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Showing words for ZOOM using the English dictionary

4 Letter Words for Zoom

mozo, zoom

3 Letter Words for Zoom

moo, moz, oom, zoo

Definitions for Zoom

[1] to move quickly or suddenly with a loud humming or buzzing sound: cars zooming by on the freeway.
[2] to fly an airplane suddenly and sharply upward at great speed for a short distance, as in regaining altitude, clearing an obstacle, or signaling.
[3] Movies , Television . to bring a subject, scene, etc., into closeup or cause it to recede into a long shot using a zoom lens and while maintaining focus.
[4] Informal . to increase or rise suddenly and sharply: Rents would zoom without rent control laws.
[5] to cause (an airplane) to zoom.
[6] to fly over (an obstacle) by zooming.
[7] the act or process of zooming.
[8] a zooming sound.
[9] Informal . zoom lens.
[10] Also called zoom shot. Movies , Television . a shot in which a subject, scene, or action is brought closer or made to recede by the use of a zoom lens.
[11] zoom in (on) , to bring (a subject, scene, etc.) into closeup by using a zoom lens: to zoom in for a look at the injured man; to zoom in on a candidate at a political convention. to examine more closely or in greater detail; focus on: The panel zoomed in on the subject of abortion.
[12] to make or cause to make a continuous buzzing or humming sound
[13] to move or cause to move with such a sound
[14] (intr) to move very rapidly; rush we zoomed through town
[15] to cause (an aircraft) to climb briefly at an unusually steep angle, or (of an aircraft) to climb in this way
[16] (intr) (of prices) to rise rapidly
[17] the sound or act of zooming
[18] See zoom lens

Words related to Zoom

whirl, dash, hurtle, zip, rocket, dive, flash, surge, whiz, skyrocket, buzz, dart, streak, shoot, rush, tear, hum, rip, fly, outstrip

Words nearby Zoom

zoolatry, zoological, zoological garden, zoologist, zoology, zoom, zoom in, zoom in on, zoom lens, zoom out, zoom shot

Origin of Zoom

First recorded in 1885–90; imitative

Word origin for Zoom

C20: of imitative origin

Synonyms for Zoom

buzz, dart, dash, dive, flash, hurtle, rocket, shoot up, skyrocket, surge, whirl, whiz, zip, fly, hum, outstrip, rip, rush, shoot, speed, streak, tear