I do not hvae 50 post in here yet and I have some pm's and can not answer them. IT IS KILLING ME!..... I hope I do not get kicked out of here because I use all the information that I get here. and that is a lot. BUT I am going to have to get my post up to 50 somehow.
wtg you got 50 O0
haha this is a problem for me too. i try only to post when i have something important to add to a conversation but i guess i need to be more chatty :D
I'm having this same problem too. Does anyone know how many posts you need to have before you can send pm's. I thought I heard that it was 50 you needed. Am I wrong?
i think it is 50...lol i have the same problem....we should start a thread just for people like us who just want to get up their 50 posts O0
but i dont think others would like that very much lol just a silly idea
Just jump in and reply to other posts. Those 50 will add up quickly. O0
Thanks for the reply. I think a lot of people have this problem right now. It's too bad that you can't send pm's before you hit 50 posts. I guess we all have to chat more to get them up lol.
I can be a little annoying, but the reason is to help protect the members of PC. Hopefully keep Pogo spies from finding out who is who. Good luck to all of you trying to reach the 50. ;D
i need some of that luck lol im still working hard at it!!!
good evening all >:D
Don't feel bad I just started on here, and have no clue, but if I need 50 or whatever amount, I guess I can work on it. LOL
Can anyone tell me why we need that many posts?
You have to have 50 post before you can PM (private message) to others here on the forum. So say you need help with a challenge or something, you can private message a person your information. Just use caution when doing so. And don't even post pogo names inside the forum itself.
yes never put your pogo name in here big bad evil pogo is lurking in here ;D
can guests see the forum?
Yes it is 50 posts you need to PM another person. If you keep posting you will get to 50 pretty easy, so to all of you that need 50 posts....Good Luck and keep on posting.
Yes Bobby, guest can see the forum.
Is the PM option such a big deal here, especially for people who have apparently not been around too long or haven't had much to say, in order to get up to 50 posts yet? I have seen this thread and the others that were nothing more than people posting unnecessarily for the lone goal of upping their post number to 50. I don't see the point, is there that much that you need told to you in a private message, and the need to PM back, that you can't get from the normal posts in the forum? I've been here quite awhile now, and have well over the number, and I think I have maybe gotten 1 or possibly 2 PM's in that whole time, and have not had a need to send one. If you don't have the required posts yet, and are in such a need for a private message, why not just allow your regular IM icons, i.e MSN, AOL, Yahoo, to show so people can IM you that way? If you need it so bad.
Not that I would want to be some kind of meanie or whatever, but if I was someone who was the person overseeing a site like this and people were making meaningless posts just to up their number, I would probably end up deleting that whole thread and their posts just to deter that kind of thing. It seems like a waste to have so many posts that amount to nothing.. it's like being in chat and having someone scrolling or taking up the whole chat with endless drivel.. makes ya wanna slap someone lol.. no offense or anything.
personally i do not post my aim or yahoo screen names in my profile because i don't want random strangers contacting me. except for a couple times i try to post only when i have something good to add...i am not likely to be the 14th person saying "thanks for posting that new badge!"(not that that is bad it is just not my style) so my post count is still low even though i have been here for many months
i think a thread like this is no more annoying than 3 pages of arguments about football or hockey which i used to see ALL the time! :D
RC, some people want the PM option for different reasons. This weeks challenge is a good example of why I would like to have the PM option. I have seen a number of people asking for help in spades. I would love to offer my help to them. But I have no way to do so at this time. I guard my identity very carefully. For that reason I would never put my msn/aim/yahoo identity out in the public. If I ever hit that magic 50 post number I would be glad to offer my help to others I have seen on the board for a while. I have been a member of this forum for a few months now. I normally come on and check the messages, look at the new graphics, and make notes of the tips and hints for playing games. I, like many others, do not feel the need to post a thank you for an image or tip that already has 2 pages of this. I try to not post unless I have something to add to the discussion going on. If you do not like this type of thread, it is very easy not to read it. I pick and choose the topics I will read each day. If someone if trying to hit the number of post they need to get the PM option, it is really not hurting anyone. I'm sorry if you take offense to this, but it is just the way I see things.
Da Angel
the reason i wanted to get my posts up to 50 is so i could receive/give help on some of the challenges/badges on pogo.....sorry if u dont like it, but i for one dont really care what u think, im just trying to lend a hand ;)
Quote from: undercoverangel on January 06, 2006, 03:35:38 PM
I can be a little annoying, but the reason is to help protect the members of PC. Hopefully keep Pogo spies from finding out who is who. Good luck to all of you trying to reach the 50. ;D
I never thought of that. Good enough reason for me.................
I promised myself I'd post three messages or more today just working towards getting up to my 50.
Give me a challenge and I'll aim for it. lol
Thanks to everyone that replied for me. I appreciate it. Woohoo, another post, lol.
welcome and have fun here we all do
Yes RC I have helped alot of people this week with spades and have used the PM alot so I could give them information for pogo. I think the PM is great if you are willing to help them get there badges. I think just in the forum alone, I have helped 6 people here this week get there badges. I enjoy helping them and actually look forward to someone needing help and that is the only way they can get any info from me.
I totally understand the need to PM in order to exchange Pogo info so that you can meet up for help or whatever.. and the need for privacy of the IM names (although one could always make up a "dummy" name that is not your regular everyday IM name and use it just for such occasions). The way I figured it was, that when someone comes here, settles in and contributes with posts, gets to know some of the people, etc., then they would probably feel more comfortable sharing Pogo information with another.. remember this is a cheat site, so for someone to give their info to a new member who just made their first post asking for help winning a badge or something, that would seem a little suspect or risky to me. I'm certainly not against anyone wanting to help out others, but just because someone joins this forum and asks politely does not mean they are the nicest and most honest person around.. and I'm not speaking of anyone or any certain posts in particular, just in generalities.
And by the way, I wasn't offended by the multiple posts of people just wanting to up their number, but if the people of this site wanted just everybody and anybody to be able to use the PMs, there wouldn't have been a set number to begin with.. that is the only thing I had against it. But apparently it's ok to them, so no biggie.
As for this quote:
Quote from: adamsmom on January 07, 2006, 10:44:25 AM
sorry if u dont like it, but i for one dont really care what u think, im just trying to lend a hand ;)
If that's how you really feel and speak to members in a forum where most people are helping one another out, then perhaps you may want to rethink how you go about that. If I saw someone asking for help, and saw them elsewhere say "but i for one dont really care what u think", then what would be my purpose in trying to help that person?
I agree with RC. It is risky to give out your pogo info to help someone that you don't know. For all we know they coulld wear one of those 'stars' on pogo.
Caution is a good thing.
Helping people is great, but please use caution.
Making them stick around long enough to get 50 post is a good idea.
The only reason I started this subject was to try and get my post up to 50 to where I could answer a couple of pm's that I had. No other reason at all. I am not trying to get anyone to give me their info or anything like that. One of my pm's had nothing at all to do with pogo. it was about drag racing. :D I have my 50 now so life is good. O0 Now I can go and cheat or loose in pogo.
Quote from: Country Lady on January 08, 2006, 02:53:12 AM
I agree with RC. It is risky to give out your pogo info to help someone that you don't know. For all we know they coulld wear one of those 'stars' on pogo.
Caution is a good thing.
Helping people is great, but please use caution.
Making them stick around long enough to get 50 post is a good idea.
I believe it has been changed to 25 now.
:'( story of my life, change it to 25 after I messed with so may people in here to get my 50.
Quote from: justahumping on January 08, 2006, 03:24:58 AM
:'( story of my life, change it to 25 after I messed with so may people in here to get my 50.
LOL Sorry.
RC, I am very glad you did not take offense to my post. I was a little worried you might. If you will notice, I said that I would help people out who have been around here for a while. Not someone coming in posting for the first time for help. I never really thought of creating a messenger name just for the purpose of being able to help others out. Would you be allowed to post information like that?
well i guess since u are new looks like no help for u for awhile ;D ;D ;D ;D
RC, I applaud you :D :D :D for stating your position so eloquently.
if you are referring to me, I have been a registered member of this forum since August of last year. I was a reader for a good while before that. When a person wants help, I tend to look to see how long they have been a member of the forum, not just how many post they have made. Some people will post thank you responses to anything and everything and really rack up post in a short amount of time, so you can not go by post number alone. ;)
true ::)
One of these days I might make it there too ;D
One of these days I might make 2 stars :P >:D **
OMGOSH Homer and Mayhem..what have ya done lol
You should know by now how competitive we are with the badges...
Now we have stars???
The stress...the stress...
gotta get a star gotta get a star gotta get a star gotta get a star gotta ....
:o stars!
and i only have 13...14 posts so i think this will help :P
Quote from: momma on January 08, 2006, 07:41:49 AM
OMGOSH Homer and Mayhem..what have ya done lol
You should know by now how competitive we are with the badges...
Now we have stars???
The stress...the stress...
gotta get a star gotta get a star gotta get a star gotta get a star gotta ....
LOL, you nailed that one right on the head.
I apologixze if my making posts to get to 50 has offended anyone. My main reason to get it that high was to reply to several I'd gotten. Unfortunately, the fact I feel I may have offended others has put me at a point of no longer wanting to post.
This site is awesome and I love it....I'll continue to browse aka lurk! Enjoy all !
Quote from: Tamelia on January 08, 2006, 02:36:58 PM
I apologixze if my making posts to get to 50 has offended anyone. My main reason to get it that high was to reply to several I'd gotten. Unfortunately, the fact I feel I may have offended others has put me at a point of no longer wanting to post.
This site is awesome and I love it....I'll continue to browse aka lurk! Enjoy all !
Oh no Tamelia...you keep on posting...that is what makes this site so wonderful. Everyone has an opinion and everyone should be allowed to make it...Keep on posting...or ....or...I wont send Homer anymore Krispie Kreme Donuts :o
Just wanted another post b/c I'm bored. lol
QuoteI wont send Homer anymore Krispie Kreme Donuts
Can't have that now can we? LOL
Quote from: BluRaven on January 08, 2006, 02:47:59 PM
Just wanted another post b/c I'm bored. lol
And that was the best you could do?? lol I know you have something more important to say, I've seen your other posts. O0
Okay, I'm confused about the bickering.
I too, would like to finally reach the 50 post deal. My reason, same as the others, would like to PM for partners in challenges.
I guess I don't understand what ppl would have against starting a "get your 50 posts" thread as long as it was stated up front that was the purpose of the posts and if not interested, no need to read on further.
Well, if not for anything, at least I got one more post in :D; better than just yapping in the other forums for that reason >:D
QuoteI too, would like to finally reach the 50 post deal.
It's only 25 now. You should be able to send PM's. :)
LOL, I'm sorry. But I was very surprised to see this thread back up toward the top. It is kind of funny. Congrats on finally hitting PM status!
as mayhem said it is only 25 posts needed ;D
Hmmm don't want another star - want a penguin killer - lol
I need to log on more! I need to laugh more, so I need to log on more. Thanks for making me laugh everyone O0
BTW Isn't this so much more fun than counting cow farts in Montana.................Go Chickenhawks
Roflmaoooooooo :o
lol i love this place have a bad come here and get a good laugh ;D
Ok, now this is my second laugh ;D of the day, thanks all ;)
Quote from: vasunlover on January 20, 2006, 07:03:32 PM
Ok, now this is my second laugh ;D of the day, thanks all ;)
mine 2 and how i needed it
I have laughed more today reading the posts then I have in a long time. You guys are a riot. Have a good day all
OK fingers crossed, with this post I should get my 2 STARS ;D hehe almost feels like I completed a challenge :P lol
ya like a star (s)
Quote from: nightperson on January 22, 2006, 08:40:57 AM
ya like a star (s)
Two more post for you and you'll have another star!!
oh want that star need it lol ty for looking i didnt even look mmmm what will that make me starful
WTG, you now have your 1000 and 5 stars. Is that like hotel ratings I wonder?
oh my im a 5 star rating that sound like a good thing
ya that what i was thinking
oh man I'm lagging guess I'll have to catch up..lol
haha we have the same number we ccan work on it together lol
Quote from: pogohatesme on January 22, 2006, 09:58:58 AM
haha we have the same number we ccan work on it together lol
where is your avator some1 took him hehehehehehehe
nevermind there he is
Quote from: nightperson on January 22, 2006, 10:00:04 AM
Quote from: pogohatesme on January 22, 2006, 09:58:58 AM
haha we have the same number we ccan work on it together lol
where is your avator some1 took him hehehehehehehe
nevermind there he is
lol I changed him from last weeks pic...I like this one much better lol
well i like everyones pics they are really cool wtg all
Quote from: *Angel* on January 08, 2006, 04:27:36 AM
Quote from: justahumping on January 08, 2006, 03:24:58 AM
:'( story of my life, change it to 25 after I messed with so may people in here to get my 50.
LOL Sorry.
Dont be......... lol....... This is fun now!... It really is......................
Quote from: undercoverangel on January 08, 2006, 06:34:39 AM
<SNIP> Some people will post thank you responses to anything and everything <SNIP>
You are right.... wait a sec. I think I just done that hu? lol