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I need to know the truth..

Started by twinkle6590,

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I have a friend on pogo that I help with badges and ranks and what not and have done this for a few years now. In the last 4 months shes gotten her name hacked I guess she calls it to the point where they have used all her tokens in the daily draws, spent all her gems and wiped out her profile and changed her pw and email and cleard her stats on any games they could get to. this has happened 3 times now so far and the most recent one was this friday night (july 17th). I was on here name earlier that night because she gave me her pw again to help her get some of her ranks caught back up since they were zeroed out. I noticed while on her name that her token amount was decreasing and it should have been increasing instead. Then it stopped for some reason. I had to go for awhiel so i logged out and back into my name. later that night, I saw her on or so I thought so I went about playing on my own. After awhile I checked again because i wanted to help her some more. when i went to check on my friends list, the star beside her name was gone. so i clicked on her profile only to find that whomever was in there while i was earlier in the night, used up all her tokens yet again leaving her only 77. so i was right and that her tokens were disappearing. they also wpied out her profile, changed her mini to a man and changed her icon badge as well. so I thought I would log on and see what was going on but then I thought no i better not. well when she got on later she couldnt log on because again they had changed her pw and email and she was unable to get ahold of pogo till Monday (jUly 20th). they helped her get her name back but didnt give her the tokens back and i cant say as I blame them since this was the third time this has happened.  They did tell her that they would do some investigating and could probably figure out who it was by an IP  address. she sent me an email telling me all this and I thought Omggg i was on your name Friday night helping you get your ranks back. you better tell them I was on there so they dont think it was me. Now i am worried they could get my IP address and I could lose my account if its the only one that shows up. she doesnt have any intention of telling them I was helping her either. Now I am worried I could lose everything I worked so hard at and not be able to ever play on pogo again all because I helped her out. I thought it would be the right thing for her to do but she said no because then they would know she lied to them by saying she never gives out her pw to anyone. i have th email with her pw and i was really thnking about forwarding it on and also calling them to clear my name. I am a littlw worried here about all this because i wasnt in the wrong. i was only helping out a friend who refuses to clear my name so I dont lose my account. I need someones advice soon please as to what I should do.  i do know one thing. i will never ever help her again. i sent her an email stating that if she ever sends me another pw that i will forward it to pogo. please any input here would be greatly appreciated as soon as possible. thanks guys !!! crying10.gif

p.s. can someone actually pull up an IP address of anyone thats been on a friends name helping them and if so what can they do to them if they think its them who damaged her account ??? thats whats got me the most worried right now.


You should have nothing to worry about unless you were the one doing the draining. Pogo can tell exactly who did what with the account by checking their logs. Something tells me you aren't the only one she gives her password to.

I am constantly amazed how easily people surrender their pogo accounts to others.

PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!

disneyland lady

I would change my password too, twinkle. If you have their info, more than likely that person have yours and they seem to be hard pressed to keep info to themselves. Keep the friendship but do not exchange information cuz it is pretty obvious that one of their playmates is doing this.


There's a 99% chance of her NOT getting her tokens back.  Pogo will invistigate and figure out how she got hacked (or who got into her account) but as far as giving her back her lost tokens and/or gems, that's a no.  Also a no go is giving her rank back in the games that got reset to zero.

If I was you, I'd delete any credit card info I have on my account (and reenter it only to buy gems/pay for pogo membership) and delete it as soon as your done.  I'd also change my password.

From the sounds of it, she gave her password out to a lot of people.  I wouldn't be surprised if one of those people was the one that did it to her becuase she'd have no way of finding out.

Now, if I was her I would create a new pogo account and start over with lesson learned number one:  Don't share your password.   Lesson 2:  If you do share a password for someone to buy you gems/earn a badge for you change it to something like goodboy and then change it back to your regular password as soon as they are done.
Never do anything you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics


I think you need to stop trying to help this person. She needs to create a new account, period and stop giving it out to so many people. It sounds like she made someone mad and it is maybe a revenge thing...dunno. People are weird sometimes.
I let a "friend" use my account to play, she got me into trouble with Pogo because of really naughty language in Pogo and I received a TOS warning from Pogo and it in turn cost me another friend who did not believe me about the lesson learned and I have moved on. My hubby insisted I change my password, which I did and give it out to no one.
I help people on here with badges, as everyone knows, but I have even become more selective in doing that. I help friends I have made in here and usually just send a pm to them instead of posting. Because of the exact same reason...someone on here had their account used to buy something and I don't want to get caught up in the middle of drama like I send pms now.


What Homer says is's amazing how easily give up their information on Pogo, and even here on the forum. There are some of us who have been here for years and I trust implicitly, but you have to be soooo careful even then.

Story:  There's a member who appeared here about a while ago and was always asking for help getting this badge or that.

Turns out, said member had been promising friends she would work on their accounts, then was unable to do so. She would come here asking for help, then give out her friends' account information to whoever was willing to help.

Then her friends' account started getting hacked into and of course they couldn't figure out who in the world would do such a thing. Well, duh! If she was willing to give out their information to people here on this forum that she barely knew, who else did she give it to?

My point is, you have to be very, very careful with whom you trust your information to.

As DisneyLady said, change YOUR password and as RoadWarrior said, change YOUR credit card information. Especially if your friend has access to your account.  She might have accidently downloaded one of those nasty keystroke programs that can track everything you type, including passwords and credit card numbers.

Good luck!



That "member" you are referring to, I am pretty sure is the same one who made me change my way of thinking. It was also at that point that I removed all of my credit card info and now it is only put in there long enough for me to buy something I want, then I remove it again.

But Homer and everyone in this thread is right.

Well gotta run, time for my peaches.  turkey4.gif



Quote from: roadwarrior on July 21, 2009, 09:35:57 AM
Lesson 2:  If you do share a password for someone to buy you gems/earn a badge for you change it to something like goodboy and then change it back to your regular password as soon as they are done.

I don't get this one because even if you do change your password, then give it out to someone, they still have your password, regardless of how temporary it is.  As hard as it is to never, ever give your password out, it's the best bet.  I don't follow this as my two best friends of over 20 years have my pw and I have theirs.  But for someone whom I don't have a longterm real life relationship with?  Forget it.


Quote from: ~Sassy~ on July 21, 2009, 10:40:57 AM

That "member" you are referring to, I am pretty sure is the same one who made me change my way of thinking. It was also at that point that I removed all of my credit card info and now it is only put in there long enough for me to buy something I want, then I remove it again.

But Homer and everyone in this thread is right.

Well gotta run, time for my peaches.  turkey4.gif


I bet it is the same person, and I know you helped that "not quite peachy" person many times. I know I did but then put the brakes on it when I realized what was happening.



Quote from: Kita on July 21, 2009, 11:05:20 AM
I don't get this one because even if you do change your password, then give it out to someone, they still have your password, regardless of how temporary it is.  As hard as it is to never, ever give your password out, it's the best bet.  I don't follow this as my two best friends of over 20 years have my pw and I have theirs.  But for someone whom I don't have a longterm real life relationship with?  Forget it.

What they are saying is, change it to something and give that password to the person. When they are done with your account, change it back to what it was. But you're right...they still have your password and who's to say they won't screw with your account rather than buy you gems?


thanks everyone for the help and information. I am changing my pw and i will never ever help her again. matter of fact i wrote her a little letter stating that and if she also sends me another pw i will just delete it or forward it to pogo and they can deal with it. i also called pogo to clear my name and they took some info and even asked me to forward the email she sent me with her pw on it because she swore to them no one had her pw. they told her that as long as you are honest in that no one had your pw we will give you back your tokens. well she wasnt so i am thinking she lost them if not her account to boot. i feel better now though knowing for myself that i did the right thing and called to clear my name.


I have hubby's pogo password, and he knows my account password.  I know my step brother's password, he doesn't know mine (only because he's not very computer savy and barely knows how to log on to pogo and play the games.)  He'll buy me gems once in a while (mainly I buy my own but anyway)-I'll sign into my account and take him to the gems section-then he'll enter his credit card info and such.

I'll log into his account and earn him a badge in a game he doesn't like, or let the auto run under his name for a few hours on my computer.  The only reason he doesn't mind me knowing his password is he knows me in real life-(besides he knows where I live and he'd kick my @ss if I spent all his tokens and gems  hysterical.gif)

Like I said, hubby knows mine, I know his pogo password.  That doesn't bother me.

I also know my step dad's password-only because he doesn't have credit card-he has an atm/debit card but he's in his late 60's and using a debit card is offense but confusing-so when it's time for him to stock up on some gems (he'll buy $10-20 worth once a month or so) he'll give me the money to put on my debit card and then he'll have me buy them for him.  Or he'll give me the money to buy him a 1 year gift subscription to pogo when it comes up due and add it to his account. 

Now with my pogo friends-the ones I only know through IM and Pogo-the ones I don't know in real life-it'll be a cold day in hell before I tell them my password.
Never do anything you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics


Quote from: Homer on July 21, 2009, 07:36:43 AM
You should have nothing to worry about unless you were the one doing the draining. Pogo can tell exactly who did what with the account by checking their logs. Something tells me you aren't the only one she gives her password to.

I am constantly amazed how easily people surrender their pogo accounts to others.

Over the weekend I was running the word craft auto on my dad's account-I went to  check on the progress of the badge I witnessed two people exchanging their pogo passwords in open chat.  I was shocked they would be so careless about their password.  It's so easy to go in and steal their credit card info or send badge albums to people!
Never do anything you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics


Quote from: ~Sassy~ on July 21, 2009, 10:40:57 AM

That "member" you are referring to, I am pretty sure is the same one who made me change my way of thinking. It was also at that point that I removed all of my credit card info and now it is only put in there long enough for me to buy something I want, then I remove it again.

But Homer and everyone in this thread is right.

Well gotta run, time for my peaches.  turkey4.gif


How do I remove my credit card Info I had a friend who had my password bought 36.00 worth of gems to my account without me knowing it. I had to call my CC close my account get new because at the time I didn't know it was him.  I did changes my password and for now on not going give this guy my password again.


Quote from: roadwarrior on July 21, 2009, 01:14:26 PM
Over the weekend I was running the word craft auto on my dad's account-I went to  check on the progress of the badge I witnessed two people exchanging their pogo passwords in open chat.  I was shocked they would be so careless about their password.  It's so easy to go in and steal their credit card info or send badge albums to people!

Are you serious?  rolleyes.gif That would be the cold day in Hell for me.  winter31.gif

They're lucky if I will even answer them...'cause most of the time, I am not there.  shy12.gif

Those people are unreal on there...they talk about having autos and everything... giggle2.gif


 crying10.gif crying10.gif well i felt pretty much alot better until she sent me an email back saying I had no right to call pogo and tell them she gave me her pw. i made it quite clear to her that i did have the right and its called standing up for myself. i dont do that as often as I should and today it felt pretty darn good to do. along with some other vulgar names she called me she stated she wont ask for my help again. good thing cause shes not getting it. she just doesnt get it.  this is really sad though because it caused a 5 year friendship to end and that hurt just as much as the letter.


Quote from: Fluffy756 on July 21, 2009, 01:17:44 PM

How do I remove my credit card Info I had a friend who had my password bought 36.00 worth of gems to my account without me knowing it. I had to call my CC close my account get new because at the time I didn't know it was him.  I did changes my password and for now on not going give this guy my password again.
Sign into Pogo, up at the top it says, My Account, click on that. Pogo will ask for your password, enter it. Over on the right it says View your billing and subscription information, click on that. You will see everything right there. Where it has your credit card number just put your mouse there until it blinks, hit backspace until the box is empty. When you try to leave it will say something is wrong here! Or over on the right in there it says Remove Billing Info and click on that, it will ask you if you are sure, click yes and it will say then that the billing info has been saved.
When you want to buy something just fill it in and after your purchase go back in and do the same thing EACH time....or don't give out your password.


Quote from: ~Sassy~ on July 21, 2009, 10:40:57 AM

That "member" you are referring to, I am pretty sure is the same one who made me change my way of thinking. It was also at that point that I removed all of my credit card info and now it is only put in there long enough for me to buy something I want, then I remove it again.

But Homer and everyone in this thread is right.

Well gotta run, time for my peaches.  turkey4.gif


Quote from: Stinkerbell on July 21, 2009, 11:08:54 AM
I bet it is the same person, and I know you helped that "not quite peachy" person many times. I know I did but then put the brakes on it when I realized what was happening.

Yeah, Stinky it is the same person. It is amazing that one person can mess things up for so many. There were a lot of regulars on PogoCheats who helped out a regular basis until this happened. I had no idea she was helping EVERYONE she knew. If she was giving it out passwords and screennames so freely in here, Gawd knows who else she was giving them to. I think she was trying to help too many and got caught up in not being able to keep up. Live and learn or live and get burned. I just pm those I am willing to help, they can decide if they want me to help, makes it simple for me.


Quote from: ~Sassy~ on July 21, 2009, 01:30:47 PM
Sign into Pogo, up at the top it says, My Account, click on that. Pogo will ask for your password, enter it. Over on the right it says View your billing and subscription information, click on that. You will see everything right there. Where it has your credit card number just put your mouse there until it blinks, hit backspace until the box is empty. When you try to leave it will say something is wrong here! Or over on the right in there it says Remove Billing Info and click on that, it will ask you if you are sure, click yes and it will say then that the billing info has been saved.
When you want to buy something just fill it in and after your purchase go back in and do the same thing EACH time....or don't give out your password.

thanks sassy I have learn this is the end of giving out my password.

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