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Showing words for WRINKLE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Wrinkle
6 Letter Words for Wrinkle
5 Letter Words for Wrinkle
4 Letter Words for Wrinkle
3 Letter Words for Wrinkle
Definitions for Wrinkle
[1] a small furrow or crease in the skin, especially of the face, as from aging or frowning.
[2] a temporary slight ridge or furrow on a surface, due to contraction, folding, crushing, or the like.
[3] to form wrinkles in; corrugate; crease: Don't wrinkle your dress.
[4] to become wrinkled.
[5] an ingenious trick or device; a clever innovation: a new advertising wrinkle.
[6] a slight ridge in the smoothness of a surface, such as a crease in the skin as a result of age
[7] to make or become wrinkled, as by crumpling, creasing, or puckering
[8] informal a clever or useful trick, hint, or dodge
Words related to Wrinkle
scrunch, rumple, pucker, crease, crumple, corrugation, gather, ridge, tuck, plica, line, contraction, pleat, depression, furrow, crisp, compress, purse, twist, ruck
Words nearby Wrinkle
wright, richard, wrigley, wring, wring together, wringer, wrinkle, wrinklies, wrinkly, wrist, wrist joint, wrist pin
Origin of Wrinkle
21375–1425; late Middle English, equivalent to wrinc trick (Old English wrenc; see wrench) + -le
Word origin for Wrinkle
Old English wrenc trick; related to Middle Low German wrank struggle, Middle High German ranc sudden turn. See wrench
Synonyms for Wrinkle
contraction, corrugation, crease, crumple, depression, furrow, gather, line, pleat, plica, pucker, ridge, rumple, tuck, crow's-foot, rimple