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WWW & Gold Carrot Badge

Started by Symbion,

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Is it as tedious to get this badge as it is for the Black Belt badge in PopFu?


PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


Quote from: Symbion on October 05, 2007, 12:00:34 PM
Is it as tedious to get this badge as it is for the Black Belt badge in PopFu?

No, honey. The cheats work extremely well. Just put the auto on, kick back,  :-{ and you will have your badge in about an hour.

I recently got the bronze, silver and gold carrots for some reason, :)))

I promise, they were pulling your leg about it being hard.


one more question.... is rank progress for this game based on games won or is it based on anagrams like wordwhomp is?


Rank progress is based on completed games. The harder the difficulty the more percentage points you get towards the next rank. You do not need to play the bonus game to get your progress.

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


The reason I haven't finished WWW or Popfu is the room notices on high scores and/or the high score list or both (depending on which game you're playing).  People get crazy about auto use in these games and check the score lists, and are all over you about it.  Heaven forbid you're not there to chat or answer PM's when they "test" you to report you.  Ditto with finishing Poppit ranks (I'm on 38).

Any good advice on how to safely auto your way to the final badge in these 3 games?


In Whackster go to options and put a check mark next to "Skip Bonus Round"

Your name will not appear if you use that setting.

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


There's also an option on Poppit to leave X number of balloons. I think it starts with 5.
I didn't use it because I got my game ranks playing on the hardest setting. Often the last prizes were in the top row of balloons. I also learned that I could care less what Mr or Mrs X player in the room thinks about my playing.

A few things I have learned and can state with great empathy andf with kindness in my heart towards you if you are new to auto programs, which I think you must be, because you are still worried about what OTHER Pogo players think. Maybe I can help put your worries to rest.

First, most people are either playing their own games, or are using their own autos. They REALLY aren't interested in what the player 'JoeX' on the room list is doing unless 'JoeX' draws attention to himself in the game room.
Most people on Pogo know about autos, and although I have NO idea how many people are using them on Pogo at any given time, I would say the number is in the very high thousands.
So, you are not the only one who knows about auto programs, and certainly will have silent company in your cheating wherever you go on Pogo.

IF you are always looking over your shoulder to see who might think you are cheating,  you might want to rethink that position, literally. :) You don't have to act " guilty" on Pogo!!
As most of us have pointed out, UNLESS you are chatting people up in the rooms, which means making both friends and possibly riling a few up, or UNLESS you try to claim some unlikely prize from Pogo other than wallpaper and screensavers, you are NOT, and I can say with 99.9% certainty, NOT going to lose your Club Pogo account for using autos. Pogo doesn't investigate reports from  another player  that " so and so was cheating" unless you do something really dumb like tell someone in the game so that a documented record exists in the chat log files, even private chat.

Here are a few of  my tips on how to cheat smartly, based on nearly 3 years of badge- grabbing, wonderful experiences:

1) Rotate rooms a lot, even in the same game ( Example- Poppit- go to the room "5 balloons or less" for about 6 hours, then switch to " Balloon Animals" room, etc).

2)  Don't spend over 6 hours in one room at the time except at night.

3)  Don't chat, ever, for any reason. Leave chat OFF. This means no " TY", " GG", " WTG" or anything else coming from YOUR computer. One of the reasons it is important to do this is because occasionally a stranger will send you PM requests. If you fail to respond but have your chat ON, it's a bit suspicious. If your chat is off, they can't send you the invitation in the first place!! Also, the auto programs all work best if you never try to type messages while they are running.

4) Check the option in your Pogo preferences that only allows people to add you to THEIR friends list if you have added them. Stay as anonymous as you can, in other words. People who get " stalked' have not used the Pogo system well.

5) Look at your friends list. How many people are on it and why are they there? UNLESS the person is your spouse, or another absolutely trustworthy  mature family member, DELETE them and use the #4 option described above. It may sound harsh, but you are NOT on Pogo to be a social butterfly while you are using auto programs.

6) I believe it is a good practice not to play real people in any game while using an auto program. That means- if you have a rated challenge badge to get, play the game yourself.

7) NEVER allow watchers in the games with this option.

8) Play the robots on Pogo for every game which has this option.

9) Always make your room private and do NOT allow players to replace the computer player.

10) Never use an auto program in a league. In fact, I wouldn't even touch a league, because I always use auto programs. :)) Those people are touchy as heck about scores and the like, and they will be the first to report a person who is trying to get a free towel or whatever it is that people get from the leagues. Likewise, the silly badge things set up by a couple of the Pogo fan sites. Don't ever, ever use an auto if you are playing with a group of them. Better yet, don't ever play with them in the first place. Except for your close personal family and maybe a few known personal friends in real life, the players on Pogo are not " friends". This is cyberspace. I like you, but I don't " know" you and don't want to know your info, or give you mine either.. You have to develop a whole new mindset if you have been chatting on Pogo for years and decide to buy auto programs.

11) IF you want to socialize, receive PMs, have a ton of so called " Pogo friends" ( who are NOT really friends at all!!!) then socialize while you are NOT using an auto program. Remember to throw your " Friends" list out the window. The goal with the programs is to WIN BADGES. Period. Not socialize. The two do not mix at all.

12) Try to stay in the busier, more anonymous " Topics" rooms. The rooms with age groups, etc tend to have many  room regulars. They are more likely to want to know who you are, etc. Pogo has always been this way.

I hope this helps you. It is posted with the best of intentions.  It is very simple- just stay to yourself, be private, and you will be fine. People are doing their own thing, which often means they are using their own auto programs too.  :)

Good luck and give us some feedback on how this is working for you when you have a chance.


Homer should give you (Badgebabe) 3 free autos just for being so helpful.  halloween23.gif

I give him free stuff for being helpful.  :)))


Quote from: BadgeBabe on October 07, 2007, 06:41:54 AM

4) Check the option in your Pogo preferences that only allows people to add you to THEIR friends list if you have added them. Stay as anonymous as you can, in other words. People who get " stalked' have not used the Pogo system well.

5) Look at your friends list. How many people are on it and why are they there? UNLESS the person is your spouse, or another absolutely trustworthy  mature family member, DELETE them and use the #4 option described above. It may sound harsh, but you are NOT on Pogo to be a social butterfly while you are using auto programs.

Can you please explain number 4 further to me? I do not see that option about the friends list. All I can find is "Only accept invitations and messages from players on my Friends List." in my messages and that doesn't stop people from adding me. Thanks!


on the bottom of ur friends list page it says blocked it then put a check in the little box there and the only peeps that can see u are the ones that u allow...they can add u on their list but they cant see u if u dont have them on ur list...hope this helps


Thank you, but yeah, I knew that. That does not keep them from adding me to their list. I get lots of spam from people who add me to their list and then send spam to everyone and it rats them out to me.  :)))

I know I can block them in my preferences, but I usually don't unless they spam me more than once.


Quote from: BadgeBabe on October 07, 2007, 06:41:54 AM

2)  Don't spend over 6 hours in one room at the time except at night.

This would be so much easier if we had RoomRover back... hint hint lol


Quote from: Jewel on October 07, 2007, 05:26:52 PM
Thank you, but yeah, I knew that. That does not keep them from adding me to their list. I get lots of spam from people who add me to their list and then send spam to everyone and it rats them out to me.  :)))

I know I can block them in my preferences, but I usually don't unless they spam me more than once.

OK, Spam is different from a " Friends" list. The solution is very simple. Go to your mail preferences, and check " Only accept invitations and messages from players on my Friends List." As I have said, only put people on your friends list whom you know in your real off- line life. Your mother, your husband , etc.

If you are serious about playing well on Pogo, do this and stop the Spam. If you are giggling about Spam and so called " Pogo friends", then you are asking for problems and I don't have any other advice for you.

I haven't had my account since 2000 for nothing. I've learned quite a lot in over 7 years. I wouldn't post something which I don't think is a good practice and which I don't do myself.
Using auto programs does require maturity and planning.
Keeping your Pogo account private is a big part of the planning.



Quote from: BadgeBabe on October 08, 2007, 12:23:09 AM
Quote from: Jewel on October 07, 2007, 05:26:52 PM
Thank you, but yeah, I knew that. That does not keep them from adding me to their list. I get lots of spam from people who add me to their list and then send spam to everyone and it rats them out to me.  :)))

I know I can block them in my preferences, but I usually don't unless they spam me more than once.

OK, Spam is different from a " Friends" list. The solution is very simple. Go to your mail preferences, and check " Only accept invitations and messages from players on my Friends List." As I have said, only put people on your friends list whom you know in your real off- line life. Your mother, your husband , etc.

If you are serious about playing well on Pogo, do this and stop the Spam. If you are giggling about Spam and so called " Pogo friends", then you are asking for problems and I don't have any other advice for you.

I haven't had my account since 2000 for nothing. I've learned quite a lot in over 7 years. I wouldn't post something which I don't think is a good practice and which I don't do myself.
Using auto programs does require maturity and planning.
Keeping your Pogo account private is a big part of the planning.


I have also been a member since the year 2000. I have had no problems and like I said if someone spams me more than once I do add them to my blocked senders. These are not people that I have added to my own friends list. They are people that have added me to theirs. My question was in regard to what you said about this:

4) Check the option in your Pogo preferences that only allows people to add you to THEIR friends list if you have added them. Stay as anonymous as you can, in other words. People who get " stalked' have not used the Pogo system well.

Where is there an option that allows people to add you to their friends list only if you have added them? I have never seen that and would be interested in using that feature. Thank you.


Here's the answer, Jewel, and it is copied verbatim from Pogo Help on " How Do I Block People From Adding Me To Their Friends List?"

Answer:Is there some way I can block people from adding me to their Friends lists?
As of the completion of the Pogo Update on February 21, 2006, you will be able to take action to prevent other players from seeing where you are online via their Friends lists. This is called the "Blocked Player" list.

The Blocked Players list allows members you to decide who can or cannot see what room you are in from their Friends List page. If you block a member from seeing you on their Friends List, they will simply see your name on their list with the "Not in a Game Room" indicator.

The Block Players List feature is located at the bottom of the Friends List page. You can type or copy and paste the individual names you want to block into the field provided and then click the "Add to Blocked Players" button. Or, you can check the option to "Show my current location to players on my Friends List only". Choosing that option means anyone who is not on your friends list will not see your location on their Friends List. If you have a member on both your Friends List and your Blocked Players List, they will be blocked from seeing your location.

Please note that this won't prevent people from simply looking through rooms to find you, but it should make finding you online much more difficult. If you suspect someone is tracking you by adding your friends to their Friends list, you may want to suggest that everyone use the "Show my current location to players on my Friends List only" option for a while.

Obviously, if someone still goes to great lengths to harass you, please use the "Report Abuse" function in any game room to report the person.

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NOTICE THE SENTENCE:Or, you can check the option to "Show my current location to players on my Friends List only". Choosing that option means anyone who is not on your friends list will not see your location on their Friends List.

Do you understand now? You highjacked this thread, or attempted to. I think that's extremely petty. If you've been on Pogo since 2000, then you KNEW the answer and how to avoid trouble all on your own.


I don't think Jewel hijacked anything. I think we all know that you can check the box to only let people on your friends list see you. What you had said was there was an option to not allow others to even add their name to their friend list. Which if Pogo had that it would be awesome. I hate the people on my blocked list always looking at my profile and badges.

Jewel? I understand what you are saying, and no, there's no option for that. It would be nice if it was. Keep those profile stalkers in their place.  :)))

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