I can't seem to find them anymore. today i called 5 Targets in my area and they all knew about the card and said its been dis-contued anyone know of another place that i can get the card. I don't have a credit card so i am hopeless :-[
This has been discussed a lot previously. I believe the cards are very hard to find. You can also pay Pogo with a money order. (Not sure about personal checks) There are a lot of prepaid credit cards out there. Western Union, and Green Dot to name a few.
whats a prepaid credit card and where can i get it?
I saw them at Sams's, Wal-mart. The one I saw was a prepaid Visa. You buy it with the amount of $$you want on it. I also saw the at the walgreens
any1 know which ones pogo would accept?
They should accept the prepaid Visa cards, not sure about the others..
Quote from: jamie9999 on January 14, 2006, 01:29:42 PM
whats a prepaid credit card and where can i get it?
Walgreens, CVS, many gas stations, grocery stores. You add money to the card and that is how much available credit you have.
Pogo accepts Mastercard and Visa so you can get either one.
has anyone used a prepaid card on pogo?
Quote from: jamie9999 on January 14, 2006, 01:29:42 PM
whats a prepaid credit card and where can i get it?
You can also get Visa Giftcards (pre-paid credit cards) at almost any bank in the US.
Quote from: foxx on January 14, 2006, 03:03:37 PM
Quote from: jamie9999 on January 14, 2006, 01:29:42 PM
whats a prepaid credit card and where can i get it?
You can also get Visa Giftcards (pre-paid credit cards) at almost any bank in the US.
Ditto what Foxx said. Almost every bank has them.
I was at walmart the other day and saw them. I had never seen them there before so maybe...
western union has them by the plenty. Just go to any western union and ask about them.
They don't have them here at Wal-Mart. I have used one for Pogo. I don't like to have my regular info in there. ;)
Quote from: jamie9999 on January 14, 2006, 02:52:43 PM
has anyone used a prepaid card on pogo?
I used a prepaid American Express card to buy the premium badge albums and had no problem.
that is a good idea.. to use a pre-paid card for pogo instead of putting your own personal info on there.. O0
You can also get pre-paid credit cards at Radio Shack! O0
Quote from: time2startagain on January 14, 2006, 07:17:54 PM
that is a good idea.. to use a pre-paid card for pogo instead of putting your own personal info on there.. O0
I never thought to do that, or if Pogo even accepted those cards. But seeing as pogo-steves account got hacked a few months ago, i'm kinda scared if the main site could get hacked as well. You just never know. Maybe I'm being a little paranoid now. :-[
Any place will accept a pre-paid credit card....becauase it has the visa/mastercard/American Express logo on it, it's just like a credit card.
Quote from: hi*gl on January 15, 2006, 12:49:54 AM
First of all, Pogo_steve didnt get hacked, pogo glitched and someone jacked him, along with other pogo admins, and i kno who did it, good frend of mine
Ummm I don't know how long you've been around but they don't like the "H" word around here.........so we need to change the topic of this thread back to what it was started as....before it gets locked....
Pogo_Steve sent me an e-mail personally saying his account was hacked. So i merely stated what I was told. And btw, that's not something I would be bragging about nor would I be proud of. Back on the subject at hand...YOGIOH CARDS and will they be worth something.
exne on the ackedha
lmao @ Bobby ;D
Quote from: Madonna on January 15, 2006, 01:11:46 AM
Pogo_Steve sent me an e-mail personally saying his account was hacked. So i merely stated what I was told. And btw, that's not something I would be bragging about nor would I be proud of. Back on the subject at hand...YOGIOH CARDS and will they be worth something.
Lol I think the Yogioh cards was in the other thread silly lol
you can pay with a personal check on the phone with pogo thats how i got mine.
OMG...so it was!!! :P Wellllll...club membership cards then. ;D
Quote from: Madonna on January 15, 2006, 01:16:21 AM
OMG...so it was!!! :P Wellllll...club membership cards then. ;D
Lol no biggie............it's late and I think we all knew what ya ment anyway O0
OK, now that was just uncalled for, and unappreciated on this forum. If you wanna talk smack, go back where you came from. There will be no disrespecting forum members or moderators. I think I speak for all of us.
Will you please just hush and go back to ***** where you came from. No one has time to listen to your garbage.
Quote from: Madonna on January 15, 2006, 01:19:22 AM
OK, now that was just uncalled for, and unappreciated on this forum. If you wanna talk smack, go back where you came from. There will be no disrespecting forum members or moderators. I think I speak for all of us.
I think in the interest of being able to save this thread....we just ignore this person and continue our own thoughts and topics as though they haven't posted here.....then when Homer or Oscar get on they can just delete his posts and be able to save the thread........
Very well said. Consider IT muted. ;D
ok............... membership cards
Was it Mcdonalds that use to sell them???
I know people have been having problems finding these cards lately at Target stores, but the one close to me still have them and last time I checked with the electronics manager there he knew of no plans to discontinue them....as a matter of fact he said they were a big seller.........I searched the help area one day and the question was in there on where you could get them at and they said at the time Target was the only place that had them but that they would be expanding for other stores to get them....lol I guess I will have to start buying them in bulk and then reselling them on the boards to people who can't find them lol
target has the pogo cards hidden by the cell phones last time i checked
Yup that's where I find em at...in the electronics department either with cell phones or Ipods and the Itunes cards O0
Bobby, Iv'e never heard of pogo cards is something new?
the pre-paid membership cards you can buy instead of paying by credit
I heard of them, suprisingly, but i could have swore someone said Mcdonalds. I think I've finally lost it. ::)
well ty for your help everyone.I will just but a prepaid credit card :)
I'm gonna check the stores around here see if any have them. sounds like it might be a good idea.
one of my friends said there is a fee to start these prepaid credit cards anyone know how much it is?
Typically its about 9.95 to set up the card and 4.95 a month after that. And a 2nd card, like one for your hubby, is a one time 7.95 fee. And its about 4.95 to add money to it, the least you can add is $20. However, given the convince of the card and how much credit cards charge in interest, its really a good deal for me. Hubby and I have 2 regular credit cards with a low balance on them that we only bring out for car repairs and emergencies and stuff. We each have a prepaid credit card that we put 50-100 bucks on each payday and use it for stuff like pogo, netflix and to buy stuff on line. It's actually a great deal if you want to want to buy stuff on line. You can even pay for stuff like rental cars or airplane tickets if you have enough money on it, even though I've never done that. We have used it to successfully pay our electric bill with the card once though, just to see if you could and we did. :)
what happens if i just use it once do i still have to pay 4.95 a month
yes unless you cancel it right after you use it to pay for pogo.
how would u cancel it?
when you activiate the card it tells you how to cancel it
i would cancel it by throwing it away lol. is it hard to cancel?
oh not not hard at all, supposed to take less than a mintue
also do u have to fill out a form to get this card. Is there any personal information on that form?
Good question Jamie
your name, home address, birthday, ssn...that kind of stuff. Unless you go to the mall or bank or something and buy a prepaid gift card with the visa or mastercard logo on it.
I was reading on the Visa website lastnight that you can buy gift cards also, it costs between $2.50 and $5 to activate the card and then whatever amount you want on it up to $500. They work like a gift card to any major store. I'm going to be checking this out on Monday and will post what i find out. O0
ty for your help :)
your welcome anytime :)
www.greendotonline.com is the site for the card that I use and get from CVS or Radioshack....It's got a great FAQ section for anyone interested
ty pogohatesme ty will help out for ppl that are needing question on the cards
ty pogohatesme, i will go there and check it out.
No problem lol....am acutally going out now to get my newspaper and reload on it....I got overtime on paycheck again this week for New Year's last week :D :D Gonna buy myself some badge albums!?!?!!
thats cool nice to treat yourself sometimes. Have a good day.
Quote from: pogohatesme on January 15, 2006, 08:39:42 AM
No problem lol....am acutally going out now to get my newspaper and reload on it....I got overtime on paycheck again this week for New Year's last week :D :D Gonna buy myself some badge albums!?!?!!
very nice to treat yourself evey once in awhile i try to aleast once a year :D
we try to treat ourselves every payday but no matter how hard we try it ends up being once every 2-3 months we manage to treat ourselvs
Another thing no one has mentioned is that (even though they are not listed as an option in the billing area), you can pay by Debit card, (probably as long as it has the visa or mastercard logo) And it works the same as a credit card, meaning that it will bill you automatically at the end of the billing period. ;D Im glad too, because alot of people dont have credit cards, but do have a debit card for their checking account from their bank. O0
I went to my bank and got a Visa gift card, pogo accepted it with no problem. It was $4.50 to activate the card and you can get them from $25 to $500. If you want more info you can go to http://www.usa.visa.com/personal/cards/prepaid/visa_gift_card.html?it=il|/index.html|Get%20a%20Gift%20Card O0
Wow...thanks for the link. That's exactly what I've been looking for. O0
Hello all;I'm Pacman and I would like to share something with you all.I have some Mcdonald passes but I don't know where to check them to see if they are some good so I'm posting them here for you all and tell me if they work.All codes is for a year membership.
Quote from: realmanonlyone on January 22, 2006, 09:38:57 AM
Hello all;I'm Pacman and I would like to share something with you all.I have some Mcdonald passes but I don't know where to check them to see if they are some good so I'm posting them here for you all and tell me if they work.All codes is for a year membership.
It should tell you on your passes where to redeem them at and when or if they expire
I dont know where u got them from but they dont have them where i am from. If they are still good, where do u put the codes in to redeem them? Thanks.
Quote from: ProudDadOfOne on January 22, 2006, 10:03:05 AM
I dont know where u got them from but they dont have them where i am from. If they are still good, where do u put the codes in to redeem them? Thanks.
They look just like the numbers off of club pogo prepaid cards...but you have to have an addition pin number to go with those numbers listed
Then they arent worth anything, unless u have the other numbers. If u know where to get them, please let me know. Thank You.
Quote from: realmanonlyone on January 22, 2006, 09:38:57 AM
Hello all;I'm Pacman and I would like to share something with you all.I have some Mcdonald passes but I don't know where to check them to see if they are some good so I'm posting them here for you all and tell me if they work.All codes is for a year membership.
He states that they are from McDonald's. If they were from the Monoploy game I believe that is over.
Quote from: *Angel* on January 22, 2006, 10:20:28 AM
Quote from: realmanonlyone on January 22, 2006, 09:38:57 AM
Hello all;I'm Pacman and I would like to share something with you all.I have some Mcdonald passes but I don't know where to check them to see if they are some good so I'm posting them here for you all and tell me if they work.All codes is for a year membership.
He states that they are from McDonald's. If they were from the Monoploy game I believe that is over.
I didn't think McDonald's gave away Pogo memberships during Monopoly...I do remember though, it's been said on here that McDonald's did use to give away Pogo memberships
Quote from: pogohatesme on January 22, 2006, 10:23:26 AM
Quote from: *Angel* on January 22, 2006, 10:20:28 AM
Quote from: realmanonlyone on January 22, 2006, 09:38:57 AM
Hello all;I'm Pacman and I would like to share something with you all.I have some Mcdonald passes but I don't know where to check them to see if they are some good so I'm posting them here for you all and tell me if they work.All codes is for a year membership.
He states that they are from McDonald's. If they were from the Monoploy game I believe that is over.
I didn't think McDonald's gave away Pogo memberships during Monopoly...I do remember though, it's been said on here that McDonald's did use to give away Pogo memberships
Someone told me that it was a prize in Monopoly the year before last. I know they did not do it last year. Not sure...Just what I heard.
ohhh ok....lol :DI don't think I even knew about Pogo that long ago lol
Quote from: pogohatesme on January 22, 2006, 10:26:15 AM
ohhh ok....lol :DI don't think I even knew about Pogo that long ago lol
LOL I guess I have been in Pogo for too long then. I should have more badges then! :-[ LOL
Quote from: jamie9999 on January 14, 2006, 01:18:21 PM
I can't seem to find them anymore. today i called 5 Targets in my area and they all knew about the card and said its been dis-contued anyone know of another place that i can get the card. I don't have a credit card so i am hopeless :-[what are u talking about please email me rrabbit1@bellsouth.net
Quote from: brnbunny on January 22, 2006, 11:07:22 AM
Quote from: jamie9999 on January 14, 2006, 01:18:21 PM
I can't seem to find them anymore. today i called 5 Targets in my area and they all knew about the card and said its been dis-contued anyone know of another place that i can get the card. I don't have a credit card so i am hopeless :-[what are u talking about please email me rrabbit1@bellsouth.net
We're talking about the prepaid club pogo membership cards. They are $9.99 for 3 months of membership. You can get them at some Targets while others don't carry them....I live in Indiana and can still get them
or once again like I've said before, prepaid credit cards thru western union, rite aid and safeway carries them, your best bet would be to try western union...works just like a regular ol credit card and pogo takes em, or go to a place that sells visa or mastercard gift cards and buy one, I've heard pogo takes them as well
yep LOL
Does anyone know the answer to this question....and if not I'll call the bank in the morning cause I couldn't find the answer on the Visa website....but....can you reload the card after you buy it and does it cost if you do? I have the prepaid credit card now and it's 5 bux everytime I reload plus 5 bucks a month service fee.....now I'm thinking maybe the prepaid visa card is a better deal espically since it works like the credit card too
if you done bought it i think you have paid for that part not for sure but what iread it suppose to be in the cost when you paid for it
pre paid visa is better can use it ant where ;D
Quote from: mama on January 22, 2006, 08:32:16 PM
pre paid visa is better can use it ant where ;D
lol better than what? the prepaid credit card I have is a mastercard and works the same and is taken everywhere also lol...I'm just thinking the visa giftcard is less expensive for "upkeep"
call the bank they maybe able to tell you more i think you are right thou
Quote from: nightperson on January 22, 2006, 08:35:18 PM
call the bank they maybe able to tell you more i think you are right thou
I'm going to in the morning lol..I'll just take the money off the credit card and put it on the gift card instead lol
Quote from: realmanonlyone on January 22, 2006, 09:38:57 AM
Hello all;I'm Pacman and I would like to share something with you all.I have some Mcdonald passes but I don't know where to check them to see if they are some good so I'm posting them here for you all and tell me if they work.All codes is for a year membership.
Here's the final answer on those.... I emailed them to ask them if they still accepted the McDonalds certficates and here's your answer"
Hi There,
Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts.
Please be informed that it was a promotional offer which is no more into existence, therefore you will not be able to use it now. However, if you wish to pay for your relatives/friends Club Pogo subscription, you can purchase a Gift Subscription for them, to know more about or send a gift subscription to your friend and relatives please visit http://clubpogogift.com/
Or you can purchase the gift by calling our toll free number 866-543-5435 within the US. If dialing internationally dial 650-628-4306. These no's are available from 8:00 am-5:00 pm PST, Monday to Friday. Our representatives will be more than happy to help you out with this issue.
There are two payment options for Club Pogo Gift Subscription:
One year Gift Subscription cost is $29.99
Six month Gift Subscription cost is $19.99
If there is anything else I can help you with please let me know.
Thank you.
Silky Jain
EA Online Support.