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Christmas controversy

Started by Madonna,

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My post was a general statement. Reread some of these posts about the Pro-Christmas and you get the feeling of "It's Christmas and that's all!". I kno Madonna...I didn't call you out, but if you really want me to....

Reread YOUR post. Your upset because of the change in greetings of stores. You think Merry Christmas should deff be said. You don't think that's closed-minded? "Say MY greeting cos I believe it! Where do you get off changing things for the sake of YOUR beliefs...but don't change things cos I believe them." That's how you sound, or come across anyway. Maybe you should reword your original statement so we can really understand what your trying to say.

BTW: This is purely for the sake of arguing, Madonna and everyone who reads this. I've already said how I feel. I'm totally for saying Happy Holidays and CHRISTmas Trees...I juss like to argue sometimes. :P


as I said before to each their own and all a good night! ;D


I'm not modifying 1 word of what I  say . I stand firm in my beliefs, just as you do in yours. And I WILL NOT apologize to you or anyone else for anything I say. If that makes me be it. The reason that this post was even started, just for CLARIFICATION, is that some stores are saying things that I, and so many others, are not use to hearing. Why do they start changing things NOW??? That's talk amongst yourselves. :-X


Maybe things are changing now COS of tolerance. People are starting to realize that there are other people out there that have holidays in December too. :)


I was raised up north.  Half my family was from the south and was southern babtist.  1/4 was Catholic and the rest Christian.  I myself do not follow "the Christian way" like many people do.  ONE IMPORTANT THING THAT I WAS TAUGHT WAS TOO ACCEPT EVERYONE AND THAT IT'S NOT MY JOB TO JUDGE ANYONE.  America was born as a melting pot of different nationalities, races, and religions.  Why did we leave England in the first place?  Why did many of our ancestors come here?  Some came for freedom, some came to get away from dictatorship, some came for the opportunities, some came so that they can be themselves and NOT WHAT SOMEONE SAYS THEY SHOULD BE.  We are suppose to accept people's differences.  If I am unsure about someone's religious preference I will say Happy Holidays because at the same time I don't want anyone pushing their religion on me no matter what it is.  In the south they are very religious and pushy which makes me rebel against them.  I can argue with them in an intelligent matter and stump them.   

I know this has been said many times in this topic.  MATERIALISTIC.........  if this holiday is so important then you need to take charge and make it what it was originally meant to be if you really want to make a difference.  Start with that then work way up.  I bet these people complaining have also spent A LOT of money on presents and decorations.  Go back to the basics.  Get rid of the lights and parties.  No presents under the tree.  How about these people that actually want to cancel Sunday church services because Christmas falls on that day??????  Yeah in some towns the services have been canceled and/or they've made arrangements for service on other days.  Pick and choose huh?

If we really want to get into a religious discussion.........then most people need to change what they are to fit their lifestyle back into the bible.  DOES THE BIBLE SAY IT'S OK TO CHEAT????????????????????   You can't pick and choose what you want to follow and you definately can't pick and choose what you think is right and wrong for someone else. 


Quote from: Albee on December 13, 2005, 07:31:01 AM
Maybe things are changing now COS of tolerance. People are starting to realize that there are other people out there that have holidays in December too. :)

Maybe people are starting to realize that this world isn't about them.  I actually think it's selfish when people don't accept that other people have other religions and holiday celebrations.  It's definately NOT CHRISTIANLY!!!!


Its so sad to read all of this only to think how much these words are hurting feelings. To each their own, and like was stated before, I'll still say Merry Christmas to all of you whatever you may believe in. Your choice, but don't tell me NOT to say it.. Thats MY choice to say how i feel. Freedom of speech?? is that still an option? with out bashing someone's right to do so? Makes me sad that the world is so shallow anymore, and I feel bad for my g'kids, whats the future hold for them..
Merry Chirstmas to ALL my friends here.!


Merry Christmas to all....,
Today my daughter did not want to go to school because of a bully.
I told her to hold her head up high for what she believes in, and not to let the bully tell her what to think and do.  Everyone is different and have to do what is right for them, I never mean to offend when I wish someone a Merry Christmas and I work retail. But that is my belief, and if I can respect others than others should respect me.  anyways that is just my two cents I wish everyone   a safe and happy december...


Quote from: Shadow on December 08, 2005, 09:48:56 AM
If a store tells its employees that they have to say Happy Holidays and can't say Merry Christmas, they are not getting any of my money!! Lowes, I think it was, was selling holiday trees, until the O'Reilly Factor put the pressure on them and they changed it back to Christmas trees. Bill O'Reilly has got many stores to change thier ways....GO BILL!
Merry Christmas one and all!

Well, being a Buddhist, I appreciate it when someone says "Happy Holidays" as one of the biggest Buddhist holidays occurs at this time of year.  So does the Jewish holiday of Chanukah and the African American holiday of Kwanzaa.  I'm sorry, hon, but the season does not belong to just the christians, you and Bill O'Reilly.

That being said, I would like to wish those who celebrate Christmas a Merry Christmas, Those of the Jewish faith a Happy Chanukah, Those African Americans who celebrate Kwanzaa a very happy Kwanzaa, and I'd like to wish a very peacefull Bodhi day to my fellow Buddhists..... Or, how about I just say, "HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!"

Kelly Sue
- Make Touchdowns Not War - Go Colts!!!


Quote from: Albee on December 13, 2005, 01:29:02 AM
::sighs:: turn I guess.

I've read these posts and get the message. "Why can't we say Merry Christmas anymore. They're taking our holiday away. Why should we change everything we've done to get everyone else involved with the season." That's basically what most of you ultimately said. You say that this is the time of year to celebrate the birth of your savior, and should be allowed to say such. But then you turn around and kick everyone elses beliefs out by say "Merry Christmas and if you don't like it...TS!" So what's good for the goose isn't good for all the other animals on your ark?!? haha.

NOW MY PERSONAL FEELINGS? I'm 24. [I don't know how old everyone else is here...] When I was in school, I sang Christmas Carols. Why? Cos I didn't know any Kwanzaa songs. I know The Dradel song and sing that sometimes :P I didn't say the Pledge Of Allegence. Why? Cos I personally believe that the flag is a symbol of the rape of my people and destruction of our land. Now did my grandpa go to the school and make that teacher stop saying it!? Heck no. Did I still stand up? Sure! Out of pure respect of the other people who did. I am agnostic. I don't, or can't, believe in the "Big guy in the sky" theory. What do I call that thing in my dining room window? A Christmas Tree. Why? Cos as far as I know, that's what the dang thing is called! People who came up with it...called it a Christmas Tree! What do I say to people as I leave? Happy Holidays. Why? Cos I don't know what you believe and it's a general happy/good wishes thing to say. I've never thought of HOLYdays, and even if it was...aren't all the different cultural days just that...their HOLYdays? What about the rest of the year? Is Valentine's day a HOLYday? No. It's a HOLIday. Mother's day? PRESIDENT'S DAY??? What makes December automatically the religious royal rumble?

I think i'm going to stop cos all this is making me mad that i'm shaking. It's amazing to me after all these years, there still so much closed-mindedness. ::sigh:: Just got to tell people, Although you'd like to think so...the world doesn't revolve around you. But then again, maybe it's just me. I'm just one of the few people who have a thing called Tolerance.

Very well said.  The world needs more tolerant people such as yourself.

Kelly Sue
- Make Touchdowns Not War - Go Colts!


Ok, Someone just told me to "have a Merry!"  I think that's good.  It could be a merry anything, so that's my new holiday greeting. 

Have a Merry one, y'all!

Kelly Sue
- Make Touchdowns Not War - Go Colts!


As I said before in my earlier post it is about the being glad to have the 1st Amendment, I do not think we are talking of war at all.  All this has to do was wether or not we should be allowed to say what we wanted to say at the holiday time.  This is what the 1st amendent says:

First Amendten History: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I think we should all be able to say what we want to say and not be criticized, because it is our chose to say it.  I do not think it is a matter of what religion you are, its the fact that we should all have a right to saw what we want to say without having Congress or anyone else telling us what we can or can not say.  I am not putting down anyone's religion down, but I would like the respect that no one put down mine in the process.

Just my opinion and we do all have an opinion.... :)


happy, merry whatever you choose to celebrate however you choose to celebrate ;D


Yes everyone should be able to say what they want and generally people mean no harm when they wish anyone a Happy this or Merry that.  Usually they are just trying to be polite and cheerful. 

It's just that some people don't understand where the line should be drawn.  It's one thing to say something to someone but it's another thing to represent one religion as being superior than the others. 



Quote from: Madonna on December 07, 2005, 11:29:48 PM
I don't usually speak out like this unless it is a topic dear to my heart. There is a bruhaha going on about whether or not you should say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays anymore. Some bad apples that have nothing better to do than to ruin yet another holiday have said it is "offensive" to say those 2 famous greetings we all love to hear at this time of year. Stores have resorted to saying "Seasons Greetings" when you walk in, which is fine and dandy. What I want to know is, where do these people get off telling me, or anyone, what should be said when I want to celebrate with the people I care for. I love this country, for the most part, and to take Christmas or Holiday away because it is offensive is ludicrous. I understand there are other religions beside Christianity in this country...but you don't see us saying...oh...Haunakah or Kwanzaa, or whatever "offends" us. We all should celebrate in peace and harmony, regardless of our religious preferences. And if you are atheists...a bah humbug to you too...but you also have that right. Just don't ruin our fun and our beliefs just because you may not agree with them. And least we not forget that without Christ there would be no Christmas. If I offended anyone on this forum, I sincerely apologize. To those I didn't...MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all. :-*

VERY WELL SAID! and Thank you!........  I will add, have a very merry CHRISTmas..... I mean, isnt that waht that day is??????


Well, silver, I happen to be from Alabama. You are saying that we are pushy with religion. The leader of Southern Baptists, (which is what gives the South a bad name) Jerry Falwell, likes to stick his nose in everything and make the South look like a bunch of dimwitted idiots. Trust me when I say that the South is not the problem...Jerry Falwell and his narrow minded views are. As for challenging "the South" to a religious debate so you can stump us...truth being, you prolly can some, but you would have a huge challenge. But let me tell you, there are some highly intelligent people from the stop making the entire South seem like we need to be strumming banjoes and picking our noses. Just because you are from the North makes you no better than anyone else. So lower your nose (seeing as it is stuck in the air, being all uppity), because it's rainy/snowy season and you might DROWN. And seeing as your so "Christian", i don't recall reading in the Bible about the North being any better than the South. Your opinion belongs back in Civil War times. Remember American History??? Thank you, drive thru...have a good day Y'all.


I for one believe in saying Merry Christmas and there will be no one who can change the way I want to celebrate the Holiday.  But I did take offense to when reading this thread was the comment made about Southern Baptist.  I first am a Christian but secondly I belong to a Southern Baptist church.  I am not very vocal and am not pushy but I can understand how some are-  this country is going to hell in handbasket quick and it is very fearful to see how it has fallen so quickly.  I think it is horrid to say "thank heaven" I'm not a Southern Baptist- I don't go around putting down other religions.  Its really funny- it upsets someone to have all southerners lumped together and judged but then they do the very exact thing.  Judge not least you be judged..  I am a Christian, I am a Southern Baptist, I am a Southerner (Florida) but above all I am a human-being with feeling and all the frailty of man.  I still struggle like everyone else to do what is good and sometimes it is the hardest thing in the world to do when others don't have restraint and tolerance for other Christians.  Enough said--  I'm done.


I agree with you Madonna and Beanie, because I am from the south also.  I live in Louisiana and people put us down everyday 24/7.  I think the majority of the people in Louisiana are Catholic, but no one puts down the other religions.  My mother is Catholic and my father is Baptist and we were taught about both religions even though my mother raised my brother and I as Catholics. We learned a lot about the Baptist religion, but we followed the Catholic religion.  It was a decision we got to choose once we were old enough to make that decision.  We went to Catholics Schools all of our lives, but we had friends from all type of Religions going to our Elementary and High School.  It is not a religious thing that I think everyone on the forum should think about, it is letting us say what we want to say and if they do not like it them that is fine.  Just do not tell us what to say and we will not tell you what to say.  The Lord must be looking down on us and thinking what is the world coming too.  Please remember "Peace On Earth Goodwill Toward Men" and have a Merry Christmas.


God is God no matter how we chose to praise him.  I believe he gave us different religions because we are all different and so are our needs.  He doesn't care and loves us all, so should we.  I am a "believer", that means I take a little bit from each religion and I rejoice in it.  I am glad it is all there for me to learn from.  This may come from the phrase "Love thy neighbor," they are all different.  If we were all the same, it would be a pretty boring world, don't you think.

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