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Getting To Know You -- Quirks

Started by Stinkerbell,

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The rules to this are simple.... you have to list 10 quirky things about yourself.

1.  I LOVE Don Jose Steak Fajitas, but I have to have butter on the tortilla and the butter MUST go on first.

2.  When I got my new car, I was kinda bummed that it has a DVD player because that means people will want to watch it.

-- Interjecting a random thought here-- this is tough because I'm not that quirky.

3.  I like to take my shower when no one else is home, because it never fails that either while I'm in the shower or I've just gotten out, someone is banging on my door wanting something from me.

4.  Another shower thing here...I always wash my hair first, then condition, then wash the bod, then rinse the conditioner.  Any order other than that and I don't feel fully showered.

5.  I always prefer to drive when going anywhere.  It's a matter of self preservation.

6.  When landscaping, roses can't be all the same color.  Neither can they be different colors.  Although they can be alternating colors in no more than 3 similar shades.

--Interjecting another random thought... I'm finding these things are less quirky than they are just good ol' common sense.

7.  I am a firm believer that it isn't a BBQ til somethings been on fire.

8.  Ketchup is my condiment of choice when eating a grilled cheese sandwich.

9.  I've been considering petitioning the Pope to bestow sainthood upon the person who invented the drive thru car wash.  They are just amazing and have contributed greatly to world peace.  You figure it out.

--Let me just interject one last thing... I'm shocked I was able to make it to 10.

10.  Every now and then, I decide I just have to have a particular kitchen gadget.  Not because I need it, but because I might SOMEDAY need it.


Holy cow! I got so many I wouldn't know where to begin   :)) :))


Quote from: Squid on February 21, 2008, 06:38:23 PM

3.  When eating dinner, I always eat my veggies first and completely.  I hate it when cooked veggies get cold and it seems to happen so fast!  !@!

Stay tuned to this channel for more exciting quirky tidbits.

Me too!!  I hate cold veggies!!!!

Brave Lady staying tuned   :)))


I like mixing my veggies with the mashed potatoes.  !@!

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!



Oh God here goes.
1. I can only read the Sunday paper one way. I must read the last sections first the Tv mag then the funnies then the news mag after that I can read from the 1st section doesnt apply to any day but Sunday

2. I must have at least 3 lemons in iced tea

3. I can only listen to one song while driving which means i constantly reset my cd player to play the same song
   if I cant listen to just one song it must be turned off  Can be any song but only one

4. I must program all my TV watching the night before for the following day. I cant sleep if I dont

Thats all but man I am one crazy person after reading over my quirks  Homer you may find you got a boat load of loveable but looney people here


I also like making a gravy dam and trying to eat the potatoes without springing a leak.

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


Quote from: Homer on February 21, 2008, 07:14:43 PM
I also like making a gravy dam and trying to eat the potatoes without springing a leak.

Me too !!! The gravy will leak into the other food otherwise!


i like to eat my gator n taters~~~~with the gator dead saves u on silver ware   civilwar.gif :-[ civilwar.gif


My grandpa Stanley loved his eggs fried, with the yolk intact.  He would carefully cut away and eat the white, leaving a perfectly round yolk center, which he would strategically scoop up with his fork and place whole, into his mouth.  He couldn't eat them any other way, wouldn't eat them any other way.  Well, one day when we were over there, my mom cooked his eggs and < gasp > she broke a yolk.  He was livid and he ranted and raved so long that my mom finally lost it, grabbed a fork and stabbed the good, intact yolk over and over (all the while yelling at it) til it was running all over his plate. I'll never forget the look in his eyes and he said "Well, Kathleen, I hope your proud of yourself."


Quote from: harley89 on February 21, 2008, 07:06:13 PM
Oh God here goes.

3. I can only listen to one song while driving which means i constantly reset my cd player to play the same song
   if I cant listen to just one song it must be turned off  Can be any song but only one

Me too.  And I sing it and sing it and replay parts of it til I get it right.  Right now I have 2 that I listen to; 100 Years by Five For Fighting and Get Together by The Youngbloods. 


Well here goes, what I can come up with anyways   :)))

1.  I don't make a gravy dam, I don't care how my gravy's on there as long as I have some!  lol

2.  Guess my biggest quirk with myself right now is..smoking in my private trying to quit, cut down at least so I'm only smoking in there.  I raise the window, turn on the exhaust fan & smoke away.   :)))  I should start singing "Smokin' in the Girls' Room"

3.   Letting myself go getting hooked on all these reality shows   :&

4.  I gotta sleep with lots of pillows, I got 8 on my bed now.  My family thinks I'm nuts  :ooo

5.  When I cook stuff like soups, stews etc, I always cook enough for an army then call my friends & tell em to come get some to take home.   !@! 

6.  Trying to think of another 1......but I'm blank at the moment.

Hope these were quirky enough, I'm sure I'll think of lots more after I finish this thing   :))


Quote from: Stinkerbell on February 21, 2008, 08:39:13 PM
My grandpa Stanley loved his eggs fried, with the yolk intact.  He would carefully cut away and eat the white, leaving a perfectly round yolk center, which he would strategically scoop up with his fork and place whole, into his mouth.  He couldn't eat them any other way, wouldn't eat them any other way.  Well, one day when we were over there, my mom cooked his eggs and < gasp > she broke a yolk.  He was livid and he ranted and raved so long that my mom finally lost it, grabbed a fork and stabbed the good, intact yolk over and over (all the while yelling at it) til it was running all over his plate. I'll never forget the look in his eyes and he said "Well, Kathleen, I hope your proud of yourself."

Stinker guess what I do the same thing as your grandpa only if my yolk breaks I can live with it


LOL omg I have so many im going to appear a compulsive disorder by the time im done hehehe...

1  I cant stand to walk barefeet anywhere it drives me nuts the thought of any grit getting on my feet

2 I cant sit down and relax and watch tv if any cabinet doors are open

3 cant sleep with closet door open lol

3 I eat my veggies first too

4 always put a can of coke in freezer for a good 10 mins

5 I always butter the darker side of toast bread lol

Ok that is enuff for now...

AND no i dont wear latex gloves around my house hehe





Oh I may be too quirky for this...

1.  I won't hold a coffeecup by the handle.  It's a phobia that goes back to a handle breaking on me with a hot cup of coffee.
2.  I'm afraid of lightbulbs...someone else has to change them.
3.  I'm a triple checker.  I have to check candles repeatedly after I blow them out...check the coffee pot at least 3 times after turning it off, among other things.
4.  I cannot ride in a vehicle with someone else driving.  On the few occassions that I am forced to I am braced for a crash the entire time.
5. I keep at least 4 different types of jelly and/or preserves in my refrigerator, although I rarely, if ever, use them.
6. If I run out of Q-tips I get irate.
7. I flinch around balloons, regardless of whether they are being popped or not.  I just don't like them.

Ten may be too much for me...I'll think more on it and add later if something hits me.


Quote from: Squid on February 22, 2008, 10:49:57 AM
That is too cute.

I do the same thing with my kettle.  I make coffee and have to check that the stove is off underneath the kettle.  I've cooked a couple of kettles!

Squid bequeaths a lifetime of Q-tips to Janadra

1. i go fishing every day around 830 am till 1030 am
           2. from 1030 till 11 check out the boobs on the beach
           3. read emails while the wiffy cooks lunch (what do all the peeps wont (60 emails)
           4. head over to pogo and nosey around a little b 4 i set my uncle up
           5. wash off the salt water on my reels put away
           6. call my sis and law  up in north west GA and make sure shes still kicking lol
           7.go to the fillin station and set with the boys and drink a coke and catch up on all the news and watch the babes on the beach
           8.well thats it for me   oh   i dont work i tryed it one time and didnt like it  so i became a beach bum  civilwar.gif bbq21.gif civilwar.gif


Quote from: ♪♫SMS♫♪ on February 22, 2008, 12:06:59 PM
1. i go fishing every day around 830 am till 1030 am
           2. from 1030 till 11 check out the boobs on the beach
           3. read emails while the wiffy cooks lunch (what do all the peeps wont (60 emails)
           4. head over to pogo and nosey around a little b 4 i set my uncle up
           5. wash off the salt water on my reels put away
           6. call my sis and law  up in north west GA and make sure shes still kicking lol
           7.go to the fillin station and set with the boys and drink a coke and catch up on all the news and watch the babes on the beach
           8.well thats it for me   oh   i dont work i tryed it one time and didnt like it  so i became a beach bum  civilwar.gif bbq21.gif civilwar.gif

here ya go swamp-   


My go

1. I hate potatoes, only way I eat them is

either straight outta garden, where you can leave the peel on an slap ol' butter on them.

or drown'd in gravy

or as fry's

They jus have to be as a hidden food to me, such as in shepards pies or such...I can't eat them dry....jus makes me gag

2. I hate grocery shopping, I get totally full of it when I have to give all that money for sumthing that should be given or not so darn expensive. Seems the foods we do need are the ones more highest in cost an that jus ticks me off.

3. I hate being in public

4. I'm so terrified of spiders n bugs that if I see one in my bed or in my room, I'll sleep elsewhere for a good month - no joke LOL

5. When getting dressed....socks come before pants always

6. Whenever I want to take a bath, I always take a shower first - that way I feel my bath is more relaxing an I'm not relaxing in dirty water an pluz with this long hair, it's easier to get all this darn shampoo out LOL

7. Last thing I do before I crash for the nite is give my feet a good lotion an hand rub

8. I always keep my home dark at nite or the curtains closed...I always think sumones watching....then again where I live = usually sumone is LOL I have a peeking tom actually who stares in my home all the time with binoculars....I've reported it by nothing has been done.

Here's my thought - I tend to walk around the house in a niteshirt an undies...I wonder now if this is why I have the prob in comment #8 - ya think LOL - I'm so flatter'd LOL Hope they got my best side

9. You'll never catch me laying on the grass....tooo scared of the bugs that roam in it. Blah Nite crawlers - yuck

10. My sweetie says I have a cute snore. Wonders whats a cute snore LOL

Ur Deer Friend


Quote from: bams68 on February 22, 2008, 03:34:19 PM
My go

1. I hate patotoes, only way I eat them is

either straight outta garden, where you can leave the peel on an slap ol' butter on them.

or drown'd in gravy

or as fry's

They jus have to be as a hidden food to me, such as in shepards pies or such...I can't eat them dry....jus makes me gag

2. I hate grocery shopping, I get totally full of it when I have to give all that money for sumthing that should be given or not so darn expensive. Seems the foods we do need are the ones more highest in cost an that jus ticks me off.

3. I hate being in public

4. I'm so terrified of spiders n bugs that if I see one in my bed or in my room, I'll sleep elsewhere for a good month - no joke LOL

5. When getting dressed....socks come before pants always

6. Whenever I want to take a bath, I always take a shower first - that way I feel my bath is more relaxing an I'm not relaxing in dirty water an pluz with this long hair, it's easier to get all this darn shampoo out LOL

7. Last thing I do before I crash for the nite is give my feet a good lotion an hand rub

8. I always keep my home dark at nite or the curtains closed...I always think sumones watching....then again where I live = usually sumone is LOL I have a peeking tom actually who stares in my home all the time with binoclers....I've reported it by nothing has been done.

Here's my thought - I tend to walk around the house in a niteshirt an undies...I wonder now if this is why I have the prob in comment #8 - ya think LOL - I'm so flatter'd LOL Hope they got my best side

9. You'll never catch me laying on the grass....tooo scared of the bugs that roam in it. Blah Nite crawlers - yuck

10. My sweetie says I have a cute snore. Wonders whats a cute snore LOL

Ur Deer Friend


PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!

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