has a release date been set for either of these yet
Maybe next tuesday? ;D ;D
not that I know of
caroline would no when she get on she will tell us when the new date for release
Right now I believe they are just guesses at this point.
Quote from: slidecage2222 on January 15, 2006, 09:29:30 AM
has a release date been set for either of these yet
I believe the best guess on wonderland is for this Tuesday.....I think Caroline is afarid to make guesses sometimes cause if they're wrong some on this site go crazy lol
Quote from: pogohatesme on January 15, 2006, 09:45:10 AM
Quote from: slidecage2222 on January 15, 2006, 09:29:30 AM
has a release date been set for either of these yet
I believe the best guess on wonderland is for this Tuesday.....I think Caroline is afarid to make guesses sometimes cause if they're wrong some on this site go crazy lol
well i still like her info no matter what so she gets one wrong still she gives out the right info 99.95% right so i will wait maybe will be this tuesday maybe her informer gave her the wrong date but still she is good when she does wooooohooooo caroline
Quote from: pogohatesme on January 15, 2006, 09:45:10 AM
Quote from: slidecage2222 on January 15, 2006, 09:29:30 AM
has a release date been set for either of these yet
I believe the best guess on wonderland is for this Tuesday.....I think Caroline is afarid to make guesses sometimes cause if they're wrong some on this site go crazy lol
Some of us go crazy for nothing. LOL ;)
lol angel i think im in over drive :-X but dont say it
k just didnt now if something was posted andi overlooked it
i will know 2moro if wonderland is out tuesday,as for turbo 21 revamp i dont think that will out till at least march
ty for that info caroline
Quote from: caroline196 on January 15, 2006, 04:13:53 PM
i will know 2moro if wonderland is out tuesday,as for turbo 21 revamp i dont think that will out till at least march
Has anyone around here lately mentioned how great ya are!!! O0 I don't mind that you get the wrong info sometimes....cause I know it's not your fault!
Quote from: caroline196 on January 15, 2006, 04:13:53 PM
i will know 2moro if wonderland is out tuesday,as for turbo 21 revamp i dont think that will out till at least march
wow March...... i took as coming Very soon as in a week or two that is why i thought it be out this week or next.... didnt think Very soon mean march
thanks for the info though
Quote from: caroline196 on January 15, 2006, 04:13:53 PM
i will know 2moro if wonderland is out tuesday,as for turbo 21 revamp i dont think that will out till at least march
LOL, I don't want to wait until March!!
Quote from: slidecage2222 on January 16, 2006, 06:09:42 AM
Quote from: caroline196 on January 15, 2006, 04:13:53 PM
i will know 2moro if wonderland is out tuesday,as for turbo 21 revamp i dont think that will out till at least march
wow March...... i took as coming Very soon as in a week or two that is why i thought it be out this week or next.... didnt think Very soon mean march
thanks for the info though
She is saying that she thinks that Turbo 21 remake will not be out till March not Wonderland. Justy a FYI, I took it as you thought she was meaning that Wonderland would not be out till March. ;)
Quote from: STEPH on January 16, 2006, 10:32:48 AM
Quote from: slidecage2222 on January 16, 2006, 06:09:42 AM
Quote from: caroline196 on January 15, 2006, 04:13:53 PM
i will know 2moro if wonderland is out tuesday,as for turbo 21 revamp i dont think that will out till at least march
wow March...... i took as coming Very soon as in a week or two that is why i thought it be out this week or next.... didnt think Very soon mean march
thanks for the info though
She is saying that she thinks that Turbo 21 remake will not be out till March not Wonderland. Justy a FYI, I took it as you thought she was meaning that Wonderland would not be out till March. ;)
i think someone said the turbo 21 remake was coming very soon
i havent mentioned that turbo would be very soon just soon.
there is 2 games to come out before turbo21 revamp
so im sticking with march until i have new info
Caroline? did you find out if Wonderland was coming out tomorrow? Tks
not yet,but will post as soon as i know O0
tyvm I appreciate any info you can give :D
tyvm caroline cant wait for it
Thanks Caroline, look forward to it... O0
TY Caroline, for all your help. :)
Quote from: caroline196 on January 16, 2006, 11:14:36 AM
i havent mentioned that turbo would be very soon just soon.
there is 2 games to come out before turbo21 revamp
so im sticking with march until i have new info
i get too excited about new games that i need them out now ;D
any info on how the badges will work... will it be per spin or per 21 (if that news is even known)
I just bought the auto for Turbo 21 if it is new will my auto still work??
If it doesn't work, when the upgraded game comes out, they will upgrade the auto too, and it doesn't take them long to do it either. My but they are quick and very talented. ;D
i havent been able to find out if wonderland is out 2moro,so we will have to wait and see
do they just keep pushing it back to work on it or is there major bugs in the game
I heard it was coming tommarow, It will be interesting if my source was right......LOL :o
opps my bad i hope wonderland comes out tomarrow this better ;D ;D
i hope i hope if not then back getting them ranks im doing the new games in ranks after them im going to go back and get what i dont have mmm alot happy gaming all
ummmmm seahawks could ya edit that......take out the bad word .........so this thread doesn't get closed.........ty!
well either way i can wait i have all the time lol but cant wait
tyvm pogohatesme for letting me know iam new here and didnt know i couldnt use that word O0
Quote from: holly222 on January 16, 2006, 06:28:38 PM
I heard it was coming tommarow, It will be interesting if my source was right......LOL :o
i personally think wonderland wont be out 2moro but on the 24th jan
no prob seahawks.....lol they don't like the big bad "h" word so we try to stray from it lol....welcome to the boards!
well ty for the info caroline
oh my sry seahawks i didnt know are did i already welcome you oh well if i did welcome again happy gaming
tytyty caroline for info O0
yw,but thats just my personal opinion,i maybe wrong and it may come out 2moro.
sorry i cant give you all a firm answer this time round
Quote from: caroline196 on January 16, 2006, 07:25:56 PM
yw,but thats just my personal opinion,i maybe wrong and it may come out 2moro.
sorry i cant give you all a firm answer this time round
It's ok Caroline. If it's there, fine. If not, another week won't kill us.
Well so far pogo hasn't went down as usual so doesn't look like we are getting anything new yet.
:( nothing on favorites list yet at 5am central
:'( I don't see it. I guess we have to wait another week.
pogo is late going down so either of these 3 things could happen
firstly pogo could go down in the next 2 hours or
pogo may go down 2moro at the same time it usually does at the usual time it does on a tuesday:or
pogo wont go down till next tuesday
no idea which 1 though lol
Quote from: caroline196 on January 17, 2006, 04:20:14 AM
pogo is late going down so either of these 3 things could happen
firstly pogo could go down in the next 2 hours or
pogo may go down 2moro at the same time it usually does at the usual time it does on a tuesday:or
pogo wont go down till next tuesday
no idea which 1 though lol
It's 8:30AM EST and Pogo has not gone down yet. Wonder what they're up to??
whats pogo upto??
not a lot lol
Hahahaha, someone is asleep on the job. (https://www.pogocheats.net/proxy/?http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5elf/sleepy.gif)
I am not an all knowing authorty on anything, but one monday night, tuesday morning I was up. They shut down and did the update then. It was past 12 am but before 4 am
I think they know we're wanting this new game to come out, so they're dragging their heels about it. Usually, like clockwork, they shut down on Tuesday mornings...so they have to be up to something. ::)
Correct me if I am wrong but last week didn't pogo NOT go down on Tuesday like it usually does, but it DID go down on Wednesday morning and added 2 new mobile games with the update? I don't know maybe it wont be out till next week like Caroline is guessing... Maybe this is punishment for all that tried and did get into the game before it was realeased. >:D
no they did go down last tuesday when we all were waiting on the new game..but they probably will go down tomorrow while we are doing our badges ::)
now who here would do such a thing like that and get those badges that would be just wrong ;D ;D ::) ::)
Quote from: STEPH on January 17, 2006, 06:44:02 AM
Correct me if I am wrong but last week didn't pogo NOT go down on Tuesday like it usually does, but it DID go down on Wednesday morning and added 2 new mobile games with the update? I don't know maybe it wont be out till next week like Caroline is guessing... Maybe this is punishment for all that tried and did get into the game before it was realeased. >:D
no pogo went down for 2hours last tuesday morning,but pogo doesnt always go down on a tuesday,sometimes it does go down on a wednesday,or sometimes pogo doesnt go down at all (very rare)
*sits on fingers* Clover get out of that gutter.. *giggles* She said go down
Pogo currently States:
Sorry, no rooms are available right now. Click a different tab or try back later.
We can expect Memories tommorow maybe...? Probably this week... or atleast i hope... G2G to school!!! bye O0
Oh thank you I stand corrected.... ;D I didnt think that pogo went down last week till Wednesday though sorry for that...
dont worry about it,i forget what i did yesterday let alone last week lol
Quote from: ElitePirate on January 17, 2006, 07:03:42 AM
Pogo currently States:
Sorry, no rooms are available right now. Click a different tab or try back later.
We can expect Memories tommorow maybe...? Probably this week... or atleast i hope... G2G to school!!! bye O0
its been saying that since around Jan 3
Quote from: slidecage2222 on January 17, 2006, 07:14:19 AM
Quote from: ElitePirate on January 17, 2006, 07:03:42 AM
Pogo currently States:
Sorry, no rooms are available right now. Click a different tab or try back later.
We can expect Memories tommorow maybe...? Probably this week... or atleast i hope... G2G to school!!! bye O0
its been saying that since around Jan 3
And it will keep saying that until they are ready to stop torturing us!!
This is part of an email i sent to Pogo this morning over this game an this is what they said!
you have had the preview for wonderland memories out for a long time not an have the game site there but no rooms how long till its expected to be out??
Hi there,
Thank you for your interest in Wonderland Memories! We don't have the release date finalized yet, but you will be able to find out more about Wonderland Memories from its "Preview" link, in the top left corner of the Pogo Home Page.
If I can help with anything else, please update this question and let me know.
Pogo Teena
Customer Service Representative
Club Pogo
In other words...they ain't saying. ::)
Nothing new for pogo there lol.... I told them they ought not tease us lol
got a funny feeling we wont see the game until around FEB 7 or 14.... they will tie it into valentines day.
Quote from: Madonna on January 17, 2006, 01:10:25 PM
In other words...they ain't saying. ::)
exactly :-\ ::)
It keeps us logging onto pogo continually doesn't it.? Has anyone heard if they're coming out with the Sim's virtual date again? That was a real token getter.
ok pogo is shutting down in 10 mins fingers crossed
*chants* We want Wonderland! We want Wonderland! We want Wonderland!
tired of waiting for this game.... something makes me think this game has major bugs in it and maybe it wont even be out...
didn't a similar thing happen with battle phlinx? it was up for a brief period then taken down again and wasn't released for several weeks. if there were any plans to scrap the whole game they probably would have taken down the preview
the game is still being beta tested
one thing is that memories WONT be out this week :o
Quote from: caroline196 on January 18, 2006, 04:41:10 AM
the game is still being beta tested
one thing is that memories WONT be out this week :o
so you might as well say it wont come out till Feb or later if its still in beta
not necessarily.who knows what goes on behind the scenes at pogo,lets keep our fingers crossed and wait for next tuesday,as soon as i get info on release date yr all be the 1st to know O0
If I remember correctly it was this time last year that pogo decided to torture us with Lottso's release date, maybe it's just their time of the year to be extra difficult?
Quote from: quiltingbee on January 18, 2006, 04:57:01 AM
If I remember correctly it was this time last year that pogo decided to torture us with Lottso's release date, maybe it's just their time of the year to be extra difficult?
i thought lotto came out between July to nov.. i thought it was mid to late 2005 it came out
no,lottso came out feb 2005 O0
Quote from: caroline196 on January 18, 2006, 09:48:15 AM
no,lottso came out feb 2005 O0
wow I cant belive lotto has been out for a year... seems just like yesterday :D
You bet!
months go fast in pogoland,before you know it,it will be christmas again lol O0
OMG...shhhhh...lmao. We're just recuperating from this past Christmas!!! :o ;D
Quote from: caroline196 on January 18, 2006, 05:27:35 PM
You bet!
months go fast in pogoland,before you know it,it will be christmas again lol O0
mmmm well let me go look and see how many more days till christmas lol
Quote from: nightperson on January 18, 2006, 06:19:16 PM
Quote from: caroline196 on January 18, 2006, 05:27:35 PM
You bet!
months go fast in pogoland,before you know it,it will be christmas again lol O0
mmmm well let me go look and see how many more days till christmas lol
How about we count the days till my birthday!??!
lol whens yr birthday?
march 22...I'll be 24 :D
well 64 days to go O0
Quote from: caroline196 on January 19, 2006, 04:12:57 AM
well 64 days to go O0
lol great !! I'll post my wish list of gifts when we get closer lol
Quote from: nightperson on January 18, 2006, 06:19:16 PM
Quote from: caroline196 on January 18, 2006, 05:27:35 PM
You bet!
months go fast in pogoland,before you know it,it will be christmas again lol O0
mmmm well let me go look and see how many more days till christmas lol
You know, some people, (myself excluded) like to start their shopping early!!! lol (https://www.pogocheats.net/proxy/?http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5elf/supermarket.gif)
i think the first few months of the year poke and the rest sort of flys (at least the last 3 )
Jan-April so of poke
May normal speed
June-sept Super fast since its summer :)
Oct Its time to get ready for the mcdonald monopoly promo :)
Nov-Dec super fast for the holidays
so mostly the first part of the year drags for me :0
mmm mine b-day is next month (Feb) i will be 24 and then some :P but you know the old saying never as a person (lady) there age so im saying that for sure happy b-day
I know what you mean regarding the age factor, Night. I'm steadily holding @ 29 until it looks too obvious, then I may go up to 32...lmaooooo. ;D
hi, im new here. i was wondering how to i download the cheats after my trial period is up for the individual games? can u help me with this. thank you
Quote from: wagnerb43 on January 20, 2006, 04:18:30 AM
hi, im new here. i was wondering how to i download the cheats after my trial period is up for the individual games? can u help me with this. thank you
welcome wagnerb43
age is just a number anyway ;D
this is an email i got today from pogo after complaining they shouldnt preview a game so long lol
Thanks for writing.
Unfortuantely, Wonderland Memories had a few problems before we brought it out. We did not want to bring it out for play until the majoir bugs were squashed by our Quality Assurance team. This happens with new games from time to time, and we appreciate your patience while we are finalizing the product for the public.
We generally do try to preview it for 2 weeks or so but as I said, this being the internet there will be bumps in the road from time to time.
To answer your question about the expected release, I can not say as we do not have the date just yet.
GM Willow
Pogo Customer Support
Electronic Arts
Cool, looks like we can expect it around the start of the challenge week or next challenge week, unless these bugs are THAT big...
Quote from: ElitePirate on January 20, 2006, 06:48:46 AM
Cool, looks like we can expect it around the start of the challenge week or next challenge week, unless these bugs are THAT big...
they are saying they ususally stick games up that are coming soon that would be out in 2 weeks ..... this game has major bugs in it so they have no clue when its coming out.... So dont count on it coming out Tuesday or the following tuesday.. I say it be mid Feb or even march before we see this..
if this game has that many bugs in it, they should just skip it and put the next game out along with the turbo 21 upgrade
i gave up waiting for it and have little to no interest in waiting for it anymroe
well this will give me time to get other ranks in the games i need will just wait till it does come out gl all
Same here nightperson, I need to get ranks for badges in a few other games, so I am also giving up worrying about when wonderland memories gets here.......I'll see it when it gets here.....lol ;D
ANy new info if this is coming out on JAN 24??
Quote from: slidecage2222 on January 21, 2006, 06:14:14 PM
ANy new info if this is coming out on JAN 24??
sigh. I have given up on it coming out any time soon >:(, but of course, I haven't heard anythign besides what's been posted here.
just wanting to jump in with a stupid ???? What is double browser, so if there is anyone out there that can explain this one for me.. go for it
Quote from: wandaandjack on January 21, 2006, 08:08:48 PM
just wanting to jump in with a stupid ???? What is double browser, so if there is anyone out there that can explain this one for me.. go for it
If you go to the search tab and type in "double browser" it will give you a list of topics where you can find the best help.
I just hope this doesn't play out like Lottso, where you wait and wait with anticipation, then when the game comes out...utter disappointment.. ::)
Quote from: dogbert on January 22, 2006, 01:00:05 PM
I just hope this doesn't play out like Lottso, where you wait and wait with anticipation, then when the game comes out...utter disappointment.. ::)
I'm afraid that is what's going to happen. I sure hope not though.
prolly will they like to teaseeeeeeee us :o
I just hope it comes out soon >:(
the help file is on the game page now....
Quotethe help file is on the game page now....
i think they mean the how to play
If they are talking about the how to play, that has been there for almost 2 weeks now....
well another week and no game
Quote from: slidecage2222 on January 23, 2006, 08:08:30 AM
well another week and no game
It's Monday. If they're gonna release it theres a 99.9% chance it's gonna be released on a Tuesday (not necessarily this Tuesday) not on a Sunday or Monday. I think everyone should take Caroline's advice and move on and don't even think about this game until it does come out. Like I said in the past, be happy they are working all the kinks out of in instead of releasing it full of problems. ::)
Quote from: pogohatesme on January 23, 2006, 08:17:13 AM
Quote from: slidecage2222 on January 23, 2006, 08:08:30 AM
well another week and no game
It's Monday. If they're gonna release it theres a 99.9% chance it's gonna be released on a Tuesday (not necessarily this Tuesday) not on a Sunday or Monday. I think everyone should take Caroline's advice and move on and don't even think about this game until it does come out. Like I said in the past, be happy they are working all the kinks out of in instead of releasing it full of problems. ::)
BUT...when they release things too early there is often a glitch...and the Badgehelp/pogocheats team is really good at finding glitches (YAY!)...
Quote from: pogohatesme on January 23, 2006, 08:17:13 AM
Quote from: slidecage2222 on January 23, 2006, 08:08:30 AM
well another week and no game
It's Monday. If they're gonna release it theres a 99.9% chance it's gonna be released on a Tuesday (not necessarily this Tuesday) not on a Sunday or Monday. I think everyone should take Caroline's advice and move on and don't even think about this game until it does come out. Like I said in the past, be happy they are working all the kinks out of in instead of releasing it full of problems. ::)
yea i know it comes out on tuesday BUT i would think if it did come out tomorrow caroline would of said they had a date ready for it..... i really dont think much about it during the week but when Monday rolls around it gets me thinking about it again :)
Quote from: slidecage2222 on January 23, 2006, 10:37:55 AM
Quote from: pogohatesme on January 23, 2006, 08:17:13 AM
Quote from: slidecage2222 on January 23, 2006, 08:08:30 AM
well another week and no game
It's Monday. If they're gonna release it theres a 99.9% chance it's gonna be released on a Tuesday (not necessarily this Tuesday) not on a Sunday or Monday. I think everyone should take Caroline's advice and move on and don't even think about this game until it does come out. Like I said in the past, be happy they are working all the kinks out of in instead of releasing it full of problems. ::)
yea i know it comes out on tuesday BUT i would think if it did come out tomorrow caroline would of said they had a date ready for it..... i really dont think much about it during the week but when Monday rolls around it gets me thinking about it again :)
Caroline does the best she can at letting us know information if she knows it...it's not really fair to depend on her for everything lol...just be patient
i have no details on game release date at this time,soon as i do,i will post here O0
::) The answer is quite simple - no they don't ::)
Quote from: caroline196 on January 23, 2006, 10:51:34 AM
i have no details on game release date at this time,soon as i do,i will post here O0
well wait for you release date caroline tyvm
Quote from: caroline196 on January 23, 2006, 10:51:34 AM
i have no details on game release date at this time,soon as i do,i will post here O0
are they still stickign to the plan
Shuff puck
Turbo 21 a
meaning that is the other 3 games release dates being pushed back too cause of the wonderland problem or are those still on tract
i suppose they are,i expect once wonderland is out,the next game will only be a week or 2 away
My goodness. Just when we thought we were going to get caught up with game badges. LOL
Thanks for the info, Caroline.
yvw,least getting badges keeps us off the streets and its warmer inside our houses than outdoors lol
i saw someone walk into a pole Saturday night while playing games on their phone... dont know if it was pogo but it was funny
Quote from: slidecage2222 on January 23, 2006, 03:06:53 PM
i saw someone walk into a pole Saturday night while playing games on their phone... dont know if it was pogo but it was funny
LOL That would be funny. I admit I don't pay attention when playing Pogo games on my phone. I could see myself walking into something. >:(
omg really but im doing mine moblie when i get all these ranks done first and og can you think fo someone playing while driving
there has been a lot of pogo employees in beta today,i wonder if thats a sign :P
maybe maybe well soon see
Quote from: caroline196 on January 23, 2006, 04:24:05 PM
there has been a lot of pogo employees in beta today,i wonder if thats a sign :P
in beta playing the game or just in beta... i hope they wasnt in there talking about scrapping the game due to too many bug issues.... Then again maybe they talked " lets try to put it out XXXX and see how bad the bugs would be in public
hopeful it hits tomorrow or next week
ok gonna put my neck on the line
heres my prediction-as there as been a lot of activity in beta today,this is a good sign (i think).so i think it will be out 2moro
if not you have permission to throw rotten tomatoes at me :-\
2009 is the release date for wonderland memories-the sequel lol
Quote from: caroline196 on January 23, 2006, 04:58:54 PM
ok gonna put my neck on the line
heres my prediction-as there as been a lot of activity in beta today,this is a good sign (i think).so i think it will be out 2moro
if not you have permission to throw rotten tomatoes at me :-\
Thank you Caroline. I hope your prediction is right for tomorrow. If it's not, then oh well. LOL Not getting my hopes up this time. ;)
A new game does sound fun, that would keep my interest on pogo for a good 7 hours or until I get the first badge <SEG>
I promise not to throw rotten tomatoes at you Caroline! I don't even think Dottie could fortell when Pogo will do anything. We can hope and pray but it's in the hands of high beings! LOL :D
Quote from: caroline196 on January 23, 2006, 04:58:54 PM
ok gonna put my neck on the line
heres my prediction-as there as been a lot of activity in beta today,this is a good sign (i think).so i think it will be out 2moro
if not you have permission to throw rotten tomatoes at me :-\
lol now some people on here seem rude or mean but I don't think they'd go that far if you were wrong lol
I hope this game comes out tomorrow too...I've been getting a little bored with the other games as well. I'm almost done with FCS so it would be nice to have a new game to start on.
Quote from: caroline196 on January 23, 2006, 04:58:54 PM
ok gonna put my neck on the line
heres my prediction-as there as been a lot of activity in beta today,this is a good sign (i think).so i think it will be out 2moro
if not you have permission to throw rotten tomatoes at me :-\
Caroline, I'd never dream of throwing rotten tomatoes at you if the game didn't come out. Snowballs maybe but not tomatoes, lmao.
Oh you all speak for yourselves. I wanna throw rotten tomatoes regardless. It sounds like fun and could be a great way to get rid of excess aggresion....lol
Quote from: caroline196 on January 23, 2006, 04:58:54 PM
ok gonna put my neck on the line
heres my prediction-as there as been a lot of activity in beta today,this is a good sign (i think).so i think it will be out 2moro
if not you have permission to throw rotten tomatoes at me :-\
never throw anything at you caroline your info is alway look at here no matter what happen like me will alway wlecome any info you have you a good info person so well see if not well then well all wait
yipppeeeee its in your favs they have put it on today :)
have fun all ............
hurrah i got it right! no rotten tomatoes for me!! ;D
the game is 2 hours old and somebody is already doing a tournament already!
Quote from: caroline196 on January 24, 2006, 05:09:28 AM
hurrah i got it right! now rotten tomatoes for me!!
the game is 2 hours old and somebody is already doing a tournament already!
i can see card games but how do people run tours in games like this is beyond me... anyone can lie about their times and no1 can check..
now waiting for shuffle puck :) joking
thanks for letting us know
its not on my favorites list..what happend?
never mind didn't see it but it is takeing ages to load
We should have an auto released for this within the next few hours
wow you go oscar ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,me love autos