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term paper-Thomas Jefferson

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Any info on Thomas Jefferson would be much appreciated


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i did but if anyone can find a good website for me i would be much appreciated this counts 40% of my grade please help
i need all the help i can get so please


problem with internet is doing a  whole paper verbatim on what you may read
watch out for plagiarism


Jefferson was the first President to shake hands instead of bow to people.

Thomas Jefferson was the first President to have a grandchild born in the White House.

Jefferson was one of two Presidents who signed the Declaration of Independence.

When he was sworn in as President, he returned to his boarding house for dinner. Every seat was taken, and noone stood to offer him a seat. After awhile, the wife of a Kentucky senator offered him her seat. Jefferson politely declined.

Jefferson City, Missouri is named after Thomas Jefferson.

Jefferson was a second cousin once removed of John Marshall.

Jefferson's library of approximately 6,000 books became the basis of the Library of Congress. His books were purchased from him for $23,950.

Jefferson kept a mockingbird named Dick in the White House study, and let the bird ride on his shoulder whenever possible. President Jefferson even trained Dick to take bits of food that he held between his lips at meals! When Jefferson went upstairs, his faithful companion would hop up after him, step after step, never far from his side.

Jefferson was the first president to be inaugurated in Washington, D.C.

Bears brought back from Lewis and Clark's famous expedition were displayed in cages on the White House lawn. For years the White House was sometimes referred to as the "president's bear garden."

Jefferson wrote his own epitaph without mentioning that he served as president of the United States.

Thomas Jefferson was once given a 1,235 pound hunk of cheese, giving us the term "the big cheese."

When Thomas Jefferson became President, in 1801, 20 percent of all people in the U.S. were slaves. (There were 5 million people in all.)

Jefferson played the violin.

He suggested the decimal system of money we use.

He wrote over 20,000 letters in his lifetime.

Jefferson founded, designed and built the University of Virginia.

He took a cold foot bath every morning for 60 years.

Jefferson once ate a tomato in public to prove it wasn't poisonous.

Jefferson owned 200 slaves.

Among the vegetables in Thomas Jefferson's garden was the English pea, considered to be his favorite. He grew fifteen types of the English pea, and his frequent jottings on the vegetable in his Garden Book suggest that he paid particular attention to it, happily noting when 'peas come to table.' By staggering the planting of peas, Jefferson was able to eat them fresh from the garden from the middle of May to the middle of July.

He was named after his grandfater, Thomas Jefferson II, a prominent landowner, militia captain, and justice of Chesterfield County, Virginia.

yeah I copied all that crap  :P I'm sure you probably have all that


thanks, more info if possible
and if you kno how to do a term paper could ya tell me how to start it off?


start it off by stating when/where he was born then do
cronical logic order of important events that shaped his views and beliefs
and how those afected his actions


yeah but it can't be an autobioghraphy it has to be based on his work


Thomas Jefferson ( April 13 , 1743 - July 4 , 1826 ) was the third ( 1801 - 1809 ) President of the United States . 

3rd President

Term of Office:
March 4 , 1801 - March 4 , 1809

John Adams

Succeeded by:
James Madison

Date of Birth
April 13 , 1743

Place of Birth:
Shadwell, Virginia

Date of Death:
July 4 , 1826

Place of Death:
Monticello , Virginia

Martha Wayles Jefferson

First Lady :
Martha Jefferson Randolph (daughter) 
Dolley Madison (friend)

lawyer , farmer

Political Party:

Vice President:
Aaron Burr ( 1801 - 1805 ) 
George Clinton ( 1805 - 1809 )

His parents were Peter Jefferson ( March 29 , 1708 - August 17, 1757 ) and Jane Randolph (February 20 , 1720 - March 31, 1776) both from families who had settled in Virginia for several generations. 

He was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, and a source of many other contributions to American culture. Achievements of his presidency include the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition. 

His home in Virginia was Monticello , near Charlottesville, Virginia, which included automatic doors and other convenient devices that he designed himself. He helped to found the University of Virginia . 

Jefferson's interests included archaeology , a discipline then in its infancy. He has sometimes been called the "father of archaeology" in recognition of his role in developing excavation techniques. When exploring an Indian burial mound on his Virginia estate in 1784 , Jefferson avoided the common practice of simply digging downwards until something turned up. Instead, he cut a wedge out of the mound, so that he could walk into it, look at the layers of occupation and draw conclusions from them. 

Jefferson was also an avid wine lover and noted gourmet. During his ambassadorship to France (1784-9) he took extensive trips through French and other European wine regions and sent the best back to the White House. He is noted for the bold pronouncement "We could in the United States make as great a variety of wines as are made in Europe, not exactly of the same kinds, but doubtless as good." While there were extensive vineyards planted at Monticello, a significant portion were V. vinifera and did not survive the many vine diseases native to the Americas. Thus, Jefferson himself was never able to produce wine on par with Europe. However, it seems likely that he would be pleased with the quantity and quality of wine now being made in Virginia. 

Jefferson's ideal for the United States was that of an agricultural nation of yeoman farmers, in contrast to the vision of Alexander Hamilton , who envisioned a nation of commerce and manufacturing. 

Like many landholders of his time, Jefferson owned slaves. A subject of considerable controversy since Jefferson's own time was whether Jefferson was the father of any of the children of his slave Sally Hemings . 

An electoral tie resulted between Jefferson and his opponent Aaron Burr in the U.S. presidential election, 1800. It was resolved on February 17 , 1801 when Jefferson was elected President and Burr Vice President by the United States House of Representatives . 

Jefferson's portrait appears on the U.S. $2 bill. 

Jefferson is known for taking a strong independent stance in regards to religion. He compiled a collection of what he considered to be the most profound and meaningful passages from the Bible , and published it as an independent work. This became known as the Jefferson Bible . 
Other saying: 

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." 

Places named for Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson County in several states 

Supreme Court appointments
William Johnson - 1804 

Henry Brockholst Livingston - 1807 

Thomas Todd - 1807 


thanks very much more info if possible lol it has to be at least 5 pages long actually 4 but 5 if it needs to be longer
if i plagarize it i'll get a zero  :'( so i can't copy anybody's work lol and she can tell if it's been plagarize.


well before you do any term paper writing just make a list with an outline of things you'll like to include btw your lucky when i had to do term papers I didn't have internet for research I had to go down to public library


O yeah i gotta do that 2
thankgod i don't have to do notecards
thanks for all the help appreciated any more info would be nice
thanks very much  :-*


thanks very much all of you  help me make an A+  :-*
thanks now i don't have to look up anything when it comes to library time in class


I didnt realize became a "help dark do her homework every day" site.

I dont mean to sound like an ass, but dark, either you lack computer knowledge of knowing where to get stuff, or you are lazy.  We all have lives as well.  I sit here each night doing homework and do my best to avoid coming to the forum and asking.  I can understand questions about your computer freezing and whatnot.... BUT HOMEWORK QUESTIONS RATHER FREQUENTLY?


no i didn't meant that
i just meant thanks for the  help
i didn't mean it to sound like that
and i was just messin didn't mean it


Yeah, I have already read few term paper about Thomas Jefferson. His primary committments to liberty, democracy and the formation of self-government were accomplished. He succeeded his intent, which was to help found a nation in which liberty was strongly established. Jefferson brought America beyond the primitive right to property, to the pursuit of happiness.

who me?


who me?

Quote from: bobby on June 07, 2010, 04:11:58 AM
ah october 2004..good times good times giggle2.gif

Yeah, makes you wonder how long someone has to look just to find something like this?
You'd think it would be way buried  rolleyes.gif