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  Anybody happen to catch Nightline last night on ABC? In case you didn't, one of the hot topics discussed was MySpace. It is no secret to anyone who reads the newspaper or watches the 6 o'clock news that MySpace has been in the limelight because of "sexual predators" trying to "abduct and corrupt" the youth of the world. To this I say bullshit! I see dozens of profiles a day showing 14 year old girls dressed like sluts, wearing four inches of make up and 32 layers of eyeliner, displaying their age as 18 years old and profile lines stating "Oh, I'm So Sexy" or "Hey There, Wanna Check Up On It?" Come on! The youth of today's world are already corrupt enough due to the undying need to be "older" than they really are. I seriously doubt there are tons of people on MySpace stalking "innocent young girls" who just happen to have tramped up profiles and ages 4 years greater than their own.

On Nightline, there was a story of a 12 year old girl who was a drug-addict and attributed it all to MySpace. She claims that Myspace allowed her to easily find drug dealers in her area, as well as older men to have sex with her. Now, at the age of 14, she has been checked into a drug-rehabilitation clinic and has been away from her family for 5 months. Her parents would rather place the blame squarely on the shoulders of MySpace instead of their daughter, who even admitted that at the age of 12, had already tried weed, crack, X, and had slept with numerous guys older than herself...but of course, it wasn't her fault, it was all because of MySpace.

One again, COME ON! When are parents and children going to stop passing the blame and grow up enough to take responsibility for their actions and the actions of their children.. Parent;s, monitor your children online, take some responsibility for YOUR children. Children, if a profile name sounds like something that comes out of a cheap horror movie, like "DARK ANGEL OF DEATH WHO EATS THE BRAINS OF GIRLS"...chances are you DO NOT WANT TO ADD THEM AS A FRIEND. Apparently there is new legislation in Congress now to block MySpace in all public schools and public libraries across the United States. All because little girls want to act grown and don't want to accept the consequences and parents don't want to accept the fact that their "innocent little girls" are posing as 18 year old crack whores trying to buy drugs.

Eventually, if this continues, MySpace could be totally outlawed from the Internet. Restrictions will be put in place in order to make MySpace "safer". I don't know about you, but I use MySpace to keep in touch with my family and friends, use it for messages, and just to have a space that is my own. Just because some children want to act grown, does that mean I may have to eventually give up my MySpace? If you feel the same way I do, please, repost this in your blogs or bulletins, or both as "STOP BLAMING MYSPACE". If enough people post this and spread the word, maybe people will get the picture and stop blaming MySpace for every little thing that their children do wrong. As user of MySpace, we should all repost this and take some sort of action. This is not a chain letter, and nothing will happen to you if you don't repost this in 321654987 seconds. However, of all bulletins you will read today, I am sure that this one is the only one that actually has a point to it.

A 14 year old girl, and her mother have filed a law suit against because she was sexually assaulted by another user. She said he lied by saying he was on the high School football team, and THAT gained her trust. Obvisiously if thats all it took to gain her trust, she easily trust pretty much anybody and anyone. She's suing for $30 million because she believes myspace has poor security. WHAT A CROC! Myspace is not a babysitting service, take responsiblity for your own actions!!! What happened to her is a terrible thing and should never happen to anyone period. Where were her parents? Why are they not held responsible for what thier daughter does in thier own home? Myspace has many many ways of blocking out/screening people, some are: you have to ACCEPT the person you may or may not know as well as deny people you do or do not know, you can have certain sercurity measures added like asking for last name and email address, you can block a person, you can only associate with people you ALREADY know or simply you can NOT be on MySpace if you lack common sense.


Keep in mind myspace may have a responsiblty in policing their site. I have been on there and seen the slutty pics and the animal torture videos.  If you are going to run a site as a place for people to hookup then you are not running a site for anyone under the age of 18 yrs.  In my state a 14yr old boy had a myspace site. He was contacted by a medical doctor who was a child molestor and even after the boy gave his age as 14 he was still being contacted. Thank God the boy told his parents. My space has a choice to make.  Either have guidelines about what is posted that is good for all ages or make it 18 and older with age check.  Take this site it is open for all ages. Things have been posted that even Homer found funny but couldnt allow to stay up because we do have young people here. And yes the girl you spoke of was lacking in parental guidance. We had the discussion this moring about my 13 yr old grandaughter wanting to get on my space because her friends are They all have passwords. But unless myspace gives parents a way to check even the best child may get into  trouble. Im not sure what the outcome will be. In a perfect world children would have parents that watch out for them and stay aware of what they are doing. But that is not happening all across this country.


Quote from: harleyrider on November 14, 2006, 04:49:43 PM
Keep in mind myspace may have a responsiblty in policing their site. I have been on there and seen the slutty pics and the animal torture videos.  If you are going to run a site as a place for people to hookup then you are not running a site for anyone under the age of 18 yrs.  In my state a 14yr old boy had a myspace site. He was contacted by a medical doctor who was a child molestor and even after the boy gave his age as 14 he was still being contacted. Thank God the boy told his parents. My space has a choice to make.  Either have guidelines about what is posted that is good for all ages or make it 18 and older with age check.  Take this site it is open for all ages. Things have been posted that even Homer found funny but couldnt allow to stay up because we do have young people here. And yes the girl you spoke of was lacking in parental guidance. We had the discussion this moring about my 13 yr old grandaughter wanting to get on my space because her friends are They all have passwords. But unless myspace gives parents a way to check even the best child may get into  trouble. Im not sure what the outcome will be. In a perfect world children would have parents that watch out for them and stay aware of what they are doing. But that is not happening all across this country.

Finally! Someone who understands! I've been called every name in the book for removing content from the website but there are standards we have to adhere to and when in doubt I remove it to be safe.

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Quote from: Homer on November 14, 2006, 04:55:45 PM
Quote from: harleyrider on November 14, 2006, 04:49:43 PM
Keep in mind myspace may have a responsiblty in policing their site. I have been on there and seen the slutty pics and the animal torture videos.  If you are going to run a site as a place for people to hookup then you are not running a site for anyone under the age of 18 yrs.  In my state a 14yr old boy had a myspace site. He was contacted by a medical doctor who was a child molestor and even after the boy gave his age as 14 he was still being contacted. Thank God the boy told his parents. My space has a choice to make.  Either have guidelines about what is posted that is good for all ages or make it 18 and older with age check.  Take this site it is open for all ages. Things have been posted that even Homer found funny but couldnt allow to stay up because we do have young people here. And yes the girl you spoke of was lacking in parental guidance. We had the discussion this moring about my 13 yr old grandaughter wanting to get on my space because her friends are They all have passwords. But unless myspace gives parents a way to check even the best child may get into  trouble. Im not sure what the outcome will be. In a perfect world children would have parents that watch out for them and stay aware of what they are doing. But that is not happening all across this country.

Finally! Someone who understands! I've been called every name in the book for removing content from the website but there are standards we have to adhere to and when in doubt I remove it to be safe.

So, to the original poster, if I follow your thinking, if a kid of any age should enter a bar, smoke and drink, the bar tender shouldn't be expected to do anything about it?  It's all up to the parents?

My kids WILL NOT have MySpace period end of story.  During my 7 years of 'working' for AOL I monitored chat rooms and I think I told the story here about the older man hitting on a younger teenager... they were planning to run away together.... her dad had set the AOL settings so that she couldn't IM him but they met in chat rooms instead....
In the perfect world parents would know what their kids are doing and would understand how dangerous the internet can be.

Recently my nephew chewed me out for not allowing my kids on MySpace.  He went on and on and on about how it's not dangerous, it's not bad, it doesn't make people do bad things, etc....  Then a few sentences later he let it slip that he had sneaked onto MySpace over the past year, before his dad said he could have it.  So I pointed out that if it doesn't cause people to do bad things but it caused him to lie to his parents.  Then he says that his profile says he's 17.  He's only 15.  Again, I pointed out that on MySpace, he feels the need to lie to people.  Now, granted, I understand that MySpace didn't force him to do that, but the point is the same.

My neighbors daughter has a friend who pretty much has unlimited run of the computer and she has MySpace.  About a year ago, when she had just turned 16, they found out she was making plans to go to Florida (from CA) to meet this guy and have sex with him.  She had tickets and everything.  So she got caught and that little rendevous was squelched.  About 2 months ago, she was arrested along with a 20 year old guy she met on MySpace.  They were having sex in an alley way behind a Denny's.

If a company such as MySpace or AOL is going to offer services where children are allowed to roam freely, then they damn well better have a way for parents to EASILY check up on the kids or THEY THEMSELVES damn well better be monitoring the situation better. 

And if they can't, they have NO BUSINESS being in business.


Edited to add - I do however, agree with with the original poster that parents and children both need to take responsibility for their actions and not blame others for the things they brought on themselves.  The parents need to set serious restrictions on where and what their kids can can do.  But that doesn't always happen.  Disneyland has strict guidelines they have to follow to make the park as safe as possible for children and adults alike.  To say that MySpace has no responsibility to monitor their site or do everything in their power to make it child safe is just not reasonable, again, IMHO.


It's not just up to the parents It takes a village to watch a child specially when they get sneaky My space has to take a stand and stop allowing it, there are allot of perverts out there and also allot of young teens just looking for a good time ..just as once pogo used to be a nice place to chat then all the weird ones started stalking and such now pogo took a stand and allot get by but not as bad and now it is the hands of report happy people lol


My feelings towards this topic is simple, don't go pointing fingers at a certain site, when in all it's all how you allow ur children to use the internet. I feel that it's up to u as a parent to educate ur children to the best of ur ability about the dangers online and give them examples of things that have happen'd and that it could happen to anyone.
Nowadays, it's not only the internet that is causing problems, these darn cell phones and how teens are taking photo's of themselves and sharing this info with other kids at school to flirt and tease with them to try to get the guy they want and sum will even go as far as to mock sum1 else. They follow these kids that they tease and snap photos of them doing things that might to sum be funny and give them reason to crack jokes and sum go soooo far that these helpless angels end up killing themselves due to sum morons ego and I feel that pointing fingers at a site like Myspace or any site that is similiar is not using ur head....If ur child is a member in Myspare then clearly there is sum issues that have not been addressed or that ur trust him or her. It all depends I guess who we are talking about. I know sum kids that will explain this better then I can and know more about the dangers then I I know quite abit. I know that MySpace is not for children and if you do have a child on it...there are features to use, tools that can set it to private and let them only have friends they know be apart of there friends list. You must educate urself to fully know the dangers and also before pointing fingers. MySpace is full of fakes and people pretending to be sumthing they are clearly not. It's funny and sooo annoying cuz she see so many people believing that these people are telling the truth, like man ur hot, lets hook up and stuff like that. Sure those comments can be boosting to hear, but what's the point of hearing such comments about sumone that's not even YOU!!! Kinda disturbing if you ask me. I had my pictures on my site for awhile and let me tell you it was not long before I saw them on sumone else page and fouling others that it was them. OHHh C'Mon now give me a break. Sure I removed them cuz I felt vandalized by sum disturbed moron,an it just confuses me to think people do this. Thing is  - it's all over the site, not just a few or a couple. But most profiles on that site are about girls pretending to be sum ****o star or model or go go dancer. But sure enough you have like so many replies of guys pretending to be sum pimp or sumthing or even men well into there 50's n over throwing wise cracks at these profiles, saying things that you would think was totally sick. And it is.....but MySpace is not the only site that has this. The whole internet is full of adult content. My Gawd, you open a clean, harmful site..and u get this pop up about sum girls in bikinis or even less.....where do we draw the line??? I draw mine for sure on that. But what people need to understand is that these problems that occur and we read not only to be blamed over a site. There are alot more things to concider....parenting is indeed one of them. Drugs??? well if sum child decides to use drugs and blame it on a site...I don't believe that. I grew up with the believing that we as parents are supose to educate our children about these things..Clear to see sumone didn't on those cases huh.
I guess what I am trying to say is that blaming a site over sumthing that went wrong, is far from being rite. I think its more of sum1 refusing to admit they were wrong and did not monitor there child while online and did not take the time to edcuate them as well.

An for my last comment on this......What the heck is a child doing on a computer first of all?? Why is the soccer ball sitting outside under the leaves, why is the baseball mit packed away??? Why is there a computer in ur childs room??? Where the heck where you??

that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Sorry for being so long, but I see this everyday almost and it makes me sick.

Ur Deer Friend


I understand what you are saying Bams. But when you open at site to all ages the site owners have to monitor content.  Just ask Homer.  Yes parental guidance is the best answer but as I said that isn't happening. So My space doesn't get off the hook. If they want the site to remain wide open and no holds barred then age restriction is the answer. If not then monitoring and deleting objectionable content is their only option. Also chat rooms need to be removed as will as IM ability if it remains open.  Message boards are fine but there again it has to be watched. We have asked Homer many times for a chat room here. You know why we don't have it. Because this site accepts the responsibility they have to underage members. A chat room would require constant monitoring and Homer doesn't have the time.


All I'm going to say is, anything can happen to our children in any chat room,website,forum or even Pogo for that matter. IMO My Space is open invitation to trouble for children and even older people.  



Quote from: harleyrider on November 15, 2006, 06:31:23 AM
I understand what you are saying Bams. But when you open at site to all ages the site owners have to monitor content.  Just ask Homer.  Yes parental guidance is the best answer but as I said that isn't happening. So My space doesn't get off the hook. If they want the site to remain wide open and no holds barred then age restriction is the answer. If not then monitoring and deleting objectionable content is their only option. Also chat rooms need to be removed as will as IM ability if it remains open.  Message boards are fine but there again it has to be watched. We have asked Homer many times for a chat room here. You know why we don't have it. Because this site accepts the responsibility they have to underage members. A chat room would require constant monitoring and Homer doesn't have the time.

That's the bottom line - if you're going to offer a service that not only invites but entices minors, you better be prepared to monitor it and to do all you can to help protect those minors.


OK i sat and read every word of every post.... But in my opinion  my space, parents and children are all responsible!

1)  My space should be monitoring their site as well as having restrictions.  Like Homer he removes contents. Well my space  could monitor and do the same thing, to keep the site safer.  I don't agree where the topic says stop blaming my space, because to a certain extent it is their fault.

2) Parents, well in a nutshell they need to watch their children's computer use. (For me my son wasn't allowed on unless I was right there) One time he thought he would be a smart  :o0 and do it anyway. So here came the pw's. Yes my son when he lived at home, is older now had his own computer was it hooked to the interenet? (NOPE!) We as parent's can only teach right from wrong... our child will still make their decisions even if they are sneaky about it. Not much gets past this nose though  :)))

3) And children have changed... I swear to goodness they look for trouble if one does it the other has to copy cat. So like someone said give them a ball they should be doing more than CONSTANTLY I mean non-stop playing video games and surfing the net.  They need to be responsible it's dangerous out there.


Quote from: Tara on November 15, 2006, 06:34:29 AM
All I'm going to say is, anything can happen to our children in any chat room,website,forum or even Pogo for that matter. IMO My Space is open invitation to trouble for children and even older people.  

Exactly, if they can't do what they need to and make it safer and monitor it better sry get rid of it!  Don't shoot me for my opinion


Quote from: harleyrider on November 15, 2006, 06:31:23 AM
I understand what you are saying Bams. But when you open at site to all ages the site owners have to monitor content.  Just ask Homer.  Yes parental guidance is the best answer but as I said that isn't happening. So My space doesn't get off the hook. If they want the site to remain wide open and no holds barred then age restriction is the answer. If not then monitoring and deleting objectionable content is their only option. Also chat rooms need to be removed as will as IM ability if it remains open.  Message boards are fine but there again it has to be watched. We have asked Homer many times for a chat room here. You know why we don't have it. Because this site accepts the responsibility they have to underage members. A chat room would require constant monitoring and Homer doesn't have the time.

Yes that is true. I don't disagree to that. I was just trying to poiont out that it's not only Myspace. If they are gonna point fingers they should point it at all sites that have that problem. Children create websites themselves as well and have this junk on it. That's where I was going with that. You are rite thou, an I do agree with that. Yes Myspace should be an adult site only if they are gonna allow that C**P to happen. But that should be inforced to alot of many sites as well.
I was a member in a chat site for years.....I moderated a few rooms...most of those rooms were 18and over and sum were 16 and over....but u know what the biggest problem was. Teens would enter the room, even after a warning was put up that if they were not of age to leave...would still remain and join the room an chat for abit. We would ask there age and sum would say the truth we would ask them to leave an if they did not..we would kick them out. Sum however lie, and that's where the problem lies with this age thing. I would sumtimes read what they write and if I had any idea that they might be younger, I would private chat them and say Hey what's up and ask there most of the time they would be under age and I would ask them to leave LOL. Get them in there own game. But they can be smart sumtimes and it's sad. That's where I really wish parents would monitor there children more. Or just give them a game to play with ....less harm done I think. anywho thx for the reply *smiles*

Ur Deer Friend

P.S I had no idea sum1 was actually gonna read all that LOL


Quote from: bams68 on November 15, 2006, 06:22:13 AM
My feelings towards this topic is simple, don't go pointing fingers at a certain site, when in all it's all how you allow ur children to use the internet. I feel that it's up to u as a parent to educate ur children to the best of ur ability about the dangers online and give them examples of things that have happen'd and that it could happen to anyone.
Nowadays, it's not only the internet that is causing problems, these darn cell phones and how teens are taking photo's of themselves and sharing this info with other kids at school to flirt and tease with them to try to get the guy they want and sum will even go as far as to mock sum1 else. They follow these kids that they tease and snap photos of them doing things that might to sum be funny and give them reason to crack jokes and sum go soooo far that these helpless angels end up killing themselves due to sum morons ego and I feel that pointing fingers at a site like Myspace or any site that is similiar is not using ur head....If ur child is a member in Myspare then clearly there is sum issues that have not been addressed or that ur trust him or her. It all depends I guess who we are talking about. I know sum kids that will explain this better then I can and know more about the dangers then I I know quite abit. I know that MySpace is not for children and if you do have a child on it...there are features to use, tools that can set it to private and let them only have friends they know be apart of there friends list. You must educate urself to fully know the dangers and also before pointing fingers. MySpace is full of fakes and people pretending to be sumthing they are clearly not. It's funny and sooo annoying cuz she see so many people believing that these people are telling the truth, like man ur hot, lets hook up and stuff like that. Sure those comments can be boosting to hear, but what's the point of hearing such comments about sumone that's not even YOU!!! Kinda disturbing if you ask me. I had my pictures on my site for awhile and let me tell you it was not long before I saw them on sumone else page and fouling others that it was them. OHHh C'Mon now give me a break. Sure I removed them cuz I felt vandalized by sum disturbed moron,an it just confuses me to think people do this. Thing is  - it's all over the site, not just a few or a couple. But most profiles on that site are about girls pretending to be sum ****o star or model or go go dancer. But sure enough you have like so many replies of guys pretending to be sum pimp or sumthing or even men well into there 50's n over throwing wise cracks at these profiles, saying things that you would think was totally sick. And it is.....but MySpace is not the only site that has this. The whole internet is full of adult content. My Gawd, you open a clean, harmful site..and u get this pop up about sum girls in bikinis or even less.....where do we draw the line??? I draw mine for sure on that. But what people need to understand is that these problems that occur and we read not only to be blamed over a site. There are alot more things to concider....parenting is indeed one of them. Drugs??? well if sum child decides to use drugs and blame it on a site...I don't believe that. I grew up with the believing that we as parents are supose to educate our children about these things..Clear to see sumone didn't on those cases huh.
I guess what I am trying to say is that blaming a site over sumthing that went wrong, is far from being rite. I think its more of sum1 refusing to admit they were wrong and did not monitor there child while online and did not take the time to edcuate them as well.

An for my last comment on this......What the heck is a child doing on a computer first of all?? Why is the soccer ball sitting outside under the leaves, why is the baseball mit packed away??? Why is there a computer in ur childs room??? Where the heck where you??

that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Sorry for being so long, but I see this everyday almost and it makes me sick.

Ur Deer Friend

Bams, this is a tough situation and I see your point as well, however, a parent can set all kinds of restrictions, and the kids still find a way around it.  For example:

AOL had some of the best parental controls in the industry, as well as chat hosts, board monitors, etc., however they also had the Guest sign in feature.  For years we had parents complaining that their kids' friends would come over (and not have the same type of concerned parents who blocked content) and use their computers to sign on as a Guest thereby allowing the kids whose accounts were restricted to access innappropriate sites.  It tooks years, but about the time I left AOL they were FINALLY listening and getting ready to allow a setting that parents could use to disable the guest sign on feature.  It IS up to companies, whether they be online or offline, to make sure their site is suitable and safe for people of all ages if people of all ages are allowed.

The businesses


Quote from: Tara on November 15, 2006, 06:34:29 AM
All I'm going to say is, anything can happen to our children in any chat room,website,forum or even Pogo for that matter. IMO My Space is open invitation to trouble for children and even older people.  
Agree totally with you, a child unsupervised can be victimized on any site that has chat or any type of contact with others.  I supervise my grandsons any time they are on the computer.  We all need to monitor what our children are doing when on the internet.


This is a question to anyone who knows the answer or has an opinion - Wasn't it a couple years ago that a law was passed where public libraries could not monitor what content people viewed on their computers, even children?
It might have just been CA but I believe it was a Federal ruling and is nationwide.  So a parent, thinking they were driopping their kid off at the library to get some school work done, might be getting duped by their kids who are there to use the web.  Another reason that it's important for sites to take responsibility.


Quote from: ABraveLady on November 15, 2006, 06:50:29 AM
This is a question to anyone who knows the answer or has an opinion - Wasn't it a couple years ago that a law was passed where public libraries could not monitor what content people viewed on their computers, even children?
It might have just been CA but I believe it was a Federal ruling and is nationwide.  So a parent, thinking they were driopping their kid off at the library to get some school work done, might be getting duped by their kids who are there to use the web.  Another reason that it's important for sites to take responsibility.

Monitor ur kids is all what it's about. Libraries should not allow a person under a certain age on the computers first off. If so they should have assign'd computers that do monitor the activity online. 
Again Monitoring children is all what I'm getting at, an that there is alot more sites to be pointing fingers at, that's all what I was trying to say. An sum1 did say sumthing that I didn't think of is that yes they can get around safety features, sorry I was wrong about that part. But again, the parents should still be monitoring at all times. Passwords should be set up on the pc, and no child should have a pc in there bedroom with internet connection.
I still feel children should be outside getting exersice and forget about the pc, it takes over ur life and that's not what they need. I love seeing children outside playing with friends and building things with there hands and bonding with there parents. I hope that clears up what I've been trying to state. Sorry if it's not as clear, as I tend to let my fingers get the best of me LOL. Anywho this topic is very important and quite sad......Myspace in my opinion should be adult, but that's kinda hard when it's easy to click the Yes I am 18 or older and sign up. An to put it general and monitor it...well that's up to Myspace and I guess that would be there only option and I do hope they take this issue and do sumthing.
No worries here cuz my son will be too busy playing outside with mom, and if he wishes to be online, he'll be playing games with me.

I hope sumthing gets done thou, *shrugs*
Ur Deer Friend


I am so glad that I don't have a child under 18!  Times are so different now than when my son was growing up.

About chat rooms, for 2 1/2 years I've been a member at a Nascar drivers fan site. when I joined the site had only been open a few months, had a chat but seldom used. Then it got going on Friday and Sat. nites, had fun, it was clean. But then as time passed and the site admin added more features ie teamspeak, and webcams it has now become IMO almost soft ****. The past two weeks I have not gone to chat or left as the conv were nasty. I couldn't believe the talk coming from a 19 yr old that I had had a better opinion of before that time.  It is hard to regulate chat.  I have had to remind ppl in there at times when I know someone under 18 is in there to watch what they are saying. But the kids always say that it's nothing they haven't heard or talked about before. Guess I don't think that kind of chat is expected on a racing or I'm just too old fashioned! lol  But the more we talk to each other the more we learn about each other and on this race site we became family. Last year we (not everyone but about 15) met at a race, we were all nervous thinking that away from the comp. keyboard we'd not be able to talk. But it was as if we started up where left off. But it isn't that way anylonger in that chat, the tone has completely changed

so I don't blame Homer for  not wanting to start a chat room. Sometimes they are good and then some are bad. It takes mods and admins to be able to 'patrol' ;:" the room and no one has time to that job.


SS to hear about ur chat site. Where I chated too they had certain meets and they all seem'd to have a bunch of fun, but for me they seem'd to always meet in bars n stuff and I'm not much of a clubber or bar hopper. I know it's best that way as it's a more open space where they can all feel safer, but for me...Nah and plus most of the meets were held in places I can't afford to get to, such as England and places like that. But I guess if I had the chance to go, I wouldn't as I would feel very uncomfortable. I have met a few people which is my sweetie,an I met him on MySpace actually and I know that place gets a bad rep but we are totally not like that and it was just through family that we met each other and it's all great. Been over a year now that we've been together and I'm hoping for many years to come.
But I do know the dangers of such things and to meet people online is very risky and u just gotta becareful no matter who u r. So many horrible storys and so many mistakes people make cuz they think they know sum1 when really they are being had. Anywho ss to hear about ur chatsite....sumtimes people only act that way for attention, just sad huh.

Ur Deer Friend


well Most of the parents do monitor their children but what about the parent's who don't keep an eye on them? and I have seen many who just don't want to be bothered it upsets me that they don't take control..I myself when I was raising my kids I was all in their business not much got by me and I was always in their friends business too but there is still the problem with those who don't seem to care what the kids are doing it's sad

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