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Solitaire Gardens and Mahjong Escape Issues

Started by Mayhem,

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Pogo is aware of the issues this morning with Solitaire Gardens and Mahjong Escape.

QuoteATTENTION: Solitaire Gardens and Mahjong Escape

Hello Pogo Community,

We are having technical issues with Solitaire Gardens and Mahjong Escape. The team is aware of the issue and we are investigating. While we are doing so, Solitaire Gardens and Mahjong Escape will be temporarily offline.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eyewitness.


I better have all my stars when it comes back or I'll..... I'll....   instanthit.gif


Finally! We all knew that this issue was on Pogo end.

*lol* Squid, I think you speak for us all.

I am so thankful that I do not have their job. Nothing but hassles.
For the sake of everyone, I do hope they get things back in order and try a different way to make a buck and keep the people and even add people and keep us all happy. There has to be a way other then the one that is being tried now.
And doesn't it seem to have gotten worse since this new html5 ? Just guessing.

Thank you for posting this good news. The first step to making things better is to admit to it and not give excuses to point the finger of blame to the members.


Here is an update on the situation :

QuotePogo experienced some issues with Solitaire Gardens and Mahjong Escape. To be safe, we temporarily disabled both games so we could thoroughly investigate – the issue was found and the team is now working on a solution. The games will remain offline for a bit longer.
Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eyewitness.



QuoteHello Pogo Community,

Solitaire Gardens has been turned back on. You can now go back into Solitaire Gardens and start working on your Gardens again.

We have worked with affected players and have compensated them for the issue. We are looking into further compensation for all players. This will happen next week.

Your patience and support during this time has been amazing. Thank you so much. The Pogo community is a fantastic community.

I will also let you know when Mahjong Escape is available.

Thank you,

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eyewitness.



I don't recall being compensated.  Are my boarding passes for Hawaii in the mail?

mycatownsme either. Wonder what we will get? Keeping my expectations low so will be happy and thankful. I hope all my stars are still there.


they compensated affected players???? wasn't everyone who tried affected?  Or was it just the ones who complained?  Hope they compensate the rest by making the games more winnable


Every single one of my gardens is missing stars.  I worked very hard on each and every garden to have a minimum of two stars on every level and most of them are gone.  I am sooooo peeved.   swear2.gif


Quote from: ~Squid~ on October 21, 2017, 04:06:55 AM
Every single one of my gardens is missing stars.  I worked very hard on each and every garden to have a minimum of two stars on every level and most of them are gone.  I am sooooo peeved.   swear2.gif

You aren't serious??? Did you lose rank, too?  You need to go after them and ink their  ass.gif


I waited until today to check out Festive Sol Gardens and my Happiness Badges are down to the first one. The last 2 are gone and not listed in my badges either. I had 2 stars each including level 6 for a total of 12 stars and now I am down to 7 stars having 2 stars in levels one, two and three and one in 4. I HAD the level 5 badge but no more. That is gone. I did not even go back to check other gardens. I got out and will stay away until a later time. Too frustrated.
I feel the same as Squid. Those Happiness seeds really added up and to get them and now see only one there is not a good sign. I'm not playing this game until all is fixed. And corrected.

Pogo would have been better off not putting this back online to use. They should have fixed this first. I wonder how they are going to put things back the way they were?
My Rank is still 61 but I don't want to deal with this game anymore today.
I rather hope the stars are not missing on the other gardens. I hope they are still there with my rank staying at 61. But who knows anymore? Squid has lost hers so far and I wonder if there will be more reporting the same>
Only compensation that will make me happy is to give back what had been earned and to make this game a lot better to win those 3 stars. And don't take away the seeds earned and spent for the Happiness Badges or the level badges also.
And rather then being so darn greedy, make this game work right.
I know they have the control over what cards show up due to when I do the power up of add more cards when the deck has cleared, every card after that lines up with the card needed to complete the game.
I thought my level of expectation was low but I guess not low enough.

I need time to think about this. I'm feeling like the Better Business Bureau may need to be involved with Pogo and operations. And not even sure they would be able to do anything.
They take our money and make it so hard to win the games and things are only getting worse.
Cookie, Sol Gardens and Phlinx2 are a few to come to mind in what they are throwing out there.

Thanks for letting me vent. I am so darn sad and wonder why am I still at Pogo anymore?
It sure is not due to having fun or looking forward to games working after hours of doing them.

I hope others have better luck.


Pogo has stated that they will be compensating players next week for both Solitaire Gardens and Mahjong Escape.

Details on this compensation will be announced soon.
Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eyewitness.


Yes, that's what they said and I'll try to be patient to see what they come up with.  It isn't this latest garden that is affected for me.  It is EVERY SINGLE garden since the game began.  I'm really disgusted... the hours I put in are countless.   *** YOGA HUMMING.... MANTRA REPETITION.....   BREATHE IN..... BREATHE OUT...... Put down the machete......  no, no, no... NO POTTY MOUTH.... breathe again.....


Yes, I will let Mayhem be the voice of reason and hang on to the hope of next week.

I will do as squid and take the deep breaths. Gotta have faith.
And take a break from this all.

See what is on the television tonight. Or Netflix.


QuoteUPDATE 10/25/2017 10:30AM PDT

Hello everyone,

Due to the downtime last week for Solitaire Gardens, we have granted ALL players 5,000 Seeds. Please reload the game TWICE and you will find the seeds in your Solitaire Gardens account. Thanks for your patience and happy Badge Scarathon!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eyewitness.


Well, that's nice of them.

Honestly, I wasn't affected by the problems, and knowing what some of you have gone through, 5,000 isn't nearly enough. They should be handing out at least enough gems to get a nice mini item, and that's the bare minimum. But if they didn't want to do that, they should have boosted everyone's seeds to the maximum level allowable.  Or granted everyone 3 stars in every garden. 5000 seeds doesn't come close to repaying the time you all invested in your gardens.

Thank you for keeping us updated, Ken.


I reloaded twice and see no additional seeds.


You don't really want to know what I think of this compensation and of Pogo, do you??