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take a minute to think about this

Started by ipogoallday,

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Here's my opinion....
If pogo banned us fellow auto users, pogo loses million dollars or so. That's bad business. Your "facts" are blatent assumptions with zero "common sense."


You all have very good points, Love reading different opinions. :)


Ya know, I don't believe I've ever seen a more confused set of facs in my life!  ::)  I bet if Pogo REALLY gave a crap, there would be NO auto usage AT ALL....but then who would want to play? Those badges are impossible to get unless it ever becomes humanly possible to play pogo for 72 hours straight without taking time to eat or sleep...and we all know how notoriously cheap Pogo is, so "COMMON SENSE" would tell you that they don't want to lose all of their paying auto users, because then they wouldn't have much of a site to monitor anymore..JMHO!! 8)


Pogo doesn't give a rats arse about autos.  Brings them revenue.  Your theory feeds paranoia.  You think about it.


....Maybe I'm just nitpicking, but in any case, it's impossible to say it's a FACT that "everyone" does anything....

Country Lady

Here are a couple of things that I have noticed.
This is a cheat site.  Why are you at a cheat site? 

Looking for an easy way to win a game, a glitch maybe?  Pogo gives temp. bans for doing that also.
Cheating is cheating, and there are many sites that offer ways to do that.

Right now there are 100 guest, 10 users and 1 hidden on this site alone.  If you look at the stats for this site you will get an idea of how many people are looking for an easy way to win a game.  And you can bet Pogo is very aware of that many of the members are using some sort of help to win.

I have been in rooms where people were freely sharing glitch info, but yell cheater, auto user if someone has a high score.  In my opinion, there is no difference.

And as someone else already stated, if you feel this way, why are you here?


well me is justing reading and do like the post on this topic and i do think that pogo dont really care of the autos they just trying to get the game out and trying to get there server to stay going they get alot of members a month they have to make sure they keep things going my fact it mine and i think you really dont know fact on nothing so fact elsewhere  >:(


Yes I run autos on Pogo! Heven help me I'm a cheter! LOL anyway if pogo banned me I'd just open another account.  Ever since I found this site and have bought autos, and used them, I've enjoyed pogo a lot more.  Some games I like to play by hand, others I don't.  But seriously folks, pogo would lose tons of money if they banned all of us.  So by letting us stay on but taking away our rights to the jps, its a small price to pay on our end to enjoy good company.  At least they give us badges.   :)

Country Lady



Quote from: ipogoallday on January 29, 2006, 09:22:27 PM
FACT: everyone complains about why pogo doesn't fix the glitches in their games.  Did you ever think it's because of all the cheats that they have to constantly try to find ways to stop the cheaters and fix glitches in the games?

Yes we complain, we expect quality for our hard earned $. Autos do not effect how pogo's servers act. Auto effect the users computer because its the users computer that is running the program not pogo's. I am sure that pogo has a team of people who just work on glitches, ect.

FACT: everyone complains about getting booted on badge day or other times.  Here's a thought.  Maybe it's because pogo's servers get overloaded sometimes.  Probably about 25 percent of the people who are on at the same time are using autos.  If people would stop using autos i bet a lot of people would stop getting booted.

Do you not also get aggrivated that a service you paid for is going down consistantly on the busiest days that it knows of? I know I do!!

FACT: everyone complains about token caps on games.  Here's a thought on this.  It's because of autos people.  Autos are the reason that the token caps even exist.

I dont agree with this either, without an auto I can easily beat several games in very fast times and still get capped.

FACT: some people complain that it's not right pogo makes people pay for the premium albums.  I bet half of those people use autos and paid maybe about 30 dollars for autos.  With that you could buy all 3 albums and have some money left over. 

People in life will always have something to complain about.

FACT: Pogo will never be able to fix all the freezing problems while autos keep coming out.  They have to keep finding ways to stop auto programs. 

Freezing problems are caused by poor servers, bugs in the games themselves, or possibly a computer problem on the users end.

FACT: If autos stop coming out, chances are games will come out at a faster rate (hopefully)

Games will only be able to come out as time will allow for research and development.

FACT: If autos stop coming out, pogo will have more time to do more to their games and site

I am sure that pogo has different departments, or teams that cover all the bases so to speak. I am sure that they have specifically a department that handles all glitches, autos ect, that doesnt take time away from other aspects of the site.

FACT: If autos stop coming out, maybe more time will be spent on the service we pay for

FACT: If autos stop coming out, pogo will probably not have as many server problems because people will only play when they have time

--Obviously this letter will not stop the autos, but maybe some people will actually think about this.  It's common sense people think about it.

I personally think that pogo is aware of all the autos out there, the other things that can be done and some of the "glitches" that pogo has are done on purpose. They want to see how people are going to react to things and they want to see how much more profitable they can make the site. At this point in time do I think they are after the auto user? Nope that would cut way too much out of their profits and I think if anything they try to make it so that autos can be made.


I agree that it would be a pretty stupid move for them to go after auto users. I use autos all the time as do alot of people on here.They would lose way too much money if they went after us for using autos. People have been using autos at pogo for years (at least I have) and nothing has been done to stop it. I don't think pogo will ever do anything to stop auto users now or in the future. Stopping auto users is not going to make pogo have better service, it would still be the same as it now.

Anyway I'm not going to stop using autos. There are alot of games that I know I would never get the badge for if I didn't have the auto. I also don't have time to sit and play the games to get the badges and rank badges so autos come in handy for that.

Eagles Fan

OMG!  I just had the one of the best laughs in a while reading this post.  Still have to put my 2 cents in . I agree:  pogo doesn't really care about the auto's.  If they catch you using one when we hit a jackpot. Hey, you can't claim it.  I am sure they get really upset over that! lol
I am an avid auto user and am proud of it. So big deal I cheat!  What is the difference if you use an auto or if you find a quick way to win a badge.  Like quitting a game to help someone else win or just blowing off a game to help!  Seems to me it is the same thing.  So, WTG ALL YOU CHEATERS! O0  I think we have probably the biggest membership in pogo, so what are they going to do throw us all out! 



I agree with the person who said pogo's servers should be able to hold the amount of people who play for pogo.   As far as releasing games quicker.......I'm still so far behind on all the badge games already out,  so i for 1 am not the least bit interested in new games or revamps (i know that's my own personal opinion,  but i've only been on pogo about and year and don't use auto's very much).
And,  let me just say this........pogo really does not seem to care about people using auto's.    I personally was against the use of auto's for a very long time untill one day I decided I just could not deal with a couple of the games,  but still wanted the badges.   During my time of "not liking auto's or users" I reported a person whom I knew for a fact used an auto.    Now,  pogo had the persons screen name,   and could have easily looked them up and found out that they were using an auto.   The reply I got from pogo said that I do not need to report cheaters because pogo already knows and is dealing with it.     This was months and months ago,  and that person is still on pogo.   
Now I apologize to anyone who's going to think me a bad person for reporting them.   Call me a hypocrit if you like,   the shoe fits.   Just wanted to let everyone know that little fact.


Quote from: missminimouse on January 30, 2006, 10:14:28 AM
I agree with the person who said pogo's servers should be able to hold the amount of people who play for pogo.   As far as releasing games quicker.......I'm still so far behind on all the badge games already out,  so i for 1 am not the least bit interested in new games or revamps (i know that's my own personal opinion,  but i've only been on pogo about and year and don't use auto's very much).
And,  let me just say this........pogo really does not seem to care about people using auto's.    I personally was against the use of auto's for a very long time untill one day I decided I just could not deal with a couple of the games,  but still wanted the badges.   During my time of "not liking auto's or users" I reported a person whom I knew for a fact used an auto.    Now,  pogo had the persons screen name,   and could have easily looked them up and found out that they were using an auto.   The reply I got from pogo said that I do not need to report cheaters because pogo already knows and is dealing with it.     This was months and months ago,  and that person is still on pogo.   
Now I apologize to anyone who's going to think me a bad person for reporting them.   Call me a hypocrit if you like,   the shoe fits.   Just wanted to let everyone know that little fact.
that's the same responce i got when i reported someone


The only fact is People complain all day, every day all over the world over any thing imaginable.  The rest is pure opinion and speculation. To imply that everything is " auto users fault" is simply ludicrous.

I have been playing pogo games for the last 6-7 years and have to add that long before " Club Pogo " came along, Pogo had  problems keeping many games on line and running on a daily basis The Down time they are seeing now is minimal  compared to a few years ago. New games  
added 4-6 times a year? No that wasn't happening either!

As Far as Game release.  Let's compare it to video games that are released for Game Cube, Playtation, xbox ect. Release dates are constantly being revised and postponed  so that the programmers can
"fine tune" the product and work the bugs out.  Why on earth would  it be so far fetched that  pogo would not want to do the same?  (AND YES, even at the release of video games there are cheat codes, walkthrough's ect.  out there for anyone to find if they are willing to search for them  O0).

Build it and they will come.  Human nature, find the easiest possible solution!   >:D



Fact's hmmmmmmmmmmmm
      Fact is Pogo cannot handle the amount of new users as you can see they only allow so many people in a room that is a fact<< Your facts make no sense to me  AUTOS do not stop Pogo
        In fact I think you should MYOB << put nicely  <<<  ::) ::)


Quotehave been playing pogo games for the last 6-7 years and have to add that long before " Club Pogo " came along, Pogo had  problems keeping many games on line and running on a daily basis

This is so true. I've been on pogo for years and years. You reckon with all the money they're getting with the clubbers, they could at least get a better server(s)

Not everyone uses autos. If you're going to say it's slow because of auto users, how about those who never leave pogo - non auto users?

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