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South Dakota bans most abortions

Started by Homer,

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speaking of Canada....being only give or take 6-8 hours from the border-there have been immigration lawyers from Canada coming here to my part of the world willing to walk people thru the process of becoming Canadian.  Heck even one immigration lawyer is a former entertainment lawyer from Seattle.  Maybe we should move to Canada with all this crap going on in the US.


I for one am outraged by this going on, this country is going backwards, I am pro choice, however I don't agree with ppl using it as birth control, I know of someone who has had more than two , for only basically the fact that she didn't want kids then which to me is horrible.  But to every one of those kinds of women there are many who don't do that and make a very hard decision to abort for various reasons, like rape, incest, etc.  We will go back to alley abortions, and doctors illegal perfoming them without the proper tools, if this country reverses roe and scarily I think it could happen. I don't understand what the hell is happening to the woman's rights we fought so hard for through the years!!  My body, my choice, but there should be limits people should not be able to get abortion after abortion, and there shouldn't be late term abortions either, but that's just my opinion.   and remember folks this is a friendly disscusion  :)


like I said before you all can blast me as a fence sitter all you want.  I still think abortion whould be allowed but at the same time I'll all for a woman to carry the baby and go for adoption.  However there are times that abortion is the better choice.  Shouldn't be used as birth control but it should be there as an option.  No woman should ever take getting an abortion lighty but it is there to use if that is the choice you wish to make.  And I won't, nor have I ever looked badly on a woman if she has ever had one or wishes to get one.  Libra I agree with what ya said....women out there spread your legs for daddy or go get your self raped while you can still have an abortion.  Or we can pool our money together and move to Canada.


I am pro choice, but one thing that makes me sick about this South Dakota law is that it doesn't even have a provision for cases of incest or rape.  The governor signed this into law today.  I think it's pretty sad that the government wants to tell a woman that was raped that she has to carry the baby that resulted to term.


My body My choice.  Well said Nanners.

Here's the thing.  Its not like an abortion is a "sweep me out/clean me up and go on about your day" kinda thing.  It is a trauma to your body.  If there are women out there TRULY using abortion as a form of birth control, that's just nuts. 

But can you who are anti-choice really say that if your 14-year-old daughter/granddaughter/niece, etc. was incested and became pregnant that you would expect her to carry the child to term?  Abortion causes trauma to the body and a woman has to carry her choice with her for the rest of her life...but my god, I cannot imagine the psychological trauma to the mother in this case.  I could never handle that at age 30; imagine what it would do to a child. (I am pro-choice at all levels...her body, her choice; I use this story for illustrative purposes only.)

I just think it is funny that what, 2 weeks have gone by since Alito was confirmed to the Supreme Court?  Radical Right at their worst again...I hope the voters of South Dakota respond to this gross misuse of the legal system and vote them all out of office.  Hopefully NOW or NARAL is up there organizing women voters....

You're right Bubblegum...It is the end of the world as we know it...except I don't feel so fine.


Quote from: foxx on March 07, 2006, 08:59:58 AM
My body My choice.  Well said Nanners.

Here's the thing.  Its not like an abortion is a "sweep me out/clean me up and go on about your day" kinda thing.  It is a trauma to your body.  If there are women out there TRULY using abortion as a form of birth control, that's just nuts. 

But can you who are anti-choice really say that if your 14-year-old daughter/granddaughter/niece, etc. was incested and became pregnant that you would expect her to carry the child to term?  Abortion causes trauma to the body and a woman has to carry her choice with her for the rest of her life...but my god, I cannot imagine the psychological trauma to the mother in this case.  I could never handle that at age 30; imagine what it would do to a child. (I am pro-choice at all levels...her body, her choice; I use this story for illustrative purposes only.)

I just think it is funny that what, 2 weeks have gone by since Alito was confirmed to the Supreme Court?  Radical Right at their worst again...I hope the voters of South Dakota respond to this gross misuse of the legal system and vote them all out of office.  Hopefully NOW or NARAL is up there organizing women voters....

You're right Bubblegum...It is the end of the world as we know it...except I don't feel so fine.

How much you wanna bet that Florida is next? 

Waging (and raging) Lib


Okay Foxx since I am against abortion for those accidental preganices I will answer the question. I have no problem with abortion in the case of incest or rape. Those events are so full of truama that to expect any woman to see a pregancy thorugh taht resultsfrom those crimes is wrong. But with the abortion rate in this country it has become a method of birth conrol. If its not then the incidents of rape incest are grossly underreported. As I said before. Guys if you have unprotected sex It can create a child. Women if you have unprotected sex it can create a baby. No just because you cant conrol your drinking or have the thought its only once. dont expect abortion to be your out. I have a least six friends who were unable to have children but couldnt adopt infants because they are not available. All six adopted sibiling groups. 


Christopher Titus-a comedian once said that 60% of Americans (don't remember the figure exactly) come from disfuncional family's and/or crazy or not considered "normal" by traditional standards.  So when a meteor shower hits the earth and its the end of the world-all the normal people are going to be going OMG THE WORLD IS ENDING and us crazy people will be saying "Hey, no one's watching the Lexis dealership" :))


Quote from: spiritwarrior1953 on March 07, 2006, 09:13:52 AM
Okay Foxx since I am against abortion for those accidental preganices I will answer the question. I have no problem with abortion in the case of incest or rape. Those events are so full of truama that to expect any woman to see a pregancy thorugh taht resultsfrom those crimes is wrong. But with the abortion rate in this country it has become a method of birth conrol. If its not then the incidents of rape incest are grossly underreported. As I said before. Guys if you have unprotected sex It can create a child. Women if you have unprotected sex it can create a baby. No just because you cant conrol your drinking or have the thought its only once. dont expect abortion to be your out. I have a least six friends who were unable to have children but couldnt adopt infants because they are not available. All six adopted sibiling groups. 

Actually, that's incorrect.  Abortions are actually down in the United States quite a bit over the last few years.  Here are the official statistics:

Abortion Statistics - Using Contraception (U.S.)

54% of women having an abortion said they used some form of contraception during the month they became pregnant.
90% of women who are at risk for unplanned pregnancies are using contraception
8% of women having an abortion say they have never used contraception.
It is possible that up to 43% of the decline in abortion from 1994-2000 can be attributed to using emergency contraception.



I m glad you posted the stats but being the distrustful suspecting person I am of anything related to government. Statsasre slanted to support whatever conclusion you want. It is done through the wording of the question So I usually discount stats completely .I recently read article that the poll regarding Bush approval rating being at 34% was in fact slanted and not completly honest. Another group rephrased the question and came up with 43% l


Quote from: spiritwarrior1953 on March 07, 2006, 09:13:52 AM
Okay Foxx since I am against abortion for those accidental preganices I will answer the question. I have no problem with abortion in the case of incest or rape. Those events are so full of truama that to expect any woman to see a pregancy thorugh taht resultsfrom those crimes is wrong. But with the abortion rate in this country it has become a method of birth conrol. If its not then the incidents of rape incest are grossly underreported. As I said before. Guys if you have unprotected sex It can create a child. Women if you have unprotected sex it can create a baby. No just because you cant conrol your drinking or have the thought its only once. dont expect abortion to be your out. I have a least six friends who were unable to have children but couldnt adopt infants because they are not available. All six adopted sibiling groups. 

In fact, they are.  According to the Department of Justice, only 39% of rapes and sexual assaults in the United States were reported to law enforcement officials.  This statistic does not include incest, as the DOJ does not consider it "rape".  I can only imagine that the statistics on reported incest would hover somewhere around 10%. 

...and I am not trying to create controversy...I didn't really expect anyone to respond, I just wanted to give everyone something to think on.

*ETA: I just read your post re: mistrusting Statistics (which I can understand!).  I can however tell you, I work with sexual assault survivors and I was surprised at the 39% number.  In my experience, that number is actually way lower. 


I have enjoyed hearing everyones opion and respect all of them.


In my last responce I said that I can not say that I am for or against abortions.  Well after re-reading My post and all the other post. I can say that I am pro abortion in cases of Rape, Incest, or the health of the mother/baby.  However I still think that we should have the same punishment for the men that rapes/causes incest to women/childern that they have in Angolia Africa. My brother-in-law works over there and told me waht they do in those cases. lol. The man will not do it again OR any man that watches what happens to the man that is guilty.  (I still hurt every time I think about their punishment).


I am Pro Choice and fully back up my opinion.  I think a women has a right to do what she wants to do with her body.  I also do not believe that a women should use a abortion as a form of birth control.  I can see if a person got pregnant was raped,  incest...etc, then that person should have a chose to choose what is right for them.

And Nanners you statement "MY body MY choice.." I fully agree with.


Personally am pro choice,    there are times when an abortion may be called for.   Remeber there are women being raped,   or in abusive relationships and feel bringing a child into that would not be a good choice.    Also there are young girls who are not educated enough to know about birth control,  etc etc. 
Remember the girl who gave birth in the bathroom at her prom and left the child to die?   Would aborting that child have been worse than dying in a toilet?
I believe that outlawing abortions will cause a world of chaos.   It will not make women or girls wiser,   it will not make them make better choices.   Instead it will cause more babies being born in toilets or found dead in dumpsters.   More crack babies living off the state that the tax payers have to pay for.   And what of the babies who survive and go on to be raised by the woman who didn't want it?   Will it be loved and cherished and taught right from wrong,  or will it be ignored,  abused,  neglected and given very little education......which will probably turn into a life of crime.   
Further is it a man's business what a woman does with her body?   How is a man to make that decision for all the women in that state,  or in the country......or however far this will escalate.  The only man who should have any say in the matter is the man who fathered the child,  he is the only one who may protest to it being aborted.   
Want a solution to all this?   I say,   make people need a licensce to have children.   We need a license to get married and drive a car,  do we not?   Sure having children is our god given right......but obviously it's being abused.   I say,  make couples,   or even single parents,    get a liscense to have a baby,    and untill they have the license,   free mandatory birth control for both men and women,  and not a pill a woman can forget to take.  Sure it will raise a lot of controversy and people would fight it........but abortion and birth control raises controversy also.   Anyways,  that's just my opinion.......thought I'd share.


I get the feeling that most all of us agree on abortion with limits. I agree abortion for victims of sexual crimes should have the option. Also those with life threating illness. I cannot accept late term or partial birth abortion. I also cannot accept abortion as birth control.  A few years ago I was one who said My Body My Choice . Then I saw ultasound. Ultrasound was not used when I was pregnant. My daughter showed me the video tape of her ultrasound and I changed my view. I saw my unborn grandson  He streched his arms gave a yawn and then curled into a tighter fetal position and started to suck his fist. I knew at that instance I could no longer support abortion without limits. I am not opposed to abortion just abortion without limits. I cannot and will not accept abortion as a means of birth control   


Quote from: spiritwarrior1953 on March 08, 2006, 09:32:51 AM
I get the feeling that most all of us agree on abortion with limits. I agree abortion for victims of sexual crimes should have the option. Also those with life threating illness. I cannot accept late term or partial birth abortion. I also cannot accept abortion as birth control.  A few years ago I was one who said My Body My Choice . Then I saw ultasound. Ultrasound was not used when I was pregnant. My daughter showed me the video tape of her ultrasound and I changed my view. I saw my unborn grandson  He streched his arms gave a yawn and then curled into a tighter fetal position and started to suck his fist. I knew at that instance I could no longer support abortion without limits. I am not opposed to abortion just abortion without limits. I cannot and will not accept abortion as a means of birth control   

I don't think the majority women use abortion or see abortion as birth control.  I don't think they say, "Oh to hell with it, I can go get this taken care of if something happens."  First of all, it's not affordable, not readily available, and quite frankly, probably a gut wrenching decision for most women.  Of course, there are exceptions, and I"m sure there are a few women out there who do abuse the right, however, don't penalize my right to choose because of a few idiots. 




 :o :o awe you don't mean that and Im sorry if you do....I think we all feel like that sometimes but then we realize its really not that bad


no, it was pretty bad, shes nuts!

and i don't mean, OMG she wouldn't let me watch tv life is over.

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