When the auto programs came out I downloaded and purchased quite a few. I had then restored my computer not realizing that I would lose my programs. I had asked several times for help but anyway no one could help unless I bought them again.
Any way that doesn't matter cause later pogo came out with the announcement that all cheat programs were not allowed. Those who don't get caught I am all for you all but just to warn you I have had a friend just recently get his account blocked and lost over 5 million tokens and his subscription to pogo club games and it was not because he used the auto games where he was obvious on cheating but they tapped into his computer and found the cheat programs in his operating system. So, other than being just obvious on the games they can find out if you have them in your computer and at the time of any win on the jackpots they check to see if they are in your system. Whether at the time you were using the program and won the jackpot or not if you have any of the "autos" to any game you will forfeit all wins and your account. So just some friendly advice on the updates.
First, if you have proof of purchase from before, if you restore your computer and need download the programs again PogoPal will send you new codes for free. If you don't have any proof, then there's nothing you can do about it.
Second, where you say
"they tapped into his computer and found the cheat programs in his operating system." is
COMPLETELY false. As stated many, many times, Pogo never knows for sure that you are cheating, and IN NO WAY CAN HACK YOUR COMPUTER TO SEE WHAT PROGRAMS YOU HAVE. Your friend must be greatly mistaken.
You can cheat the way you want... If you want to make it obvious, go right ahead (and even then it's not guaranteed that your account will get blocked,) or if you want to make it impossible for Pogo to tell, you can do that too.
QuoteSo, other than being just obvious on the games they can find out if you have them in your computer and at the time of any win on the jackpots they check to see if they are in your system.
Again, as stated above,
completely false.
I can't say that you had the best "friendly advise"... ::) Before making crazy accusations, it might be a good idea to see if they are true or not.
I can't say that you had the best "friendly advise"... ::) Before making crazy accusations, it might be a good idea to see if they are true or not.
First of all no need in the rudeness second of all it is being looked into as to how they found the cheat programs. They have advised that they have software which is legal to protect from banning accounts that are not using the software and banning the ones who do. Most of the time the accounts will not be banned unless a jackpot is won then the cheat programs are found. In all terms so far it has been found legal but is also still being investigated. In all terms tho since money is being paid out on the winning of the jackpot then they find it fair to state that cheat programs are not to be used. If interested any other info found out I would gladly pass it on on the process of the case but in the ones who want to be rude on my information I have given I will no longer try to help in the safeness of being able to still use the software without being detected.
Well, that's funny because I seem to recall you (or another person) saying that in a Mahjong chat room this morning....or at least someone mentioned that their friend lost 5 million tokens...also the person said that their own Mahjong program doesn't work anymore....hmmmm.....
Well I just joined this site today and first time I have ever posted on this site so you have the wrong person.
I didn't mean posting in this forum, I meant in the Mahjong chat room this morning....sorry if you missunderstood.
Sorry yes I misunderstood you but have not been able to get in Mahjong Garden today either.
I wonder if pogo bluffed your friend into confessing. ??? I think that it is likely they question every jackpot winner about using autos. Sometimes they get people to fess up and some times they don't.
Besides isn't it illegal for someone to hack into your computer? ??? That's what they would be doing if what you say is true.
QuoteI have had a friend just recently get his account blocked and lost over 5 million tokens and his subscription to pogo club games and it was not because he used the auto games where he was obvious on cheating but they tapped into his computer and found the cheat programs in his operating system. So, other than being just obvious on the games they can find out if you have them in your computer and at the time of any win on the jackpots they check to see if they are in your system. Whether at the time you were using the program and won the jackpot or not if you have any of the "autos" to any game you will forfeit all wins and your account. So just some friendly advice on the updates.
Please explain why your friend thinks that Pogo "tapped into his computer and found the cheat programs".
lol nah i was gonna say i completly agree with you DJ :)
HERE DJ!!! <the heat> lol.... Dj i agree lol
okay what a nice site I will be sure to let all my friends know and join the forum and for your info i am not mad i have purchased other programs that i use was just trying to help and legal actions are being taken to what form they can be. I can see the link between this site and the pogopal site so i will no longer be dealing with either and hope that whoever runs this site deletes my account because I was under the impression that this site was to help others out and let them know things not to be rude but i forgot that is what most society idiots do thanks
Sounds like I should have logged on earlier to play the Devil's advocate... Too late, but here goes anyways...
Excerpt from the EA© Online TOS
Quote"You will violate the Terms of Service if you (or others using your Account) do any of the following:
...Use or distribute "auto" software programs, "macro" software programs or other "cheat utility" software program or applications.
User's Computer Information.
When you connect to EA Online, we may retrieve information from the computer used to log onto the Service about the computer's hardware system and any data related to the computer's operation of EA Online Software. We will not collect any personal information about you, however, without your knowledge and consent as stated in our Privacy Policy."
Sounds like a pretty broad statement to me... Also the real ass kicker in this is the "and any data related to the computer's operation of EA Online Software"... So if they choose to implement some kind of "Punk Buster" for the Pogo.com games that does a quick search for the cheat programs, that is totally within their realm of legal actions. By signing up for an account with EA you agree to this TOS whether you read it in full or not, and I'm sure that EA could argue successfully in a court of law, that a PunkBuster scan like the one I described above, is completely in line with their TOS that YOU AGREED to... :-
Now I've never seen evidence of such actions by EA, but I think you would lose in court DJ... Then your lawyer would have it made for a few months or so off of you... :P
And finally to nail this coffin down...
More excerpts from the EA© Online TOS
At best DJ, you could win the cost of a ClubPogo membership that you may have lost... Even then if Pogo can prove that you cheated, you would be up the proverbial "shit creek, with no paddle"... So just because you have Macroscheduler or a c++ complier on your computer wouldn't mean that you would get banned... But if they suspect cheating all ready and then find the "means" to cheat (which those means are interperted soley by EA and not up to arguement by you; once again the TOS) they can cancel your account...
check... ;)
*yawn* This game is so easy...
Thank you very much for putting into terms as what I was trying to tell these people.
Don't worry itsme... Sometimes these guys can all be a bunch of haters :P... But there are still some of us that have our sanity intact enough to communicate in a civil world... :)
I have never said anything about them hacking but they can retrieve information and have found not sure either components that are used in the auto software of something that can detect the programs being used to cheat on the programs and like it was quoted their is so far no way that this was illegal to do cause they did state that they can retrieve info of your operating system as long as they don't retrieve personal information. So in a way it is kind of hacking but when signing up with their site everyone who received an account has allowed them to have certain access to their operating system, including any software used during your game time on their site.
Thanks and was just trying to help not start a big fight with everyone. I myself included have used the software and still do but for the ones who say it is legal to use them and that nothing can be done about it I was just wanting to clarify that they can do something.
Here's an idea. Don't know if it would work. ??? How about rather than storing the autos on your pc you saved them to a cd-r and popped in the cd when you wanted to use one. Then when you hit the jackpot you could easily delete the program quickly before your pc is scanned. I'm assuming that they would only scan your pc if you hit the jackpot. I doubt they scan every time you log on. Of course this is all assuming that you are near your pc when you win. ;)
You would need to go into your registry and do some cleaning... If I'm not mistaken that is where the activation for your program is stored, and without that you would be using the trial version instead of a fully registered version... So if you could just clean out those entries... But I think you would be hard pressed to find those registry keys on your own because if you could, you would have a much easier time a: reseting your trial time and b: creating a fully registered copy of the game without having to pay for it... Maybe I'm mistaken and PogoPal would be all about telling you where they save that info on their computers, but he's got to pay the rent some how... ::)
Anyways, like I said before I've never seen or heard anything for myself that proves that EA does get into your computer... And heck, if I was really all that paranoid as to what was going on when I logged into games and whatnot I could just use a packet sniffer to see what kind of packets are going in and out of my machine for that game... I've got a few firewalls setup on my computer and they've never seen any kind of "funny" business going in and out of my computer, but that's not to say some kind of scan could occur directly through port 80 (http) when I connect to the games... I have had accounts blocked though... Club accounts too where they took my money and ran... I don't blame the auto makers though... I just ran bb7 for like 3 days straight... I think when you make those kinds of tokens that fast they get pretty suspicious...
And I'm glad we can all be friends once again... Sharing is caring, and all that other BS... :)
I don't get it. He says after he bought some programs pogo announced that auto programs weren't allowed. As far as I know..they've never been allowed. He said it didn't matter about not getting his programs back since they weren't allowed anyway so he's acting like he's following the rules but yet hes a member of pogocheats.
Another thing...I saw a guy who joined pogo 1 month...had 20 million tokens within 30 days..hit a huge JP and i kept thinking...hes going to get busted now,,hes on auto all the time...but hes still around.
DJ, Fatkid,
EA cannot detect auto software using a Java applet. The Java virtual machine severely limits what an applet can see on the client computer. If EA could see anything on your computer, that would be exposed as a security flaw in the JVM and it would soon get patched to close the hole.
Suing EA would be pointless in any case. Even with a rock solid case, your damages are negligible. You use their software by your own volition and permit it to do whatever it does. If a Club Pogo account gets terminated, simply tell your credit card company or payment service that EA did not live up to its end of the agreement and terminated your account arbitrarily and without cause. Since EA cannot prove you used auto software, you will get your Club Pogo subscription fee refunded.
itsme27 is obviously upset--perhaps legitimately--and has made a number of statements that I just don't find credible. I would suggest itsme27 is simply spreading FUD.
First of all I am not a he. Secondly, I never said I was following the rules and was perfect if you would look through my replies I have stated that I use the programs and was just trying to put the alert out that somehow they are finding the programs. I don't really know how yet or what kind of software they are using. I have been with pogo for five years and if the auto programs were not allowed at the time I purchased it I never saw anything stating it until the programs became more widely talked about. I just wanted everyone to be heads up on the issue not be told how I am upset and blah blah blah. I am not upset with anything but the way people can't try taking some friendly advice and either use it or just ignore it.
It is very limited, but the program cannot function without first searching for requirements. Most installations do this automatically, where it will find info on your pc about what OS you use, what resolution you have it set at, how many colors you use, what browser your using to play the game, and what Java software it uses.
Not only that, but it also has to scan your Cache for the game. Most people don't even empty their Temporary Internet Files(Cache) folder and that's why some people still get oreo's on Poppit.
If the game isn't found, it has to download it. If it is found, then the server loads the game for you.
Everything else is stored on the server databanks, and saved periodically. I find it hard to believe that it's legal to scan a pc for cheat programs. It violates your own personal rights, but they can take action if they suspect you of using cheats or you happened to have been reported by another member.
Punkbuster is a client, not a server scan. You choose to use it, and it's the only legal way of scanning a pc for cheats so others know your playing without them. If you do not have the client, then you cannot join the server. Still there are many ways to hide files from clients such as punkbuster, but if your caught you risk being kicked or banned either way.
I totally agree that the Java applet is severely limited in its ability to see a client's computer. But no where in the TOS does it say that by playing these games are you only going to be running a java applet. "When you connect to EA Online, we may retrieve information from the computer used to log onto the Service about the computer's hardware system and any data related to the computer's operation of EA Online Software." Now I'm still not saying I've ever seen evidence of this. I agree FUD is a pretty good term here... All I'm going at is it doesn't have to be from the Java that the scan comes from, easy enough to piggy-back something from the Pogo.com site though I'm sure... Once again I will state, I was only playing the Devil's advocate... Just busting balls for the sake of busting balls... :)
Yeah I know that PunkBuster is a client side scan. I was only using it as an example for those that knew what PunkBuster did. The idea was still the same though; a scan that would make sure all was running legit and then you were good to play the game/win a jackpot/enter a drawing/etc...
Hi Fatkid,
I have my browser set to prompt me for whether to allow anything that could access my computer. (I detest flash.) Pogo uses java applets.
I realise you were just playing devil's advocate. I was just pointing out why itsme27's statements lack credibility.
The jvm itself searches the cache--not the applet that EA writes. The jvm has access to your computer; the java applet does not.
EA can terminate any account at any time for any reason giving any excuse. (Pogo is their sandbox, and they can do whatever they want.) They cannot directly detect auto software. If the auto software performs inhuman feats, they can observe the inhuman feats and indirectly infer that someone is using auto software. However, nothing prevents them from terminating an account and lying to the account holder about their ability to detect auto software.
I will leave it for others reading your posts to decide for themselves whether you appear upset about anything.
Come on Bob... You should give in to the FUD (fear uncertainty doubt; for those that don't know)... It helps to make everyone's life better... ::)
itsme27, I believe you think that Pogo scanned your computer for autos after you/your friend won the JP, because often after a jackpot win, Pogo will do basically a "token audit" and look to see if there are any suspicious token patterens. And if they see anything that they don't like, (or even if they don't) they can withhold the jackpot. (Even without any proof, just like Bob said above.)
You may have thought my previous posts were rude, and my apologies if you interpreted them that way. But I wanted to make very clear that it is not true that Pogo knows what programs you have on your computer. The biggest problem I have with your post is that you posted your guesses as fact, and in doing so could have made many users paranoid, on something that was just not true.
I don't agree or disagree. My advice is just to choose. Plain and simple.
Boy, alot of food for thought here. Thanks to all for their input. ;)
In your first post when you talked about not being able to get your programs back and then you said " Any way that doesn't matter cause later pogo came out with the announcement that all cheat programs were not allowed." led me to believe that you don't use them anymore.
it is none of pogo's business if you are cheating or not.
OK I've brought and used a few of these autos on pogo and had no problems on this. But it has been my understanding that pogo cant tell when you are or if you are using the autos thats what it says when you buy them. plus I don't make it known that I'm using the autos, I will let it lose a few games just to make sure. And I'm not stupid enought to adverst in the chat rooms like I see some stupid people doing. If I play whackdown I will hit take score before it fills in all of the words. With tri peaks you don't have to worry about it. Plus I do have spy wear softwear on my PC and that will stop anyone including pogo from hacking into my computer. I have two different spy wear programs running on my PC. I'd like to see pogo try to heck into my PC.
I don't believe pogo hacks anyone's computer. If they did their would be much more banning *wink wink* going on. Not to mention potential legal problems. I do believe that they check something. What are they checking? Not sure, maybe hours logged on, number of tokens won or complaints from other members. I do not believe they expend alot of time and resources trying to track down auto users. Like it has been stated here many times....pogo can and will ban your account for anything they feel is justififed.
Just my $0.02 ;)
Quote from: Homer on June 04, 2004, 12:34:40 PM
I don't believe pogo hacks anyone's computer. If they did their would be much more banning *wink wink* going on. Not to mention potential legal problems. I do believe that they check something. What are they checking? Not sure, maybe hours logged on, number of tokens won or complaints from other members. I do not believe they expend alot of time and resources trying to track down auto users. Like it has been stated here many times....pogo can and will ban your account for anything they feel is justififed.
Just my $0.02 ;)
no one cares if any one is using auto or not. pogo just doesnt encourage cheating on their games.
Quote from: pogo player on June 03, 2004, 03:36:47 PM
it is none of pogo's business if you are cheating or not.
??? Thats like saying its none of the state's business how I won the lottery 3 times this month. Pogo is allowing you to play some pretty awesome games for free with a chance to win a jackpot. Pogo is the best gamesite around. It is definitely Pogo's business who is cheating or not(if they want it to be). If you really think about it our chances of winning a jackpot are like 10 times better than some poor schmoe playing without an auto. We violate their TOS. Its that simple. to say its none of their business is childish.
Speaking of the lottery....don't forget the Homer tax. :P ;)
Quote from: YZrider on June 04, 2004, 04:02:15 PM
Quote from: pogo player on June 03, 2004, 03:36:47 PM
it is none of pogo's business if you are cheating or not.
??? Thats like saying its none of the state's business how I won the lottery 3 times this month. Pogo is allowing you to play some pretty awesome games for free with a chance to win a jackpot. Pogo is the best gamesite around. It is definitely Pogo's business who is cheating or not(if they want it to be). If you really think about it our chances of winning a jackpot are like 10 times better than some poor schmoe playing without an auto. We violate their TOS. Its that simple. to say its none of their business is childish.
you take it to seriously. and i dont think that you would have a bigger chance at winning any jackpot. you might get more jackpot spins or something like that but no one ever wins the jackpot if you know what i mean. soooooooooooooooo many people use auto, and if pogo really cared about it they would take a good look at all the people who are clearly using auto, im sure you could find some somewhere, and ban them. they would do more then just warn people not to use it. btw you sound like someone who just came to this site and doesnt use auto trying to discourage the people who do. do you use auto?
It's probably safe to say YZ uses autos. I found his commentary well thought and accurate; although, I found his numerical analysis somewhat lacking.
Pogo is EA's sandbox. Your computer is your sandbox. One can argue that what goes on on your computer is none of Pogo's business, but to a certain extent you make it Pogo's business by using their service.
I definitely do use autos. Whoever first came up with idea of autos deserves a reward. All I am saying is Pogo is not the bad guy. Pogo is a great gaming site (probably the best) and to say it is none of their business if you are cheating on their site is ludacris. I am not trying to discourage anyone from doing anything. I think Bob explained my post well. I just don't understand why people complain about getting banned from pogo for cheating and blame Pogo. I use auto's, if I get caught its my fault for violating their TOS. As far as me being new and just coming here to discourage people from cheating. You caught me. I posted 208 posts trying to stop people from cheating pogo. My own personal crusade. Like the unofficial wendy's spokesman. I am the unofficial Pogo spokesman. So watch out everyone.....I am watching you. :o
BTW I will not be personally posting a reward to the makers of autos...so don't bother PMing me. I already owe Mayhem. Check is in the mail
you say you use the autos.... why are you trying to stop people from using autos if you use them aswell?
Thats not whats he's saying. (The last couple of sentences he was being sarcastic. ;) )
He's just saying that Pogo is doing nothing wrong by trying to stop cheaters, and I agree with him. Would you expect anything less from them?
Quote from: Pcheats on June 05, 2004, 05:46:51 AM
Thats not whats he's saying. (The last couple of sentences he was being sarcastic. ;) )
He's just saying that Pogo is doing nothing wrong by trying to stop cheaters, and I agree with him. Would you expect anything less from them?
You hit the nail right on the head Pcheats. Thanks