February 19, 2025, 01:10:54 PM

This week's Club Pogo challenges!
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Started by canuck,

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I just posted a reply to a topic and its gone along with the rest under the name qt*** (wont put it here cause dont know whats going on) ...if the name was offensive i think i should have been told that so i could have changed it before 25 posts and why can i still log in under that name...if there was a problem couldnt some one pm me and tell me that.... but n e ways...still a great site... O0


Perhaps it was only the last topic that you posted under that got deleted or something. Did you even try posting again under that name? And if it's the name I think it is, by looking at the profile, and recent posts, there are still 25 posts there, but in a 12 minute span, the last 12 posts you made last night didn't have a single word in them. They were nothing but laughing at jokes and throwing in a couple of the Easter things in there as well. If for some reason you can't post on that name, I hardly think you lost a lot of work on posting since half of the 25 were all - :))  :))  :))  ee4.gif  ee2.1.gif - and the like. You may have well have just been citing the alphabet with one letter per post.


Hey RC just letting the ppl know who posted the jokes that they were FUNNY thats y there were  :)) :)) :)) and its almost easter so thats y there were  ee2.gif ee4.gif ee2.1.gif ee2.1.gif  just wonderin why the latest posts i put there about ppl selling tokens on ebay were not there when i try to get back there they say they were off limits..........didnt know i had to write a book to post here...sorry i will stick to reading the posts and not reply even to the jokes with  :)) :)) :))...oh by the way there r more than a few with just  :)) :)) :)) maybe i forgot "that was funny" or "good one" b4 the  :)) :)) :)) and the alphabet is not : )) : )) : ))


Canuck, your last name is still in here and I do not see that it is blocked or banned.  And you can post here anytime you want too, because this forum if for everybody.   :)


Thank you Bree     :) :)


You are very welcome, Canuck!!! :)


The first thing I said earlier is most likely true.. it's not a case of you being banned or not being allowed something, the topic you posted to was probably deleted, or it was moved from where it was to another part of the site (i.e. from General Pogo to Off Topic). So when you click a link to that thread or to a post that was there, then you are going to get that page that says it's off limits.. but that only means that it either doesn't exist anymore, or that it has a new place to call home. But if you posted a link in that thread about ebay and the selling of tokens, depending on what the link was exactly, then it could have been deleted completely for it not being allowed on this site. Some things can be linked, but others are no-no's.


RC, what you told Canuck is still on the forum.  I read his post and do not see anything that he did wrong.  I do not quit understand what post you are talking about now?  You can find his 25 post in "General Pogo Discussion" under this heading...."Anyone actually won?"


I'm not talking about that thread, and neither was he. He says that he posted a reply to a topic about selling tokens on ebay and that it isn't there anymore, he also says the other posts for that name aren't there but there are 25 of em still there. He wasn't talking about the topic of winning prizes on Pogo. Whatever he posted in before is not where it was when he posted, or it's gone.


Quote from: canuck on April 09, 2006, 06:26:25 PM
I just posted a reply to a topic and its gone along with the rest under the name qt*** (wont put it here cause dont know whats going on) ...if the name was offensive i think i should have been told that so i could have changed it before 25 posts and why can i still log in under that name...if there was a problem couldnt some one pm me and tell me that.... but n e ways...still a great site... O0

RC, this was his first post on this Topic.  I do not see anything about him asking about selling tokens on ebay. 


You're talking about the name "canuck". You mentioned the other thread that had his other name, that is the name I'm talking about, the "qt***" name. And you're not gonna see any post about the selling of tokens, cuz it obviously isn't there anymore. I don't know how much more clear I can be, but I think that is about as clear as it gets.. lock away if you must.


The way I heard that saying (many years ago) is Opinions are like a**holes. Everybody's got one and they all stink   :)) :)) :))  Just my 2 cents worth


I just read what I wrote and it looks like I was directing it at RC. That waqs not the case. I'm sorry RC if it looked like I was being offensive


Have to remeber that PogoSlave  :)) :)) :))  O0


Pogo Boost thread has been removed...was in my e mail the other day.

Subject: Topic removed: Pogo boost

A topic you are watching has been removed by Homer.


Thank you nanners    O0 O0


Your very welcome Canuck ;)


I thought it was pretty funny when I heard it the 1st time too :D


<Topic Locked>