March 03, 2025, 04:24:47 PM

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Why didn't my report go through ?

Started by Soldierswifey98,

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Hello all !

I have a question. 2 Days ago I was playing no Limit Poker and this guy went all in, so did I and he had a Ace High so I caught his bluff. Anyway. He remained on the table and started attacking me since my Pogo Name mentions something about my Soldier. (Not the same Name as here).
He went on saying that he hopes my Husband comes back in a Bodybag and I can go out once again and F*** some other Soldier to live of the government and just on and on and on. I mean it was horrible.
I played in an uncensored Room and after listen to this guy for about 10 min I reported him for Hate Speech. After I clicked submit it muted him like it usually does but I never recieved an email from Pogo in my email account or in my Pogo Mail like it usually does.
Any Ideas if you can still report in unsencored Rooms or did it go through and I just didn't get anything.
It still bothers me until today and I just like to know what my options are because he said ontop of the Bodybag some horrible things and I just don't want to let it slide. Not this. I am not usually one who reports. I've been a member since 2001 and this was only my 3rd report.

Any suggestions or Ideas would be appreciated.

BTW. I haven't seen him online since the day I reportet him but he still has the star by his name

disneyland lady

Sending out a cyber hug to you (((<b>Soldierswifey98</b>))).
I found this in the HELP section on Pogo:

Why can Abuse be reported in the Uncensored rooms?
The uncensored rooms on Pogo are there to provide adult players with a place where they can be a bit less restrained with regards to cursing. However, there are other activities in the uncensored rooms that are still Terms of Service violations, and will be treated as such. This includes, but is not limited to:

Child Solicitation
Deliberate, ongoing harassment
Discussion of cheating, cheat sites, or cheat programs
Inappropriate Screen Names (because they can be seen everywhere, not just in game rooms)
So, while a certain amount of cursing and/or swearing is permissible in the uncensored rooms, there are other activities that are still very serious violations of the Terms of Service that will cause action to be taken against accounts that are found to be committing these violations, regardless of where those violations occur.</i>

I do not know why your report did not go thru since I was not there to see what happened. But IMO I think you should just let this one go. This guy was obviously very bothered by a woman beating him at a "mans" game. And your ID was an easy target. Had I been the one in there with my PogoCheats ID the guy would have said something ugly about Disneyland. And I figure that anyone who would sink so low to do that is going to do it again so more than likely he will get his - just a little later. And had this been the one that blew him off Pogo he certainly would have found a way to make your life miserable since your ID was in his head. Also I would not mention this to your hubby cuz he is probably stressed enough.

I have Marines flying over my home to and from Iraq and more every weekday as I live in the flight plan of MCAS Miramar in San Diego and every time they fly over I send out a blessing for them and their families. There are so many people on Pogo that support our troops - whether they support the war or the politics - that you need to just let this one go and know that this guys karma will bite him the biggie. And know that this is why I have my chat off unless I must have it on - because I have major anger issues that have no bounds. 

Disneyland lady insane diego



What they ^ said... and I might add -

It's very easy for people to hide behind their screen names and say vicious, hurtful things that they would never have the guts to say to your face.  He sounds like one of those people who can't function in the REAL world, so he lives out his days in the cyber world where he goes along pretending to be something he is not.  Your real world is filled with real world issues, and with people who care about you - I doubt the same can be sad of that nasty man.
(OO)  You know you're always welcomed here and no one here would ever feel the need to attack you that way.  The posters here are so much better than that... even if we are cheaters   :)))


Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
Thanks for the Input and the nice words. I can handle a lot of things after being with the Military for over 10 years and had to listen to a lot of things but the Bodybag thing just got me especially since my Husband is currently serving and I got enough worrying to do.
Ok well that explains it.


disneyland lady

Wow, I did not even notice that this was your first post. THAT is how your post moved me. I would have said something about how most feel about the chat function had I noticed. Most of us do not use it because you can be reported for some really stooooopid things. Unfortunately - here is an instance where the report button failed again.

Just visualize that guy in the bodybag and let go of the reference. I have had someone dear to me come back from Iraq in that way and perhaps that is why I am glad I was not there - still dealing with my anger issues on Pogo! But also my son is a Medical Examiner so that term is something we kid about all the time. I find toe tags on my sun tea and crime scene tape across my bathroom all the time. I do not know where this guy got his sick sense of humor! O0

disneyland lady insane diego


I agree with all of the above - I am sorry that you were subjected to that soldier.  I have been reported for the silliest things and it disgusts me that pogo has seemed to completely turn their cheek to this instance.  I hope they follow through with your request, hon and that everything is as it should be. 


me to some people are just very rude and immature and dont have a life so they have to hurt others to make themselves feel better... god bless you and yours!!!!  (OO) (OO)


He sounds like a loser.
I appreciate all of our servicepeople.


So sorry you had to go through something like that.
There is an old saying what goes around comes around. You may not know about it when it happens but Karma will get this guy ... it always does. Then he will be the one wondering why.
Try your best to put it behind you, I know it is hard but just consider the source. You really have to be careful who you talk to on Pogo.
I don't play poker exept for with the bots...those people and I would never consider going into an uncensored room.
I have a temper if someone pushes the right button and I would probably be the one reported and booted.  :)) :)) :))
You just hang tough...ok.  :-*

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