires.
[3] wearied; exhausted.
[4] to carry or have on the body or about the person as a covering, equipment, ornament, or the like: to wear a coat; to wear a saber; to wear a disguise.
[5] to have or use on the person habitually: to wear a wig.
[6] to bear or have in one's aspect or appearance: to wear a smile; to wear an air of triumph.
[7] to cause (garments, linens, etc.) to deteriorate or change by wear: Hard use has worn these gloves.
[8] to impair, deteriorate, or consume gradually by use or any continued process: Long illness had worn the bloom from her cheeks.
[9] to waste or diminish gradually by rubbing, scraping, washing, etc.: The waves have worn these rocks.
[10] to make (a hole, channel, way, etc.) by such action.
[11] to bring about or cause a specified condition in (a person or thing) by use, deterioration, or gradual change: to wear clothes to rags; to wear a person to a shadow.
[12] to weary; fatigue; exhaust: Toil and care soon wear the spirit.
[13] to pass (time) gradually or tediously (usually followed by away or out ): We wore the afternoon away in arguing.
[14] Nautical . to bring (a vessel) on another tack by turning until the wind is on the stern.
[15] British Dialect . to gather and herd (sheep or cattle) to a pen or pasture.
[16] to undergo gradual impairment, diminution, reduction, etc., from wear, use, attrition, or other causes (often followed by away, down, out, or off ).
[17] to retain shape, color, usefulness, value, etc., under wear, use, or any continued strain: a strong material that will wear; colors that wear well.
[18] (of time) to pass, especially slowly or tediously (often followed by on or away ): As the day wore on, we had less and less to talk about.
[19] to have the quality of being easy or difficult to tolerate, especially after a relatively long association: It's hard to get to know him, but he wears well.
[20] Nautical . (of a vessel) to come round on another tack by turning away from the wind.
[21] Obsolete . to be commonly worn; to be in fashion.
[22] the act of wearing; use, as of a garment: articles for winter wear; I've had a lot of wear out of this coat; I had to throw away the shirt after only three wears.
[23] the state of being worn, as on the person.
[24] clothing or other articles for wearing; especially when fashionable or appropriate for a particular function (often used in combination): travel wear; sportswear.
[25] gradual impairment, wasting, diminution, etc., as from use: The carpet shows wear.
[26] the quality of resisting deterioration with use; durability.
[27] wear down , to reduce or impair by long wearing: to wear down the heels of one's shoes. to weary; tire: His constant talking wears me down. to prevail by persistence; overcome: to wear down the opposition.
[28] wear off , to diminish slowly or gradually or to diminish in effect; disappear: The drug began to wear off.
[29] wear out , to make or become unfit or useless through hard or extended use: to wear out clothes. to expend, consume, or remove, especially slowly or gradually. to exhaust, as by continued strain; weary: This endless bickering is wearing me out.
[30] the past participle of wear 1
[31] affected, esp adversely, by long use or action a worn suit
[32] haggard; drawn
[33] exhausted; spent
[34] a river in NE England, rising in NW Durham and flowing southeast then northeast to the North Sea at Sunderland. Length: 105 km (65 miles)
[35] (tr) to carry or have (a garment, etc) on one's person as clothing, ornament, etc
[36] (tr) to carry or have on one's person habitually she wears a lot of red
[37] (tr) to have in one's aspect to wear a smile
[38] (tr) to display, show, or fly a ship wears its colours
[39] to deteriorate or cause to deteriorate by constant use or action
[40] to produce or be produced by constant rubbing, scraping, etc to wear a hole in one's trousers
[41] to bring or be brought to a specified condition by constant use or action to wear a tyre to shreds
[42] (intr) to submit to constant use or action in a specified way his suit wears well
[43] (tr) to harass or weaken
[44] (when intr, often foll by on ) (of time) to pass or be passed slowly
[45] (tr) British slang to accept Larry won't wear that argument
[46] wear ship to change the tack of a sailing vessel, esp a square-rigger, by coming about so that the wind passes astern
[47] the act of wearing or state of being worn
[48] anything designed to be worn leisure wear (in combination ) nightwear
[49] deterioration from constant or normal use or action
[50] the quality of resisting the effects of constant use
[51] nautical to tack by gybing instead of by going through stays
Words related to Worn
shabby, timeworn, tattered, threadbare, well-worn, frayed, gone, shot, tired, exhausted, overworked, drained, destroyed, drawn, beat, jaded, weary, fatigued, overused, wearied
Words nearby Worn
worms, wormseed, wormseed oil, wormwood, wormy, worn, worn out, worn to a frazzle, worn-out, worried, worried sick
Origin of Worn
earbefore 900; (v.) Middle English weren to have (clothes) on the body, waste, damage, suffer waste or damage, Old English werian; cognate with Old Norse verja, Gothic wasjan to clothe; (noun) late Middle English were act of carrying on the body, derivative of the v.; akin to Latin vestis clothing (see vest)
Other words from Worn
worn·ness , noun
self-worn , adjective
un·worn , adjective
wear·er , noun
re·wear , verb, re·wore, re·worn, re·wear·ing.
Word origin for Worn
earC17: from earlier weare, of unknown origin
Synonyms for Worn
frayed, shabby, tattered, threadbare, timeworn, well-worn, beat, bushed, busted, consumed, depleted, destroyed, deteriorated, dinged, drained, drawn, exhausted, fatigued, gone, jaded, overused, overworked, pinched, ragged, ruined, shot, spent, stale, tired, totaled, wearied, weary, burned out, clichéd, effete, hackneyed, had it, haggard, kaput, knocked out, old, pegged out, played-out, pooped, tired out, used up, useless, wiped out, worn-down, worn-out, wrung out