March 10, 2025, 12:27:26 PM

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Ms. Netiquette: 2012 Pogo Players Guide to Netspeak!

Started by C~M,

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Ms. Netiquette: 2012 Pogo Players Guide to Netspeak!

Dear Readers,

Times change, and so too do the acronyms we use online! It was only a few years ago that none of us had even heard the phrases "tweet that" or "Facebook this". But many of them still exist, and while we've whittled a few down, we've added even more.

I'd like to extend a huge "Thanks" to everyone who wrote in with their contributions! Ultimately, this list is comprised by the players themselves, so everyone who contributes shares in the outcome! I'd like to give a special thanks to batraylover_24 who gave me a big list, many of which have been added – some of which I was surprised to see weren't already on the list!

Now without further ado, here it is!

Common Abbreviations:

– A –

a3 = anytime, anywhere, anyplace
a&f = always & forever
aamof = as a matter of fact
aap = always a pleasure
abt = about
acp = anyone can play
adbb = all done by bye (when badge is complete)
adn = any day now
afaic = as far as I'm concerned
afaik = as far as I know
afk = away from keyboard
ai = artificial intelligence (often in reference to computer players)
alol = actually laughing out loud
aml = all my love
amof = as a matter of fact
anim8 = animate
aota = all of the above
aoyp = angels on your pillow
aqap = as quick as possible
asap = as soon as possible
asl = age sex location
atm = at the moment
atp = answer the phone
aydy = are you done yet?
ayt? = are you there?
ayw = as you wish

– B –

b& = banned
b2u = back to you
b4n = bye for now
b/c = because
bbb= big bad badge
bbc = big bad challenge
bbiaf = be back in a few
bbfn = bye bye for now
bbiab = be back in a bit
bbl = be back later
bbq = be back quick
bbw = be back whenever
bc = because
bday = birthday
bf = boyfriend
bf = brain flatulance
bfd = big freakin' deal
bfg = big freakin' grin
bff = best friends forever
bfn = bye for now
bf4l = best friends for life
bg = big grin
bgwm = be gentle with me
bic = butt in chair
bif = before I forget
bil = brother in law
bion = believe it or not
bk = back
blnr = better luck next round
blnt = better luck next time
bn = bad news
bol = best of luck
brb = be right back
brd = bored
brh = be right here
brt = be right there
btdt = been there, done that
btw = by the way
bwl = bursting with laughter
byob = bring your own bottle

– C –

c&g = chuckle and laughter
c/t = can't talk
cb = coffee break
cbb = can't be bothered
ccl = couldn't care less
cfs = care for a secret?
cfy = calling for you
cg = congratulations
cid = consider it done
cmiiw = correct me if I'm wrong
cmon = come on
cod = call of duty
cra = can't remember anything
crs = can't remember stuff
crz = crazu
csl = can't stop laughing
ct = can't talk
ctc = care to chat?
ctn = can't talk now
cts = changing the subject
cual = see you all later
cul = see you later
cula = see you later alligator
cul8r = see you later
cut/cutom = see you tomorrow
cuz = because or cousin
cwot = complete waste of time
cwul = see you later
cya = see you
cyl = see you later

– D –

dbeyr = don't believe everything you read
dbm = don't bother me
dc'd = disconnected
dd = dear daughter
detai = don't even think about it
dga = don't go anywhere
dgms = don't get me started
dgt = don't go there
diky? = do I know you?
dju? = did you?
dkdc = don't know don't care
dm = doesn't matter
dmaf = do me a favor?
dnc = does not compute
dnd = do not disturb
dnr = dinner
dq = drama queen
dr = didn't read
drtfm = didn't read the freakin' manual
dts = don't think so
dwai = don't worry about it
dwbh = don't worry, be happy

– E –

eg = evil grin
e1 = everyone
e123 = easy as 123
e2eg = ear to ear grin
eal = eating at keyboard
enuf = enough
eod = end of discussion
eos = end of story
ewg = evil wicked grin
ez = easy

– F –

f2f = face to face
f2t = free to talk
fav = favorite
fb = facebook
fc = fingers crossed
fcol = for crying out loud
ffa = free for all
fil = father in law
foocl = falling out of chair laughing
ftbomh = from the bottom of my heart
ftw = for the win
fubar = fouled up beyond all recognition
fubb = fouled up beyond belief

– G –

g2cu = good to see you
g2g = got to go
g4c = going for coffee
g4u = good for you
g2g2w = got to go to work
gr8 = great
ga = go ahead
gal = get a life
gb = God bless
gbh = great big hug
gbu = god bless you
gdr = grinning, ducking, running
gf = girlfriend
gg = good game
gga = good game all
ggp = gotta go potty
gj = good job
gjp = good job, partner
gl2a = good luck to all
gl2u = good luck to you
gl2u2 = good luck to you, too
glev1 = good luck everyone
glhf = good luck, have fun
glng = good luck next game
glnr = good luck next round
gmngl = good morning and good luck
gmta = great minds think alike
gn = good night
gr = get real
gr8 = great
gratz = congratulations
grg = gotta run guys
gt = good try
gtgn = gotta go now
gtr = gotta run
GTSY (from Squid) = Good to see you
gws = get well soon
gyb = got your back

– H –

h&k = hugs & kisses
hak = hugs and kisses
h2cus or htsys = hope to see you soon
habd = have a blessed day
habt = how about this?
hagr8d = have a great day
hagr8e = have a great evening
hagr8n = have a great night
hagd = have a good day
hage = have a good evening
hagn = have a good night
hawd = have a wonderful day
hayd? = how are you doing?
hb = hurry back
hbiab = hurry back in a bit
hbl = hurry back later
hbd = happy birthday
hru? = how are you?
hrgl2ua = hello room good luck to you all
hsik? = how should I know?
hth = hope this helps
hw = homework
hwga = here we go again

– I –

iag = it's all good
iawy = I agree with you
ib = I'm back
ic = I see
icbyst = I can't believe you said that
icr = I can't remember
ictrn = I can't talk right now
idc = I don't care
idgi = I don't get it
idk = I don't know
idky = I don't know you
idm = I don't mind
idw2n = I don't wanna know
idwk = I don't wanna know
igp = I've got to potty
ihnc = I have no clue
ihni = I have no idea
ik = I know
ikr = I know right
ilu = I love you
ily = I love you
im = instant message
imb = I am back
imho = in my humble opinion
imnl = I am not laughing
ink = I'm not kidding
irl = in real life
ita = I totally agree
itd = in the dark
iyd = in your dreams

– J –

j/a = just asking
j/c = just curious
j/j = just joking
j/k = just kidding
j2lyk = just to let you know
j4f = just for fun
j4g = just for grins
j4l = just for laughs
j4u = just for you
jas = just a second
jam = just a minute
jc = just checking
jml = just my luck
jmo = just my opinion
jp = jackpot spin
jps = jackpot spin
jt = just teasin'
jtlyk = just to let you know
jw = just wondering

– K –

kah = kisses and hugs
kb = keyboard
kewl = cool
khuf = know how you feel
kis = keep it simple
kk = okay, okay
kotc/kotch = kiss on the cheek
kwim = know what I mean?
kutgw = keep up the good work
KMA (from Homer) = Kick My Azz

– L –

l2m = listening to music
L8r = later
l8rg8r = later gator
lafs = love at first site
lbgt = lesbian, bi-sexual, gay, transvestite
ldr = long distance relationship
lfr = laughing for real
lfg = looking for a group
lhm = lord help me
llap = live long and prosper
lmao = laughing my appendage off
lmbo = laughing my butt off
lmk = let me know
lol = laugh out loud
lqtm= laughing quietly to myself
ltns = long time no see
lts = laughing to self
lshigp = laughing so hard I'm going to pee
luv = love
lyl = love you lots
lylc = love you like crazy

– M –

mawou/y = may angels watch over you
mbio hagd = my break is over have a good day
mdf = my dear friend
mgf = my good friend
mil = mother in law
mil = mother in law
mml = made me laugh
mnm = mix-n-match (badges)
morf = male of female?
mp = my pleasure
mpa = my pleasure always
mpty/mp2u = more power to you
msmd = monkey see monkey do
mtf = more to follow
mu = miss you
musm = miss you so much
myob = mind your own business

– N –

n00b = newbie
n1 = nice one
n2g = not too good
n2bb = nice to be back
n2cu = nice to see you
n2k = need to know
n2mu = nice to meet you
nb = not bad
nbd = no big deal
nbfab = not bad for a beginner
nfw = no freakin' way
ng = nice game
nh = nice hand
nhwb = need help with badge
ni = no idea
nirok = not in reach of keyboard
nj = nice job
njp = nice job, partner
nk = no kidding
nm = nice move or never mind
nmh = not much here
no = no offense
no1 = no one
np = no problem
nr = nice roll
ns = nice score
ns = nice streak
nt = nice try
ntmy = nice to meet you
NTSY (from Squid) = Nice to see you
ntw = not to worry
nty = no, thank you
ntty = nice talking to you
nwo = no way out
nyf = not your fault

– O –

oar = on a roll
obtw = oh by the way
oic = oh I see
oidia = oops I did it again
omg = oh my goodness
omt = one more time
omw = on my way
oo = over and out
ooh = out of here
ootb = out of the blue
os = operating system
otoh = on the other hand
otp = on the phone
otw = off to work

– P –

p4b = playing for badge
pb = potty break
pdg = please don't go
pdgy = please don't go yet
pdq = pretty darn quick
peeps = people
pita = pain in the appendix (or perhaps another body part)
plz = please
plztlme = please tell me
pm = private message
ppl = people
ptb = powers that be
pto = paid time off/personal time off
pu = that stinks
puks = pick up kids
pvp = player versus player
pyt = pretty young thing

– Q –

qfe = question for everyone
qik = quick
ql = quit laughing
qq = quick question
qt = cutie
qtp = cutie pie

– R –

rbay = right back at you
rl = real life
rly = really
rme = rolling my eyes
rml = read my lips
roak = random act of kindness
rofl = rolling on floor laughing'
rofllmao = rolling on floor laughing my appendage off
rotfluts = rolling on the floor unable to speak
rs = real soon
rtg = ready to go
rtm = read the manual
rtrmt = retirement
ru = are you?
rumof = are you male or female?
rx = regards

– S –

s2s = sorry to say
s2u = same to you
sahm = stay at home mom
sal = such a laugh
sb = smiling back
sbt = sorry about that
sc = stay cool
sd = sweet dreams
sg = something
shmily = see how much I love you
sil = sister in law
sit = stay in touch
slap = sounds like a plan
sm = smoke break
smh = shaking my head
smhid = scratching my head in disbelief
snf = so not fair
sob = sweet old boy (among other things)
sof = smile on face
sofas = stepping out for a second
so = significant other
sos = help
sot = short on time
srsly = seriously
sry = sorry
ss = so sorry
ssdd = same stuff, different day
sul = see you later
swak = sealed with a kiss
swalcakws = sealed with a lick cuz a kiss won't stick
sstht = so sorry to hear that
syl = see you later
sys = see you soon

– T –

t+ = think positive
t4bu = thanks for being you
ta = thanks a lot
tab = totally amazing beauty
tafn = that's all for now
taig = that's all I got
tbd = to be determined
tbf = to be fair
tbph = to be perfectly honest
tbnt = thanks but no thanks
tc = take care
tcfc = too close for comfort
tffw = too funny for words
tfic = tongue firmly in cheek
tic  = tongue in cheek
tgif = thank goodness it's Friday
tgiw = thank goodness it's Wednesday! (badge day)
tioli = take it or leave it
tisc = that is so cool
tma = take my advice
tl = tough luck
tlc = tender loving care
tmai = tell me about it
tmi = too much information
tmsg = tell me something good
totp = talking on the phone
tptb = the powers that be
toj = tears of joy
tokies = tokens
tss = that's so sweet
ttfn = ta ta for now
ttth = talk to the hand
tttt = to tell the truth
ttyiab = talk to ya in a bit
ttyl = talk to ya later
ttyt = talk to ya tomorrow
tut/tyt = take your time
twfaf = that's what friends are for
ty = thank you
tyfi = thank you for the invite
tyfp = thank you for playing
tyk = thank you kindly
tysm = thank you so much

– U –

ucmu = you crack me up
udwk = you don't wanna know
ufb = un-freakin' believable
ufn = until further notice
ugtbk = you gotta be kidding
ugtr = you got that right
ul = you will?
ur = you are?
ura* = you are a star
urtbitw = you are the best in the world
urtw = you are truly welcome
ut? = you there?
utm = you tell me

– V –

vbg = very big grin
vf = very funny
vff = very freakin' funny
vgg = very good game
vhn = very nice hand
vwd = very well done

– W –

w/ = with
w/o = without
w2g = way to go
w8 = wait
wad = without a doubt
wah = working from home
way? = what about you?
wayd? = what are you doing?
wayg? = where are you going?
wayt? = what are you thinking?
wb = welcome back
wbp = welcome back, partner
wc = who cares?
we = whatever
wd = well done
wdyt? = what do you think?
we = whatever
wfh = work from home
witw? = what in the world?
wp = well played
wru@ = where are you at?
wtb? = what's the buzz?
wtg = way to go
wth = what the heck?
wu = what's up?
wup = what's up?
wywh = wish you were here
wysiwyg = what you see is what you get

– X –

xlnt = excellent
xlr8 = accelerate
xme = excuse me
xoxo = hugs and kisses

– Y –

y2k = you're too kind
yaqw = you are quite welcome
ycht = you can have them
yd = yesterday
ygg = you go girl!
ygm = you got mail
yk = you're kidding
ykw? = you know what?
ymw = you're most welcome
ynk = you never know
yty = why thank you
yqw = you're quite welcome
yvw = you're very welcome
yw = you're welcome

– Z –

zomg = oh my god(the z is sometimes an accidental hitting of the 'z' key instead of the shift key, but it's also another fun way of saying "oh my god!")
zzz = bored or time for bed

– Other Characters –

?4U = question for you
<3 = heart
^5 = high five
$$ = fist to fist buddy check
.02 =  My two cents
# (number)TG = number left towards Badge
2ez = too easy
2mi = too much information
2mor = tomorrow
2nte = tonight
4ao = for adults only
411 = information
511 = too much information
*s* = smile
*w* = wink

Not So Common Abbreviations:

#tgtb = to get the badge (example: 6tgtb)
!$#%#@!#% = I lost again
bmoc = big man on campus
bwoc = big woman on campus
brb-brb = be right back, bathroom break
ejp = excellent job, partner
glng = good luck next game
icbidt = I can't believe I did that
fps = for Pete's sake
lbalt = luck be a lady tonight
ll = leapin' lizards
lylas = love ya like a sister
masoyp = may angels sleep on your pillow
mnc = mother nature calls
oftloh = oh for the love of Henry
v/r = virtual reality
ypmbtm = you play much better than me

Game Specific Abbreviations:

Bingo Games:

gjb = good job passing
njp = nice job passing
np = nice passing
ns = nice solo
ty4s = thank you for sharing
ty4w = thank you for wilds


nf = nice find


nc = nice canasta
ncr = nice real canasta
nm = nice meld

Everyone Wins WHINES Bingo:

bo/bos = black out/black outs

Hog Heaven Slots:

fp/fps = flying pigs


sl = super lottso card
tyfc or ty4c = thank you for charity

Monopoly Slots:

fp = free parking
ty4t = thank you for tokens
ty4c = thank you for Chance

Pogo Addiction Solitaire:

tysm4tt = thank you so much for the tokens

Pogo Bowl:

dfl = dead freakin' last
ifyp = I feel your pain
nd = nice double
n(*)> = nice turkey
nr = nice run
nt = nice turkey
nx = nice strike
sir = strike it rich
ss = so sorry
sso = so sorry opens
ifyp = I feel your pain

Poker Games:

gs = good split
nf = nice fold
nk = nice kick
ns = nice split


dxnry = dictionary

Tri-Peaks Solitaire:

fud = face up deal

Word Riot Deluxe:

cg = clue giver
gjt = good job team
te = team effort

League Abbreviations:

blnr = better luck next round
blnt = better luck next time
bolnr = best of luck next round
bolnt = best of luck next tourney
rd = round
rds = rounds
tyfpm = thank you for playing me
tyfj = thank you for jumping/joining
tyfh = thank you for hosting

Funny or Obscure Abbreviations:

bw/bs/moa/hf = be well, be safe, most of all... have fun!
ibdiyh = I bow down in your honor
inw = I'm not worthy
iwiwiwimiwtwtgt = I wish I will I wish I might I wish to win this game tonight
ltalwdls = let's twist again like we did last summer
lumcomn = laughed until milk came out of my nose
rofgmbo = rolling on floor giggling my butt off
ualhagnuheer = you all have a good night, you hear? (Southern talk)
witsoohc = what is the sound of one hand clapping?

Ms. Netiquette's Favorites:

grmn = go read ms. netiquette
utm= use the mute



PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!


GTSY = Good to see you
NTSY = Nice to see you

Yeah, I'm usually anti-people in the rooms but I do chat in WR, which is totally different than regular Pogo, where I don't say a peep.


PogoCheats - It's all about the badges!!!



OH my there are so many ,my brain couldnt remember them LOL Im going 10-10 & on the side. Which means ,im standing by  giggle2.gif



Joe C

Not enough of them with "F" in the middle, Ms Netiquette. WTF!


Boston University Class of 2017!

Master of Science in Project Management


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