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Showing words for ZENITHAL using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Zenithal
7 Letter Words for Zenithal
althein, lithane
6 Letter Words for Zenithal
entail, ethnal, halite, hantle, inhale, laithe, lathen, lathie, neilah, tenail, thenal, tineal, zeatin, zelant, zenith
5 Letter Words for Zenithal
ahent, ahint, aizle, alhet, alien, aliet, alite, altin, anile, anlet, athel, azine, elain, elint, enhat, enlit, ental, entia, ethal, haine, haint, halte, hatel, hazel, hazen, hazle, hiant, hiate, hizen, inlet, intel, iztle, laeti, laine, laith, laten, lathe, lathi, latin, leath, lenth, lenti, liane, linea, linha, lithe, nathe, neath, tahil, tahin, telia, tenai, tenia, tenla, thane, theia, thein, thine, tinea, zante
4 Letter Words for Zenithal
aiel, aile, aine, aint, aith, alen, alin, anet, anil, ante, anti, atle, atli, eath, eila, elan, elhi, etna, ezan, haen, hail, hain, hait, hale, halt, hani, hant, hate, haze, heal, heat, heil, hela, heli, hent, hila, hile, hilt, hine, hint, htel, ilea, ilth, inta, intl, ital, itel, izle, laen, laet, lain, lait, lane, lant, late, lath, lati, laze, lean, leat, lena, lent, lien, lina, line, lint, lite, lith, litz, liza, nael, nail, nale, natl, naze, nazi, neal, neat, neth, neti, nile, tael, taen, tail, tain, tale, tali, tane, tanh, teal, tean, teil, tela, teli, thae, thai, than, thea, then, thin, tien, tile, tine, tiza, zain, zant, zati, zeal, zein, zeta, zila, zine, zite
3 Letter Words for Zenithal
ahi, ail, ain, ait, ale, aln, alt, ane, ant, ate, azt, ean, eat, ela, eli, elt, enl, eta, eth, hae, han, hat, hei, hel, hen, het, hia, hie, hin, hit, ile, int, ita, lah, lai, lan, lat, lea, lei, let, lez, lie, lin, lit, nae, nah, nat, nea, nei, net, nie, nil, nit, nth, tai, tal, tan, tea, tel, ten, tez, tha, the, tie, til, tin, tln, zat, zea, zel, zen, zin, zit
Definitions for Zenithal
[1] of or relating to the zenith; situated at or near the zenith.
[2] (of a map) drawn to indicate the actual direction of any point from the center point.
Words related to Zenithal
best, capital, chief, crown, head, maximum, most, paramount, preeminent, principal, superlative, supreme, tiptop, top, top-notch, uppermost, maximal, apical
Words nearby Zenithal
zenist, zenith, zenith distance, zenith telescope, zenith tube, zenithal, zenithal equidistant projection, zenithal projection, zenker's degeneration, zenker's diverticulum, zenker's necrosis
Origin of Zenithal
First recorded in 1855–60; zenith + -al1
Synonyms for Zenithal
apical, best, capital, chief, crown, head, maximal, maximum, most, paramount, preeminent, principal, superlative, supreme, tiptop, top, top-notch, uppermost