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American Idol

Started by Tara,

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Actually, I'd have rather seen Ace go home before Lisa.



Oh well! Lisa will end up somewhere in the entertainment business. She has too much talent NOT to. She should have came on it two years from now. More experience.

Feel bad for Paris too. I think I read somewhere that they were room-mates.


I don't know why I continue to watch this show every friggen year....I get so mad because of the voting system...I have not voted this year and said I would not vote ever again after last year...and every other year before that...For instance the night of the finale with Clay and Ruben...3 phones for 4 hours and never got one call in...Therefore my votes could not be counted...Rubens phone you could get through which gets him more votes...Do you see what I am saying?  Does it make sense...If there good and there lines are busy...what good is that?  You can't get your vote in...People have complained so much about the voting system but they will never change it..IMO  I would have it the other way around...Call in for who you DON'T want in....I am upset the Kat was in the bottom 3...But then again I didn't think she sounded good last night...and maybe we hear things different on TV than what the people there hear...Make sense?  Sorry Helen cause I know your a Pickles fan...oh I am not even going to go there...grrrrrrrrr....Ok thank you for letting me vent ...I think I might feel better  :-\


And one more thing....I am emailing Ryan at his other friggen job that I have his email and I am going to tell him he doesn't have to be so damn rude to the bottom 3...He use to not be so mean...Is he related to Hades?  e4.gif>


Quote from: Tara on March 29, 2006, 06:40:31 PM
And one more thing....I am emailing Ryan at his other friggen job that I have his email and I am going to tell him he doesn't have to be so damn rude to the bottom 3...He use to not be so mean...Is he related to Hades?  e4.gif>



Quote from: foxx on March 29, 2006, 06:53:28 AM
I actually decided last night was going to be my test run at the American Idol drinking game.  Any time anyone hits a bad note or says something dumb, I drink.  Let me tell ya...I was HAMMERED by the time Pickles was done.  Between her and Lisa, I tossed back 2 beers in 16 minutes...the rest of the show was kind of a blur...had to watch some people later, after Scrubs...

Ace...not my favorite song choice.  Like the song, just not Ace singing it.  Tara....did you catch that Randy said he had more of an N'Sync vibe?  I was totally thinking about your Timberlake song choice for him.

Kat...I thought she blew it.  But the judges heard something completely different was an octave (?) too high for her...

Taylor...was awesome.  Loved the song, loved that he didn't run around like a chimp on crack...loved it.

Bucky...yeah, big stretch there buddy.  Not the biggest fan of country (surprise, surprise) but didn't think he did badly. may still be the hottest man in the competition, but I lost a lot of respect for ya....Creed?  Poser rock band crappy Creed?
Scott Stapp is probably one of my least favorite people in the entire world.  Ranks right up there with Pickles. Ew.  Wanted some Incubus, some Staind, some something else.  Ew.  I didn't think it was a bad performance...but ew.

Mandisa...what was she thinking?  I love her, but that was just bad.

Paris...loved it....she's just cute as hell...loved the hair, the outfit, the song choice...loved it.

Elliott...That's my boy.  I recognized the song...don't like it....but he did a great job.  Would have loved to hear something else, but he showed the rest of them up.  I actually kinda think he's a little cutie now too...they did a really good job trying to style him...

Actual critique of Pickles?  Song...lame.  Voice...actually not too bad, but she hit some really sour notes.  Outfit...cute.  But there was no "showwomanship" in the act.  She just looked stupid and stick-like and ew.  I didn't want to hunt her down afterwards though...I think it was just because everyone kinda sucked last night.

Bottom three:
Pickles (just because I don't wanna look at her smarmy little stupid face anymore)
Lisa...cause she murdered a Clarkson song...and showed us all why she can't win this...
Bucky...cause isn't there a show called NASHVILLE STAR?

I think Lisa will be leaving us tonight. 

After reading that, I have no doubt that you were hammered after the first 2 singers. I know you're a Kellie hater, there's plenty of evidence of that in just about every post here, but there's been a bit of it going towards Lisa too, and I don't get that.. I don't see how someone can think she's so bad, her singing or her attitude or the way she presents herself.. what is it with her that gets to people?? I think it was a crime that she got voted off so early.. and at the same time not even having Bucky in the bottom 3, the guy who everyone else could barely understand 2 words of his song, and yet his country song and performance wasn't bad??? And Kat blew it too?? I certainly did not hear that. And another crime for her being in the bottom 3.. imagine, Kat there, and not Bucky.. you know something fishy is goin on. Back to Lisa.. just to prove how even more mature she really is, she was not even upset at all, took it very well and professional about getting voted off, smiled the whole time and never looked like she was hiding any underlying bad feelings.. cuz she's smart enough to know that it is not the end of the world, it's only American freakin Idol, and really.. she does not need the show to launch her career, eventually, and I think she knows that.. she will do well enough on her own, and probably even better witout having the American Idol name next to hers all the time. I don't visit the site, but did this votefortheworst thing start a campaign for Bucky as well?? How does he not even end up in the bottom 3 after sounding like he was singing with a bunch of rocks in his mouth? As for the voting- I think it should be changed in a way.. I think they should only accept one vote per phone number per individual for the night.. that way you can't have people flooding the box for good or evil ways.. no stuffing the ballot box from their family and friends and even fans, but also no voting in the worst people either. People could still get in multiple votes, but at least they would have to use a different phone # each and every time they call in, if they're gonna do it, make em work for it!


Quote from: RC on March 29, 2006, 09:27:20 PM

After reading that, I have no doubt that you were hammered after the first 2 singers. I know you're a Kellie hater, there's plenty of evidence of that in just about every post here, but there's been a bit of it going towards Lisa too, and I don't get that.. I don't see how someone can think she's so bad, her singing or her attitude or the way she presents herself.. what is it with her that gets to people?? I think it was a crime that she got voted off so early.. and at the same time not even having Bucky in the bottom 3, the guy who everyone else could barely understand 2 words of his song, and yet his country song and performance wasn't bad??? And Kat blew it too?? I certainly did not hear that. And another crime for her being in the bottom 3.. imagine, Kat there, and not Bucky.. you know something fishy is goin on. Back to Lisa.. just to prove how even more mature she really is, she was not even upset at all, took it very well and professional about getting voted off, smiled the whole time and never looked like she was hiding any underlying bad feelings.. cuz she's smart enough to know that it is not the end of the world, it's only American freakin Idol, and really.. she does not need the show to launch her career, eventually, and I think she knows that.. she will do well enough on her own, and probably even better witout having the American Idol name next to hers all the time. I don't visit the site, but did this votefortheworst thing start a campaign for Bucky as well?? How does he not even end up in the bottom 3 after sounding like he was singing with a bunch of rocks in his mouth? As for the voting- I think it should be changed in a way.. I think they should only accept one vote per phone number per individual for the night.. that way you can't have people flooding the box for good or evil ways.. no stuffing the ballot box from their family and friends and even fans, but also no voting in the worst people either. People could still get in multiple votes, but at least they would have to use a different phone # each and every time they call in, if they're gonna do it, make em work for it!
First of all I know you addressed this to Foxx...You do it every week  ::)  But I have to butt in  >:D

Wow...I totally have to disagree with you on Lisas song she sang...Have you heard Kelly Clarkson sing that song?  Theres no way you could have..Lisas voice was not strong enough for it....I think Bucky should of went before Lisa but your right about Lisas attitude...She does have class, theres no doubt about that..For being only 16 she acts alot more mature than your love child ( Pickles) whom acts likes the most immature of them all , including Chicken Little...I thought Kat blew it...I didn't hear what the judges heard..but no way did she ever belong in the bottom 3....You know the top 10 get to go on the tour,there going to all make some money...About the top 5 really get noticed...But these 10 people will all get something or do something no matter what...They all do...And I have to agree with the voting system with you...That voting crap pisses me off...oh well...this is my BIASED opinion...hagd!!  :-*


Anyone else see Chicken Little on the Today Show? He sang "when I fall in love" .. and honestly I think he sang it better there than he did while he was on the show. I think, as his voice matures, he's got potential.


Quote from: ClingFree on March 30, 2006, 05:48:15 AM
Anyone else see Chicken Little on the Today Show? He sang "when I fall in love" .. and honestly I think he sang it better there than he did while he was on the show. I think, as his voice matures, he's got potential.

He was on Regis and Kelly yesterday..He said Pickles gave him the name Chicken Little...< gaggin smiley inserted here>


Quote from: RC on March 29, 2006, 09:27:20 PM

After reading that, I have no doubt that you were hammered after the first 2 singers. I know you're a Kellie hater, there's plenty of evidence of that in just about every post here, but there's been a bit of it going towards Lisa too, and I don't get that.. I don't see how someone can think she's so bad, her singing or her attitude or the way she presents herself.. what is it with her that gets to people?? I think it was a crime that she got voted off so early.. and at the same time not even having Bucky in the bottom 3, the guy who everyone else could barely understand 2 words of his song, and yet his country song and performance wasn't bad??? And Kat blew it too?? I certainly did not hear that. And another crime for her being in the bottom 3.. imagine, Kat there, and not Bucky.. you know something fishy is goin on. Back to Lisa.. just to prove how even more mature she really is, she was not even upset at all, took it very well and professional about getting voted off, smiled the whole time and never looked like she was hiding any underlying bad feelings.. cuz she's smart enough to know that it is not the end of the world, it's only American freakin Idol, and really.. she does not need the show to launch her career, eventually, and I think she knows that.. she will do well enough on her own, and probably even better witout having the American Idol name next to hers all the time. I don't visit the site, but did this votefortheworst thing start a campaign for Bucky as well?? How does he not even end up in the bottom 3 after sounding like he was singing with a bunch of rocks in his mouth? As for the voting- I think it should be changed in a way.. I think they should only accept one vote per phone number per individual for the night.. that way you can't have people flooding the box for good or evil ways.. no stuffing the ballot box from their family and friends and even fans, but also no voting in the worst people either. People could still get in multiple votes, but at least they would have to use a different phone # each and every time they call in, if they're gonna do it, make em work for it!

If you properly read my post...I said (and I may rephrase)  that Lisa butchered a Kelly Clarkson song, thereby showing us she could not win the competition.  Do I think Bucky should win?  Abso-freakin-lutely not.  But at least he has some frickin affect.  Lisa was an emotionless robotic singer.  That does not win competitions.  Compare her to Paris, who is not much older than her...Paris is a showwoman.  I think you are a little out of line with this whole thing.  You act like I said something hateful about Lisa.  I didn't and I haven't.  My feelings about her all along have been "meh".  Don't really care either way. 

Vote for the worst is doing a Pickles campaign.  Big surprise.  Unfortunately, they don't need to screw with the votes to keep her in it because for some reason unknown to me, America loves her.  If you think for one second that site has any power over the voting, you are crazy.  One vote per household?  Please.  Its the teeny-boppers who rule the world...go talk to them about their power voting.

Its funny that people get all worked up about AI's voting system....remember the 2000/2004 Presidential elections?   >:D

Thank you Tara for helpin' out a girlfriend... :-*


I think we're all entitled to our opinions here and we're never all going to agree on who is the best.

As for the voting for Clay/Reuben, that was a travesty. I sat there with 3 phones and only got 1 call through in 3 hours.
I don't know how they managed to always have Clay's number busy but it made me sick. Justice was served in the end
though. Clay has done better and has more exposure than Reuben could ever hope for.


Quote from: RC on March 29, 2006, 09:27:20 PM
Quote from: foxx on March 29, 2006, 06:53:28 AM
I actually decided last night was going to be my test run at the American Idol drinking game.  Any time anyone hits a bad note or says something dumb, I drink.  Let me tell ya...I was HAMMERED by the time Pickles was done.  Between her and Lisa, I tossed back 2 beers in 16 minutes...the rest of the show was kind of a blur...had to watch some people later, after Scrubs...

Ace...not my favorite song choice.  Like the song, just not Ace singing it.  Tara....did you catch that Randy said he had more of an N'Sync vibe?  I was totally thinking about your Timberlake song choice for him.

Kat...I thought she blew it.  But the judges heard something completely different was an octave (?) too high for her...

Taylor...was awesome.  Loved the song, loved that he didn't run around like a chimp on crack...loved it.

Bucky...yeah, big stretch there buddy.  Not the biggest fan of country (surprise, surprise) but didn't think he did badly. may still be the hottest man in the competition, but I lost a lot of respect for ya....Creed?  Poser rock band crappy Creed?
Scott Stapp is probably one of my least favorite people in the entire world.  Ranks right up there with Pickles. Ew.  Wanted some Incubus, some Staind, some something else.  Ew.  I didn't think it was a bad performance...but ew.

Mandisa...what was she thinking?  I love her, but that was just bad.

Paris...loved it....she's just cute as hell...loved the hair, the outfit, the song choice...loved it.

Elliott...That's my boy.  I recognized the song...don't like it....but he did a great job.  Would have loved to hear something else, but he showed the rest of them up.  I actually kinda think he's a little cutie now too...they did a really good job trying to style him...

Actual critique of Pickles?  Song...lame.  Voice...actually not too bad, but she hit some really sour notes.  Outfit...cute.  But there was no "showwomanship" in the act.  She just looked stupid and stick-like and ew.  I didn't want to hunt her down afterwards though...I think it was just because everyone kinda sucked last night.

Bottom three:
Pickles (just because I don't wanna look at her smarmy little stupid face anymore)
Lisa...cause she murdered a Clarkson song...and showed us all why she can't win this...
Bucky...cause isn't there a show called NASHVILLE STAR?

I think Lisa will be leaving us tonight. 

After reading that, I have no doubt that you were hammered after the first 2 singers. I know you're a Kellie hater, there's plenty of evidence of that in just about every post here, but there's been a bit of it going towards Lisa too, and I don't get that.. I don't see how someone can think she's so bad, her singing or her attitude or the way she presents herself.. what is it with her that gets to people?? I think it was a crime that she got voted off so early.. and at the same time not even having Bucky in the bottom 3, the guy who everyone else could barely understand 2 words of his song, and yet his country song and performance wasn't bad??? And Kat blew it too?? I certainly did not hear that. And another crime for her being in the bottom 3.. imagine, Kat there, and not Bucky.. you know something fishy is goin on. Back to Lisa.. just to prove how even more mature she really is, she was not even upset at all, took it very well and professional about getting voted off, smiled the whole time and never looked like she was hiding any underlying bad feelings.. cuz she's smart enough to know that it is not the end of the world, it's only American freakin Idol, and really.. she does not need the show to launch her career, eventually, and I think she knows that.. she will do well enough on her own, and probably even better witout having the American Idol name next to hers all the time. I don't visit the site, but did this votefortheworst thing start a campaign for Bucky as well?? How does he not even end up in the bottom 3 after sounding like he was singing with a bunch of rocks in his mouth? As for the voting- I think it should be changed in a way.. I think they should only accept one vote per phone number per individual for the night.. that way you can't have people flooding the box for good or evil ways.. no stuffing the ballot box from their family and friends and even fans, but also no voting in the worst people either. People could still get in multiple votes, but at least they would have to use a different phone # each and every time they call in, if they're gonna do it, make em work for it!

Woah!  Wait a minute.......I believe opinions of one's own are still legal, and I believe Foxx was merely exercising her right to express hers. 

Sorry this came in so late, but I'm playing catch-up today.

PS I don't see the "star" quality in Lisa, either.  I'm not a fan of Bucky but at least he's somewhat entertaining.  Katherine (again, these are MY opinions) did NOT deserve the bottom three, even though she did "blow a Kelly Clarkston song."


Out of all the singers
   I will stick with Taylor :)


Quote from: LastCall on March 30, 2006, 11:21:13 AM
Out of all the singers
   I will stick with Taylor :)

He IS the most entertaining.  He's a lot of fun to watch. 



Quote from: Helen on March 30, 2006, 10:58:26 AM
I think we're all entitled to our opinions here and we're never all going to agree on who is the best.

As for the voting for Clay/Reuben, that was a travesty. I sat there with 3 phones and only got 1 call through in 3 hours.
I don't know how they managed to always have Clay's number busy but it made me sick. Justice was served in the end
though. Clay has done better and has more exposure than Reuben could ever hope for.

I totally agree with you Helen...He came out better not winning when it was all said and done.


 Kellie will come out strong next week 
   to win.   This his her type of music >>>Country ???


Quote from: LastCall on March 30, 2006, 12:30:06 PM
Kellie will come out strong next week 
   to win.   This his her type of music >>>Country ???

You know I had to say it...but...




iI know I am for Taylor all the way
    the  guy is talented   :)


Quote from: LastCall on March 30, 2006, 12:33:05 PM
iI know I am for Taylor all the way
    the  guy is talented   :)

I agree...week in, week out he is the most consistent.  But you know I love me some McPhee and some Elliott... ;)

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