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Miss 100 Personalities

Started by Tara,

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after reading all this about wondering how she got to be a moderator on


i wondering same thing too


Quote from: krispy on May 27, 2006, 06:26:34 PM
Quote from: PogoSlave on May 27, 2006, 06:24:43 PM
Maybe we need to give her more credit than we have been giving her today...if she has 100 names (pesonalities) and they all speak to each other.........stay with me here.......... she has at least 99 friends on the forum  :o ::) :)) :)) :)) :))

is that the beginning of a song?

yep Krispy it is:

99 names on the forum are mine, 99 name are mine. Take one out and toss it about 98 names on the forum are mine,  98 names on the form are mine 98 names are mine ......... Come on you all know the tune, start singing  :)) :)) :))


thanks pogo slave for the laugh


TY, life is too short to let one crazy person ruin our night! ;)



I was just reading all this and having a goodly snicker.  Can't help but feel sorry for someone that is so ill, but the constant barrage of "stuff" in e-mails and im's can downright pizz ya off.  Makes ya wish you could just do this:


hey laundery lady i need laundry done and sick and cannot do it


really cant understand why you dedicated a whole thread to a sick person ,  no offence  Tara or homer but isn't this what she would have wanted
all this attention ,
i think where flogging a dead horse here   <----  my AutoLover will decipher that part lol
loves u AutoLover   kissssssy


Quote from: GeckoDundee on May 27, 2006, 07:13:12 PM
really cant understand why you dedicated a whole thread to a sick person ,  no offence  Tara or homer but isn't this what she would have wanted
all this attention ,
i think where flogging a dead horse here   <----  my AutoLover will decipher that part lol
loves u AutoLover   kissssssy

I didn't mean for this to be a whole thread. I had something to say to her and this is the best place to say it. Shes here lurking constantly. I'm not the one sending stupid messages or playing the immature games. She was told not to come here and not to keep on threatening members here. She did this to herself. I was only trying to show people who think she was so wronged around here her true colors.  Homer told her by email to stop playing games and she kept on. You can see in the other thread him offering to take it down, but she had to keep on. Thats her fault not mine. What Homer and Mayhem choose to do it there business. This is their  forum to post as they wish or have who they want here. Why in the hell am I defending myself..


I missed out on most of what happened today, and I have a few things to say.

First, I had no idea the extent of Bree's insanity.  She really is certifiable.  She needs honest to God, long term, intensive therapy.  Secondly, she is not intelligent.  She's dumb.  Really, really stupid. She cannot even spell the word intelligent.  She doesn't use proper punctuation and grammar.  She uses words out of context. I know I make mistakes in my spelling and grammar at times, but at least I'm not claiming to have multiple degrees obtained with off the chart GPA's.  4.5?  I'm sorry, but isn't the highest GPA a 4.0?  Third,  I pity her husband, or soon to be husband.  Ah hell, I don't pity him.... I'd bet the farm he doesn't exist.  I'd bet the farm she has no friends, even.  Her family probably disowned her.  I bet her dog ran away.  I bet she doesn't know the first thing about horses.  I bet she's never seen the inside of a college classroom.  It wouldn't surprise me if she never finished high school.  I'm surprised she knows how to use a computer.  I bet she IS a virgin because no man (or woman, for that matter) would go near that.  She's probably some dumb, backwoods idiot who's never been out of the Bayou.  I mean, COME ON!  Look at this! it's laughable!

Let's pick it apart...

1:30 AM I am the dumb f****ed up person who lost a postion because of gossip, just like the old days when Barbarb started all the gossip about me that was not true. this is not true either and everyone will know that soon enough.

I ask you, is this the language of someone who claims to be a good catholic virgin?  I'm thinking no.  And there is an A at the end of Barbara, not a B.  Secondly, there should be a comma after true and either.  Also, there should be a question mark after the first sentence, since she IS asking a questions.  The word "this" at the beginning of the second sentence should be capitalized.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:31 AM you no that is not right I am a very intelegent person who did not make any mistakes intellegent

OK, the word "you" should be capitalized. The word "no" is used out of context.  It should be "know." There should be a period after the word "right."  She misspelled the word "intelligent" and then corrected herself, misspelling it again.  She, again, did not use any periods.  Again... Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:33 AM I made a 4.5 GPA average in High School and also in college and I am very proud for everyone to know that I was validictorian of my senior class
 I was in all honors classes in high school and at LSU

The highest GPA one can obtain is a 4.0.  High school should not be capitalized.  The whole sentence "I am very proud for everyone to know that I was valedictorian of my senior class...." is just a train wreck.  She misspelled "Valedictorian."  How can one be a valedictorian when one can't even spell the word? Again, her lack of punctuation is just embarrassing.  The good folks of LSU should sue for slander.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:34 AM I made the Dean's list every semester at LSU
 I am proud of the fact that I make a perfect score of 36 on the ACT test

Is she afraid of periods?  Is that key missing from her keyboard?  The word "make" in the second sentence should be "made."  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:35 AM I am proud that I learn to dance and graduated from dance school

No periods AGAIN!  The word "learn" should have been "learned."  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:36 AM I am proud that I earned my 2nd degree black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do
I am prould to have learned to play 2 different instraments, the flute piccalo and piano

I would bet the farm that she's never seen the inside of a martial arts studio, nor has ever picked up any of the "instraments" she listed.  She misspelled instruments.  There is no "A" in instruments. She misspelled the word "piccolo." Again, no periods.  Again, stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:37 AM I am prould that I placed 1st in all of the Equestrain Shows that I went to with my horse Dubonnet

Her opinion of herself knows no bounds.  She's first at everything she's ever done. Absolutely HYSTERICAL!  OK... Equestrian is misspelled and shouldn't be capitalized.  The word "shows" should not be capitalized. The word "proud" is misspelled. There should be a comma after the word "horse." Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:38 AM I am proud of my mother and father for that taught me well
 I am proud of my brother and his wife too

No periods again. The word "that" in the first sentence should be "they." There should be a comma after the word "wife." Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:39 AM I pray each night for my grandfather who is 88 yrs young
 I love to travel and I hope to one day travel around the world with my soon to be husband Brad

No periods again.  Am I starting to sound redundant?  I feel the need to point out the fact that for all she's claimed, she can't use proper punctuation.  It's really sad.  There should be a comma after the word "husband."  I doubt the very existence of "Brad."

1:40 AM Brad is the love of my life, the second half of me....which makes ups both whole

She's probably a stalker of the aforementioned Brad.  He probably has a restraining order against her.  The word "ups" in the second sentence should be "us." Stupid!

1:41 AM I am proud that I stayed a virgian till my wedding night
I love louisiana not matter what people say about it

No periods.  Virgin is misspelled.  Louisiana should be capitalized.  The word "not" should be "no."  There should be a comma after Louisiana.  DUMB!

OK, I'm tired.  Correcting Bree's mistakes could be a full time job.  

Bree?  Get a life.  Move on.  Leave us alone.  Don't you see what you're doing to yourself?  


I'm not a music major but wouldn't flute, piccolo and piano be three instruments? :o

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


Quote from: SunnyLibra on May 27, 2006, 07:26:25 PM
I missed out on most of what happened today, and I have a few things to say.

First, I had no idea the extent of Bree's insanity.  She really is certifiable.  She needs honest to God, long term, intensive therapy.  Secondly, she is not intelligent.  She's dumb.  Really, really stupid. She cannot even spell the word intelligent.  She doesn't use proper punctuation and grammar.  She uses words out of context. I know I make mistakes in my spelling and grammar at times, but at least I'm not claiming to have multiple degrees obtained with off the chart GPA's.  4.5?  I'm sorry, but isn't the highest GPA a 4.0?  Third,  I pity her husband, or soon to be husband.  Ah hell, I don't pity him.... I'd bet the farm he doesn't exist.  I'd bet the farm she has no friends, even.  Her family probably disowned her.  I bet her dog ran away.  I bet she doesn't know the first thing about horses.  I bet she's never seen the inside of a college classroom.  It wouldn't surprise me if she never finished high school.  I'm surprised she knows how to use a computer.  I bet she IS a virgin because no man (or woman, for that matter) would go near that.  She's probably some dumb, backwoods idiot who's never been out of the Bayou.  I mean, COME ON!  Look at this! it's laughable!

Let's pick it apart...

1:30 AM I am the dumb f****ed up person who lost a postion because of gossip, just like the old days when Barbarb started all the gossip about me that was not true. this is not true either and everyone will know that soon enough.

I ask you, is this the language of someone who claims to be a good catholic virgin?  I'm thinking no.  And there is an A at the end of Barbara, not a B.  Secondly, there should be a comma after true and either.  Also, there should be a question mark after the first sentence, since she IS asking a questions.  The word "this" at the beginning of the second sentence should be capitalized.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:31 AM you no that is not right I am a very intelegent person who did not make any mistakes intellegent

OK, the word "you" should be capitalized. The word "no" is used out of context.  It should be "know." There should be a period after the word "right."  She misspelled the word "intelligent" and then corrected herself, misspelling it again.  She, again, did not use any periods.  Again... Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:33 AM I made a 4.5 GPA average in High School and also in college and I am very proud for everyone to know that I was validictorian of my senior class
 I was in all honors classes in high school and at LSU

The highest GPA one can obtain is a 4.0.  High school should not be capitalized.  The whole sentence "I am very proud for everyone to know that I was valedictorian of my senior class...." is just a train wreck.  She misspelled "Valedictorian."  How can one be a valedictorian when one can't even spell the word? Again, her lack of punctuation is just embarrassing.  The good folks of LSU should sue for slander.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:34 AM I made the Dean's list every semester at LSU
 I am proud of the fact that I make a perfect score of 36 on the ACT test

Is she afraid of periods?  Is that key missing from her keyboard?  The word "make" in the second sentence should be "made."  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:35 AM I am proud that I learn to dance and graduated from dance school

No periods AGAIN!  The word "learn" should have been "learned."  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:36 AM I am proud that I earned my 2nd degree black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do
I am prould to have learned to play 2 different instraments, the flute piccalo and piano

I would bet the farm that she's never seen the inside of a martial arts studio, nor has ever picked up any of the "instraments" she listed.  She misspelled instruments.  There is no "A" in instruments. She misspelled the word "piccolo." Again, no periods.  Again, stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:37 AM I am prould that I placed 1st in all of the Equestrain Shows that I went to with my horse Dubonnet

Her opinion of herself knows no bounds.  She's first at everything she's ever done. Absolutely HYSTERICAL!  OK... Equestrian is misspelled and shouldn't be capitalized.  The word "shows" should not be capitalized. The word "proud" is misspelled. There should be a comma after the word "horse." Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:38 AM I am proud of my mother and father for that taught me well
 I am proud of my brother and his wife too

No periods again. The word "that" in the first sentence should be "they." There should be a comma after the word "wife." Stupid, stupid, stupid.

1:39 AM I pray each night for my grandfather who is 88 yrs young
 I love to travel and I hope to one day travel around the world with my soon to be husband Brad

No periods again.  Am I starting to sound redundant?  I feel the need to point out the fact that for all she's claimed, she can't use proper punctuation.  It's really sad.  There should be a comma after the word "husband."  I doubt the very existence of "Brad."

1:40 AM Brad is the love of my life, the second half of me....which makes ups both whole

She's probably a stalker of the aforementioned Brad.  He probably has a restraining order against her.  The word "ups" in the second sentence should be "us." Stupid!

1:41 AM I am proud that I stayed a virgian till my wedding night
I love louisiana not matter what people say about it

No periods.  Virgin is misspelled.  Louisiana should be capitalized.  The word "not" should be "no."  There should be a comma after Louisiana.  DUMB!

OK, I'm tired.  Correcting Bree's mistakes could be a full time job.  

Bree?  Get a life.  Move on.  Leave us alone.  Don't you see what you're doing to yourself?  

i'll agree with that, remember some of her trivia scores  :))


Ummm I am scared to type ( do I use a period here?)  :))

Lib my lil sweetie...What can I say?  I sooooooooo <3  you.

I'm laughing
say.  :))


Quote from: Homer on May 27, 2006, 07:32:09 PM
I'm not a music major but wouldn't flute, piccolo and piano be three instruments? :o

I didn't even catch that one. :))


Quote from: Tara on May 27, 2006, 07:33:06 PM
Ummm I am scared to type ( do I use a period here?)  :))

Lib my lil sweetie...What can I say?  I sooooooooo <3  you.

I'm laughing
say.  :))

Uh-oh you just violated the pogo TOS by scroll typing. ;:" :P

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


Quote from: Homer on May 27, 2006, 07:32:09 PM
I'm not a music major but wouldn't flute, piccolo and piano be three instruments? :o

LOL ..........what a mess,  :)) and yes Gecko, way too much attention for the sicko. ::)


Quote from: Homer on May 27, 2006, 07:34:31 PM
Quote from: Tara on May 27, 2006, 07:33:06 PM
Ummm I am scared to type ( do I use a period here?)  :))

Lib my lil sweetie...What can I say?  I sooooooooo <3  you.

I'm laughing
say.  :))

Uh-oh you just violated the pogo TOS by scroll typing. ;:" :P

Arrest me


Quote from: Homer on May 27, 2006, 07:32:09 PM
I'm not a music major but wouldn't flute, piccolo and piano be three instruments? :o

Oh Gawd!  Too funny!  She can't even do simple math!  And I missed that one. I'm sure I missed a lot, seeing as how there are soooooo many mistakes by our lovely (gag) valedictorian.  


Quote from: ~Ãutolovér~ on May 27, 2006, 07:34:51 PM
Quote from: Homer on May 27, 2006, 07:32:09 PM
I'm not a music major but wouldn't flute, piccolo and piano be three instruments? :o

LOL ..........what a mess,  :)) and yes Gecko, way too much attention for the sicko. ::)

If someone had kept her mouth shut this wouldn't be happening.

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!