12 Letter Words for Yellowhammer
11 Letter Words for Yellowhammer
9 Letter Words for Yellowhammer
hyalomere, wholemeal
8 Letter Words for Yellowhammer
allwhere, hallower, leeroway, mealworm, mellower, rehallow, wommerah, yellower
7 Letter Words for Yellowhammer
allower, almemor, amrelle, amylome, armhole, aywhere, earhole, eelworm, hellery, loyaler, mellowy, morally, morella, morelle, myeloma, myomere, owrelay, reallow, rewayle, rollway, royalme, walleye, whalery, whammle, whemmel, whemmle, wholely, whommle, womerah, wommera
6 Letter Words for Yellowhammer
almery, amylom, amyrol, areole, awheel, elemol, halely, hallow, hammer, hareem, harlem, harmel, haymow, healer, heller, heloma, hemera, hemmel, hemmer, hermae, herola, holler, homely, howler, hyemal, lahore, lamely, lammer, lawyer, leamer, leeway, lehmer, loreal, lowery, mallee, mallow, mayhem, mealer, mellah, mellay, meller, mellow, memory, merell, merely, merome, mewler, molary, mollah, morale, morall, mormal, mowhay, mowrah, oleary, ollamh, orally, orwell, owhere, owlery, rallye, rammel, really, rehale, reheal, rewall, rolley, rommel, royale, waller, warely, warmly, weller, whaler, whally, whammo, whammy, whealy, wheare, wheely, wholly, whorle, whorly, womera, yallow, yammer, yawler, yeller, yellow, yelmer, yowler
5 Letter Words for Yellowhammer
aleye, allee, aller, alley, allow, alloy, almeh, alowe, ammer, amole, amylo, areel, aweel, awmry, early, elayl, elmer, emery, emmer, emmew, emory, ewery, haler, halwe, hamel, hammy, haole, harem, harle, hawer, hayer, hayle, heame, heare, hello, helly, hemal, hemol, herem, herma, heroe, herye, hewel, hewer, hoary, holer, holey, holla, holly, holme, homer, homey, homme, horal, horla, horme, howel, howre, hoyle, lamel, lamer, lammy, laree, lawer, layer, leare, leary, leear, leery, lehay, lemel, lemma, lemme, loamy, loral, lorel, lower, lowly, lowry, loyal, mahoe, malee, maleo, malmo, malmy, mamee, mamey, mamry, marle, marly, mayor, mealy, meare, melam, merel, merle, mewer, mohar, mohel, mohwa, molal, molar, moler, molla, molle, molly, morae, moral, moray, morel, mower, mowha, mowra, moyle, mwera, myall, mylar, myoma, ohare, omlah, omrah, orale, owler, rally, ramee, rammy, rawly, rayle, realm, realo, reame, reamy, rehem, rehoe, relay, rhema, rheme, rhyme, romal, rowel, rowme, royal, rymme, waler, wally, wamel, warly, weary, welly, wemmy, whale, whalm, whaly, whame, whamo, whare, wharl, wheal, wheam, whear, wheel, wheem, wheer, whelm, where, whole, wholl, whore, whorl, whory, wolly, wormy, yahwe, yealm, yomer
4 Letter Words for Yellowhammer
aero, ahem, ahey, ahoy, alee, alem, alew, allo, ally, alme, aloe, alow, amel, ammo, amor, amoy, amyl, arew, arle, army, arow, aryl, awee, awry, ayme, ayre, eale, earl, eely, elem, elle, elmy, emer, emma, emmy, eole, eorl, eral, erme, ewer, ewry, eyah, eyer, eyra, eyre, hale, hall, halm, halo, hame, hare, harl, harm, haro, hawm, haye, heal, hear, heel, heer, hela, hele, hell, helm, helo, heme, heml, hera, here, herl, herm, hero, hery, hewe, hoar, hoer, hoey, hola, hole, holl, holm, holw, holy, home, hora, hore, hory, howe, howl, hoya, hwyl, hyla, hyle, laer, lalo, lame, lamm, lare, leal, leam, lear, leer, lehr, leme, lere, ller, llyr, loam, loma, lome, lora, lore, lory, lowa, lowe, lowy, lyam, lyme, lyra, lyre, male, mall, malm, malo, mamo, mare, marl, marm, maro, mary, mawr, mayo, meal, mear, meaw, meer, mela, mele, mell, meme, memo, meow, mere, merl, mero, mewl, moha, mohr, mola, mole, moll, moly, mome, mora, more, morw, mowa, mowe, moya, moyl, mrem, myal, myel, oary, olam, olea, olla, omer, orae, oral, orle, orly, ower, owly, oyer, rale, rall, rame, real, ream, reel, reem, rely, rhea, rheo, roam, roey, role, roll, roma, rome, rowy, ryal, ryme, wale, wall, waly, wame, ware, warl, warm, wary, weal, weam, wear, weel, weem, weer, well, were, wham, whar, whee, whey, whoa, whom, whyo, wore, worm, wray, wyle, yale, yare, yarl, yarm, yawl, yeah, year, yeel, yell, yelm, yeom, yere, ylem, yore, yowe, yowl
3 Letter Words for Yellowhammer
aer, aho, ale, all, alo, alw, aly, ame, amy, aor, are, arm, ary, awe, awl, awm, aye, ayr, eam, ear, eel, eer, ela, ell, elm, eme, emo, eom, era, ere, ewe, eye, eyl, eyr, hae, ham, hao, haw, hay, hee, hel, hem, heo, her, hew, hey, hmm, hmo, hoa, hoe, hol, hom, hor, how, hoy, hwy, hye, lah, lam, lao, lar, law, lay, lea, lee, lem, leo, ler, lew, ley, llm, loa, loe, lor, low, loy, lwl, lwm, lye, lym, mae, mal, mam, mao, mar, maw, may, mea, mee, meh, mel, mem, mer, mew, mho, moa, moe, mol, mom, mor, mow, moy, mya, mym, oam, oar, oer, ohm, ola, ole, olm, ora, ore, orl, ory, owe, owl, oye, rah, ram, raw, ray, rea, ree, reh, rel, rem, rew, rha, rhe, rho, rhy, rle, rly, roe, rom, row, rwy, rya, rye, wae, wah, war, way, wee, wem, wer, wey, wha, who, whr, why, wmo, woa, woe, woy, wro, wry, wye, yah, yam, yar, yaw, yea, yee, yeh, yeo, yer, yew, yoe, yom, yor, yow
Definitions for Yellowhammer
[1] a common European bunting, Emberiza citrinella, the male of which is marked with bright yellow.
[2] Chiefly Southern U.S. a flicker, Colaptes auratus, having yellow wing and tail linings.
[3] a European bunting, Emberiza citrinella, having a yellowish head and body and brown streaked wings and tail
[4] US and Canadian the yellow-shafted flicker, an American woodpecker See flicker 2
Words nearby Yellowhammer
yellowcake, yelloweye rockfish, yellowface, yellowfin tuna, yellowfinch, yellowhammer, yellowhead, yellowish, yellowknife, yellowlegs, yellows
Origin of Yellowhammer
1550–60; earlier also yelamber, yelambre, probably continuing Old English *geolu-amore, equivalent to geolu yellow + amore presumably, the bunting (cognate with Old Saxon amer, Old High German amaro; see emberizine); forms with -h- perhaps reflect blending with another etymon, later conformed to hammer (compare dial. yellowham )
Word origin for Yellowhammer
C16: of uncertain origin