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Quote from: bob@pogopal on July 09, 2004, 04:44:31 PM

If the US adopted European appeasement policies, Belgium would still be a province of the third reich.

The US went to war with Iraq because Iraq refused to meet the requirements placed on them as a condition for ending the previous war.

That is also true however, we went into this without the approval of the United Nations and the threats were believeable and the horrors were found.   But I like to debate.  And there was more just because they did not comply was only one justification.  But it was hardly the only one to think of.  He made the right choice and if those people over there dont like it fine but we are going to finish what we started if we have to wipe out all the radicals over there.  No where in the Koran does it promote this type of terror.  They kid themselves when they think they will have 100 virgins to do as the killer wishes to do.  I studied this very field in college and spoke arabic however use it or loose it    Getty


that may very well be true bob, but the main reason for going to war was the weapons of mass destruction.  i remembering seeing on CNN that the international community stated that saddam needed to get rid of his weapons to be in compliance with the UN resolution.  OK, i will admit it did take him some time to start to comply.  too long if you ask me.  but i have to admit, if i was saddam i too would of told the international community to piss off if they kept bombing me. even the weapon inspectors stated they did not find anything.  of course their job wasn't done yet, but if memory serves it was the us who called off further weapons inspections because they were planning to invade Iraq, which they did.  i also seen on CNN where the death toll from collation troops is now just over 1,000.  even Blair now states it is highly unlikely that they will find anything in Iraq.  i still stand by my opinion that president bush is a war monger who wanted to prove that he is the better president than his father or Clinton was. a majority of Americans, and the world for that matter, does not agree with the way bush is running this country.   i do agree that saddam should not be in power, but the method that he was removed was wrong.  i hope that Kerry will win in November!  there is my 2 cents. ;)


But Kerry HIGHLY supported the patriot act AND going to war in iraq as well... does this make him a hawk as well? Also, I highly suggest reading the book called ENDGAMES by former UNSCOM chief weapons inspector Scott Ritter.When the U.N. Security Council authorized inspections of Iraq's chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons facilities following the conclusion of the Gulf War, Saddam put in place a concealment program designed to preserve his weapons capabilities. It was this concealment mechanism that UNSCOM spent seven years trying to penetrate in its search for Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. This book tells a lot about what they found and how when reported to the Clinton administration and other higher ups in Washington at the time was backburnered- . Ritter even stepped down from his position after being disgusted when the government did NOTHING after these findings...
They found Mustard Gas shells, traces of chemicals used in highly deadly chemical weapons and other things of sort. Knowing all this if you still want to believe there is nothing over there or NEVER WAS.... you in in denial. They have admitted thus far to finding trace evidence of weapons of mass destruction however just not the weapons intact themselves. (though some theorize otherwise)

...Oh and I don't think there is a shred of evidence that shows that GW Bush EVER wanted to convey himself as a "better" president than his father. On the contrary, he has always shown his father great respect and dignity- and immediately after 9/11 happened, he was by his fathers' side- seeking the advice of his elder and our former president. To me, that was a couragous and humble thing to do- certainly not a man trying to prove he is better than his father....

*I support Dick and Bush*


David T. Hardy and Jason Clarke just released a great book called 'Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man'. I love how this book completely and utterly defames and contradicts statements made by Michael Moore and the left. For example, Moore claims that National Rifle Association taunted the Denver area and the nation by holding "a large pro-gun rally" only days after the killings at Columbine High School.
In reality, the annual meeting had been planned well in advance, was required by law, could not have been changed in time to another city, and was stripped of all rallies and ceremony in deference to the community.The movie depicts Charlton Heston as making his famous "cold, dead hands speech" in Denver. In reality, the remarks came a year later in Charlotte, N.C., and Moore spliced bits of footage from that and another speech for maximum distortion. ::)
Couldn't think of a better title for this book,  ;) I believe that Kerry's selection for Vice President was the best choice for him, because Edwards brings charisma and a spirit to the Democratic ticket this year.  I am voting for Bush, one of many reasons is that I think that if Kerry the flip flopping fish gets elected his policies will bring this country to the ground, he blames the Bush Administration for putting the economy in the toilet, yet he offers no suggestions on how to create a single job.  I feel that this administration has kept the economy flowing over the past three years after the 9/11 attacks and with war on the horizon.  Everything that the left is spewing is 'Hate Bush' crap, recently at a convention in L.A. to support Kerry, they were handing out "Get Bush out of office" and "Bush is Crap" buttons, not "Elect Kerry" or "Kerry in 2004" it's become an all out feeding frenzy to get this man out of office, but what a lot don't realize is how much worse it COULD be right now if certain policies and guidelines were not set down from the start of this War On Terrorism. That's my rant on this.



I suggest you seek better sources of information than CNN. The media spin things their own way for their own purposes.


Yeah... I havent seen one witty "Down with Kerry" type campaigning signs at ANY of the rally's I have been to- all have been in support of bush.... except from the hecklers gallery where i'd seen some nasty nasty messages on the "LICK BUSH" campaign... funny- but all the same not right. Also- Whoopi Goldburg's analogy about Gw Bush and that of her anatomical "bush" were so distasteful- ESPECIALLY said in the public eye that you can believe I will never turn her show on again. Everyone has a right to say their opinion... but getting nasty and downright vulgar about it makes them look like (will edit my own language here) ....******* Idiots..

A few days ago, Kerry was here in downtown Dayton and I went to that rally too to hear what he had to say... and what would ya know... there wasnt a single nasty down with Kerry sign anywhere in the hecklers gallery....  Of course people were chanting "Bush bush bush" but none of them were uttering nasty disgusting mudslinging messages- they kept it clean- which I am very happy and proud of.


Em  Iraq was similar in many way as the leader of the Nazi - Hitler.  He exterminated  and that is what Saddamn did as well.  He killed his own daughters husbands and worse killed so many that we will never know the exact count as many graves were unmarked.  He was a tyrant and a very dangerous one.  I support our president in that the decision he made was a difficult one.  And the media likes to spin everything - who owns CNN  Ted Turner and  we in politics all know how one sided his views are.  But he has the venue as many others including all the wealthy that have the ability to make their statements in print.  I make my own decisions based on facts and not what the media says.  They have an agenda or there would be unbiased reporting.  Hollywood isn't in the Whitehouse with Bush as they were with Clinton.  Afterall, of all the Presidents to reside in that great and wonderful place.  Clinton sullied it with his affair and all the lies and so forth..   blah blah blah  Any other women would have told him to hit the road a long time ago.  Question why Hillary stayed, or why she chose New York as the state to back her for the senate seat.  I predict she will seek higher office at some point.  As a female I hope to heck she doesn't have PMS or who knows who we will go to war with lol  just a little kidding here.  Bush is like this what you see is what you get.  And our first lady is like her mother-in-law,former first lady B. Bush a lady.  Not a political in your face factor.  A women whom remains beside her man but without the need to be a mouth piece that speaks loudly.  Vote is all I recommend but when you do, think about who you are putting in the Whitehouse.  All I can think of about Kerry is Ketchup a lifetime supply in fact provided by the heir he is married too.  He is a brand just like the ketchup except he has no substance.  He is the generic version and leaves an awful taste in ones mouth.  Gettysrevenge


My choice for VP is .......<drumroll>.............. DJ! 

I'm staying out of this discussion... my believes haven't changed one bit so no need for me having to type them up all over again.
Have fun ladies and gentleman I'm watching from the rafters. 
I just hope this time a President gets elected and not appointed.....  ::)

QuoteI'd seen some nasty nasty messages on the "LICK BUSH" campaign
I like the way that person is thinking  :P


hay all,
          i am going to post this in general to all who posted on this thread.  SHEESH!!!  isn't there ANYONE here who supports Kerry besides me?????? ::)  oh well!!!! j/k  whenever you talk polotics you are bound to have a debate on the subject.  and that is what free speech is all about.  anyways,  it is true what you all say.  the media do at times turn things around to meet their own set of propaganda.  that can also be said of all forms of media too can it not???  i mean from different news agencies other than CNN, newspapers, happens everywhere.  also from books you read, movies you see.  EVERYONE has an opinion on how bush handled 9/11 and the war on terror.  i mean look at "Fahrenheit 9/11" i personally have yet to see this film, but i have talked to different people and read different reviews about the documentary.  yet another example of a persons views on how bush handled the whole situation.  is it right or is it wrong????  we ask ourselves that with everything we read, see or hear with regards of the subject matter.  to be honest i appreciate everyones opinion on this subject.  i agree with all of you in what saddam Hussein did was wrong!  and that him no longer being president of Iraq is a very good thing, even though i still believe it was a wrong method in which he was removed.  you have your tyrants throughout time.  Hitler, napoleon, milosevic, and Hussein.  we all formulate our opinions from a variety of sources: television, newspapers, radio, books, magazines.  i will be the first one to admit, i do not know a lot about Kerry, except from what i have seen on CNN and from my local newspapers and news.  so i formulate  my opinion from that.  just like everyone else does.  i mean you only have a handful of countries: Australia, great Britain and perhaps Israel that supported the America's decision to go to war.  i mean if it was the right thing to do then why didn't the other allies lend their support as well?????  i know with every political debate you could go back and forth until the cows come home and still not agree.  but i do know something we ALL can agree upon......we all agree that we all can disagree.  after reading the well typed replies to this post i still have to wonder can Kerry be any worse than bush?????  i personally do no think so.  i never like bush senior when he was president nor do i care fro bush junior.  but you all feel the opposite as i do, and i applaud you all on you opinions.  i hope that saddam Hussein pays for the terrible atrocities that he did to his people. who is the better man for the job, Kerry or bush?????  we will all find out this November. Tc all :)
**** i support Kerry and Edwards****

Blue Aquarius

Quote from: FlippantOne on July 09, 2004, 11:52:41 PM
David T. Hardy and Jason Clarke just released a great book called 'Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man'. I love how this book completely and utterly defames and contradicts statements made by Michael Moore and the left.

I really hate this man.  He flips flops more then ole Kerry does.  He edits and slices things to make people believe in his beliefs.  I don't ever go to see any of his movies because I do not support this man with any of my money.  His movie did well because he had all the Bush bashers going to see it. 

I for one, hope there will be some debates.  I am anxious to see some of the issues brought up and see how they are answered.  But I do think my vote will be going to Bush.  Yes, I am a republican but I feel that Kerry flip flops so much that it would be a major mistake for him to gain office.


Quote from: bob@pogopal on July 09, 2004, 11:53:58 PM

I suggest you seek better sources of information than CNN. The media spin things their own way for their own purposes.

OMG  BOB that is so TRUE, The NEWS only Lets you hear what they want you to believe!!! "tell a lie long enough and most will think its the truth"


How right you are Zenia!!  In fact, I think it is a good venue to express that wonderful right of freedom of speech.  We the people .... before we forget about the constitution and the bill of rights the writers would like to have a word with you.  Those great men wrote these words to live by and have lasted throughout history.  They made it for generations then and all the ones after.  Think about it, freedom is a wonderful thing.  We are by far the most  sophisticated countries in this world. We have so much that we sometimes forget, including myself, how grateful we should all be.  Canada for example, you have a heart condition you get on a list to see a doctor.  Same goes for any thing medical or dental (dental I am unsure of)  Yet they offer the cheapest of medicine.  However,  the cost of living is very high and the u.s. dollar compared with the Canadian currency is most troubling because it is such that they loose money coming here.  How do I know these facts doc and I had several Canadian friends.  They would stock up on the booze and smokes but were only allowed to take so much across the border.  I am waiting at this time for a sable full bred German Shepard attack dog from germany.  They have an embargo that they will not let loose of these dogs until after sept if we are lucky.  Any country I have  ever traveled to I was so glad to be back here in the great U.S. of A.  Makes you wonder why so many immigrants want to live here huh.  So in closing and yes I am gonna close this, remember none of us our perfect.  We all have flaws but all in all I think as our president in office now he deserves the support of the people he represents.  When you vote will Kerry sit back and ask his minions what to do  about ole the nuclear situation.  I bet he will,  he just doesn't appear to be very politically smart or able to take on the job and the demands.  Had Bush felt he could and should have avoided the invasion.  I have no doubt as a fellow human being he would have.  They don't always have to explain everything as it will jeopardize our spies and those inside these radical groups.  God Bless American and My our President be guided by what is right and wrong.  Not what is politically correct -  that is the poo poo of it all.  He isn't afraid to be a man and stand up for what he believes is right.  I have children and I worry about their future.  I want them to continue to live in a free world, if we as a country don't protect ourselves then our future for our children is one that is going to be bleak.  Thank you for allowing me to be on the soap box..   And fatkid anytime you wanna debate I may be a female but I have a lot of knowledge inside this pea brain HAHAHA  just kidding.  I was a prodigy child I was attending college at 15 yrs I graduated high school barely 16.  I call my land and all the acreage adjoining it the ***** Compound for a reason.  Its not davidian its now just me and the kids. Since  doc passes away.  But my 7 year old and the others are well  versed with the political process and the older ones have opinion and suprise me so debate yes.  You wont win but I will give you a chance j/k  rules of engagement lol  Getty ::)


It says that the service is too busy right now and they are working on expanding there servers, but after 12 times reloading it i got it that is soooo FUNNY! LOL  8)  ;D. Ty Honypyye ;).


I had to put in the link...I watched it about 4 times and was just rolling everytime...At least I got my laughs for THAT day...LOLOLOL


That was tooo funny Honeypye... thanks :D


Super Duckie

i just looked at the site, not to impressed over it, gonna keep the one i have

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