March 05, 2025, 11:31:51 AM

This week's Club Pogo challenges!
Boggle Bash 2 : Find 180 words this week!
Merge Academy : Complete 10 orders this week!
Canasta HD : Win 30,000 Canasta points this week!

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I welcome myself, new user!

Started by urcaughtnow,

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Well, good evening everyone.  I just wanted to share my story of how I became a "cheater"   no-no.gif  It's a rather interesting one.  It all started a couple weeks ago when I was playing Boggle Bash.  It started pissing me off when I would play because bots were starting to rule the rooms and it pretty much took all the fun out of playing.  I orginally found this website when I was looking up Poppit themes and I had saved this website on my favorites thinking it was a cheat site for like, tips and such.  But when I had re-opened it I realized what it was (a few days ago).  I kept seeing "token grabber" and things like that and I wanted to try it out but I figured it was a scam so I left it alone.  Well, last night I gave in to temptation and made an account.  Then I moved my mouse over to the button that said grab tokens and I froze until the screen stopped flashing from the different sites with how many tokens my account was rewarded.  Afterwards, I mumbled "ok that was pretty cool".  lipsrsealed.gif  Sooo, I HATE the game, Stack em, and I used the free trial for it and got my badge.   cheerleading.gif  I've already purchased three programs, one of which is the Boggle one.  HOWEVER, I only use it in an empty room.  I still don't think it's fair so that's why I'll do it in an empty room.  But, the other ones I'm not playing against anyone so it doesn't bother me.  I have to admit, it is pretty cool.  I just wish the programs were a bit cheaper.  But anyways, I hope everyone has fun and I would say play fair but that would be  Have a wonderful evening!    hi11.gif


Aren't you the same person who emailed me the other day complaining about cheaters?

Maybe this email of yours below looks familiar eh? Pogo doesn't give a rats ass about cheaters.

I'm really baffled as to why you have this website and I'm sure you're not the only one.  The only reason why I pay membership fees every year since 2003, is because it's fun.  The badges are supposed to be fun and the challenges are supposed to be fun.  What your website has done is sucked dry the original fun this used to be.  I can barely play a game without playing against someone who is cheating, and it's because of your website.  For instance, I love the new game Boggle Bash, however, I can't stand playing it now because in literally every room, there's always someone using a cheat program and what's the point of playing against a bot?  I have e-mailed pogo and will be more than happy to supply them with names and screen names of people who have clearly posted on forums about them using these programs to blatantly cheat.  Please explain to me where the fun is playing against a computer program when people like me are playing it the real way and actually trying to win with our own brains?  I really would love for you to enlighten me, because I'm just at a loss for words as to why.  So, you let me know.

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


Oh and if you are wondering why I didn't reply to your email it's because I'm busy CHEATING in pogo and taking care of our wonderful members here.

Just so you know, I've been reported to pogo thousands of times and still have my account so one more complaint isn't going to change pogo's mind.

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!

who me?

Quote from: Homer on July 17, 2009, 07:59:23 PM
Oh and if you are wondering why I didn't reply to your email it's because I'm busy CHEATING in pogo and taking care of our wonderful members here.

Just so you know, I've been reported to pogo thousands of times and still have my account so one more complaint isn't going to change pogo's mind.

Ahhh,  good one Homer you crack me up... hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif


Quote from: who me? on July 17, 2009, 08:14:26 PM
Ahhh,  good one Homer you crack me up... hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif

I try my best. These self-righteous people in pogo need to get off their soap box. I guess they have never lied, cheated or stolen anything in their lives. In that case somebody better notify the Vatican because pogo is full of Papal candidates.

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!

who me?

Squid is writing along one I can't wait to read it... giggle2.gif
I can't believe the email they sent then low and behold the righteous turn to the dark side, then tries to justify it by saying HOWEVER..only in an empty room! just wait urcaughtnow the cookies taste better and better with every bite!
  I'll freely admit when I found this site years ago I was searching for something to help me cheat on pogo and believe it or not I'd never heard of an auto or cheat program when I went looking, but Thank God PogoCheats was here because it has saved my sanity and has given me more badges and free time than I know what to do with  girl5.gif
So really your sn on here kinda fits ya huh?


Why play in an empty room?  Just turn your auto down so as to not win every game.  That is how I finished Boggle Bash.  Stayed under the radar and finished the ranks.  After all, you don't get credit for all the words so why find 200 per round and draw attention when you can set it at a slower speed just enough to get 45 or less words per round and watch the other stupid auto users get all the

Joe C

Quote from: urcaughtnow on July 17, 2009, 07:46:24 PM
Well, good evening everyone.  I just wanted to share my story of how I became a "cheater"   no-no.gif  It's a rather interesting one.  It all started a couple weeks ago when I was playing Boggle Bash.  It started pissing me off when I would play because bots were starting to rule the rooms and it pretty much took all the fun out of playing.  I orginally found this website when I was looking up Poppit themes and I had saved this website on my favorites thinking it was a cheat site for like, tips and such.  But when I had re-opened it I realized what it was (a few days ago).  I kept seeing "token grabber" and things like that and I wanted to try it out but I figured it was a scam so I left it alone.  Well, last night I gave in to temptation and made an account.  Then I moved my mouse over to the button that said grab tokens and I froze until the screen stopped flashing from the different sites with how many tokens my account was rewarded.  Afterwards, I mumbled "ok that was pretty cool".  lipsrsealed.gif  Sooo, I HATE the game, Stack em, and I used the free trial for it and got my badge.   cheerleading.gif  I've already purchased three programs, one of which is the Boggle one.  HOWEVER, I only use it in an empty room.  I still don't think it's fair so that's why I'll do it in an empty room.  But, the other ones I'm not playing against anyone so it doesn't bother me.  I have to admit, it is pretty cool.  I just wish the programs were a bit cheaper.  But anyways, I hope everyone has fun and I would say play fair but that would be  Have a wonderful evening!    hi11.gif
You know what I find really funny....

I could be receiving 1,000 such messages a day in my Pogo inbox, but instead I have it set to ignore anyone not on my friends list. You might wish to follow me around, but Pogo hides my screen-name's whereabouts from stalkers and junior Pogo police. Perhaps you would like to look at my stats and my profile? Oh, yeah, Pogo allows me to hide that, too. Why would Pogo keep ADDING features allowing people to hide themselves from others.

Face facts, "urcaughtnow", it is the people that buy the cheats and buy the gems and the TO GO games that keeps the lights on in Pogoland. WE, THE CHEATERS, WHO NEVER EMAIL ANYONE AT POGO AND NEVER COMPLAIN, pay the salaries of the people you "complain" to about cheating. Unlike you, we do not follow anyone around Pogo. Unlike you, we do not send snarky emails to you accuse of cheating. Unlike you, we set up our CHEAT programs and walk away from the computer to pursue our lives. Unlike you, Pogo appreciates our business. Unlike you, we treat other Pogo players with respect and without judging them.

Maybe you misunderstood the NAME of this forum. It is called POGOCHEATS. Perhaps you could start your own. POGOJUNIORPOLICE.WHINE

P.S. Do you also drive in the left-hand lane of the Interstate to help prevent people from speeding? I can picture you now.
Boston University Class of 2017!

Master of Science in Project Management


Hey urcaughtnow---your unwelcomed to our world!!!   beer11.gif


Quote from: CrazyMan on July 17, 2009, 10:08:03 PM
Why play in an empty room?  Just turn your auto down so as to not win every game.  That is how I finished Boggle Bash.  Stayed under the radar and finished the ranks.  After all, you don't get credit for all the words so why find 200 per round and draw attention when you can set it at a slower speed just enough to get 45 or less words per round and watch the other stupid auto users get all the
but thats no fun! i like annoying people with words they didnt know existed hysterical.gif hysterical.gif hysterical.gif



Everyone has their story of why they turned to the dark side of cheating on pogo.  I am no exception to the rule.  I won't bore everyone with the details, but I felt the same way urcaughtnow did in the beginning.  I couldn't understand why people would PAY to cheat on a website they pay 39.99 a year to play on, especially since one could actually win money to play.  After 8 years of playing 'legit', I realized that I will probably never ever win anything other than tokens and wallpapers and those pesky little things called badges were still grayed out in my pogo albums.  You may join pogo in the beginning for fun, but once you start collecting badges, it becomes an obsession.  

Pogo doesn't care about how many badges people collect.  After all, they aren't tangible items that we can actually take possession of.  What pogo cares about is paying out jackpots and prizes because it costs THEM money.  Now, since we all know that people who use autos can't win any prizes or money, pogo doesn't give a crap about how many little useless graphic images they display in a badge album acknowledging one's progress in their games.  The only people that care is people who are jealous because they don't have these colorful little images in their own album.  

You can save the argument about people playing with autos are always getting the high scores in the games.  People by nature are always going to be competitive, but you have to realize that there is someone out there that is going to win besides YOU. I think this goes back to our childhood when we would play games as a kid and run and tell mommy that 'so-n-so' cheated because they kept winning and you didn't.  Cheating or not, you will not win all the time.  GET OVER IT!

The people who say that they only buy or use autos to help them get a badge and not use it in rooms with other people or "I only use it in empty rooms" are only lying to themselves to justify why they bought the auto in the first place.  You can't cheat to suit your needs or justify that it is only to get a badge.  If you cheat at are a cheater! PERIOD!  That's like someone telling a little white lie to not hurt someone's feelings but yet say that they are not a liar.  PLEASE!  

Anyone who is NOT an auto user and who is reading this post needs to wake up and smell the Pogo beans!  Report all you want, Pogo doesn't care.  We pay our 39.99 just like everyone else.  So it's not like we are getting something for free and you are not.  As a matter of fact, we will never be able to claim any prizes and you can, so that to me means that non cheating people have the advantage.  Since we knock ourselves out of that little lottery pool, why do you even care???  As a matter of fact, you should be grateful that there are LESS people eligible for prizes and jackpots because it increases YOUR chances of actually winning something *snicker*.

*Steps off soapbox*


Quote from: who me? on July 17, 2009, 08:32:46 PM
Squid is writing along one I can't wait to read it... giggle2.gif
zipper.gif  giggle2.gif

Everyone else has pretty much said it.  I will simply add that urcaughtnow doesn't see the hypocrisy of her words, which really stupifies me. 

I love my cheatie friends and this site.  Have a great one, guys!


Quote from: hocky on July 18, 2009, 05:08:56 AM
 After all, they aren't tangible items that we can actually take possession of.  
you could print them out and stick them in an actual album giggle2.gif which im sure will be coming soon from pogo for 29.99 or 1,742 1/2 gems


Yes I cheat, and Pogo has made me do is their fault, not mine.  I have rheumatoid arthritis and doing thousands of mouse clicks to get a badge can be painful.   Pogo has no sympathy but BH is great medicine for the problem.  Too bad I can't claim BH on my medical insurance.


Quote from: arniebear on July 18, 2009, 06:00:10 AM
Yes I cheat, and Pogo has made me do is their fault, not mine.  I have rheumatoid arthritis and doing thousands of mouse clicks to get a badge can be painful.   Pogo has no sympathy but BH is great medicine for the problem.  Too bad I can't claim BH on my medical insurance.

Maybe we can Obama to approve your autos under the new medical system of his.  tumbsup.gif

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


QuoteMaybe we can Obama to approve your autos under the new medical system of his



Actually pogo should ban the people who incessantly report/email them about cheaters. They do nothing but waste the time of pogo employees who have better things to do like make new games and add more badges to exisiting games.

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


Quote from: Homer on July 17, 2009, 08:19:13 PM
the Vatican is full of Papal candidates.

That's good to know. My doctor suggests I go in annually for my papal visit. 


My conversion to the dark side can be summed up in one challenge. Win 3 games in a row, leaving no balloons, in Poppit.


I can honestly say that at first I was hesitant about using an auto because I didn't want to get caught. I was gullible I guess and unsure what would happen to me. I was in tumble bees one day and struggling really hard to get a badge and it just wasn't happening. I typed in the room and asked if anyone had any idea of an easier way to get this badge I was working on, and to my luck a very nice person asked if they could PC with me and I said yes. He then said he has a program that would help me get my badge and even progress further in the game if I wanted. I thought about it for awhile then I decided to take his offer. He emailed me the auto for that game and i got that badge and the first rank badge as well. Of course, after a few months the auto didn't work anymore so i just deleted it. Then while playing sweet tooth, I believe it was, I won a jp of a whole $5. I was tickled I had actually won something. So I did the necessary things you had to do when you win something and about a month later I get a letter from pogo saying we are sorry, you will not be receiving your prize due to the fact you have been using an auto in the pogo games. I wanted to smack myself and then I thought OK I cheated, thats fair. So not only did I not get my prize but I lost the badge you get too. Since then, I have received a mouse clicker cheat from someone and I also have bought quite a few autos and had alot of help from very sweet people with games. I am not ashamed to say yes I cheat in pogo. I know without the autos and the help, there are alot of games on here I couldn't do on my own due to an injury I have received to my head which restricts my ability to do alot of the normal every day thinking that we all can do. SO HAIL TO THE CHEATERS IN HERE. ALL THE POWER TO YOU !!

As for you "urcaughtnow" you have pretty much contradicted yourself in here by leaving that message you did and before that emailing Homer about how you are going to report all us cheaters and then coming in all high and mighty and saying you have decided to welcome yourself. the people in this room are very close and stand by one another and we don't like whiners, complainers or people who try to be overpowering. I use to question people that used autos when i first started but I never once reported them because It was there business what they did and what money they spent on here.

Shame on you for sending in that letter and then coming in here and pretending all is wonderful and you are now going to join us fellow cheaters after you have reported I'm sure quiet a few. I would love to find out your pogo name and follow you around and maybe give you a taste of your own medicine but I don't have the time to waste doing that. I have games that i need TO CHEAT ON AND ENJOY WINNING ON as well.

You have a wonderful day but most importantly, watch your back because you might get reported for cheating ...hahahahahahahahahahaha OMG wouldn't that suck if pogo took your name for cheating.. wow nothing like getting a taste of your own medicine.
Ok I feel much better now ! thanks for sharing that email Homer.