hey, i just got into pogo cheating..and being a programmer, i decided to make cheats for pogo. I finished my sweet tooth cheat today..i noticed people are able to sell these programs...leave me a message with that game you would like..and ill sell them to you for cheaper than anyone...
Maybe you could make one that is not already out like 3 point showdown or something like that. If I had to choose between your auto or wordz, I'd pick his. He is already established and reliable. you are just some stranger with one post, no website, and hidden email. no offence. More power to ya if you make it.
How does one go about getting this program? Is there a trial period or do you have to pay up front?
yea , i understand your concern. i never really have charged anyone for any of my programs..and dont really want to..however..it would be nice....maybe ill just give them out for free as i make them.
umm at the moment i dont have a trial programmed into them..so im not sure how i would incorporate something like that..
Well if you decide to give them away for free then you won't need to provide a trial period. On the other hand if you decide to charge, people will want a trial period. They will want to make sure the program works on their computers before buying it.
Then just release them under then GPL
GNU.org (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)