Just wondering why my post was deleted? it didnt break any of the forum rules...? :-\
It wasn't deleted, it was moved to the topic 'Glitch found in Stellar Sweeper! Use it while it lasts! WOO HOO!' Here is the link to it... http://www.pogocheats.net/forum/index.php/topic,16692.msg96498.html#msg96498
Homer does a great service here by organizing the posts for us. When he moves something, you can tell because he will post 'MOVED:' next to the post, so you can find it.
Just like this topic will be moved shortly to "Off Topic" as it really doesn't belong in "Club Pogo".
lol. How ironic. :o
oh lol.. sorry about that. :) take care!
You too! Go get some badges! O0
Quote from: SaintHippo on November 03, 2005, 04:04:01 PM
It wasn't deleted, it was moved to the topic 'Glitch found in Stellar Sweeper! Use it while it lasts! WOO HOO!' Here is the link to it... http://www.pogocheats.net/forum/index.php/topic,16692.msg96498.html#msg96498
I tried using this link and it doesn't work. :'(
Quote from: Mike J. on November 06, 2005, 09:57:44 PM
that topic has now been removed
Thanks!!! Again, a day late and a dollar short, lol.
Has it been removed cause they glitch doesn't work anymore :'(?? Or just for other reasons?
Quote from: pogohatesme on November 07, 2005, 10:28:20 AM
Has it been removed cause they glitch doesn't work anymore :'(?? Or just for other reasons?
The glitch still works (or did yesterday anyway, I haven't checked it out this morning)
Ty Mr. Bill and have a great time on vacation!! 8) We'll miss ya !
Thank you :)
Still works.