Is anyone else having problems getting into Pogo??
Nope Pogo loads just fine for me.
Pogo fine here as well. :D
I keep getting a "page cannot be displayed" error :(
clear your cache hun...that might help...that happens to me sometimes...and when i clean up...all is right again!!!!
hope everyone is doing good and not in the path of the storm!!! have a great day fellow pogo'ers
I cleared my cache, restarted my PC, Pogo stilll will not load. I thought it might be my internet connection, but all my other favorite sites load...
Try going in through
I get the same "page connot be found" message at as well >:(
Looks like you'll have to wait them out then.
Quote from: Homer on July 11, 2005, 02:01:49 PM
Looks like you'll have to wait them out then.
Withdrawal alert. lol :D
i got no problem with pogo
:D Yep, major withdrawal alert!!! But I'm back now!!! O0
Get back into that Pogo battlefield and get those ranks and badges!
Thanks!!!...I'm working on it!!! :)
Pogo just went down for maintenance... So hopefully when it comes back up we'll find Battlephlinx in our favorites. ;)
here's hoping :cheers:
is pogo down for every one. or just on my computer?
If I'm not mistaken pogo is doing their maintenance right now O0
it went down for an hour for maintence now its back up
doh, it was only down for a few minutes. And no Battlephlinx! : (
did they even do anything? ???
Not that I can see ???
does anyone know why all 3 video poker games are down?
word whomp whackdown is down too so is pop fu i think theyre maybe more down but im not sure
every things back up O0
The only different thing i see after their maintenance is that the Just For Fun rooms in 6th street omaha are back up ;)
Quote from: homelessdog on July 12, 2005, 03:07:51 AM
doh, it was only down for a few minutes. And no Battlephlinx! : (
Pogo announces new games as "upcoming" before they release them. While Pogo doesn't "always" do everything the same time every time, the general rule of thumb is that they announce a new game as "upcoming" on the home page and then 4 to 5 weeks later it is released.
I figured as much, but they keep saying it will be released in July, so I was hoping it'd be released silently early.
There must be something wrong with it if they haven't listed it as coming soon yet.