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So...the monster is a big black cloud, eh?: Lost Discussion

Started by foxx,

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So...It seems that in season 1, it was all about these characters getting second chances.  Everyone's past was in the past and they had a chance for a new start.  Season 2 however...seems to be all about "a tiger can't change his stripes".  Sawyer: back to being a con-artist, Locke: starting to lose his sense of self, Hurley: food hoarding...I had a lot more examples of this last night when I was thinking about it...but right now, work has me kinda frazzled...
...anyhow, I wonder if this isn't the "experiment" of the Dharma initiative.  Bring in stressors and fear, and what do people revert to?  Mistrust.  Dunno...Just a theory. 

Good episode overall (I love me some Jin/Sun).  But from the looks of it, next week is gonna be awesome!



...Charlie: tempted again by the drugs... Sayid: the torturer once again..

My question is: Where in the hell is Michael? I know he went off to look for Walt, but he hasn't even been seen (not even by us, the viewers) for several weeks. I mean, it's a freakin island, he's gotta be there somewhere, why can't they at least show us what he's up to, or what's going on with him? Is the actor on a break filming some other movie or something? Seems like the only reason why they'd leave him entirely off for so long. By the time he comes back, I'm gonna forget the whole storyline involving him.. it better be soon!

By the way.. how good did Sun look in those flashbacks? Wow, she was lookin pretty hot.. nice to see them when they are cleaned up and wearing good clothes, but she just stood out in that episode.. looking good!


Not a bad episode--but next weeks looks awesome!!  So do we think that Sun did have the affair with her ex-boyfriend/english tutor??  And how creepy was Henry the Other with that detailed "if I was an Other" speech at the end.  And who do we think was traveling with the pregnacy test on the plane?  Cant wait for next week  O0  <3

Oops-forgot to add that Michael is off doing a movie or something like that--that's why he is still wandering through the jungle.

Momma T


Quote from: RC on March 24, 2006, 01:45:30 AM
...Charlie: tempted again by the drugs... Sayid: the torturer once again..

My question is: Where in the hell is Michael? I know he went off to look for Walt, but he hasn't even been seen (not even by us, the viewers) for several weeks. I mean, it's a freakin island, he's gotta be there somewhere, why can't they at least show us what he's up to, or what's going on with him? Is the actor on a break filming some other movie or something? Seems like the only reason why they'd leave him entirely off for so long. By the time he comes back, I'm gonna forget the whole storyline involving him.. it better be soon!

By the way.. how good did Sun look in those flashbacks? Wow, she was lookin pretty hot.. nice to see them when they are cleaned up and wearing good clothes, but she just stood out in that episode.. looking good!

Thanks RC...those were two more...

Michael?  Who knows...You would think that someone would go looking for Michael...but they are all reverting back to their selfish selves so...who knows.  I think he will be back for May sweeps....

Sun did look really hot...and for once, I thought Jin did too..

Did you notice that Kate and Claire still didn't tell anyone about the new hatch and the others' costumes?   >:(

Quote from: MommaT on March 24, 2006, 06:07:14 AM
Not a bad episode--but next weeks looks awesome!!  So do we think that Sun did have the affair with her ex-boyfriend/english tutor??  And how creepy was Henry the Other with that detailed "if I was an Other" speech at the end.  And who do we think was traveling with the pregnacy test on the plane?  Cant wait for next week  O0  <3

Oops-forgot to add that Michael is off doing a movie or something like that--that's why he is still wandering through the jungle.

Momma T
Sun doesn't seem like a liar...I think she would have told him that she had an affair if she did...I mean, what does she have to lose at this point?  Jin had just told her he needed her....(wow, that sounded morally wrong...didn't mean it that way)

Ew. Henry is totally an other.  But you know that Sayid/Charlie/Ana Lucia will find the balloon and no "trap".  It will just go to prove that "See, If I was an other thats what I would have done..." Reverse Psychology and mind effing is all he is doing...

Oh, do you all think that Charlie told Sayid about the guns/"kidnapping" Sun thing?  Charlie had a gun and Sayid didn't question him like "Where did you get that Charlie?"....and Charlie knew all about the others so...

Oh!  and "easter egg" alert!  The preggers test said "Widmore Labs" on the box...and in the last charlie episode, the factory outside of where he and his band were shooting the diaper commercial had a "Widmore Construction" sign on it...You know it has to mean something...or else why use the same word twice?


Good point about the gun--I would have thought that Sayid of all people would ask--but maybe after their little conversation a couple weeks ago on the beach--they decided to share info in exchange for Sayid not saying anything??? 

Good catch on the whole lab thing--maybe they are a part of the whole Dharma company? 

Momma T


Quote from: MommaT on March 24, 2006, 12:39:49 PM
Good point about the gun--I would have thought that Sayid of all people would ask--but maybe after their little conversation a couple weeks ago on the beach--they decided to share info in exchange for Sayid not saying anything??? 

Good catch on the whole lab thing--maybe they are a part of the whole Dharma company? 

Momma T

Thanks Momma T....I am nerdy about details...and Lost is one of those shows where it pays off! 
...perhaps "Widmore" is a Dharma company...

Oh, and how about that box of Dharma cereal?  Looked appetizing... ;)


OMFG...What an ep!

Poor, poor Locke.  Another example of a tiger doesn't change his stripes.  He trusts all the wrong people.  I was so sad when Katey Segal left him.  I just wanted him to go over to his father in the cab, punch him in the face and take the money.  Poor Locke.  You know this whole Henry Gale thing is just gonna go bad.  Locke's gonna be all " I gave him my word!" and Sayid's gonna be all "But they killed my Shannon!" and Jack's gonna be all "Now, John..." and  :))  sorry, got carried away there!

Loved the Hold 'em game between Jack and Sawyer.  "When I need the guns, I will get them."  wink wink, nudge nudge...I love me some Jack.

So Mr. Foxx and I recorded the ep on our DVR.  Went back to look at that weird map thing that came up on the door that was squishing Locke when the lights went out...CREEPY.  It is shaped like the Dharma symbol, there are, I think, 8 different Dharma Stations listed...The one has a swan drawn on it and is circled.  There is an arrow pointing too it and the words "I am here".  In the middle of the symbol, inside the stations, there is a big, circled question mark.  The Magnet maybe?  There was all kinds of other crap written all over it, but the freeze frame wasn't clear enough for us to make out what anything else said.  We think the Medical Hatch was two to the left of the swan station...Ah, technology...

Supply drop, eh? Guess our boy Hurley doesn't need to be hoarding food!



Wow is right!!!

I almost started to believe that Henry wasnt an other---but not anymore--I cant believe that Sayid would did up the grave--but good thing he did!!!

Loved the whole card game too--especially the line about just cause you watch it on TV doesnt make you an expert or something like that

WTG Foxx for the high tech report--so who do we think made the map?  maybe the crazy guy from Jack's past that they found in there first?? (having a brain fart cant remember his name)  I wonder if somehow it is all connected and they just have to find the right maze??  Also do we think that as an Other maybe Henry sent a message for the food drop??? 

And why didnt anyone see or hear a plane--DUH!!!!  You are on an island hoping for a rescue you would think someone would have seen somehting

Cant wait for next weeks episode--should be good :)

Momma T



just checked that site that Slide had posted earlier--they have the map that was on the door and what it says and means do these people do this stuff???? 

for sun--she is pregnant--they do get bigger as time goes on :)

Momma T


off the other site  about the door   

In 2x17, a map of stations is revealed on the blast door via an ultraviolet light when the timer counts down.

You can make out "I AM HERE" with an arrow pointing to the SWAN STATION. You can also see the medical station logo, and some new logos that are hard to decipher. One of the new stations is: THE FLAME, with a flame logo, and it appears there may be a station called THE PEARL. In addition, the medical station is refered to as THE STAFF. There are also several latin phrases on the map, which translate as follows:

Aegrescit medendo - The disease worsens with the treatment. The remedy is worse than the disease
Sursum corda - Lift up your hearts (to God)
Credo nos in fluctu eodem esse - I think we're on the same wavelength
Malum consilium quod mutari non potest - It's a bad plan that can't be changed.
Cogito ergo doleo - I think therefore I am depressed
Ut sit magna, tamen certe lenta ira deorum est - The wrath of the gods may be great, but it certainly is slow
Hic sunt dracones - Here be dragons
Nil actum credens dum quid superesset agendum - Thinking nothing done, while anything was yet to do
Liberate te ex inferis - Save yourself from hell
Mus uni non fidit antro - A mouse does not rely on just one hole



Yeah...that whole "The remedy is worse than the disease" thing has my little brain whirling!  So maybe that's why the baby is sick?  Because they injected him (in vitro) with the "remedy"?  Claire's gonna go postal when she finds out...which will make me happy because that girl needs to grow a set... ;)


Quote from: foxx on March 30, 2006, 02:03:45 PM
Yeah...that whole "The remedy is worse than the disease" thing has my little brain whirling!  So maybe that's why the baby is sick?  Because they injected him (in vitro) with the "remedy"?  Claire's gonna go postal when she finds out...which will make me happy because that girl needs to grow a set... ;)

It really does make us think (the show)!!! Just when you think you have something figured out they toss us another snag.


Topic Hi-jacked for just a minute...Foxx is giving Kool-Aide away with her blue shoes on...shes so hot  O0    :-* :-*  Come out of hiding gf we miss ya


i wonder what happen  to  that black dude  (walts  father)      hell you dont even see him in the background of the show anymore

wonder if they  though  since  walt isnt in the  show    it means  they cant do much with the father angle

unless he went off looking by himself

also  i thought for sure that   dude they caught was telling the truth  but was carrying the sickness (since his wife died)

also  that badge   I wonder if that was the other dude who was working down in the  hatch... remember  the dude said  the other dude who was with him in the hatch  Died 

the ballon  i think was the person who was in the race around the world   (the person  jack  meet in the  arena when he was running the steps)


Quote from: slidecage2222 on March 31, 2006, 12:35:58 PM
i wonder what happen  to  that black dude  (walts  father)      hell you dont even see him in the background of the show anymore

wonder if they  though  since  walt isnt in the  show    it means  they cant do much with the father angle

unless he went off looking by himself

also  i thought for sure that   dude they caught was telling the truth  but was carrying the sickness (since his wife died)

also  that badge   I wonder if that was the other dude who was working down in the  hatch... remember  the dude said  the other dude who was with him in the hatch  Died 

the ballon  i think was the person who was in the race around the world   (the person  jack  meet in the  arena when he was running the steps)

Both Walt and Michael are still listed as cast members.  Nerdy sources have said that Michael will play a huge role during May sweeps. 

As for the balloon...Desmond (the guy who met jack in the arena) said he was racing around the world on a good thought...but I think that the real Henry Gale was actually in that balloon. 

Good theory regarding the drawings in the hatch...I think that guy's name was Calvin. 

I love how you call them all dude.  Dude is one of my favorite words!


for those who get  entertainment weekly

that  map picture is in the book this week   Or last week >>    i just got my book today


Bump Bump Bump


Should be good based on the previews :)

Momma T


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