does anyone know what the upcoming challenges are for after Oct 18. usually someone has posted challenges for a few weeks ahead, but i haven't found any yet. I like to pick my personal challenge according to what is coming soon so I don't play a game I don't like 2 weeks in a row.
Sorry i can only find next weeks challenges
pogo has stopped people finding out upcoming challenges and stopped most sites from posting new images for the new and upcoming games.if you look on some badge websites,pogo has asked them to remove new info on games so looks like it will harder to post new badges etc
Oh thats why. thank you for the info. I go to one perticular site and noticed all the info is gone
why is this? does anyone know?
because pogo threatened to sue people for stealing images from their sites
Yep, I could see where that would be a sore spot with EA.
stealing? I hardly call it stealing. I see it more as free publicity for pogo. We see the upcoming games, the cool new badges...we want to stay or sign up.
It is actually going into their site and stealing information.
It would be like me sending my pet mouse to someone's avatar, taking some, and bringing it back to me.
Looks like some more training is in order :)
well I would think pogo has more important things to do than worry than going after websites that promote them, like getting qwerty up and running and fixed
Pogo hasn't officially released Qwerty. As frustrating as it is, we need to give them a chance.
thats correct barbara.QWERTY isnt offically released until tomorrow.always bound to be a few issues to deal with.the game is not going to run away,so please be patient,i know it s frustrating,but just remember yesterday QWERTY wasnt even here so im sure you can live without it for a few more hours etc
qwerty isn't even working for me..oh least its an excuse for me to finish poppit..