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Ok so I just bought the Jasc Animations shop 3, now I'm curious what version of Paint Shop Pro does everyone like best (or is the easiest to use).

And how much can I really do with the animation shop lol. And what is the difference between the two of them plz. I know I'm sounding numb, but I read the corel sight and it really didn't give me to much info. Tks in advance for the feedback.


I'm glad you asked those questions as I have been wanting to know too! lol thanks



well here is abit of tips and advice I used for my own use to help myself learn. An they still are a few things to help you chose the rite program for you (psp)

I say chose a paint shop pro that is not too new (such as pspX) reason why cuz there are not as many tutorials out for this one just yet. An also not to chose one too old as well, such as psp5,6, an pretty much 7. I myself use psp8 and 9, you can have both on ur pc, but for anyone new to psp, I would say stick to one jus for now - til you get more use to it. Then when you expend ur wings an know much more you can get more versions.
So to clear that up....if your really serious in learning...I say try psp8 or 9, either one your gonna find lots of things to add to them an more important *Tutorials*

Tutorials are very imporant learning ways to help you get familiar with things in ur psp, and also to have fun. But before you try any tutorial it's best you learn what is in ur psp such as what are the tools....don't be afraid to play with the things on it, that's how ur gonna learn. After awhile you'll begin to know what they do, and start making things on ur own. Once you get a good idea of what the tools are and where everything is and what they do, search sum *Beginner* Tutorials....make sure you begin from the start -Beginners. Cuz they walk you through it very nicely and sum tutorials are more different then all depends exactly on what your trying to create. I have a good link for this - anyone interested - I'm willing to share.

Animation shop comes with ur psp9 ( I have a free link to this if anyone likes, an loads of plugin's as well) Animation shop is where you take ur picture and make it come alive, adding movement to it (and sum other kewl things too)  It's all about reading up on stuff and trying or even asking questions. Many of you must have seen sum images with lil glittering butterflies or hearts an such....this effect is very simple, just bascially copying and pasting.

I hope this has helped you in sum way, if not....any questions I'm sure sumone will answer. There are also great tutorials as well on this site, by shadylady *sumthing like that* sorry I'm at a lost for names. But yeah sum really great ones. But yeah get familiar with your psp first and have fun.

Anyone interested in any links I have to share, send me a shout.  +-+

Ur Deer Friend


tysvm for all the info Bams it's a great help. Now so much for the Animation Shop coming with it because I already bought that seperate lol. You said free link for what psp 9 for free? Or am I misunderstanding. Also how do I do glitter in Animation shop I don't see that as an effect when I'm playing around with it. Or did I need  PSP for that?

Also feel free to send me any of the tutorial sites or whatever you have please... I'm eager to start learning that way maybe someday I'll be of help making some pics for people or at least be able to create my own lol.

Tyvm for the tips



Shady, MackTami and I gave several links right on this forum for PSP Tutorials links...
I have to look and see exactly what thread it is... but we started a "great" collection of info for beginners.


Quote from: Tokens  Master Tagger on April 26, 2007, 04:50:27 PM
Shady, MackTami and I gave several links right on this forum for PSP Tutorials links...
I have to look and see exactly what thread it is... but we started a "great" collection of info for beginners.

tks Tokens I'm browsing online trying to find where to get version 8 or 9 now


The siggy in IndianLovers siggy that has her name on it is friggen awesome looking. I love it.


I luv PSP for Dummies...

Now this link I think covers everything from a-z... a heck of a good source to help beginners

Tara its not hard to add a name to an image... but you do need to build up your font folder... all fonts on your hard drive are automatically used in PSP.... 
Several free font sites.... jus google 1000 fonts is one...

All you do is load the image on PSP or Animation Shop Pro and choose your font/size and color/texture/ and type the name... 


Quote from: Tara on April 26, 2007, 04:56:42 PM
The siggy in IndianLovers siggy that has her name on it is friggen awesome looking. I love it.

tyvm Tara!  I owe alot of credit To Razz, she does awesome work! And Bams does awesome work too! They both have been a big help.


Quote from: Tokens  Master Tagger on April 26, 2007, 05:09:40 PM
I luv PSP for Dummies...

Now this link I think covers everything from a-z... a heck of a good source to help beginners

Tara its not hard to add a name to an image... but you do need to build up your font folder... all fonts on your hard drive are automatically used in PSP.... 
Several free font sites.... jus google 1000 fonts is one...

All you do is load the image on PSP or Animation Shop Pro and choose your font/size and color/texture/ and type the name... 

tks for the links Tokens... and the hint on the 1000 fonts. Now do you know anywhere I can get psp8 or 9. Corel only has that 11 version. tyvm


Might have to try EBay or amazon


Here is the link for the psp9 - with Animation shop - it's a zip file (just accept it) You'll be sailing in no time.

Now here is a link to a great site that I'm working with now as I have joined her classes and she's a very wonderful lady.

Now I recommend you begin where it says


Beginner Level

and underneath you have all kinds of projects to try, first off beginning with your psp9 an where everything is an such. It really sets you off, explaining things as you go along.As more as you along, you'll be required to learn more an know sum more supplies will be needed. What's great about this site is she'll have those supplies for you to dl or a link to them where they are free (an so on) but yeah if you need any plugin's n stuff...give me a shout. Cuz I've done most everything on that page (well not everything but yeah) I'm here to help as well and I love to share my knowledge in sumthing I have a blast at doing. Which is who Norma is.....Here is a tutorial we did last nite, was fairly simple. Just having fun

Tokens also is rite - there is sum great tutorials rite here on this site as well...the beginning pages usually you can find them there, unless sumone bumps them up ....anywho all good. Lots of sites to get great things from

Ur Deer Friend


Quote from: bams68 on April 27, 2007, 06:01:55 AM
Here is the link for the psp9 - with Animation shop - it's a zip file (just accept it) You'll be sailing in no time.

Now here is a link to a great site that I'm working with now as I have joined her classes and she's a very wonderful lady.

Now I recommend you begin where it says


Beginner Level

and underneath you have all kinds of projects to try, first off beginning with your psp9 an where everything is an such. It really sets you off, explaining things as you go along.As more as you along, you'll be required to learn more an know sum more supplies will be needed. What's great about this site is she'll have those supplies for you to dl or a link to them where they are free (an so on) but yeah if you need any plugin's n stuff...give me a shout. Cuz I've done most everything on that page (well not everything but yeah) I'm here to help as well and I love to share my knowledge in sumthing I have a blast at doing. Which is who Norma is.....Here is a tutorial we did last nite, was fairly simple. Just having fun

Tokens also is rite - there is sum great tutorials rite here on this site as well...the beginning pages usually you can find them there, unless sumone bumps them up ....anywho all good. Lots of sites to get great things from

Ur Deer Friend

tysvm again Bams your the best... I eager to get started woo hoo!


My pleasure, and if you have any questions, good tip here "Ask" Sumone sumwhere will answer you. Never think ur question is too dumb, cuz you won't learn if you don't ask and find out the things that give you trouble. But again, it's my pleasure to share this info and I hope you get the hang of it and get the fun out of it as you go along. Don't let it frustrate you also, cuz sumtimes we get alittle confuzzled and fed up, jus walk away for awhile til you relax more and give it another go, but yeah have fun is the best thing I can say. I just made these while playing around in psp (Endless jus what you can do) - Enjoy

Ur Deer Friend


Quote from: bams68 on April 27, 2007, 10:59:12 AM
My pleasure, and if you have any questions, good tip here "Ask" Sumone sumwhere will answer you. Never think ur question is too dumb, cuz you won't learn if you don't ask and find out the things that give you trouble. But again, it's my pleasure to share this info and I hope you get the hang of it and get the fun out of it as you go along. Don't let it frustrate you also, cuz sumtimes we get alittle confuzzled and fed up, jus walk away for awhile til you relax more and give it another go, but yeah have fun is the best thing I can say. I just made these while playing around in psp (Endless jus what you can do) - Enjoy

Ur Deer Friend

Ok so ? already lol is the sparkles and glitter a plug in because I was looking in psp and don't see that effect tyvm


I gave you a perfect link that has PSP Tutorials from A-Z  anything you can think of... its in that link....  You can work with that link for years and not get bored or cover all the tutorials.  Most good sites are registered there to share their tutorials.   

If you are interested in any subject.... the answer how to do it is me... I self taught myself PSP when PSP 5 first came out... that was my PSP Bible... the link I gave you and over the years I have watched great sites join there....

No matter what version of psp... its all in that link.. :)   

A- Z Tutorial covers more stuff than anyone can begin to try to explain here....


Quote from: Tokens  Master Tagger on April 27, 2007, 04:48:28 PM
I gave you a perfect link that has PSP Tutorials from A-Z  anything you can think of... its in that link....  You can work with that link for years and not get bored or cover all the tutorials.  Most good sites are registered there to share their tutorials.  

If you are interested in any subject.... the answer how to do it is me... I self taught myself PSP when PSP 5 first came out... that was my PSP Bible... the link I gave you and over the years I have watched great sites join there....

No matter what version of psp... its all in that link.. :)  

A- Z Tutorial covers more stuff than anyone can begin to try to explain here....

tks tokens I just saved the link to favorites so I can start looking up stuff wish me luck with it, lol.


Its allgood... especially when you can do it with a friend or a group...  Most of the sites are "group oriented"... (tutorial sites)...   Its the best way to try to learn... follow tuts.  Trini and Sweets and I were doin tuts together... I was tryin to do things that Trini found awesome and would tell me.  She is advance now... one of the best students I can say I had a tiny winnie hand in helpin get started...  Her tags are professional!!! way better than me :)

Its all about tryin ... failin... tryin again... fun... I never like competitiveness. All tuts you will see will add a lil mo' experience and knowledge to even someone thats been doin it for years. There is just too much to PSP for anyone to get bored.  So much you can do, so much out there people willin to share will increase your skill.

There is one site I love.... the people there are so awesome I just look at there work with amazement.  No room for jealousy... or competition.... jus have fun with it, most of all...always ask, How you do that?.... thats what I do...rofl...  ^5 Trini <that girl is so patient with me> lol


Homer..I like the new banner... cute