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Showing words for ZOON using the English dictionary

4 Letter Words for Zoon


3 Letter Words for Zoon

noo, ono, oon, zoo

Definitions for Zoon

[1] any of the individuals of a compound organism.
[2] any individual, or the individuals collectively, produced from a single egg.
[3] zooid.
[4] a combining form meaning “animal,” “organism” of the kind specified by the initial element, often corresponding to zoological class names ending in -zoa, with -zoon used to name a single member of such a class: protozoon.
[5] a less common term for zooid (def. 1)
[6] indicating an individual animal or an independently moving entity derived from an animal spermatozoon

Words nearby Zoon

zoom shot, zoomastigophorea, zoometry, zoomorphic, zoomorphism, zoon, zoonosis, zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis, zoonotic potential, zooparasite, zoophagous

Origin of Zoon

-zoonsee origin at zoon

Other words from Zoon

zo·on·al [zoh -uh -nl] /ˈzoʊ ə nl/ , adjective

Word origin for Zoon

-zoonfrom Greek zōion animal