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Showing words for YAKKING using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Yakking
5 Letter Words for Yakking
4 Letter Words for Yakking
3 Letter Words for Yakking
Definitions for Yakking
[1] to talk, especially uninterruptedly and idly; gab; chatter: They've been yakking on the phone for over an hour.
[2] incessant idle or gossipy talk.
[3] yuk1.
[4] a loud, hearty laugh.
[5] a joke evoking such a laugh.
[6] to laugh or joke: The audience really yukked it up at the movie.
[7] a wild and domesticated type of cattle, Bos grunniens, of Tibet, having long horns and long shaggy hair
[8] Also: yakety-yak noisy, continuous, and trivial talk or conversation
[9] (intr) to chatter or talk in this way; jabber
Words related to Yakking
yakblather, prate, jabber, babble, jaw, yap, tattle, clack, chat, gossip, prattle, yammer, chatter, gab, confabulate
Words nearby Yakking
yakyahwism, yahwist, yahwistic, yaje, yajur-veda, yak, yakety-yak, yakima, yakitori, yakka, yakow
Origin of Yakking
Other words from Yakking
yak·ker , noun
Word origin for Yakking
C20: of imitative origin
Synonyms for Yakking
babble, blather, chat, chatter, clack, confabulate, gab, gossip, jabber, jaw, prate, prattle, run on, tattle, yammer