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Christmas controversy

Started by Madonna,

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Quote from: Iceman007 on December 08, 2005, 02:27:34 PM
Love your avatar bored.I loved that cartoon! Go Mutley!! O0

LOL Iceman I love that cartoon too. I get on the internet everyday to read a new one


First of all thanks for posting this Madonna. I got an email the other day for a petition to sign to get these stores back to saying Merry Christmas. Have gotten updates since then and some of the stores are already going back to Merry Christmas. Christ is the reason for the season and yes we have all made it more materialistic. We've stopped celebrating Christ Birthday and made it more about us. I also got an email the other day how we were celebrating HIS birthday and didn't invite him even though he was the quest of honor. This year I do plan on teaching my children that this is Christ Birthday and we are going to invite him in to enjoy it. We are also cutting back to just giving 3 gifts to each of our children however big or small but no more. Thanks again for posting this, this subject is very personal to me.

Happy Birthday Jesus and Merry Christmas to all!


I want to say that I am not religious at all, but our family still celebrates Christmas.  Now, if someone came up to me and said "Happy Hannukah", I would not be insulted- that's just stupid.  What is wrong with people?  Everyone is getting too darn sensitive- GET OVER IT! ::)


First off let me say that I am one of those nasty little atheists. I do not believe in God. However let me also say that I can have an itelligent conversation about religion. I do not get offended at anything really. It takes a whole lot to offend me. My family and I celebrate Christmas and Easter together. And I will wish everyone the appropriate greetings with the holiday. My husband is very religious and I am not. We balance and it works. I let him teach our children religion because although I do not believe I think they should be able to have faith until a time where they can decide for themselves what is right and worng. I will not push them in either direction. But then again that is just me and I am not about to stir crap up when it doesn't need to be stirred. There are a ton of pressing issues in this world and it seems to me that this is trivial crap. As a side note, in our paper they were discussing this same issue. If you went up to a person that celebrates Kwaanza or something and you are not of that religion, are they going to be offended? Just food for thought. Merry Christmas all from a nice atheist in IL!!



Hello everyone. Long time lurker here, first time poster... I am also troubled by the controversy over Christmas. I am a Christian, but I do respect everyone else's right to worship in the way they see fit for themselves. I don't blame the athiests, I blame the lawyers (ACLU). I just wonder at what point we Christians are going to say, "You know, WE are offended. WE are offended at not being able to greet people in a way that means something to US on religious holidays. WE are offended that our children cannot experience the Christmas programs, etc at school like we were able to." I honestly don't know what to do, other than contacting our congressmen, but it seems to me if our disagreements with the whole thing are left to forums on the internet, it won't change. Merry Christmas everyone!


IF and a big IF I had to chose a religion, it would be Christan.   I tend to hang on the very outer edges of religion without really choosing one over another.  I do however respect the rights over others and I do enjoy all the religious diversity in this county.  I do celebrate Christmas and easter, but I celebrate more the cultural aspects of the holidays-mainly the ones that focus on celebrating what we have, enjoying our family and being blessed for what I do have.  But I must say, I am offended!!!  I am offended that schools are afraid to sing Christmas carols, high school bands can't play Christmas songs, giving trees have become giving counters, stores won't post merry Christmas or have Christmas ads, Christmas tree lots are now holiday tree lots and I'm offended that the once standard greetings of this season-Merry Christmas and Happy Hannaka have been replaced with Happy Chrismahanakawnaza.  I remember growing up and most TV shows having a Christmas episode every season.  Now theres no mention of any type of holiday in December.  I remember growing up winter break was called Christmas break and spring break was called easter break.  I also remember in school we had halloween party's and a haunted house at school.  Now the haunted houses are long gone the halloween party has been replaced with a harvest festival.  We all survived didn't we?  I am so offended that this Political Correctness is going over board. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannaka, Happy Kwanzaa and blessings for what ever your celebrating this month.


i hope i didn't scare anyone off with that last post....


Unfortunately all this "political correctness" is the by product of the judicial system here in the US.

The US is by far the most litigious country in the world. I believe the reason for this is juries.

I don't mean to insult anyone's intelligence but I believe the job of Juror should be a professional job that requires some kind of training. Many people that end up on juries are not qualified to serve in this capacity. This is also fueled by the pathetic state of our education system as well.

There is something wrong with a system that will award you a seven figure settlement because you spilled your McDonald's coffe on yourself and sustained some injuries. The money was awarded I believe because there was no warning on the cup that the coffee was hot. Hello! What did you think it was? I mean come on.

I am a firm believer that jury awards should be capped. The sooner the better. Doctors are leaving the state of Pennsylvania in record numbers because they can not afford the cost of malpractice insurance in this state. Juries get insane with their awards. I sympathize with anyone who has ever suffered an injury because a doctor did something wrong and I'm not saying they should go unpunished but the monies that are being awarded are insane.

For example: Let's say a doctor makes a terrible mistake that costs someone their life. Should the doctor be penalized and should the family be awarded something for the loss of a loved one? Of course, the answer in my opinion is yes to both. The question becomes...What is an acceptable punishment? A multi-million dollar settlement will not bring back the loved one. I am not trying to trivialize the situation but something needs to be done.

Now I know I went off on a bit off a tangent and it may seem that I exaggerated the point a bit but it is very relevant. The reason everything becomes more politically correct all the time is because people are scared to death of the potential liability of a lawsuit. :-\

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


 >:( yes I agree wholeheartedly with you Homer...and I think its a very unfortunate thing!  Where I work (see screeny) you have to be politically correct at all times and it is very tedious!


did any one see that stupid "holiday" short about the president's dogs


I have to go to yearly training sessions due to these types of problems. >:(

The speech goes on and can't do this, you can't do that.....geez just cut my tongue out while your at it. >:(

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


I would like to think that I am very tolerant of other people's view's and beliefs.  I am a Christian.  Plain and simple.  Over 90 % of this country is Christian.  The other 10 % has been pushing hot button issues like prayer in school, attacking our pledge of allegiance finally got a reaction out of Christians, but in my opinion not enough.  Now they are attacking our holiday yet again.  It is not longer supposed to be Christmas?  We are not supposed to have a Christmas tree?  We are not supposed to celebrate the birth of our savior?  I don't think so!  I have my CHRISTmas tree put up.  I have my CHRISTmas lights on my home.  I have a few gifts for my children.  I will tell everyone merry CHRISTmas.  We will make our birthday cards for Jesus again this year.  I will tell the story of the birth of Jesus to my children again this year.  And I will pray that I can raise my children to stand up for what they believe in.  I will pray that my children do not became so materialist that they forgot what we celebrate this day for.  And I will pray that as a nation we can stand up for our rights, while we continue to protect the rights and freedoms of others.

Merry CHRISTmas to all!


Well. . . I am a wiccan. I say Happy Holidays because it covers everyone's beliefs and New Years too. Everyone has the right to believe what they will and that is what makes this country great!


I believe everyone should be able to celebrate in whatever fashion their belief permits. There are things I don't agree with or don't believe but I don't go around protesting because soemone says something or does something I may not agree with. I think everyone should be respectful of people's beliefs whatever they may or may not be. I do my own thing and mind my own business. What do I care how other people decide to celebrate. To each their own. ;)

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!



PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


This is the way i feel!!!        Merry Christmas to all!!!

and if you don't like that phrase.................I'll give you a quarter so you can call someone who cares!!!


::sighs:: turn I guess.

I've read these posts and get the message. "Why can't we say Merry Christmas anymore. They're taking our holiday away. Why should we change everything we've done to get everyone else involved with the season." That's basically what most of you ultimately said. You say that this is the time of year to celebrate the birth of your savior, and should be allowed to say such. But then you turn around and kick everyone elses beliefs out by say "Merry Christmas and if you don't like it...TS!" So what's good for the goose isn't good for all the other animals on your ark?!? haha.

NOW MY PERSONAL FEELINGS? I'm 24. [I don't know how old everyone else is here...] When I was in school, I sang Christmas Carols. Why? Cos I didn't know any Kwanzaa songs. I know The Dradel song and sing that sometimes :P I didn't say the Pledge Of Allegence. Why? Cos I personally believe that the flag is a symbol of the rape of my people and destruction of our land. Now did my grandpa go to the school and make that teacher stop saying it!? Heck no. Did I still stand up? Sure! Out of pure respect of the other people who did. I am agnostic. I don't, or can't, believe in the "Big guy in the sky" theory. What do I call that thing in my dining room window? A Christmas Tree. Why? Cos as far as I know, that's what the dang thing is called! People who came up with it...called it a Christmas Tree! What do I say to people as I leave? Happy Holidays. Why? Cos I don't know what you believe and it's a general happy/good wishes thing to say. I've never thought of HOLYdays, and even if it was...aren't all the different cultural days just that...their HOLYdays? What about the rest of the year? Is Valentine's day a HOLYday? No. It's a HOLIday. Mother's day? PRESIDENT'S DAY??? What makes December automatically the religious royal rumble?

I think i'm going to stop cos all this is making me mad that i'm shaking. It's amazing to me after all these years, there still so much closed-mindedness. ::sigh:: Just got to tell people, Although you'd like to think so...the world doesn't revolve around you. But then again, maybe it's just me. I'm just one of the few people who have a thing called Tolerance.


Very Well Said! You hit it right on the head for me  O0


Albee, I never judged you nor anyone else on this forum. I merely stated my beliefs and my feelings...seeing as i was raised believing that Christmas was a Holy day. And as for someone saying "nasty little atheists" as was quoted...I have never judged anyone except for the few people that like to hang a dark cloud over everything. Everyone can believe what they want to. No one is forcing you to change how you view holidays. All I am saying is that people get off on ruining everything, and if they do, shame on them. So don't ever say that I am a narrow minded individual...I'm far from it. I too am an American...with a brain, that likes to provoke a little thought every now and then.

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