March 05, 2025, 11:27:30 AM

This week's Club Pogo challenges!
Boggle Bash 2 : Find 180 words this week!
Merge Academy : Complete 10 orders this week!
Canasta HD : Win 30,000 Canasta points this week!

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I welcome myself, new user!

Started by urcaughtnow,

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Joe C

Quote from: Homer on July 18, 2009, 07:10:05 AM
Actually pogo should ban the people who incessantly report/email them about cheaters. They do nothing but waste the time of pogo employees who have better things to do like make new games and add more badges to exisiting games.
Exactly what I said earlier, boss-man.

We pay the bills, and the clowns that report incessantly tie up valuable resources that could be spent bringing ranks to Greenback Bayou. tumbsup.gif
Boston University Class of 2017!

Master of Science in Project Management


Joe C, im gonna come over there and take away your keyboard for typing nonsense like that .. lol


My goodness Twink. How do you really feel embrace.gif

Joe C

Quote from: twinkle6590 on July 18, 2009, 08:06:21 AM
Joe C, im gonna come over there and take away your keyboard for typing nonsense like that .. lol
Too funny. But with cheats, it really does not matter WHAT the game is, just that the auto client runs overnight. tumbsup.gif
Boston University Class of 2017!

Master of Science in Project Management


Quote from: jarjar on July 18, 2009, 08:06:40 AM
My goodness Twink. How do you really feel embrace.gif

I'm sorry. Maybe I went overboard but why make a mountain out of a molehill. It's not like we gain to win the jackpots or prizes in pogo. We surrender those so that the others have better chances as Hocky posted. All we gain is our badges quicker and lots of tokens. The most the tokens can be used for are the mini mall items. I dont know about you but im offended being called a "bot." Last time I checked I was breathing and eating like a human. I guess bots are now human-like. what a concept.  giggle2.gif giggle2.gif

Joe C

Quote from: twinkle6590 on July 18, 2009, 08:13:29 AM
I'm sorry. Maybe I went overboard but why make a mountain out of a molehill. It's not like we gain to win the jackpots or prizes in pogo. We surrender those so that the others have better chances as Hocky posted. All we gain is our badges quicker and lots of tokens. The most the tokens can be used for are the mini mall items. I dont know about you but im offended being called a "bot." Last time I checked I was breathing and eating like a human. I guess bots are now human-like. what a concept.  giggle2.gif giggle2.gif
Very rarely do people call me a bot in Pogo Land. Even less often do I actually see. However, when they do, I am watching and smile.

Suckers! I paid a small convenience fee and I can get any badge I choose to pursue. tumbsup.gif
Boston University Class of 2017!

Master of Science in Project Management



Well said all my cheatin friends """ guess you got that right!!   cheesy.gif

diablo.gif urcaughtnow footinthemouth.gif


gee i wonder if she feels welcome now  hysterical.gif hysterical.gif diablo.gif


Hey  Bot is one of the nicer things I have been called


 Don't people have better things to do that whine and moan about what others do? sheesh who cares if we cheat.  giggle2.gif



Ahhhh...The ballad of the non-cheater turned darkside.  I remember my tale, a tale of hearts.  I hate the no good at it and had to shoot the moon.  Had heard about autos but was hesitant to use them.  Not because I didn't want to cheat, but was afraid of viruses and such.  Several hours later the moon was shot and now I have over 900 badges and lovin the dark side.....those cookies ARE good.  my response to those haters......  ass.gif


Quote from: urcaughtnow on July 17, 2009, 07:46:24 PM
Well, good evening everyone.  I just wanted to share my story of how I became a "cheater"   no-no.gif  It's a rather interesting one.  It all started a couple weeks ago when I was playing Boggle Bash.  It started pissing me off when I would play because bots were starting to rule the rooms and it pretty much took all the fun out of playing.  I orginally found this website when I was looking up Poppit themes and I had saved this website on my favorites thinking it was a cheat site for like, tips and such.  But when I had re-opened it I realized what it was (a few days ago).  I kept seeing "token grabber" and things like that and I wanted to try it out but I figured it was a scam so I left it alone.  Well, last night I gave in to temptation and made an account.  Then I moved my mouse over to the button that said grab tokens and I froze until the screen stopped flashing from the different sites with how many tokens my account was rewarded.  Afterwards, I mumbled "ok that was pretty cool".  lipsrsealed.gif  Sooo, I HATE the game, Stack em, and I used the free trial for it and got my badge.   cheerleading.gif  I've already purchased three programs, one of which is the Boggle one.  HOWEVER, I only use it in an empty room.  I still don't think it's fair so that's why I'll do it in an empty room.  But, the other ones I'm not playing against anyone so it doesn't bother me.  I have to admit, it is pretty cool.  I just wish the programs were a bit cheaper.  But anyways, I hope everyone has fun and I would say play fair but that would be  Have a wonderful evening!    hi11.gif

You are a cowpie!!! girls21.gif



Ahhh, yes Homer, that was me.  I didn't report you, I was just really wondering why people would cheat, but I explained how my mind was changed.  I did judge, and that was wrong.  You have proved your point, however, posting what I wrote to you for everyone was not necessary.  I'm not justifying that in any way.  My husband has even told me I was stupid for that but you really didn't need to show that.  I'm not blind enough to think that by reporting one time would put a business at risk.  You should understand where I was coming from, just like everyone should.  The programs are there for every game for everyone to use and I even though I don't cheat at games, I like cheating at some of these pogo games.  I just don't want to cheat in games that could affect others and I don't.  It's my opinion and no one has to agree with it.  As far as the nasty-ness, that was uncalled for and I apologize.  You do deserve to boast in my face like you've done but I think it would have been more appropriate to do so in a private manner.  Thanks.


Well, I have read the first page of replies and most are rude so I'm not going to read the rest.  My original e-mail was to the website owner.  I have/had every reason to feel how I did.  I don't always have to win nor do I ever expect to.  I'm educated and was brought up very well.  I don't steal, I don't cheat my way out of things, yes I have lied but I wouldn't put me in the category as a "liar" since there are degrees of lying.  Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion.  I don't need to be welcomed into your world and since there are no refunds I guess your stuck with me, unless Homer wants to change his mind.  I am not the police, I do speed at times, and I don't follow all the rules.  I have a degree in Criminal Justice and work as a Correctional Officer so no, I don't drive in the left lane to make sure people aren't speeding.  I go out of my way not to judge people but it happens, just because I didn't like to play against bots when I'm legitimately playing doesn't mean you have to rip into me.  I'm not some old, fat, obese, loser with no life.  I simply liked to play fair.  On the other hand, sure, I like the fact that I can put my squelchies thingy on and let it do its thing.  It's really cool..last night I literally sat there for 30 minutes, just watching.  It shouldn't be a race to see who can make me feel more unwelcomed.  That's just as childish as what I wrote.  Most of you are probably older than me so I'm not quite sure I understand.  No one should have to justify anything to anyone but since my letter was written to two individuals and now shared with everyone, it calls for it, which is fine.  I have a conscience and manners so I did apologize.  As far as someone commenting on me playing in empty Boggle rooms.  That's what I use the program in and even though I know I can adjust the settings, I choose to do it my way.  I own 3 programs and that's good enough for me.  No one has to criticize or critique what I do with it.  I do feel that most of you were rather harsh with my words (meant to be private).  If people were afraid something may happen to your accounts, it probably should have been released but nothing happens, or would, I think you all went a little overboard.  Regardless, there are many people out there who don't appreciate users like us and that's a fact.  You don't have to go ripping apart everything I say to make me feel like a pos, I was simply venting out my frustration with how I felt.


I stayed out of this except for one off hand comment.  Ur caught in case you missed the point the last thing you want to do is come and post as a new person with attitude oozing from every pore.  And yeah your educated and all but man do you have a chip on your shoulder or what. Myself and many other cheaters never use autos if we are playing against another person(something we as a rule avoid doing whenever possible)  When it comes to the Boggle game you are not so much playing against them as playing with them .  So next time chill out and realize if you lie  you are a liar (there are no degrees of lying) if you use a auto you are a cheater (even one auto) And realize that the people on this forum are a rowdy bunch and when someone comes in and starts off like you did you will get blasted from all directions. ( you are not the first one definitely not the last one just the most current one) Oh by the way  welcome to the dark side


QuoteI don't cheat my way out of things, yes I have lied but I wouldn't put me in the category as a "liar" since there are degrees of lying.

QuoteI have a degree in Criminal Justice and work as a Correctional Officer so no,

So when those prisoners you watch lie it is acceptable because there are all degrees of lying?

QuoteI'm not some old, fat, obese, loser with no life.

Are you saying that those on this forum are?


So a degree in Criminal Justice makes you better then us, in your opinion.  And you work as a correctional officer.  Big deal--you do not need a degree to do that job--just an attitude and believe me you have that!  Ask you criminals if they tried the "it was just a degree of not telling the truth officer" if it worked for them!  You are a lair and cheat--get over it and move on--I will be looking for you in Boogle rooms that have only one player in them--thanks for the hint   turkey4.gif


OK. Let's try to understand this thing here.

Let's start with some facts.

On July 15th you send me the email I posted earlier in this thread.

On July 16th you open an account called urcaughtnow on this website.

On July 17th you make your first posting on this website purporting to have become a cheater.

Here is the main problem I have with you.

In your email on July 15th you state...

"I have e-mailed pogo and will be more than happy to supply them with names and screen names of people who have clearly posted on forums about them using these programs to blatantly cheat."

So clearly you have no problem with reporting any cheater. Not only that, you intend to report anyone who has talked about cheating on forums. How else would you do that other than join this forum and start documenting screen names which btw won't help you for the most part because most of us know better than to use our pogo names here. Your forum name in itself indicates your intentions here. Why else would you choose a name like urcaughtnow. You can try to tell me you used that name because you are a corrections officer but I ain't buying it.

You don't like the fact that I posted your email but understand one thing. I am very protective of our members and will go to any length to make sure I protect them to the best of my abilities. Your email statements in itself are a threat to all pogo members. Do you know why? Probably not. We have many members here who don't use cheats so by attempting to compile a list of cheaters you would be reporting innocent pogo members as well. Pogo doesn't need you to provide a list of cheaters. They already know who we are and they understand they need us. They could certainly could ban us at any time but they won't. Do you know why? Let me tell you. It's all about the bottom line. EA has shareholders and a Board of Directors to report to. How stupid do you think they would look to these people by banning people who are adding millions of dollars to their bottom line? Cheating is against pogo's TOS it's not against the law so save your nightstick for your regular job.

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!