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Our Commander in Chief...and other Scary things about the U.S.A....

Started by foxx,

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Quote from: BluRaven on July 01, 2006, 10:07:59 AM
Quote from: spiritwarrior1953 on July 01, 2006, 07:58:26 AM
Fact is a candidate has only to win the few states with large electoral votes. The electoral college actually elects the president so it doesn't matter what the popular vote is the candidate with the most electoral votes wins. The supreme court upheld that

I love that Republican argument, it would be great if it had merit. The Electoral College is a flawed and outdated system.

It is flawed and it should be abolished. I'm glad I live in Florida where my vote is worth something.  However, now that we're using electronic voting machines, I frankly don't even know if my vote is going to the person I choose. 

I'm moving to France.


Live in Florida also, seems my vote don't matter anymore either thats why i won't vote again.


Quote from: hades on July 01, 2006, 10:50:35 PM
i havent voted yet.  ;D

It is one of the most basic freedoms afforded to American Citizens! 

Are you registered, and just haven't voted?  Or are you not registered?



Quote from: hades on July 02, 2006, 09:07:28 AM
im registered but i never liked anyone enough to vote for them.  :-X


Sometimes it is the choice between the lesser of two evils...


The electoral college has been in effect for over 200 years.  It was made for a reason.  If it was abolished the top few big cities in this country would rule the whole country.

I do agree that there needs to be some changes. 

Let me use my home state of California as an example.  Our electoral votes go to the person who wins the popular vote.  If you look at the state county by county, 99% votes Republican.  So you would figure that the electoral votes would go to the Republican Candidate.  Nope, Never.  Instead the county of San Francisco and Los Angeles have higher populations so they decide where all the electoral votes go. 

Which 99% of the time is Democratic. 

So the people that live in 2 huge cities decide the state laws for the entire state.  Now how can people that have lived in the city their whole life decide what is best for people living out in the rural areas and small towns.  Say for instance the rural areas get a bill to the state to fix the levee's. 

Now what do people in these 2 huge cities know about levee's??  Nothing so they figure screw that and vote no.

Now a few years later the levee's break and cause an economic breakdown.


The people in the city are complaining about the price of produce, etc.


I see a lot of babbling about the president without really showing the facts.  This is a huge wacko left deal.

Here is a perfect example.   

Okay LIbs, answer this question, simply YES or NO.  I know it's hard but do not ask a question to answer a question.  YES or NO only!! please



It is very disheartening the way the left wing talks about the Iraq war. 
First off, I think people forget what a war is; people die.

As a veteran of the Gulf War it makes me want to puke the way our soldiers are treated by the press.  The worst part is that the people in our country believe them.

I just had a very good friend return from Iraq.  He was going from door to door removing weapons.  This is probably the most dangerous job in Iraq.  He returned the 1st time and resigned up for another tour.

the leftist must be saying "WHAT THE HELL THAT GUY MUST BE AN IDIOT"

No,  he said the 1st time he had an Iraqi family walk up to him and say to him "THANKS, WE CAN NEVER REPAY YOU"

He has told me how the children run to them when they see them to go say HI.

The problem in our country is that we forget that we are free and what it cost. 
The first thing you hear from people that talk crap about our troops or president is that they have the RIGHT to do so.


Fourth of July is coming up fast.  Go thank a vet for your right to talk crap to them.



Quote from: ®úññē® on July 02, 2006, 04:27:07 PM
The electoral college has been in effect for over 200 years.  It was made for a reason.  If it was abolished the top few big cities in this country would rule the whole country.

I do agree that there needs to be some changes. 

Let me use my home state of California as an example.  Our electoral votes go to the person who wins the popular vote.  If you look at the state county by county, 99% votes Republican.  So you would figure that the electoral votes would go to the Republican Candidate.  Nope, Never.  Instead the county of San Francisco and Los Angeles have higher populations so they decide where all the electoral votes go. 

Which 99% of the time is Democratic. 

So the people that live in 2 huge cities decide the state laws for the entire state.  Now how can people that have lived in the city their whole life decide what is best for people living out in the rural areas and small towns.  Say for instance the rural areas get a bill to the state to fix the levee's. 

Now what do people in these 2 huge cities know about levee's??  Nothing so they figure screw that and vote no.

Now a few years later the levee's break and cause an economic breakdown.


The people in the city are complaining about the price of produce, etc.


I see a lot of babbling about the president without really showing the facts.  This is a huge wacko left deal.

Here is a perfect example.   

Okay LIbs, answer this question, simply YES or NO.  I know it's hard but do not ask a question to answer a question.  YES or NO only!! please



It is very disheartening the way the left wing talks about the Iraq war. 
First off, I think people forget what a war is; people die.

As a veteran of the Gulf War it makes me want to puke the way our soldiers are treated by the press.  The worst part is that the people in our country believe them.

I just had a very good friend return from Iraq.  He was going from door to door removing weapons.  This is probably the most dangerous job in Iraq.  He returned the 1st time and resigned up for another tour.

the leftist must be saying "WHAT THE HELL THAT GUY MUST BE AN IDIOT"

No,  he said the 1st time he had an Iraqi family walk up to him and say to him "THANKS, WE CAN NEVER REPAY YOU"

He has told me how the children run to them when they see them to go say HI.

The problem in our country is that we forget that we are free and what it cost. 
The first thing you hear from people that talk crap about our troops or president is that they have the RIGHT to do so.


Fourth of July is coming up fast.  Go thank a vet for your right to talk crap to them.


Ok, I'll go through this post and pick it a part another time.  Right now I'm going to ask you why in the hell doesn't any presidential contender EVER visit states considered "red" or "blue?"  I'll tell you why. They don't have to.  With the electoral college, a democrat living in Tennessee has no say whatsoever.

And I don't bash the troops or any vets. I pity them.  Their benefits have been cut by this current admistration to fund things like.. Oh, I don't know... Tax incentives to the rich and big oil?  Their own damned families have to buy them protective body armor.  Crap on them?  Look at the person sitting on the golden pot, Runner. 

Anyway, I'm tired.  Like I said, I'll pick this apart another day.  In the mean time... Foxx?


QuoteOk, I'll go through this post and pick it a part another time.  Right now I'm going to ask you why in the hell doesn't any presidential contender EVER visit states considered "red" or "blue?"  I'll tell you why. They don't have to.  With the electoral college, a democrat living in Tennessee has no say whatsoever.

And I don't bash the troops or any vets. I pity them.  Their benefits have been cut by this current admistration to fund things like.. Oh, I don't know... Tax incentives to the rich and big oil?  Their own damned families have to buy them protective body armor.  Crap on them?  Look at the person sitting on the golden pot, Runner. 

Anyway, I'm tired.  Like I said, I'll pick this apart another day.  In the mean time... Foxx?

Thanks for making my point. Never, Never can a person to the left answer a question YES or NO.

Please tell me which benefits were cut to our troops overseas.

Which tax incentives?  (also if by some lucky stroke you actually find one, show me where they are for the rich or big oi.

The body armor that has been purchased by families and friends was stuff in addition to what they get. NOT BECAUSE THEY DON'T GET ANY.

anyways the military banned them because they were shown to cause more damage than existing supplied armor.

Who's sitting on the golden throne?  do you mean Kerry or Kennedy?  perhaps wacko Dean?

thank GOD Gore was not president when 9/11 happened.

We would all be speaking farcie.


foxx  07:16:58 PM Posting in Our Commander in Chief...and other Scary things about the U.S.A.....

You Can Do It!!


Quote from: ®úññē® on July 02, 2006, 04:27:07 PM
The electoral college has been in effect for over 200 years.  It was made for a reason.  If it was abolished the top few big cities in this country would rule the whole country.

I do agree that there needs to be some changes. 

Let me use my home state of California as an example.  Our electoral votes go to the person who wins the popular vote.  If you look at the state county by county, 99% votes Republican.  So you would figure that the electoral votes would go to the Republican Candidate.  Nope, Never.  Instead the county of San Francisco and Los Angeles have higher populations so they decide where all the electoral votes go. So, the small counties vote Republican...I would really like to see the FACT which says it is 99% of the time.  I live in a small county in Western Pennsylvania...and it is OVERWHELMINGLY Democratic voters. LA and San Fran have bigger populations...more people with free-thinking only makes sense that their votes count as much as the smaller counties.  You have some screwy logic there.  For example...we know that a large chunk of the middle of the US voted for Bush in the last election...however, their electoral vote counts are small because of a lower population.  But the republicants get their panties all in a bunch and start screaming mandate...because most of the map looks red.  In actual fact?  Its more purple when you mash all the "small counties" in there.
I love how the republicans are the ones who think the electoral college should be abolished...considering that the system has worked pretty well (albeit against the Dems in 2000) for over 200 years.

Which 99% of the time is Democratic. 

So the people that live in 2 huge cities decide the state laws for the entire state.  Now how can people that have lived in the city their whole life decide what is best for people living out in the rural areas and small towns.  Say for instance the rural areas get a bill to the state to fix the levee's.

Now what do people in these 2 huge cities know about levee's??  Nothing so they figure screw that and vote no. It's funny that you use this as an example.  Democrats are way more likely to vote for a tax increase for the betterment of the public works than Republicans are.  When is the last time a tax increase was DEFEATED by Democratic voters?  I defy you to find me an example.

Now a few years later the levee's break and cause an economic breakdown.


The people in the city are complaining about the price of produce, etc.


I see a lot of babbling about the president without really showing the facts.  This is a huge wacko left deal.

Here is a perfect example.   

Okay LIbs, answer this question, simply YES or NO.  I know it's hard but do not ask a question to answer a question.  YES or NO only!! please

How is this relevant?  If Du-bya and his cronies has actually "won" this war...don't you think we would be using an abundance of Iraqi Oil?  Yes, we would.  But they effed up.  They made it worse there then it was before...that is not the fault of our brave soldiers or the Generals in charge.  Our COMMANDER IN CHIEF, who never fought a day in any war, gets to make those decisions.  They are bad ones.  I would like to pose a second question to you....You say "since we freed them"...are they free? That would be news to me.  Last time I checked, innocent Iraqi citizens were dying every day.

HAS THE UNITED STATES RECEIVED A SINGLE DOLLAR FROM IRAQ?  No, but Cheney and his cronies at Halliburton sure as hell have.  Over 100 million dollars of the United States taxpayers dollars, in fact, lines their pockets as cheated profit.  I didn't think people were supposed to profit from war.  Silly me.

It is very disheartening the way the left wing talks about the Iraq war. 
First off, I think people forget what a war is; people die.

As a veteran of the Gulf War it makes me want to puke the way our soldiers are treated by the press.  The worst part is that the people in our country believe them.  You mean how this administration does not allow the caskets returning from Iraq and Afghanistan to be shown on television?  Please give me an example of how the "press" is treating our soldiers badly.  Every night, my local news runs the names of the brave men and women who have lost their lives fighting for...oh, yeah. I forget what the cause was...WMD's?

I just had a very good friend return from Iraq.  He was going from door to door removing weapons.  This is probably the most dangerous job in Iraq.  He returned the 1st time and resigned up for another tour.

the leftist must be saying "WHAT THE HELL THAT GUY MUST BE AN IDIOT"  No "leftist" that I know would ever say such a thing.  I have friends fighting in this senseless war too, yanno.  Good for your friend.  My friend just got a new is on his foot.  It says "Tag goes here" with an arrow pointing to his toe.  Touching, ain't it?

No,  he said the 1st time he had an Iraqi family walk up to him and say to him "THANKS, WE CAN NEVER REPAY YOU"

He has told me how the children run to them when they see them to go say HI.

The problem in our country is that we forget that we are free and what it cost. 
The first thing you hear from people that talk crap about our troops or president is that they have the RIGHT to do so.


Fourth of July is coming up fast.  Go thank a vet for your right to talk crap to them.


Please go find one example in any of Libra or my posts in which we "talk crap" to or about veterans or soldiers.  I love your take on "leftists".  It just reinforces my opinion that the radical right...well, actually, the majority of the "right" are morons.  Thanks.  I needed that.  And I will be sure to remember, this Independence day, that our forefathers founded our country to free themselves of religious persecution.  I will embrace my gay friends.  I will rub my belly and remember that it is my body and my choice.  I will speak what little Spanish I know to my Latina friends.  And I will go see my uncle, as I do every 4th and thank him for his sacrifices in Vietnam.  He will remind me what a useless war that was too. 

Give Peace a chance.

Quote from: ®úññē® on July 02, 2006, 05:19:35 PM
foxx  07:16:58 PM Posting in Our Commander in Chief...and other Scary things about the U.S.A.....

You Can Do It!!

Are you sure my little leftist girly brain can make an arguement?  Bite me.



®úññē®  08:25:43 PM Posting in Our Commander in Chief...and other Scary things about the U.S.A.....
You can do it  :)) :))


Quote from: foxx on July 02, 2006, 05:22:09 PM
Quote from: ®úññē® on July 02, 2006, 04:27:07 PM
The electoral college has been in effect for over 200 years.  It was made for a reason.  If it was abolished the top few big cities in this country would rule the whole country.

I do agree that there needs to be some changes. 

Let me use my home state of California as an example.  Our electoral votes go to the person who wins the popular vote.  If you look at the state county by county, 99% votes Republican.  So you would figure that the electoral votes would go to the Republican Candidate.  Nope, Never.  Instead the county of San Francisco and Los Angeles have higher populations so they decide where all the electoral votes go.

So, the small counties vote Republican...I would really like to see the FACT which says it is 99% of the time.  I live in a small county in Western Pennsylvania...and it is OVERWHELMINGLY Democratic voters. LA and San Fran have bigger populations...more people with free-thinking only makes sense that their votes count as much as the smaller counties.  You have some screwy logic there.  For example...we know that a large chunk of the middle of the US voted for Bush in the last election...however, their electoral vote counts are small because of a lower population.  But the republicants get their panties all in a bunch and start screaming mandate...because most of the map looks red.  In actual fact?  Its more purple when you mash all the "small counties" in there.
I love how the republicans are the ones who think the electoral college should be abolished...considering that the system has worked pretty well (albeit against the Dems in 2000) for over 200 years.

So you think bigger cities have freer thinking minded people??

I am sorry to say but it is the Dems who want to abolish the electoral college

And the whole reasoning behind the electorl college is to make sure everybodies vote count.

Here is a national map of 2004 election by county.  Looks pretty red to me.

<img src="" alt="Image Hosted by" />

Which 99% of the time is Democratic. 

So the people that live in 2 huge cities decide the state laws for the entire state.  Now how can people that have lived in the city their whole life decide what is best for people living out in the rural areas and small towns.  Say for instance the rural areas get a bill to the state to fix the levee's.

Now what do people in these 2 huge cities know about levee's??  Nothing so they figure screw that and vote no.

It's funny that you use this as an example.  Democrats are way more likely to vote for a tax increase for the betterment of the public works than Republicans are.  When is the last time a tax increase was DEFEATED by Democratic voters?  I defy you to find me an example.

thanks for pointing that out.  Yes I can not remember the last time a democrat voted down a tax increase.

Hmm could be part of reason Republicans keep winning?

Don't you think we pay enough?

Now a few years later the levee's break and cause an economic breakdown.


The people in the city are complaining about the price of produce, etc.


I see a lot of babbling about the president without really showing the facts.  This is a huge wacko left deal.

Here is a perfect example.   

Okay LIbs, answer this question, simply YES or NO.  I know it's hard but do not ask a question to answer a question.  YES or NO only!! please


How is this relevant?  If Du-bya and his cronies has actually "won" this war...don't you think we would be using an abundance of Iraqi Oil?  Yes, we would.  But they effed up.  They made it worse there then it was before...that is not the fault of our brave soldiers or the Generals in charge.  Our COMMANDER IN CHIEF, who never fought a day in any war, gets to make those decisions.  They are bad ones.  I would like to pose a second question to you....You say "since we freed them"...are they free? That would be news to me.  Last time I checked, innocent Iraqi citizens were dying every day.

The regime of Saddam is gone, defeated.  These people that we are fighting now are not Iraqis.  Thus the word Insurgent.  According to my friends they are coming over the Syria border the Mexicans are coming over our border.  Yes, they are being killed.  By whom?? not themselves.  Think about it.


No, but Cheney and his cronies at Halliburton sure as hell have.  Over 100 million dollars of the United States taxpayers dollars, in fact, lines their pockets as cheated profit.  I didn't think people were supposed to profit from war.  Silly me.

Show me a single dollar that Cheney has received from the Iraq War?  Stop with the Rhetoric.  THis is a 100 percent false statement.

It is very disheartening the way the left wing talks about the Iraq war. 
First off, I think people forget what a war is; people die.

As a veteran of the Gulf War it makes me want to puke the way our soldiers are treated by the press.  The worst part is that the people in our country believe them. 

You mean how this administration does not allow the caskets returning from Iraq and Afghanistan to be shown on television?  Please give me an example of how the "press" is treating our soldiers badly.  Every night, my local news runs the names of the brave men and women who have lost their lives fighting for...oh, yeah. I forget what the cause was...WMD's?

That casket law has been in effect since before Vietnam..ohh yeah signed by a liberal president.  
All my friends coming back won't even watch tv.  The media is only showing the 5 percent of bad stuff. not the 95 percent of fantastic stuff
I guess everytime an Iraqi citizen hugs one of our soldiers the libs must get the taste of vomit in their mouth

I just had a very good friend return from Iraq.  He was going from door to door removing weapons.  This is probably the most dangerous job in Iraq.  He returned the 1st time and resigned up for another tour.

the leftist must be saying "WHAT THE HELL THAT GUY MUST BE AN IDIOT" 

No "leftist" that I know would ever say such a thing.  I have friends fighting in this senseless war too, yanno.  Good for your friend.  My friend just got a new is on his foot.  It says "Tag goes here" with an arrow pointing to his toe.  Touching, ain't it?

FYI. that is a military thing, not a sign of him being against the war or his duty.  

No,  he said the 1st time he had an Iraqi family walk up to him and say to him "THANKS, WE CAN NEVER REPAY YOU"

He has told me how the children run to them when they see them to go say HI.

The problem in our country is that we forget that we are free and what it cost. 
The first thing you hear from people that talk crap about our troops or president is that they have the RIGHT to do so.


Fourth of July is coming up fast.  Go thank a vet for your right to talk crap to them.


Please go find one example in any of Libra or my posts in which we "talk crap" to or about veterans or soldiers.  I love your take on "leftists".  It just reinforces my opinion that the radical right...well, actually, the majority of the "right" are morons.  Thanks.  I needed that.  And I will be sure to remember, this Independence day, that our forefathers founded our country to free themselves of religious persecution.  I will embrace my gay friends.  I will rub my belly and remember that it is my body and my choice.  I will speak what little Spanish I know to my Latina friends.  And I will go see my uncle, as I do every 4th and thank him for his sacrifices in Vietnam.  He will remind me what a useless war that was too. 

Give Peace a chance.

When you talk crap about our president and the Duty of our soldiers, you are talking about our troops.  The soldiers take this to heart.

I am not radical right at all.  Not even close.

The latina thing is so funny to me, because the only reasonable explanation why you wrote that is because you are saying because I am Republican that I am a racist.  

FYI:  you are more racist than I ever coulc be, I would never right something like that.


Quote from: ®úññē® on July 02, 2006, 05:19:35 PM
foxx  07:16:58 PM Posting in Our Commander in Chief...and other Scary things about the U.S.A.....

You Can Do It!!

Are you sure my little leftist girly brain can make an arguement?  Bite me.

Rhetoric Yes, Facts No


Quote from: ®úññē® on July 02, 2006, 05:46:06 PM
Quote from: foxx on July 02, 2006, 05:22:09 PM
Quote from: ®úññē® on July 02, 2006, 04:27:07 PM

So, the small counties vote Republican...I would really like to see the FACT which says it is 99% of the time.  I live in a small county in Western Pennsylvania...and it is OVERWHELMINGLY Democratic voters. LA and San Fran have bigger populations...more people with free-thinking only makes sense that their votes count as much as the smaller counties.  You have some screwy logic there.  For example...we know that a large chunk of the middle of the US voted for Bush in the last election...however, their electoral vote counts are small because of a lower population.  But the republicants get their panties all in a bunch and start screaming mandate...because most of the map looks red.  In actual fact?  Its more purple when you mash all the "small counties" in there.
I love how the republicans are the ones who think the electoral college should be abolished...considering that the system has worked pretty well (albeit against the Dems in 2000) for over 200 years.

So you think bigger cities have freer thinking minded people??

I am sorry to say but it is the Dems who want to abolish the electoral college

And the whole reasoning behind the electorl college is to make sure everybodies vote count.

Here is a national map of 2004 election by county.  Looks pretty red to me.

<img src="" alt="Image Hosted by" />

Well, the dumbasses over at Princeton put this one 3D. 

It's funny that you use this as an example.  Democrats are way more likely to vote for a tax increase for the betterment of the public works than Republicans are.  When is the last time a tax increase was DEFEATED by Democratic voters?  I defy you to find me an example.

thanks for pointing that out.  Yes I can not remember the last time a democrat voted down a tax increase.

Hmm could be part of reason Republicans keep winning?

Don't you think we pay enough?

Not when 18% of the children in MY COUNTRY go to sleep hungry every night.


How is this relevant?  If Du-bya and his cronies has actually "won" this war...don't you think we would be using an abundance of Iraqi Oil?  Yes, we would.  But they effed up.  They made it worse there then it was before...that is not the fault of our brave soldiers or the Generals in charge.  Our COMMANDER IN CHIEF, who never fought a day in any war, gets to make those decisions.  They are bad ones.  I would like to pose a second question to you....You say "since we freed them"...are they free? That would be news to me.  Last time I checked, innocent Iraqi citizens were dying every day.

The regime of Saddam is gone, defeated.  These people that we are fighting now are not Iraqis.  Thus the word Insurgent.  According to my friends they are coming over the Syria border the Mexicans are coming over our border.  Yes, they are being killed.  By whom?? not themselves.  Think about it.

Last time I checked, the Sunni's who are fighting were Iraqi citizens.  But maybe the right wing media was wrong.


No, but Cheney and his cronies at Halliburton sure as hell have.  Over 100 million dollars of the United States taxpayers dollars, in fact, lines their pockets as cheated profit.  I didn't think people were supposed to profit from war.  Silly me.

Show me a single dollar that Cheney has received from the Iraq War?  Stop with the Rhetoric.  THis is a 100 percent false statement.

"Among them were former KBR employees in Iraq, including two truck drivers and a former logistics specialist, who said the company routinely wasted government money. They told of trucks that were abandoned during convoys because of flat tires, inflated bills for KBR employees at luxury hotels and $45 cases of soda -- details that Waxman said exemplified Halliburton's disregard for thrift.

Adding to that litany, Waxman cited a new report by his staff that he said showed Halliburton charged the government $167 million more than necessary to import gasoline into Iraq. " 

-This is the first quick fact I could locate.  From the Washington Post by the way.

You mean how this administration does not allow the caskets returning from Iraq and Afghanistan to be shown on television?  Please give me an example of how the "press" is treating our soldiers badly.  Every night, my local news runs the names of the brave men and women who have lost their lives fighting for...oh, yeah. I forget what the cause was...WMD's?

That casket law has been in effect since before Vietnam..ohh yeah signed by a liberal president. 
All my friends coming back won't even watch tv.  The media is only showing the 5 percent of bad stuff. not the 95 percent of fantastic stuff
I guess everytime an Iraqi citizen hugs one of our soldiers the libs must get the taste of vomit in their mouth

"A Pentagon spokeswoman said the military-wide policy actually dates from about November 2000 -- the last days of the Clinton administration -- but it apparently went unheeded and unenforced, as images of caskets returning from the Afghanistan war appeared on television broadcasts and in newspapers until early this year. Though Dover Air Force Base, which has the military's largest mortuary, has had restrictions for 12 years, others "may not have been familiar with the policy," the spokeswoman said. This year, "we've really tried to enforce it.""

Since Vietnam, eh? 

Oh, and yeah.  It just makes me sick to see our soldiers appreciated.  *Insert sarcasm here*  Its a good thing they get some respect there since they don't get it in their own country from their own government. Benefits for veterans and their families are being slashed across the board.  I will find you some reading material tomorrow.

I just had a very good friend return from Iraq.  He was going from door to door removing weapons.  This is probably the most dangerous job in Iraq.  He returned the 1st time and resigned up for another tour.

the leftist must be saying "WHAT THE HELL THAT GUY MUST BE AN IDIOT" 

No "leftist" that I know would ever say such a thing.  I have friends fighting in this senseless war too, yanno.  Good for your friend.  My friend just got a new is on his foot.  It says "Tag goes here" with an arrow pointing to his toe.  Touching, ain't it?

FYI. that is a military thing, not a sign of him being against the war or his duty. 

Is he your friend?  Have you asked him?  Because he told me he knew he was going to die.  For something he didn't believe in. 

No,  he said the 1st time he had an Iraqi family walk up to him and say to him "THANKS, WE CAN NEVER REPAY YOU"

He has told me how the children run to them when they see them to go say HI.

Fourth of July is coming up fast.  Go thank a vet for your right to talk crap to them.


Please go find one example in any of Libra or my posts in which we "talk crap" to or about veterans or soldiers.  I love your take on "leftists".  It just reinforces my opinion that the radical right...well, actually, the majority of the "right" are morons.  Thanks.  I needed that.  And I will be sure to remember, this Independence day, that our forefathers founded our country to free themselves of religious persecution.  I will embrace my gay friends.  I will rub my belly and remember that it is my body and my choice.  I will speak what little Spanish I know to my Latina friends.  And I will go see my uncle, as I do every 4th and thank him for his sacrifices in Vietnam.  He will remind me what a useless war that was too. 

Give Peace a chance.

When you talk crap about our president and the Duty of our soldiers, you are talking about our troops.  The soldiers take this to heart.

No.  You assume that is what I mean.  When I say I hate your president....I really just mean I hate G.W. Bush.  You are the one who reads that nonsense into it.

I am not radical right at all.  Not even close.

Careful now...You don't know how close you are. 

The latina thing is so funny to me, because the only reasonable explanation why you wrote that is because you are saying because I am Republican that I am a racist. 

Did I say you were racist?  I don't remember using those words...but chit, you obviously think you know more than I do, maybe I did.  Oh, weren't you the one who brought up Mexicans crossing into OUR country?

FYI:  you are more racist than I ever coulc be, I would never right something like that.

Well, I WRote it because it was true.  Is latina suddenly a bad word?  Why didn't I get the memo?


Ummmm...we all are?

Are you sure my little leftist girly brain can make an arguement?  Bite me.

Rhetoric Yes, Facts No

Again.  Bite me.


The last post had to be edited due to exceeding the maximum characters allowed in a post. 

Just thought I would clarify why I chose to modify the original quote.  I assure you, I changed not a word of what Runner said.

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