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Can you give me a list of BH programs that need to be worked on...

Started by chummychum,

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The one for payday freecell (free trial) wouldn't do anything but say this game cannot be won, please wait-then go to the next game and say the same thing again and again and again...never got it to start even one game.  I don't know if anybody else had or has a problem with that one-I tried it during the badge challenge for that game and had problems, haven't tried it since.   


the mahjongg dimentions needs alot of work i know its just not me i downloaded the auto i opened the game then got auto up after game was loaded the auto never resized the window nor attached itself to play it says load ur game i went back to badge help on the page where i downloaded the auto from it gave some computer setting info i tried that it didnt work i emailed they said to download crome as i tried firefox n ie8 i downloaded crome same problem nothing doing anything i emailed bk telling them i still had the problem n nothing but same thing with crome they emailed me bk to email my problem to replacecode i emailed them twice no responce im using a toshiba i have windows 7 my comp is only a year old  can anyone help

just don

I have no answers for you, but I did resize  window to 1024 x things got very large. Was just using the recommended settings? Good luck.

disneyland lady

Quote from: harley89 on January 04, 2012, 04:22:17 AM
I donwloaded Lottso omega last night and it just says cannot find game window

Did this same thing to me today. And I do not even bother doing the TSR any more. That is the sad fact.

just don

Is doing a TSR even an option anymore? Like many, I have also not added a thing to my 150 page in a few years now. The can't "find game window" thing with all of the most recent updates, dating back to very early last year, combined with the BH "vacation" during the last half of 2011, drove me to find another option, if I needed help with a game.

There was someone here that posted a few months back that solo was having issues. Again some tried to help, but yes it turned out it was not at her end of things, solo has had a 10 of spades issue since last update, early last year. BH I think, has still not fixed that problem, with a program that easily helped me rank out in the game, before update.

Again, Lottso omega, another program that helped me rank out long ago, needed updating. Same story with Whompster. We now need to search for a game window, after an update? Both of these programs once always found the game window with no effort on the customers end.

Finishing my ranting now. Yes a few of the programs mentioned in this thread here still seem to work well at my end, and I can understand the frustration both BH and homer feel at times, it's often just a matter of getting the newest version. My concern is that I once never had to worry about the updates, they all fixed the pogo changes, and worked well. Now as soon as I see the "game window not be found" crap, I just check another site to see if they have a program that can find the "game window" with no effort on my part. Again, 95% of the older BH programs still work well, it's the latest updates and lack of producing a new working program for a new game that gives me a sick feeling at times.


crossword cove whether downloading from badgehelp web site or the badgehelp downloader  Norton's internet security is blocking crossword cove saying it's a virus. Iv'e restored the program and as soon as i try to open it Norton's blocks it. UGH I'm trying to set-up so badgehelp folder is exempt from scan's and such.

Joe C

Quote from: just don on January 07, 2012, 10:12:50 AM
Is doing a TSR even an option anymore? Like many, I have also not added a thing to my 150 page in a few years now. The can't "find game window" thing with all of the most recent updates, dating back to very early last year, combined with the BH "vacation" during the last half of 2011, drove me to find another option, if I needed help with a game.

There was someone here that posted a few months back that solo was having issues. Again some tried to help, but yes it turned out it was not at her end of things, solo has had a 10 of spades issue since last update, early last year. BH I think, has still not fixed that problem, with a program that easily helped me rank out in the game, before update.

Again, Lottso omega, another program that helped me rank out long ago, needed updating. Same story with Whompster. We now need to search for a game window, after an update? Both of these programs once always found the game window with no effort on the customers end.

Finishing my ranting now. Yes a few of the programs mentioned in this thread here still seem to work well at my end, and I can understand the frustration both BH and homer feel at times, it's often just a matter of getting the newest version. My concern is that I once never had to worry about the updates, they all fixed the pogo changes, and worked well. Now as soon as I see the "game window not be found" crap, I just check another site to see if they have a program that can find the "game window" with no effort on my part. Again, 95% of the older BH programs still work well, it's the latest updates and lack of producing a new working program for a new game that gives me a sick feeling at times.

I completely agree. The last cheat I purchased from BadgeHelp was a very good program for Beaker Creatures on 3/5/2009. Since that program, however, customer service just continued to get worse and worse, finally culminating in no TSR responses, atrocious updates, games with badges but no cheat programs and multiple Pogo challenges that could not be won using BadgeHelp cheats.

Today, the only BadgeHelp cheat programs worthy of the respect I had when I did the $150 purchase are PopFooey, AutoLottso and YUIOP. Some of the old programs work okay, but any time Pogo updates a game, we have to consider ourselves very lucky to get an update for the cheats. Some of us no longer care if it is ever updated.

I do not know which programs need to be updated because I am a former customer that feels like BadgeHelp does not care about its old customers enough to fix programs based on TSRs and complaints in these very threads for years. I was one of the happiest customers, but Badge Help has made me quite unhappy.
tumbsup.gif tumbsup.gif tumbsup.gif
Boston University Class of 2017!

Master of Science in Project Management


Well I have been a member since 2005. i am known as Windrider now anymore. This is my old name

But I have to say I never post much, because I just have no issues, and I am not a big talker.

But I can say This:

I have always had good support from Badgehelp, Pogocheats etc and all my cheats work fine.If they don't I post about them

Now maybe I use different autos than some, but I am very happy with this site and the support.  tumbsup.gif

Edit: What I really want to say is they are trying to fix things. Let them, and stop your Whining.
9 times out 10, the problem is peoples own computers or settings. The 1% is the program itself needs updating to keep up with the times.

Joe C

Quote from: smokyrain on January 08, 2012, 01:08:43 AM
Well I have been a member since 2005. i am known as Windrider now anymore. This is my old name

But I have to say I never post much, because I just have no issues, and I am not a big talker.

But I can say This:

I have always had good support from Badgehelp, Pogocheats etc and all my cheats work fine.If they don't I post about them

Now maybe I use different autos than some, but I am very happy with this site and the support.  tumbsup.gif

Edit: What I really want to say is they are trying to fix things. Let them, and stop your Whining.
9 times out 10, the problem is peoples own computers or settings. The 1% is the program itself needs updating to keep up with the times.
I am not sure why honest feedback from soneome that paid BadgeHelp more than $500 over the years is "whining". The BadgeHelp site does not have the same response time it did when I was paying money. There are many cheats that flat out no longer work or work so poorly that it just loses game after game. Also, in the old days, Pogo would release a game with badges and BadgeHelp would release a cheat program. I was one their biggest fans.

If they are really trying and are still really good, where are the cheats programs for: Zuma, Plants Vs Zombies, Snood, Who Has The Biggest Brain or Bejeweled Blitz? How about cheats for Claire Hart and Cirque du Flea?

I am a user that pays attention to every setting on the cheat programs, the various browsers and when Pogo is quirky. Maybe BadgeHelp has finally realized that many of are were not just "whining" but expected a good product for our money. I am also someone that knows how good BadgeHelp used to be. I am glad you have a good experience, but I do not share your experience today the way I did in 2003-2009. Just because others do not share your experience does not make their complaints "whining". Honestly, we are more frustrated with BadgeHelp and their decline. What you see is years of pent up frustration from those of us that used to write good TSRs, who would purchase new cheats without worrying that they would work and would know that updates and new cheats would come out on time, not months or years later.

Honestly, BadgeHelp has a LOT to prove to us!
Boston University Class of 2017!

Master of Science in Project Management


Well I guess Whining was wrong choice of words. And if you spent so much money, yes you expect it too work.
$500 is quite an amount to pay. You must have bought an awful lot before the $150 deal.

But I guess if it don't work, then you all move on too other ways

I don't play those games you mentioned, so don't know or can't say much about them. 

Well will see how it all goes.

just don

smokeyrain, many of us purchased a number of programs from BH at full price, before buying the 150 package. Like Joe C, I'd have to guess my total purchase price is close.

Would I spend another 5 bucks to add a new working program to my list? Sure would! During this waiting time I am just about ranked out in Poppit sprint, thanks to a "little helper" from a company that still cares about it's customer base, and earning a dollar. Been a long time since I saw that attitude from BH, and I've also been a very loyal customer since around 2003.

As for the we'll see how it goes idea? Some of us have been watching and hoping for a few years now, that things would improve with BH. I've not yet committed to my new site, but suffice it to say their version of mahjongg dimensions "helper" worked, and found the "game window" when they released it last Wed. with no effort on my part. I'm thankful that they also provide a 7 day free trial period.


I owned 14 autos before I purchased the $150, so I have spent as well.
But what one spends is your own choice and no one elses. They didn't make you buy so many.

And as you say you moved on and purchased other autos from different source as well. So see thats what people do if things aren't working out.

Its like if one guy fixes my car, and I pay him. Its still not fixed right. I take it somewhere else and pay more. Its life. It happens.

I am just saying any dealings I have had with this site or anyone from Badgehelp has always been good for me. I have never waited for anything from them.

So as I say , for whatever reasons if things started to go sour here , they did, but now they are trying to fix that.

So you can either continue support and wait or move on. There really is nothing else to do.

Joe C

If, in the past three years, I got 25% of the response from BadgeHelp that I get from Homer and Mayhem, then I would have remained a happy customer. This site, pogocheats, is a great forum where we help each other, have fun and share information. My belief is that we should all be completely honest about the BadgeHelp experience and what BadgeHelp needs to do to regain our trust. I have spoken with my wallet for the past three years.

pogocheats is not BadgeHelp. It is a separate site that talks about cheats, Pogo and random fun things. I personally love this site. I also love how it is run by Homer and Mayhem.

The games I mentioned equate to nearly 50 rank, case, puzzle and mix badges. The only reason I "play" Pogo is to earn badges. When Pogo releases a new game, upgrades an old game, adds ranks, releases new cases, new puzzles and creates new mix/premium badges, I earn them as quickly as I can.

Nothing would please me more than to see BadgeHelp return to its old ways. Just count me extremely skeptical after years of disappointment.
Boston University Class of 2017!

Master of Science in Project Management

disneyland lady

Quote from: Joe C on January 09, 2012, 07:10:50 PM
Nothing would please me more than to see BadgeHelp return to its old ways. Just count me extremely skeptical after years of disappointment.

Boy, to see Joe C state exactly what I was feeling - in all of his posts on this thread really should be used as a wake up call to Badgehelp. I bought 18 autos before I finally broke down and got the whole package. I told every single one of my friends who kept asking me for help with badges to go to Badgehelp. I remember how they used to personally respond to our issues whether it was the auto or our computer. Customer Service at Badgehelp died a painful death and with it my championing them also died. I am vocal about not buying their products until those that were promised are given. And I actually believed when in 2008 they told us that they were working on a fix for Operation Station. Then they started deleting my questions on their blog and I saw only the "happy, satisfied" comments were being posted and I lost faith. It is hard to regain faith. And like Joe, I love Mayhem and Homer and appreciate all they have done on PogoCheats.


Quote from: disneyland lady on January 10, 2012, 08:27:50 AM
Boy, to see Joe C state exactly what I was feeling - in all of his posts on this thread really should be used as a wake up call to Badgehelp. I bought 18 autos before I finally broke down and got the whole package. I told every single one of my friends who kept asking me for help with badges to go to Badgehelp. I remember how they used to personally respond to our issues whether it was the auto or our computer. Customer Service at Badgehelp died a painful death and with it my championing them also died. I am vocal about not buying their products until those that were promised are given. And I actually believed when in 2008 they told us that they were working on a fix for Operation Station. Then they started deleting my questions on their blog and I saw only the "happy, satisfied" comments were being posted and I lost faith. It is hard to regain faith. And like Joe, I love Mayhem and Homer and appreciate all they have done on PogoCheats.



the latest one that comes to mind is Pop Phooey.  It loads but doesn't recognize the game window.  I'm running up to date stuff.  OS=XP.  Browsers tried=IE, FireFox, Chrome.  I am lacking in the RAM, but other stuff more complicated is working. 

just don

Both weekly BH programs worked very well for the weekly badges today.

Now, for those of us that purchased the recent PBA, another very old story unfolds with a few programs that have not worked well for years.

Squid, I'm not bashing you, because there was a day when we all used BH programs with an XP computer, in fact many of the older programs show the BH test results based on XP still, but you so need to kick that computer to the curb....LOL

As for Mayhem and Homer, even before I ever started posting here, I knew that they were always fun and helpful to others, if i had a cap to tip, I'd do so to both. In fact there are many here that I should be buying drinks for!


Is it just me or does it appear that BH has "flown the coop" again.   I felt good about this but since this thread was started NADA.


Quote from: just don on January 11, 2012, 10:11:15 AM

Squid, I'm not bashing you, because there was a day when we all used BH programs with an XP computer, in fact many of the older programs show the BH test results based on XP still, but you so need to kick that computer to the curb....LOL


I know.  I actually need two puters and dread the conversion; it's what keeps me from moving forward.  I'm so swamped with work these days that anything extra just adds to the stress.  My days with these puters are numbered, though, I know.  I have LOVED XP. 

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