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I welcome myself, new user!

Started by urcaughtnow,

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QuoteYou don't like the fact that I posted your email but understand one thing. I am very protective of our members and will go to any length to make sure I protect them to the best of my abilities. Your email statements in itself are a threat to all pogo members. Do you know why? Probably not. We have many members here who don't use cheats so by attempting to compile a list of cheaters you would be reporting innocent pogo members as well. Pogo doesn't need you to provide a list of cheaters. They already know who we are and they understand they need us. They could certainly could ban us at any time but they won't. Do you know why? Let me tell you. It's all about the bottom line. EA has shareholders and a Board of Directors to report to. How stupid do you think they would look to these people by banning people who are adding millions of dollars to their bottom line? Cheating is against pogo's TOS it's not against the law so save your nightstick for your regular job.

cheerleading.gif blowkisses.gif blowkisses.gif

who me?

"The programs are there for every game for everyone to use and I even though I don't cheat at games, I like cheating at some of these pogo games. "

"I'm educated and was brought up very well.  I don't steal, I don't cheat my way out of things, yes I have lied but I wouldn't put me in the category as a "liar" since there are degrees of lying."
Alot of uneducated people have been brought up very well also!  Now you steal - you steal tokens and badges from Pogo!  Reference 1st sentence in this post!  There are NO degrees of lying!! - a lie is a lie!  

"I don't need to be welcomed into your world and since there are no refunds I guess your stuck with me, unless Homer wants to change his mind."
Ummm hate to tell you this but you didn't buy your auto from Homer, he doesn't sell them!
This site is called PogoCheats!  you bought your autos from a site called BadgeHelp!  check it out....

We are NEVER stuck with anyone... Homer can ban you quicker than you know what hit you!

"I go out of my way not to judge people but it happens"
Did you actually read the email you sent to Homer??

"I'm not some old, fat, obese, loser with no life."
Reference your quote directly above! geez..  People grow old because they experience life,they have wisdom those with youth have yet to obtain -  fat, obese? come on.... there are a myriad of reasons why some people are overweight  Some are limited in there mobility and can't burn off the calories they put in, should they starve if they are hungry because they can't get around? - Then there are those who have metabolism problems where their metabolism stores the calories they eat instead of burning them - you have people who eat out of emotional reasons, maybe it's because someone called them a fat obese loser! and eating takes away the pain they feel if even for a short while - then there are a host of hormonal reasons - heck theres even a fat gene now that makes you more prone to put on weight! - And loser? well if you ask me there are no losers, that in itself is very judgemetal - Are you a loser if your old? are you a loser if your fat/obese? for me people who are addicted to drugs and don't carry a job aren't losers, they are people whom for some unknown reason and also a myriad of reasons circumstances lead them where they are, maybe if someone stopped and and truly took the time to care for these people, to talk to them and assist them could turn their lives around, and yes there are those who no longer want help, but to me something hurt them so deeply they no longer care about themselves or anyone else and to me thats a lost soul they have give up on life - most people are just one paycheck away from being homeless...

"It shouldn't be a race to see who can make me feel more unwelcomed."
We are like a family here, when one of us get attacked either publicly or privately we all jump to defend our friends, thats why this forum has lasted so long and will continue to last because we are all here for each other.
Homer is the Admin. here and he is the first one to welcome anyone, he is here to answer any question he can as quickly as possible, alot of us are friends among ourselves closer to some than others, but make no mistake we are ALL friends with Homer.

" I do feel that most of you were rather harsh with my words (meant to be private).  If people were afraid something may happen to your accounts, it probably should have been released but nothing happens, or would, I think you all went a little overboard."
Harsh? we don't think so, we just defend our friends - We aren't afraid of losing our accounts if you reported this site because we don't use our Pogo sn here, Actually Pogo employees use this site all the time to see what peoples opinion is of the games and to fix glitches we find and share here. Believe me pogo knows who does and doesn't use autos on their site, auto users generate so much money for Pogo it would be foolish to take away our accounts, more people lose their accounts over what their sn is and using foul language on the site than auto users. Heck they even have rooms called AUTO ever noticed  When an auto user does win something and tries to claim it , which is not recommended, Pogo sends them an email saying we know, you don't get it and they keep the prize badge from us, thats how they hurt us, they don't suspend the account/or I should say rarely do they suspend the account.
No we didn't go overboard, don't you wish you had a forum of people to jump to your defense?

"Regardless, there are many people out there who don't appreciate users like us and that's a fact."
You can't please everyone and we don't try! If everyone would mind their own business and not stick their nose where it doesn't belong there would be no problem, we aren't taking anything away from non users, so we aren't hurting them.
Now for some words of my own. We have sooo many people who have been members of this site for years and have never used an auto. They come here for the same reason we all do for the tips the friendships the support they receive from their friends here.
As quick as we are to defend each other most of us are just as quick to forgive.   coffee.gif

Dang I screwed this post up and I ain't retyping it!
The brains that i am I didn't take the time to figure out how to quote each thing I wanted to reply too so I thought the quotes could be in bold and my replies in reg. type. it all came out bold...sorry folks  embarrassed.gif

Joe C

Quote from: urcaughtnow on July 19, 2009, 12:08:18 AM
Well, I have read the first page of replies and most are rude so I'm not going to read the rest.  My original e-mail was to the website owner.  I have/had every reason to feel how I did.  I don't always have to win nor do I ever expect to.  I'm educated and was brought up very well.  I don't steal, I don't cheat my way out of things, yes I have lied but I wouldn't put me in the category as a "liar" since there are degrees of lying.  Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion.  I don't need to be welcomed into your world and since there are no refunds I guess your stuck with me, unless Homer wants to change his mind.  I am not the police, I do speed at times, and I don't follow all the rules.  I have a degree in Criminal Justice and work as a Correctional Officer so no, I don't drive in the left lane to make sure people aren't speeding.  I go out of my way not to judge people but it happens, just because I didn't like to play against bots when I'm legitimately playing doesn't mean you have to rip into me.  I'm not some old, fat, obese, loser with no life.  I simply liked to play fair.  On the other hand, sure, I like the fact that I can put my squelchies thingy on and let it do its thing.  It's really cool..last night I literally sat there for 30 minutes, just watching.  It shouldn't be a race to see who can make me feel more unwelcomed.  That's just as childish as what I wrote.  Most of you are probably older than me so I'm not quite sure I understand.  No one should have to justify anything to anyone but since my letter was written to two individuals and now shared with everyone, it calls for it, which is fine.  I have a conscience and manners so I did apologize.  As far as someone commenting on me playing in empty Boggle rooms.  That's what I use the program in and even though I know I can adjust the settings, I choose to do it my way.  I own 3 programs and that's good enough for me.  No one has to criticize or critique what I do with it.  I do feel that most of you were rather harsh with my words (meant to be private).  If people were afraid something may happen to your accounts, it probably should have been released but nothing happens, or would, I think you all went a little overboard.  Regardless, there are many people out there who don't appreciate users like us and that's a fact.  You don't have to go ripping apart everything I say to make me feel like a pos, I was simply venting out my frustration with how I felt.
Allow me to deconstruct your diatribe.
1. You claim to be educated but apparently missed the class describing the use of paragraphs.
2. Your post was in complete contrast to your e-mail to the one of our admins, Homer.
3. Your right to "feel the way you do" does not then give you the right to diminish what other people do or make commentary about what people might be based on your interpretations of their comments.
4. After intentionally patronizing and antagonizing a forum dedicated to the use of cheat programs in Pogo, you claim to be "shocked, SHOCKED that there is cheating in Pogo." Claude Rains perfected this in "Casablanca" and you do a poor imitation.
5. My comment about "Pogo Police" is a meme that I use to refer to people that spend lots of time complaining about "cheaters" in games. It is a metaphor, just like the one about left-lane interstate drivers.
6. There is a psychological term referring to attacking other people's behavior and then constantly changing the subject. It is called "crazy-making" and it works until others stop playing your games. If you do not like "cheaters" or what we do, then ignore us. Keep your insults, scorn, derision and any other unpleasantries to yourself.
7. Are you a cheater or are you not? For, as Arnie and Harley have said, there is no "better" or "worse" form of cheating. Own what you do and do not tell others where their cheating falls on some metaphysical cheating continuum.
8. A degree is proof that you took a specified number of courses and maintained a minimum ranking in those courses. It does not define who you are as a person. HOW YOU ACT and WHAT YOU SAY define you.
9. How you were brought up does not define you are a person. It is what you do that defines you.
10. Do not apologize to me or anyone else in this forum ever again and then follow up with saying you were "only venting". That is not an apology. Do not make conditions on your apologies. If you want to apologize, then by all means do so. But if you use your "apology" as a pause, and then continue your invective, do not waste the keystrokes.

In general, attempting to have a rational and logical conversation about your three posts in this thread are futile. You contradict yourself frequently. You are very confrontational and accustory. You write as if you know everything, and then have hollow apologies about being considerate and mannered.

If, at some point in the future, you can control your posts to the point of actually being considerate and mannered, then I would be able to welcome you to the forum as others have. Right now, however, I am unconvinced that you are sincere in anything you are writing, other that the insults you are giving to other forum members. I hope that you might prove me wrong, but I am not holding my breath.
Boston University Class of 2017!

Master of Science in Project Management


Others have done a fine enough job of pointing out your many errors although, with each of your posts, I am amazed at your level of hypocrisy.

Quote from: urcaughtnow on July 19, 2009, 12:08:18 AM
I'm not some old, fat, obese, loser with no life. 
I know some developmentally challenged children you might want to take a shot at.  I, also, have a colleague who was struck by a truck at the age of eight who has physical limitations; you might want to criticize him, too.  I know many people with challenges due to one thing or another - do you want to stand in judgement of them, too?  I can provide the needed info for you to do so.

Quote from: urcaughtnow on July 19, 2009, 12:08:18 AM
Well, I have read the first page of replies and most are rude so I'm not going to read the rest.
You, however, have been a paragon of courtesy and good manners, right?

Quote from: urcaughtnow on July 19, 2009, 12:08:18 AM
I simply liked to play fair.
Which is why you bought several cheat programs?

I can go on and on with almost everything you've posted here on this forum.  Please, stop for just a moment.  Take a deep breath.  Before you go blindly on the defensive, you should reread your posts and, for just a millisecond, imagine what your words look like/sound like to others reading them.  Open your mind to the position of others.  You came to a cheat site to insult us and then wonder why we're insulted!

Don't pray for rain and when it comes, stand there in the downpour crying, "it's raining!!".  You're only going to get wet.

disneyland lady

I feel left out in cuz I fit under the profile of morally handicapped. I have a doctors note allowing me to use an auto. (Ask Michael Jackson, you can get doctors anywhere that will help.)


Quote from: urcaughtnow on July 19, 2009, 12:08:18 AM
  I have/had every reason to feel how I did.  I don't always have to win nor do I ever expect to.  I'm educated and was brought up very well.  I don't steal.

I am still a newbie to this forum, but have decided to chime in anyway.

First, I am ed-ja-macated too.   whistle.gif as I am sure all of the members are, whether it is life education or formal. Second, my recently deceased husband had clearances that would put your CJ degree and corrections job to shame.   Big whoop.

That being said, I am no kid, I am an "interesting" age. I don't use the cheats, not because of any moral issue.  Badges are not my drive, tokens are. Go fig. Not to mention I am on a MAC and have no idea if they are compatible with MAC.

Did you notice the name of the forum?  Why in the world did you feel the need to post anything other than "thanks" for the game cheat? Now you are whining people had the nerve to confront you and your opinions?  If you wanted no reply you should have kept your thoughts to yourself.  Don't play the pity card now.

To contact an Admin to insult them is beyond rude.  Forums take a lot work and time, not to mention money to keep up and running.  If this forum is not your cup of tea, then it is better not to post at all. Find a Up Right Pogo Players forum and vent all you want there.

I too was well brought up, as all of us are and one of the many things I was taught is, because you have an opinion does not mean it is meant to be shared.  Opinions are like AHs, everybody has one.

who me?

Quote from: GameDiva on July 19, 2009, 11:43:50 AM
I am still a newbie to this forum, but have decided to chime in anyway.

First, I am ed-ja-macated too.   whistle.gif as I am sure all of the members are, whether it is life education or formal. Second, my recently deceased husband had clearances that would put your CJ degree and corrections job to shame.   Big whoop.

That being said, I am no kid, I am an "interesting" age. I don't use the cheats, not because of any moral issue.  Badges are not my drive, tokens are. Go fig. Not to mention I am on a MAC and have no idea if they are compatible with MAC.

Did you notice the name of the forum?  Why in the world did you feel the need to post anything other than "thanks" for the game cheat? Now you are whining people had the nerve to confront you and your opinions?  If you wanted no reply you should have kept your thoughts to yourself.  Don't play the pity card now.

To contact an Admin to insult them is beyond rude.  Forums take a lot work and time, not to mention money to keep up and running.  If this forum is not your cup of tea, then it is better not to post at all. Find a Up Right Pogo Players forum and vent all you want there.

I too was well brought up, as all of us are and one of the many things I was taught is, because you have an opinion does not mean it is meant to be shared.  Opinions are like AHs, everybody has one.



I've read a couple postings to my replies from last night.  Kind of made my stomach turn a little to see how each and every one attacked me.  I only shared some things about me just to give you an idea of myself.  I didn't tell you my education background to say I'm better than anyone.  I don't know why you all keep assuming that.  Your responses are all wrong.  You've taken my context and turned them around just so you can have an excuse to take another whack at me.  I don't think I'm better than the next person.  I didn't want you all to have an image of me as some fat, old, loser, with no life so I just wanted to give you a better picture..that's all.  You can all calm down now.  Since that letter was supposed to be private, none of you (except for the recipients) can say I had an attitude and then have the gaul to post my welcome letter to myself because that letter shouldn't have been posted, so none of you should have said that.  I think this is getting really out of hand.  Each and every one of you literally took apart every single sentence that I wrote.  If the shoe was on the other foot, none of you would like it.  And don't say you'd never do that because just because you may not do what I did in this circumstance, I'm sure there are other situations.  Once and for all...I honest to God, have no list of names.  I never reported anyone.  All I wanted in the first place was to play fair, that's it.  All I did was e-mail Pogo telling them there are a lot of bot users and it's sucking all the fun out of the games. (respond and you wish) and they wrote back something like they can't do anything about it and they have no immediate intentions of changing the games.  That's it.  That's all I wrote and that's all they wrote. I kind of chuckle when it comes to my username.  This is also my xbox gamertag "urcaughtnow" and I thought it was only "appropriate/ironic" to select it for this.  (respond as you wish).  I'm not ashamed of myself as I think someone wrote.  I haven't done anything wrong.  I never reported anyone, I have no list of names (and Homer, I can read: I saw that peoples s/n aren't the same as pogo, I'm not an idiot as you portray myself to be), and I NEVER sent pogo anything about anybody.  Honestly, I don't even know how Homer's account could be reported, I don't know his account nor do I know any of yours.  I also have noticed you all threatening me (not in a serious way but I understand), I have no problem with you wanting to follow me.  I won't be nasty to you and I won't report you.  I would then give out my pogo name but I'm sure someone here would report me even though I've done no such thing to any of you.  But, I'll even make it easier for you....anytime I'm in a private room, my password is always stephanie.  I like to do it in Monopoly World because I like to take over the board/world with the computers.  I also only play private in spades.  Pinochle I'm always in rated, and I've been in Lottso lately because I have that badge for 350 wild stars and I'm only at 60.  I'm never in Euchre or Cribbage because I don't know how to play and no one has taught me.  *sighs* I can't reply to everyone but I wasn't playing to pity card.  I had no idea what this website was, all I know is that I was very aggravated when I wrote that letter!  Jeez, I can't write anything without me having to go back and change it just so you all won't pick it apart, which I know you will.  I think the beginning is rather funny because it shows how stupid I was.  From being sooo against it, and then giving into temptation with the click of a mouse and as much as I wanted to be firm, I couldn't resist from saying it was pretty cool.  I was thinking to myself how whoever designed these programs were brilliant.  My first posting and explaining myself was my own way of giving in and realizing my orginal, private letter was stupid.  I can't prove to anyone that I haven't reported anyone and since I'm a liar no one will believe me, but I know the truth.  I never did that.  I will surrender my programs for a refund to my husband's account and never come back again, even though deep down I don't mean any harm.  I do resent what a lot of you said and I didn't appreciate it but I guess none of you appreciated me either.  So, I'm sorry.


Wait, wait, wait!  Hold on a second.  I really am sorry.  My apology really is sincere.  I'm really not a bad person and I do mean well.  Joe, your post was wise.  I do see how my apology would mean nothing.  The only reason for that is because you all were attacking me and I do feel a need to defend/explain myself.  I know nothing about this website.  My intentions, wait hold on, let me think.  I didn't come in here thinking "these are all close knit people so let me threaten them".  I am one of those oblivious people that don't know what's going on (ok that is not for an opportunity to, I mean that when (i can't remember who) who explaining about how pogo deals with autos and the shareholders and stuff.  Ok, enough of me writing, ok...

For everyone on this forum:  I, Stephanie, am very sorry.  I did not mean to offend, threaten, or cause any ill feelings.  I really don't mean any harm. And again, I am sorry.  Here is a flower for you all  @---->-----   cheesy.gif


No apologies necessary. But get a sense of humor will ya.  diablo.gif
IF you knew any of us, which you don't, you would not be so quick to lump us all into one group. Each of us in here have our reasons for using the auto programs to help out.
I am not going on endlessly, because I could match you, trust me. I am a writer. What does that mean, diddly! But you cannot come onto our forum, knock our programs, knock our people and zing into Homer, who we all know to have a very mischievous streak and expect any of us to welcome you with wide open arms and no response to what you have said. If you want something private keep it to yourself. You were evidently looking for a "forum" to announce how you felt about Pogo being messed up by auto programs.
Well, how many people do you think you have upset by your accusations?
Does it make it any better because your hateful comments about us were suppose to be guarded and kept secret?
You use your programs how ever you choose but don't dump your pity party on us of how they are now going to be used on your hubby's computer. You will buy more, that is what is so funny. Keep your holier than thou attitude and keep it where it belongs.
Grab onto a sense of humor, come back and visit with a different attitude and get to know the people on here. You will find a lot of great people on here to chat with, laugh with and help you in times of need.
Get over yourself, put your big girl panties on and deal with! We have all had to at one time or another.

Joe C

Quote from: urcaughtnow on July 19, 2009, 01:10:56 PM
Wait, wait, wait!  Hold on a second.  I really am sorry.  My apology really is sincere.  I'm really not a bad person and I do mean well.  Joe, your post was wise.  I do see how my apology would mean nothing.  The only reason for that is because you all were attacking me and I do feel a need to defend/explain myself.  I know nothing about this website.  My intentions, wait hold on, let me think.  I didn't come in here thinking "these are all close knit people so let me threaten them".  I am one of those oblivious people that don't know what's going on (ok that is not for an opportunity to, I mean that when (i can't remember who) who explaining about how pogo deals with autos and the shareholders and stuff.  Ok, enough of me writing, ok...

For everyone on this forum:  I, Stephanie, am very sorry.  I did not mean to offend, threaten, or cause any ill feelings.  I really don't mean any harm. And again, I am sorry.  Here is a flower for you all  @---->-----   cheesy.gif
An apology with all sorts of caveats is not really an apology.

However, at the end of THIS post, you did say sorry without anything else. Not that it required my approval, but I will accept it.  Get back to cheating in Pogo!
Boston University Class of 2017!

Master of Science in Project Management


Again you fail to see what a close knit group of people we are.  All you want to do is focus on the negative of the posts and not truly take in what this forum is about.  You are right, we probably wouldn't have been so quick to defend ourselves if Homer hadn't of posted your email, but since you took it upon yourself to email him in the first place and literally bash auto users, what did you think would happen?

I bet you didn't stop to think how many emails Homer gets from people like you who feel it is necessary to bash people like us.  As stated previously, this is a FORUM open to all who create a screen name.  You can choose to participate and voice your opinion on anything you like, but be prepared if the posts in response to whatever you type is not to your liking.  Some people come here and never say a word and choose to just read and learn from others.  

It is very hard to read a person's tone sometimes in written statements.  When someone types something and presumes that it is innocent in nature, the person reading it may not think so.  This goes with both our posts and yours.

I would like to offer some advice...........(Feel free to take it or not)  Stop adding fuel to the fire and eventually this thread will die down and become buried in the pages.  Even if it seems like you feel the need to continue to defend yourself, don't succumb to the temptation.  It will only aggravate you and the persons reading your posts.  We welcome most people to this forum.   What we don't welcome is people who bash what this whole forum is about.  So if that is your intentions, then you may not want to choose to post here and go on about your pogo life.  

Oh........and for the record........I am not bashing you, in case you can't tell the TONE of my post.  

PS........I type so slow that 3 other people have responded since I typed my response including your apology.


Sassy, I didn't write anything as a competition to see who could match me.  I'm sorry if you misunderstood.  I don't know why you wrote some of the things that you did.  I really was sorry for my letter.  I really was not out to find a forum to bash people on, really, I wasn't.  Ok, you all saw what I wrote so please understand this:  Let's pretend that Homer didn't post that for a minute.  So a new user (myself) posted my first comment.  I wasn't bashing at all.  I'm pretty sure I was admitting that I was against it at first but then realized it was cool.  I never insulted anyone.  Alright.  But then my letter was shared. Ok, my fault..that's all my fault.  All this commotion is my fault.  I understand and take blame for that.  I really am sorry, I really regret sending it in the first place and I never wanted this whole group so pissed off at me.  I'm trying to fix it but I see there is no changing Sassy's mind. That's ok.  Ok so anyways, the letter was shared.  I wasn't attacking "Homer", I was attacking the website.  Should I have done that? No.  But, I was saying above that I had no idea about this website and what went on.  I didn't know Homer was just the admin.  I didn't know.  I wish I could say there's no harm in not knowing but not knowing is what got me in trouble.  I wouldn't be writing all of these posts if I didn't care or didn't feel bad about what I did.  Now, I'm not thinking you will all forgive me, but at least you all got an apology.  Homer, I never wanted to discredit you.  I didn't mean to.  I want to use the word naive but I think I'm spelling it wrong.  Sassy, you don't have to laugh at me. I do have a sense of humor but I don't feel the need to use it right now because none of this is funny and by using it now, it's rude.  I know I'm writing too much and I'm sorry, but I just wanted to make it right.  


This whole thread is like a train wreck...I just can't look away.   popcorn2.gif

who me?

We have another topic I just brought up front thats titled Welcome New Members.
You might try to introduce yourself there.
Just please keep it plain and simple  tumbsup.gif


Quote from: Stinkerbell on July 19, 2009, 02:09:52 PM
This whole thread is like a train wreck...I just can't look away.   popcorn2.gif

undecided.gif giggle2.gif


Just my personal opinion. Not sure it will mean much undecided.gif I think enough has been said. This is one group of fantastic people and many have become my dearest online friends.
urcaughtnow take a big deep breath everyone always gets a chance at a new start. You have had a bite of the dark side cookie. So just sit back relax and enjoy a wonderful place.
If you chose to stay you will find this is one of the best places to be. And many people will open their arms and welcome you as a friend.

So urcaughtnow your apology is very much accepted by me embrace.gif


Quote from: urcaughtnow on July 19, 2009, 01:44:52 PM
Sassy, I didn't write anything as a competition to see who could match me. I did not write what I did insinuating that it was a competition, read all of it, I said my being a writer means nothing. I'm sorry if you misunderstood. [/b] I did not misunderstand. I don't know why you wrote some of the things that you did.  I really was sorry for my letter.  I really was not out to find a forum to bash people on, really, I wasn't.  Ok, you all saw what I wrote so please understand this:  Let's pretend that Homer didn't post that for a minute. Let's not pretend...ok. Homer DID post it, in fact he told us about your letter wihtout mentioning WHAT you said and myself and another poster double and triple dared him to post it. So a new user (myself) posted my first comment.  I wasn't bashing at all.  I'm pretty sure I was admitting that I was against it at first but then realized it was cool.  I never insulted anyone.  Alright.  But then my letter was shared. Ok, my fault..that's all my fault.  All this commotion is my fault.  I understand and take blame for that.  I really am sorry, I really regret sending it in the first place and I never wanted this whole group so pissed off at me.  I'm trying to fix it but I see there is no changing Sassy's mind. You will change my mind and everyones on the forum, IF you will just let go of the bone and move on....GEEZ Lady! That's ok.  Ok so anyways, the letter was shared.  I wasn't attacking "Homer", I was attacking the website.  Should I have done that? No.  But, I was saying above that I had no idea about this website and what went on.  I didn't know Homer was just the admin.  I didn't know. Homer is so much more than just an admisitrator as you put it, he is our friend, our mentor, judge and referee. I wish I could say there's no harm in not knowing but not knowing is what got me in trouble.  I wouldn't be writing all of these posts if I didn't care or didn't feel bad about what I did.  Now, I'm not thinking you will all forgive me, but at least you all got an apology.  Homer, I never wanted to discredit you.  I didn't mean to.  I want to use the word naive but I think I'm spelling it wrong.  Sassy, you don't have to laugh at me. Trust me girlie I am not laughing at you, I feel sorry for you. I do have a sense of humor but I don't feel the need to use it right now because none of this is funny and by using it now, it's rude.  I know I'm writing too much and I'm sorry, but I just wanted to make it right.  Can you just please let it go, this is beyond what we should have had to read on the subject. MY nickname is Sassy for a reason. I do have an opinion too and I feel free to express it but don't start zeroing in on me because YOU did not like what I had to say. It won't come out to a harmonious end. Let it go!

You act like someone who has gone into the mens room with 6 guys using the facilities and making it their fault BECAUSE you did not read the sign MEN'S RESTROOM.....anything sinking in yet?

Or into a posted Nudist Camp complaining that everyone has their clothes off.  tongue.gif

Find someone else to pin your red flag or bullseye target on, 'cause it aint gonna be me.  diablo.gif

We will probably become best friends...BUT don't think any of us on here are not connected and protective of each other. Especially Homer, you see he has a Boob fixation, so we all know we need to take care of him.  hysterical.gif

If you are taking what I say personally, again, I say...."Let it go"


People usually come to forum and join because they share a common interest.....which in this case is Pogo game playing.  Whether they do or don't use an auto is their own business.  It is not for others to criticize, last time I looked America still was a free country.  Pogo is well aware of the autos that are out there and they know that people use them.  I am sure they follow BH on twitter.  

This forum has a bunch of great people, who are always willing to help and do it with dignity and humor.  One of the greatest gifts people can give is the sharing of their time.  Time is a precious commodity, it goes by faster and faster as you get older.  To share it with others is really wonderful.  

If you are sincere in your apology then it will be accepted.