March 06, 2025, 07:03:52 PM

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Some pogo news i heard in game rooms *RUMORS till someone can confirm*

Started by slidecage2222,

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i was playing  ride the tide   Late saturday night and there was a person talking about all the new stuff pogo has coming... take all this info as  RUMORS as for now

Pogo pets  will be out in  april or May

bigger news

the next game to come out will be   Casino island poker  (not bowling)   this game should come out in early april

there will be another  album badge book   In either  late april or Early  May 

Shuffle bump should be out  Tuesday  (there was really no reason it didnt come out last week, but pogo wanted to make sure they had the spades ranks fixxed  and wanted that game out  so they just pushed  BUMP back a week)

and the biggest news  was

BOWLING should be out  this summer     at the same time  POGO  pushes out their leagues  with bowling being their first league

bowling league   get it.. pogo is going to try to tie both of these items into each other and hope to have both out by  JULY   but probally  Sooner

they also said  that starting this week pogo will start to send out massive emails to the case league owners about  pogo blocking  their leauges on pogo

the next thing another person said in the chat room as  a question  but the dude never said anything  SO i say its not real

Pogo is looking at something called the 


you will get a superbadge  (think spike dressed up like a ninja)
you will get new info on games, leagues and new items pogo has in the works before anyone else
You will get to play  the new games  (1-2 weeks early)  before anyone else
You will get an extra  personal challenge every week
and something about a   5 buck off coupon to  pogo to go games ????  (every 6 month or  1 per year)

all  for  yearly price of   49.95 

someone also said their heard pogo was  talking  about going into a  3  place plan

Basic - would be free like now
Gold --- would what we have now
Diamond or plat---  what would  included extra stuff noone knows about 

but they heard the  price of  49.95 per year on the   Diamond club

be intersting to see how much of this is true... i would think the   bowling would be a smart idea ... i mean what better way to push leagues  then have  a  bowling  leauge

Well i was just wondering if anyone else heard people talking about this stuff in chat 



Holy crap. I'm going to be the 1st to say I'm not going to pay $50 for a flippin' newsletter and $50 to play games 2 weeks before everyone else...

.... now I'm going to say I need to save up $100 in case something important happens!


If the part about paying $50.00 to be a diamond member is true than pogo is getting greedy. I wouldn't want to pay $50.00 for that either. Guess we'll have to wait and see how much of this is really true.


Pogo is already greedy.

I would never pay 50.00 to them, so I could play a few games 2 weeks before so. I hope that's just a rumor.

Thanks for sharing all this, SlideCage :)


Well let me be the first to say I will pay the $50.00

Thats not much more then we already pay. Not to me anyway. less then the cost of 1 x-box 360 game.
So sign me up POGO. O0


ill pay the $49 if i think its worth it...not much more then i pay now. eh guess we will see if its true or not


I will pay if it is NOT $50 on top of what I pay now, but a total of $50 for the games early and a newsletter


I think tons of people will pay the 50 bux...even the ones saying they won't.  Look at all the people that said they'd never pay for they buy em, finish em in a day, then complain till the next ones come out


Do you think if ur one to pay the 50 bucks u could send the rest of us the newsletter?....LMAO...Im just kiddin....if theres more badges included I will be the first to pay the 50 Im not gonna lie   O0


Who knows.. i might pay.. it depends on what all is really included.. id definatly pay if you had like an unlimited amount of pc's haha or like 5 instead of just 1 or something .. guess we'll just have to wait & see



i'll pay it cause when i die i don't want to leave no money  in my account :)) :)) :))  !   


well i will pay for it cause i have to have it lol no i will have to see what it is all bout first



I also think a lot of people will pay the $50 for really nice extra things, but we will all have to wait and see.  :)


All these rumors and things about Pogo putting prices on stuff.. first we pay extra for premium albums, then's there's rumors about some items for the minis to be individually priced, and all of the things listed in the first post here... Pogo must think they sense that people will pay whatever Pogo tells them to for whatever Pogo decides to slap a price on. Pretty soon, there will be a price to have an unlimited friends list, a price for unlimited usage of the message system, if you even want to look at another player's profile- that'll cost ya.. and if ya have a question or problem for the help section, there will be a price to have it answered immediately by a real person without a form letter. And this year may be safe, but you can bet eventually, even the weekly challenges won't be part of the yearly price anymore, they will be priced seperately too. If Pogo continues down this road, by the year 2008, you'll be paying about $150 a year to do everything you can now for what you're paying now, with a few new extra things thrown in.. and there will be a few dummies who will actually pay for everything they possibly can, but I would hope the majority would have a little sense and willpower and 'just say no' to Pogo and their gouging, and have them end up actually losing a bunch of members cuz they are sick of them going crazy with the pricegun. I admit I bought all of the first 3 premium albums.. it was a new thing, I wanted to try them all out.. that was what, approx. $15 total? On top of the $30 yearly price, bumps that up to $45 right there. Now I haven't bought the most recent premium cuz for one, I didn't like a lot of the games on it, and second, I didn't wanna get sucked in every time they throw a new album out. Ya might say it's only $6.. but if they release a new one, say every 3 months, that's an extra $24 a year (almost doubling the normal price right there). Let's include the first 3 premiums from the end of last year, say they add 4 new ones this year, plus the $30 subscription price (for anyone non-AOL).. someone could pay $69 for a year of Pogo this year.. not including if they come out with the pay mini items and all of this other stuff from this post and have people add some of that crap on to it as well, that will jack it up even more. For some, Pogo may be their life, they may do nothing else but that.. but that does not mean it's worth whatever Pogo decides they wanna take from you. You may need food to live, but do ya wanna pay $15 for a can of soup, or $12 for a loaf of bread? Things do need a limit.

Sorry for the long ranting post.. but when it starts to flow, it's hard to stop!


You know what RC....I agree with all that you said. And, if Pogo does come here and read the posts.....if more people would just say NO.....maybe they'd think twice before trying to gouge us for more money on top of what we already pay.


RC, I agree with you 100%.  It's a very common marketing schema:
    *First, no one thought that anyone would pay for a club membership; now I'd speculate that at least half the ppl on Pogo are club members (I could be wrong).
    *Then there was the upheaval about having to pay for badges.  Look at the profile of anyone that has over a mil tokens; more often than not you'll see that they have those badges in their albums.
    *Hosted tournaments, while not necessarily free, were not being charged by Pogo.  Now, seeing how popular they've become, there's speculation that they'll be taken over.

The folks at EA are smart enough not to throw everything out all at once.  They start off slow, introduce a new concept every year or two.  If the influx of money is there, they'll continue.  Once the majority of ppl say "enough is enough," they'll stop.  Until then, why should they?



     You are right on key.  It is all about marketing.... Pogo is fast turning into ebay...........  (I hope that was not against the rules here for putting in that plug for them?)  Does anyone remember back when they first got started? (ebay that is)    Who would have thought they would be charging the prices they are now? Look at all the changes that they (ebay) made, then up-ed the prices at each and every change. They started out slow, then seen that the people was still going to use their site and pay the extra prices so they added more and the prices went up more....  No different than what Pogo is trying right now.  Pogo now knows that people will pay for the premium badges so why not try to get money for something else?   I am sorry to say, but if I owned ea sports, I would be testing the waters too. I can remember when people was buying their membership in pogo and I thought they were stupid!.  :D      No way I was going to pay for something that I can get for free. lol. I started to buy my first premium book this month, however I now have some hospital bills that comes first. But I will be getting them when I can. (Never say never, right?)  O0      spb.gif

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